Member Reviews

"Practical Crystals" by Kathy Banegas is a foundational resource for beginning with crystal use. Thank you to the authors, publisher, and NetGalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Book Name: **Practical Crystals:**
Author: Kathy Banegas
Thank you to **Quarto Publishing Group –Leaping Hare and Netgalley** for ARC that I went back to buy cause it sounded amazing
- Thoughts.
- makes learning about crystals easy and clear.
- well-organized,
- offering six crystals for different scenarios, each with a brief explanation.
- It’s a handy guide for any situation, whether it’s a new job, moon phase, or boosting confidence.
- There’s solid advice on choosing, cleaning, and charging crystals,
- plus some crystal grid examples to try.
- The illustrations by Viki Lester are stunning, capturing the unique details of each crystal.

the book was very eye opening and a good read for beginner crystal information. It was very well written and easy to understand.

Such a beautiful and practical guide to crystals. I've been collecting crystals for years, using some in my daily practice. But to have a guide that reminds you to charge them, to power them, how to pair them, is something I've never had. At least not one that was simple. I loved this book so much, that after my ARC expired, I purchased the ebook for my Kindle.

A huge thank you to Netgalley for giving me the chance to read Practical Crystals
Crystals for Holistic Wellbeing by Kathy Banegas in echange for my honest review.
As someone who hasn't delved a lot into the power of crystals and how rhey can help benefit our lives with the right guidance, this book was really helpful. It really helped me figure out some basic things about crystals -such which ones are more beneficial for specific aspects of my life eg. health, creativity, love life -and how to navigate using them to the betterment of my everyday life.
A great guide to learning about the many aspects of what crystal befits what aspect of your lifee, this books is one I would recommend to anyone who would want an all-inclusive guide about crystals.

I liked this book! Very informative and I like how it was structured into different topics! The drawings of the crystals are wonderful! Definitely a good guide for crystal novices and good reminders for those more knowledgeable!
Thank you to NetGalley and Leaping Hare Press for the eARC!

This is an excellent book for those who are new to crystals. The crystal books I have read are laid out by the crystal, where you go to the page(s) for the crystal you are curious about and then you read all of the information provided on said crystal. Practical Crystals has a very unique layout in that they suggest crystals by topic. I think this is a novel approach and I feel this would really boost the confidence of anyone searching for crystal help in a certain area. In addition to topics, there are crystals for the moon phases, the seasons of the year, job types, and more.
Thank you NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group –Leaping Hare, Leaping Hare Press for my copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

I’ve been a collector of crystals for a few years however I’ve never used them for metaphysical uses so I personally don’t know much about most crystals except some of the more common ones; rose quartz, amethyst, clear quartz, aventurine, which means I found this book to be a great and informative read about different crystals.
Overall this is a good book and very informative about the metaphysical qualities you’re trying to work with that can be consumed by the reader in a digestible and enjoyable manner, all information is in line with what you’d see from other sources.
The book begins with some introductions about cleansing, charging, programming and using your crystals so that’s a great way to start for beginners and all the information matched up with the knowledge I have read from other sources so it’s clear this author is very informed and researched about Crystals.
There are different categories for whatever you want to use your crystal for, from emotional healing, physical health, spiritual health and more.
Each of these categories had different subsections depending on what emotion or quality you want to focus on, the sections in emotional health are below, so this is the variety you can expect from the other chapters focusing on different needs.
Each section has about 6 crystals each, some common and a few less common crystals throughout the book so you will be reading about a nice variety. Each section explains what they’re best to be focused on and the information is written to be easily digested without useless filler.
The book shows illustrations of crystals rather than actual pictures, whilst these illustrations are good illustrations and with the knowledge of the crystal you can figure out from just the picture what crystal it is, however if you’re less familiar of crystals these illustrations are not going to be helpful to identify your crystals, each picture still has the name so it’s not a problem, just don’t expect to identify your crystals with this book as it’s solely focused on the metaphysical side of crystals.
The book doesn’t have any details on the actual crystals in depth, since it’s a metaphysical book I don’t think this is a problem and to be honest I don’t think most of us reading about the metaphysical qualities of crystals are going to be that interested on things such as; Hardness, mineral composition or location of the crystal origin but it’s still worth noting the book lacks that information for anyone seeking it for a better understanding of your crystal, I just suggest finding a crystal you’d like to work with then reading about that specific crystal in more depth rather than overwhelming yourself.
Overall I think this book is a great beginners book as it’s fairly simplified whereas other books, such as The crystal Bible are great books but have lots more information that you might not easily find what your looking for- this one has chapters and will be easy to find what you are looking for.
I also found the crystals depending on seasons a great read and was something I never thought about so for people looking for certain crystals to help you throughout a new season you would find that category useful, I know I will be separating my crystals for winter and seeing what that’s like.

