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Defended by a Duke

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Historical Romance with Intrigue

Richard must uncover a dangerous plot, which takes him away from his new wife. Emily is distraught. She does not understand why her groom is suddenly distant, and she is not one that will stand idly by for long. It will be a dangerous game of treachery and intrigue.

Who attempted to kill Emily’s cousin, and would he survive the attempt? What would Richard's investigation uncover? I enjoyed this story and would recommend it to those who like historical romance with treachery, intrigue, and suspense that would keep you turning the pages.

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This was my first time reading this author and I also don't read a lot of historical novels. I was look for a romantic story about a duke falling in love and the path to marriage. But I felt that the romance in this book took the back seat and instead it was more of a suspenseful novel and trying to find the bad guy and save everyone rather than a man falling in love with his wife.

As a suspenseful novel it was very good. The author did a great job getting me interested and keeping my interest. But I was looking for more romance and so in that department I felt I missed out. If you want a suspenseful historical book then you will love this book.

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I had never read anything by this author before. I think I will continue to explore this author's backlist. While this was not the best book i have ever read, it did keep my attention

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A wonderfully exciting story that is the perfect length for an afternoon read. The characters were wonderful! I can't wait to read the next story.

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I enjoyed the plot but I think you could have done much more. Either way, I have fun reading your book and I would love to read more from you.

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Richard, the duke of Bentley, considers himself a confirmed bachelor as no woman has managed to maintain his interest long enough to propose marriage. That is until he chances upon a meeting between the Earl of Devere’s wife and her lady’s group discussing ways to better the allotment of the working classes. He begs for an introduction to Emily, the last of the unmarried Beresford sisters, who shares his progressive views. So begins an earnest courtship that quickly leads to marriage and a mutual love between them.

Unfortunately, on the evening of their wedding, an attempt is made on said Earl's life and he summons Richard and his good friend, James Rockingham to his bedside, where he proceeds to brief them on the recent events in his life and tasks them both with investigating the attempt on his life. As Richard is new to the family and no one knows of his connection to Devere, he would be the perfect person to infiltrate the group as a potential investor for the Londinium venture, while looking into potential suspects of the crime. Of course, neither man is allowed to share these details with their wives or friends, and this leaves Richard in a tricky situation as Emily does not understand why he is neglecting her and staying out each night till the wee hours of the morning.

Loved the story and enjoyed reading it. Hope this review helps you decide to read this as it is a fast-paced read. While a sweet romance, there is intrigue and danger until the perpetrator is brought to justice. I received a copy of this romance as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Characters are interesting. Richard and Emily were independent individuals and fell in love quickly.
There are all sorts of twists within the story as well as suspense, which add to the story.

While this is a stand alone story it does contain cross over characters from previous stories.
I enjoy reading stories about love at first sight, and this was a fast and enjoyable read.
Cheryl Bolen is one of the authors I follow, and I always keep track when she has a new book coming out. You do not want to miss this story!

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This is Book 6 of the Beresford Adventures and was just as entertaining to read as the previous books. Emily Beresford couldn't believe her good fortune when during her first Season she caught the attention of the highly sought after Richard, Duke of Bentley. They were immediately drawn to each other and fell in love, and married shortly thereafter. But on their wedding day, Richard is called to help Emily's cousin who has been injured and needless to say, their wedding night does not go as planned. Emily's cousin, Lord Devere, asks Richard to help him uncover a fraud he suspects would cause great harm to the kingdom. But Richard can't tell anyone of these suspicions, not even his wife. Emily doesn't know what to think when her husband abandons her on their wedding night. They are deeply in love, but he keeps staying away from her and she can't understand why. Will Richard have to make a choice between his beloved wife or his country, or risk losing her forever?
Richard and Emily were two strong, well-developed characters and they had wonderful chemistry.
A fast-paced story that was an engaging and enjoyable read!
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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The Duke who was never going to marry is marrying the blue stocking who was never going to marry. But secrets tend to take a toll on marriages.
Cheryl Bolen writes an intriguing and throughly enjoyable book. Alas, if couples would only be open and honest with each other romance authors would not have anything to write about.....
I recieved a free copy so that I might tell you what I honestly think. Hope you enjoyed my review. Now go enjoy the book.

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4 🌟
Starting with a big thank you to NetGalley & Dragonblade Publishing for giving me access to my 1st ARC. (Eeeek! my 1st request as well🤗)

I want to jump in by stating that this is also my 1st Historical Romance read - and I've stacked my TBR since! lol. There was absolutely no reason why I waited this long... don't know what you're missing I guess??? 🤷🏻‍♀️

I also want to note that this is part of a series, and I did not read the preceding books before diving into this one. WITH THAT BEING SAID - I do not feel like I was missing any critical pieces, there were no gaps or confusion. (and I will now be going back & starting the series at the beginning😆)

This story starts with an eavesdropping Duke. 🤭 Richard Harwood, the 6th Duke of Bentley (swoon) is attempting to avoid the upcoming ball season as the most sought-after bachelor in London. With such an impressive title, every matchmaking mother in the capital grasped at the chance to place their daughter beside him. Bentley found the entire experience to be loathsome, and he couldn't fathom another conversation with an empty-headed debutante. While his friends are slowly marrying off, Bentley feels incredibly content with the bachelor life.... until..

