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Oh my god! The twists, suspense, and horror! Our protagonist just lost her daughter in a strange way. Was it murder? Suicide? Who caused it?
She also has an adopted son and the police are looking his way. Will she support him? Does she blame him?
The ending is delicious!

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3,75/5 ⭐️

✨ Check TW
✨ Psychological Thriller
✨ Quick Read/Fast Paced
✨ There are flashbacks
✨ The book starter great but towards the end it falterter a bit and was kinda predictable.

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A great suspenseful domestic thriller, the Perfect Family. Written by Anya Mora and it came out today! I received a copy from Joffe Books via Netgalley.

What if you have a beautiful daughter? What if you decide to adopt a boy to be your son? What if your daughter dies in what you think is an accident? What would you do when a police officer comes to your door and says that it's not an accident? What if the suspect is your adopted son?

This was an amazing read, right from the start. It has all the ingredients of a great thriller: likeable and unlikeable characters, troubled characters, a storyline that's absolutely interesting and a perfect pace. It all worked together splendidly. I guessed it halfway through, but that did not take away the fun I had while reading. The story is written well and it's an enjoyable read.


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Twost after twist, I flew through this in a day! A really quick and easy read that will have you hooked from the start! Really well written and probably doesn't go the way you'd expect

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This starts out making you think this story is going one way and then it takes a turn and goes in a different way.

A mother/ son bond is sacred. Holden is adopted into a family with one daughter named Betsy. Betsy is dead with suspected suicide but soon we find out she is murdered. Of course the suspect is the adoptive son who is having a hard time fitting in at school and at home.

I am so happy that even when everything seemed to point to the son, the mother defended him to the end.

There was a lot of intricacies in this book for it being so short but the story telling was very well done.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC.

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Such a fun and twisty thriller! Really enjoyed this novel and did not see the ending coming. I plan to read more by Anya Mora and recommend.

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This was a really fast and compelling read that I finished in one day and *truly* did not see the ending coming. I really loved that while the book did not gloss over the challenges of adopting a traumatized child, it also did not engage in the sensationalized stories I sometimes see of child psychopaths that really capitalize on the things they do, rather than the pain caused by the things they have experienced. It is really nice to see this book be both a thriller and yet (spoiler) have a good outcome for Holden. I enjoyed the story a lot and felt like even though the twists shocked me, they also were not out of the realm of possibility. Add a strong female friendship and a woman who hates the cheesy Instagram posts but can’t seem to stop herself from making them and I’m hooked. Emery was a protagonist who was both strong and vulnerable, and I loved navigating the world through her perspective.

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I finished this book so quickly and it’s such a fast-paced read. The suspense in this book had me wanting to figure out who was responsible for the death in the family. I loved the then now time because it helped give an insight to their background. The emotions of Emery as a mother helped show you a deeper meaning to the characters. The ending was a little unexpected however still such a great read.

Thank you NetGalley and Anya Mora for the ARC!

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Mama Mia, the horror of losing a child. This was a fascinating page turner from the beginning. Lots of twists and turns, and a great twist at the end that I hadn't seen coming. This is a fast read, wonderful story, and every mother's nightmare. Brilliant!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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I did not like this book and it pains me to say this. The main character was an annoying narrator and I felt no sympathy for her and the choices she made.

The only victims in this book were the kids. All the adults sucked and the main plot twist was obvious.

It gets a 2/5 because the writing was actually really good, the story was written well. The plot was just not it.

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Wow. The premise of this book did draw me in, but once I was in, I was hooked. Emery’s daughter Betsy was killed, her adopted son Holden isn’t talking. How much does she know about Holden? Did Betsy have secrets that should’ve been kept? Twist after delicious twist kept me turning the pages. Anya Mora is a newer author for me, and one I will follow from here on out!
Thank you to Netgalley and Joffr Books for the arc of this thriller ride!

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This was SO GOOD! I was absolutely hooked from beginning to end, I read the entire thing in one sitting. I never guessed the ending, and I adored how dedicated the FMC Emery was to her son, and to getting justice for her daughter! Holden is so well written and I’m sure relatable to many people who have experienced foster care, on any end of that spectrum. This was a great experience!

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #JoffeBooks for the ARC #ThePerfectFamily by #AnyaMora. First time author and will most definitely read more. I really enjoyed this book and was surprised by the twist ending. This book had murder, secrets and drama all in one. Highly recommend.

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What can I say this was definitely a OMG thriller. It was absolutely amazing it had me gripped from the off and I couldn't put it down as I needed to know what had happened from beginning to end I was hooked. I loved the dual timeline I definitely think that helped build the suspense. The ending was shocking and emotional it was a perfect ending no to a perfect book.

Highly recommend this thriller to everyone it will have you racing through the pages to find out the ending. Thanks to netgallery and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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Man, I cried with this story! It was emotional, and mysterious at the same time. I did not see the twist coming and was appalled and shook with it! I really enjoyed the story, with the dual timeline. I liked that we got, at the end, a different POV that cemented the story together. I really enjoyable thriller, with an emotional side. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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OMG! What a read! Absolutely incredible, this had me gripped from the off and I couldn't put it down as I needed to know what had happened.

I loved how we have the past and present telling the story as it was before and what was happening now. And WOW, talk about twists and turns - this book was giving those - and just when you thought there was nothing else left - BOOM!! I felt absolutely side-swiped towards the end.

The characters are brilliantly written and I really loved to see what was going to develop between them.

Honestly brilliant - a MUST read

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Very enjoyable was know as Tuesday's child and realised I read it a while back. Very good thriller to enjoy.

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This book, wow! I'm so full of so many emotions.

The twists sent me all over, and when I thought I had pinned it down, IT SENT IT IN ANOTHER DIRECTION! Very few books have me walking away going "I couldn't have guessed that at all."

The bouncing between past and present was amazing. I loved how the story flowed along. There was one or two past chapters I wasn't a fan of, but it made sense why it was added in the end.

By the end it had me in almost tears, in a feel good kinda way.

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Wow! I absolutely loved this book. From beginning to end, I was hooked! Thank you for the opportunity to read it early.

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The Perfect Family was first published as Tuesday’s Child in 2020. The characters were well developed & hooked me early on. The plot moved forward perfectly. This book had me guessing and playing detective the entire time. If your looking for a mommy thriller than look no further. Emery will go to the ends of the Earth to prove her sons innocence and find her daughters killer. She doesn’t expect to uncover so many secrets along the way. Thank you so much NetGalley & Joffe Books for this ARC

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