Member Reviews

Rebecca Serle's "Expiration Date" offers a thought-provoking exploration of love and mortality with a unique twist on the afterlife. Through heartfelt prose and compelling characters, Serle delves into existential questions about destiny and the meaning of life, creating a poignant and unforgettable narrative.

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I am a fan of Rebecca Serle and was excited to read this book -- mainly because I'd been following her on social and was so happy for her when she married and dedicated this book to her husband!

This was a fun book with that signature Rebecca Serle magic that gave it extra sparkle. Even though I knew from the beginning how it would end, I enjoyed the ride! And, of course, there was that twist that I wasn't expecting (after three of Rebecca's books, I should have known it was coming!).

If I could change anything about this book, I think I'd rather hear more about what attracted her to the various men she dated in the past rather than how long it was before they slept together. I'm not a prude, it's just...well, maybe I am. 🙈

Fun story, that surprise twist, some heart-tugging moments, great ending!

Thank you to Atria Books, NetGalley, and author Rebecca Serle for the complimentary advance copy! It was my pleasure to write this candid review.

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I always want to like Series writing more than I do. It’s always more women’s fiction and less romance and I always fall for it. Didn’t love.

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This book is very charming. It was slightly predictable but that didn't take away from the story. I greatly enjoyed reading it and would recommend it!

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I really enjoy Rebecca Serle's writing style and characters. I loved the creative take on this romance but in the end the story is a bit forgettable.

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There are twists and all the emotions in this book. I have loved all the other Rebecca Serle that I’ve read and this was no different. Right recommend!

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I love Serle's take on magical realism that is infused to all her books. With this one, imagine getting a note to tell you how long each relationship would last, but no other information? Would you learn that love isn't worth it, or that it is the most valuable thing you could hope for? There was an episode of Black Mirror similar to this, but I loved getting to spend more time with the characters in this story to cheer them on (or want to smack them sometimes!) I loved this one!

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This one was not my favorite but I did finish it. I liked the twist but the characters were week to me.

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Searle always finds a way to make me believe that the magical event she includes in her book could actually happen, and who wouldn't want a note telling them if a relationship would last? I'm glad we got to see how it had gone with previous relationships, even if it made it a little hard to follow at times. Multiple mid-story twists added another layer to the story and made it more compelling too. Its also a surprisingly thought provoking book that makes you think about fate vs choice and how you might handle a situation like this. I would recommend this book for someone looking for a love story with a heavy dose of emotional decisions on the side and doesn't mind a book making them think.

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This book was slow for me to get into but I really enjoyed the pacing, the depth of the characters and how the author wove the story together!

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Throughout the whole book I asked myself what if I was Daphne? Would I WANT to know how long I had with someone? I think it would drive me insane to know I was on borrowed time.

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Rebecca Serle, the queen of the romance mixed with the ‘What If’s’….., returns with her newest offering that I can already envision being adapted as a movie! For readers who are fans of the classic Rom-Com MY BEST FRIENDS WEDDING starring Julia Roberts and Dermot Mulroney, this book has reminiscent vibes of the classic film. Although that comes with familiar expectant themes and story paths, Serle surprises the reader with two big twists to turn the story on its head and change the lens the reader has viewed the story up to the reveals. She also infuses her own unique spin in this new release with her latest take on her hypothetical ‘What If’ — what would happen and what would someone do if they received a slip of paper with the exact amount of time their upcoming or current relationship would last and with whom?? Serle wrestles with the longstanding question and debate of fate vs. free will in a fresh modern way, exploring what happens when someone knows the expiration date of their relationship. Does it change the way they perceive or invest in their relationships and in how or if they guard their heart? Does it affect how deep they fall in love or influence one’s control of sustaining or ending their relationship? Are the mysterious notes a definite tried and true fact or can they be wrong? Rebecca Serle invites the reader along for the ride with a front seat to her latest novel, the refreshingly inventive romantic adventure that is: EXPIRATION DATES.