Miss Emily Beresford. Educated. Opinionated. Outspoken.

"The right to learn to read and write should no more be limited than the right to breathe. All the ills in our society could be eliminated if we made education available universally. Only in an educated citizenry can depravities be eradicated."

*(a few moments later)*

"but Bentley's thoughts kept straying to the Stunner. He had to meet her, to speak to her, to find out if she really was as perfect as he first suspected." <-- my guy folded so unbelievably fast lol.
- I love love LOVE when the unobtainable man gets LOCKED IN with 1 interaction. (whatever this trope is I NEED MORE)

The subsequent chapters are filled with the emotions of that insta-connection. From respect, and admiration. To swooning. Pining. Lust, and PASSION.

A true whirlwind romance & the ensuing crash after. These new lovers are BOMBARDED with challenge after challenge. With so much frustration and heartbreak, it's hard to see the HEA these 2 were longing for.

♥A few fav quotes ♥

"Oh, but I am greedy."
She looked up into his profile, admiring his aquiline nose. "About what?"
"About beautiful women from Lincolnshire. You see, I choose not to share you."

"Little did I dream that my obsession to improve mankind would earn me the friendship of a man I so admire."

"When did you two meet?" asked Lucy her brows lowered.
"Exactly two days ago. I shall always remember it."
(rofl gurllll is a delulu queen love her tho)

He smiled as he got to his feet and moved towards her. "It's most agreeable to me, though I wouldn't object if you wanted to take as many books as you'd like." As he same closer, he added, "I would be lying if I didn't admit it will please me even more to welcome the beautiful Miss Beresford to my home at frequent intervals. I do hope you're a fast reader."
- I would simply just spontaneously *combust*

"I should like to kiss you every day of my life," he whispered.
(This comes after a steamy UNSUPERVISED theatre scene🤭)

"It's as the author of Sense and Sensibility wrote: Seven years would be insufficient to make some people acquainted with each other, and seven days are more than enough for others."

"I cannot agree with Blake that those in love should not seek to say it. No, instead, I must say Never pain to tell thy love. Love never told can never be."

"Wherever you go, I will find you."

"I will love you until the day of our death, and then I will love you beyond the grave."

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It was love at first sight and when the Duke of Bentley first lays his eyes on the lovely Emily, he is smitten. Surprisingly the bluestocking miss, who had determined that she would rather pour all her efforts into social change than a marriage to some dowry-seeking lord, is as smitten as he is. Emily may be an innocent young lady, but she has no qualms about admitting to her attraction for the Duke and before they know it, they are up before the preaching and taking their vows. And that's where the fairy tale ends. Before their wedding day comes to its natural conclusion, Richard is called away to the Earl of Devere's bedside where the seriously injured man demands that he and his friend follow the leads Devere has uncovered into the scandal threatening the British government. Emily refuses to sit at home drinking tea whilst her husband is hunting down the enemy who tried to take her cousin's life, and before he knows it, Richard has to watch not only his own back but to also keep his headstrong wife safe. Finding the head of the proverbial snake comes with some surprises, but ultimately this suspenseful romance comes to a good conclusion with justice being served. I received a copy of this novel as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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The romance between Miss Emily Beresford and Richard, the Duke of Bentley happened very quickly. They both love each other and want nothing more than to be husband and wife. Their wedding night doesn't go as planned with news of her cousin's stabbing. Sworn to secrecy by her cousin, Richard must investigate a stock scheme that could ruin Britain. As nights and days pass, Emily is worried her husband has a mistress and plans to investigate. With his marriage on the line, should he tell Emily of the scheme that threatened their country? Interesting story behind the scheme and the instigator.
Moves at a fast pace. Some open bedroom door.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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Defended by the duke was an okay read.

Romance 3/5
Mystery 5/5
Steam 2/5

Richard the duke, falls in love with the fmc right off the bat. She was too good to be true in his mind. After their courtship they get married only to be thrown into intrigue on their wedding night.

The fmc, while portrayed as intelligent does some pretty idiotic things in the book that really miffed me. Pay thugs money and demand answers, how naive.

Luckily for her, her husband is smartER and ends up saving her from the thugs and solving the mystery.

The mystery was the most intriguing part about the book, involving scams and stocks.

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Defended by a Duke by Cheryl Boleyn is an interesting look at Regency crime among the nobles. The crime is intricate and believable. Boleyn helps an uninitiated reader to understand the plot of the crime while building suspense about its outcome.

The romance that covered the opening 50 pages was rather cold and uninspiring. The title kept me reading to find out how that fit with the unfolding romance.