A good introductory guide...
I would classify myself as a beginner, so to speak, as it relates to knowledge about crystals and their properties. I do believe that there has been an increase in educational tools made available for people like me who are interested in learning more about them. This one worked for me. I'd to thank NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group for the gifted copy.
One thing that's for sure is that there are a ton of different crystals and in this book there are 150 discussed here. For each Crystal follows a description and the specific purpose they each have. There's a bit of everything here to meet your needs for well being.

I've been interested in a crystals for a while, and despite buying a few books they've sat on the shelf. It seems I've been waiting for the right book as I read this from cover to cover. The book has enough details to get you started and is really nicely laid out so you can compare crystals with similar effects.
I've already used the book to help me choose a birthday present for my daughter which is both pretty and has meaning.

A really handy wee book with lovely illustrations and a lot of helpful info on crystals. I definitely learnt quite a bit from it and will probably reference it in the future.

A very useful guide that I use most weeks, would recommend to anyone starting their crystals journey, a very handy reference

Fabulous! A guide to the most common crystals which can be used to enhance daily life. Beautiful illustrations. I was so impressed that I ordered a physical copy as soon as it was available.

I love this book, whilst I do have a few crystals it is something that I wanted to learn more about and this book is a great guide.
Starting with how to choose your crystals and then a great guide on the ways that you can cleanse and charge your crystals. I love the fact that it covers such a wide range of areas and what crystals to use for these areas.
A really handy go to guide for crystals for any occasion.

This is a great guide to crystals and their uses. Along with explanations of what use each crystal is best suited for, it also includes notes as to which are best to gift and for what reason. With illustrations of what each crystal looks like, it's an excellent guide for the proper use of crystals.

I was really excited to be offered the chance to read this book before it was published, so you can now understand my disappointment when I couldn’t get it to download. So I’ll go and see if it’s on Amazon.

Beautiful book with lots of helpful information about choosing crystals for different situations. Useful pictures to identify the different crystals.

Firstly, I’m a newbie to crystals, and as such, I’m not sure I fully ‘believe’ in the magical ways they’re purported to hold. However I am very curious to learn more about them. I think this book is a very clear and precise way to introduce someone to the world of crystals, and help educate anyone who is wanting to learn more about them. I’ve certainly come out of it feeling like I have a deeper understanding of them!
I think it’s really well set out, with each different scenario having six crystals each to pick and choose from, with a paragraph explaining the differences between each one. It’s definitely a book to keep on hand, as you can easily flick to the section that meets your need and find a corresponding crystal, whether it’s for a new job, a moon phase, a new baby, a chakra, or a wish to have more confidence. There are also sections on choosing, cleaning, and charging your crystals, and even a few grid examples for the reader to try out.
Each crystal is beautifully illustrated - Viki Lester has done a wonderful job with each one, capturing the various details on each individual crystal.
I might not be about to bury my crystals to cleanse them, but I probably will pick up a few more in the future and it’s great to have more of an idea of what they represent beyond just looking pretty.
Thank you to the publishers, and Netgalley, for the copy to review!

Wonderful Information
This book is very well written, outlining and discussing many aspects of purchasing, owning, cleansing, using crystals, and so much more.
The author describes several ways one may use to aid in selecting crystals: to include using your intuition, your senses, using a pendulum, and just doing some basic research. After choosing and cleansing your crystals, she discusses programming and charging your crystals.
The most important part to me is the information provided on the crystals, their types, uses, meaning, how they’re grouped, and many other facets of crystal uses; such as chakra work, use in working with moon phases, and much much more.
This is a book with a great wealth of information, no just for beginners, but is a good reference source for anyone. I highly recommend this book.

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book. this book is great for beginners who are new to crystals. this book gives a wide range of situations and gives you some crystals that will help that situation. this book did exactly what it needed to do. i would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in crystals.