If your book club has tapped this book for its next selection, you don’t want to miss the fabulous reading guide available on! It not only includes the traditional topics of discussion questions, an author Q&A, and book introduction, but also lets the reader in on a list of Serle’s favorite things in LA and a curated Spotify playlist inspired by main character Daphne. LA acts as a dynamic setting influencing the book’s characters and impacting their storylines, clearly displaying Serle’s love for her current home city — the LA from her local’s view and not just the starlit Hollywood version. Readers won’t want to miss hearing Rebecca talk about how the search for love and the marked imprints those relationships leave come through in this book, etched into and splashed across its pages, yet familiar to all who bear the invisible battle scars from their search for love.

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3 Stars

Sadly, as much as I wanted to, I did not love this one.

𝘌𝘹𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘋𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘴 explores what happens when the main protagonist knows in advance how long each of her relationships will last.

Daphne’s story is set in the often enchanting city of Los Angeles. Each time she meets a new love interest, she magically receives a note with the name of her potential new boyfriend and length of time they will be together. Are the notes from a friend, family member or the universe? We don’t know. While they add a note of fantasy to this romance, the reader knows in advance that most of the characters in the story won’t be around by the end of the book.

I enjoyed the idea of this story and the Los Angeles setting. I wanted to know if any of Daphne’s relationships would actually prove the notes wrong or not.

Overall, this was a rather lighthearted book despite the sudden interjection of a serious illness near the end. The ending was very sweet and sentimental and left things in a good place. For me personally, not my fave from this author.

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I received a complimentary copy of this novel. All opinions expressed are my own.

I have mixed feelings about this novel. I kind of wish Daphne’s secret was revealed earlier, because before it was everything seemed playful. When the story took a more serious turn, it felt a bit late. I fully understand, and appreciate that Daphne had to figure things out herself, but it all seemed very obvious from the beginning. I loved where the story went, and how it ended - I just wish there was more of it.

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Thank you NetGalley, Atria Books, and Rebecca Serle for the free ARC.
Expiration Dates is a story about Daphne Bell, who receives mysterious notes from the universe. Always with her next relationship's name and the amount of time that relationship will last. The universe, it seems, has everything planned out for her. But what happens when she receives a note with a name but no number?
Rebecca Serle tells a wonderful story about relationships and love but she also tells a story about life. There is no way for us to be able to predict the future and we can never know what to expect. The key to a happy life is to appreciate every day that you're given and to be open to what the universe has for you.
I really enjoyed this story overall and am so glad that I was able to read it! I hope you will also!

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I really like Rebecca Serle's books and this one is no exception. However I will say that the first half of the book was kind of choppy and didn't have great flow to me. About halfway in though I was really intrigued on where Daphne's story was heading. I really enjoyed how Daphne's story played out and the book was wrapped up really well. Overall, I really enjoyed the premise of this book and I would recommend it to anyone. A solid 4 stars for me!

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Oh my goodness! I loved this book so incredibly much! I think Rebecca Serle is gold and I will continue to fevour everything she writes. She is incredibly talented, and lucked me into this book, very quickly.

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This book gave me all the feelings. I have several of Serle's books on my shelf but haven't gotten around to reading any of them. I'm glad this was my first. The touch of magical realism was what set it apart from other books I've read. I really enjoyed the friendship between Daphne and Hugo. He was the only one who knew about the relationship expiration dates, and it was clear how much he cared for Daphne. The story unfolded exactly how I had hoped. I definitely need to go back and read more from this author.

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I am sorry for the inconvenience but I don’t have the time to read this anymore and have lost interest in the concept. I believe that it would benefit your book more if I did not skim your book and write a rushed review. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

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I thought this was a really cute book with a really unique premise. I liked how the book was formatted, alternating between present day and snippets of her past relationships. It was really fun to see how the main character historically dealt with receiving expiration dates. However, there is a reveal midway through the book that soured the experience for me slightly. It made me feel like the main character was not a fantastic person, and I found it hard to enjoy the rest of the book and root for her. It was a fun cute book, but I couldn't enjoy it after the reveal.

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