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Defended by a Duke by Cheryl Bolen is another in the Beresford series, Emily was the last of the unmarried sisters and was not particularly looking for a husband until Richard Harwood, 6th Duke of Bentley came along and she was immediately smitten. Bentley was thirty years old and had yet to meet a woman that could hold his interest, but that changed instantly when he walked past the group of women and heard one of them espousing her views on universal education. That a woman would even care intrigued him and that she mirrored his own view entranced him. When he met her he was a goner. But, it was not going to be easy, this courtship and marriage for after they had left for home the day of their wedding, a man broke into the home of her cousin and stabbed him. He was hovering between life and death and refusing anything for his pain until he spoke to Bentley and another friend.

Thus began the most bizarre week of her life. Both interesting characters, Emily and Richard were strong-minded and independent. Richard had promised Devere that he would not tell anyone and that included Emily. She didn’t know that at the time, but she was not going to sacrifice her marriage before it even got started. She was clever, but not careful and almost landed in the soup. Bentley was a determined man who had no idea that any woman would take such a strong interest. She nearly got killed. Well-written and sympathetic characters. It was frightening but it accomplished the goal of disrupting those who wanted to bankrupt the country and kill anyone who tried to stop them.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Defended by a Duke by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #CherylBolen #DefendedByADuke

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This was an historical fiction romance, which I am quite a fan but this turned out to be so much more. I received an early copy of this ebook and I am giving my own honest opinion and my views of the story. The Duke of Bentley had decided to be a confirmed bachelor since the debutantes he had met were not well read, had no interest in politics nor his political views. The only thing the girls and their mothers were interested in was his money and title the title he would bestow upon them. Until one day one day he happens to go by a room of women one voice stood out a well spoken young woman with like political views as he. He must make her acquaintance at once, It happens she had been an admirer of his for his policies. Their families have both long been known for their WHIG affiliation. Well the Duke and Emily have a short courtship before he proposes and the wedding is held shortly afterwords. Emily is swept to the Duke’s place shortly after the wedding dinner which was attended by all of Emily’s family and hosted by her cousin Lord Devere. They are told by footmen that after they left the Devere home was ransacked and everyone is stolen of all their money and jewels. Devere is stabbed and left for dead. He received a surgeon’s Care immediately. Before Devere saw the surgeon he requested to see Bentley at once for a top secret conversation only to be heard by Bentley, Devere told Bentley of an investment scheme he was involved in with a certain group of Tories he wanted him to investigate the scheme. They would meet st Whites a known Torrey gentleman’s club. Bentley took it from there and was able to be easily recruited, him being a known wealthy Duke. Thus begins the mystery and intrigue, followed by a dose of suspense. This is such a great departure from the basic formula-driven historical fiction I am adamantly recommending you go out and get this book.Thanks to #NetGalley, #DragonBladePublishing, #CherylBolen #DefendedByADuke, Publication Date: 09/01/2023

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Richard Harwood, Duke of Bentley is very involved in politics and does his best to lead by example by paying all his staff much better than most of his peers.
Emily Beresford is part of a big and loving family of intelligent and independent minded siblings.
We have met most of them in previous books in the series. Each book has its own story so they can be read separately or in order.
This historical romance is a love at first sight story, but then the trouble starts. With danger and adventure for all.
Lots of fun.

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I enjoy Cheryl Bolen’s writing and found “Defended by a Duke” to be an easy to read romance between to MCs brought together by a desire to improve the lives of others. Richard, the Duke of Bentley, is thirty years old and despite his duty of creating an heir he remains single because he simply had no tolerance for the frivolous and shallow ladies presented at each years season. Then he meets Emily Beresford and it’s as if Angels are singing to him - she is pretty much perfect. Needless to say these two get their happily ever after … but first they must navigate some serious problems and of course continue their life’s work of improving the lives for the less fortunate citizens of England.

Although this is a short book it is full of all the “good stuff” and I enjoyed the story from beginning to end.

4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

📚Disclosure: I received a review copy of this #book from Dragonblade Publishing via #Netgalley. All thoughts, opinions, comments, and interpretations of the story are my own and bias free. I did not receive any money in exchange for this review. Thank you to the publisher for allowing me the opportunity to review. 🦄 @dragonbladepub
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Thank you NetGalley for an interesting book to read. The Duke of Bentley marries Emily Beresford not long after meeting her and on that evening her cousin is stabbed for an investigation he has been conducting. He asks Bentley to continue with it. Instead of a wedding night he is starting to look into the group of men who are proposing this scheme to take money from the wealthiest men and the country. His wife wants to help him but manages to get herself taken prisoner. The plot is on the edge of having the person almost getting away with it. Another Beresford adventure.

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A lovely romantic story of two people who fall in love quickly and must deal with family issues right away. This book is a quick read and easily completed in a day. The sixth book from this author although I have not read her work before, I'm anticipating going back and reading all the other stories. Well written, attention retaining and worth the effort.

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