Member Reviews

I loved McGowan’s first collection and in comparison this one isn’t as strong in my opinion. I was really excited for this and while there were a few stand out poems, most slipped past me. It could be me and it just not being the right time for this title, as I’m still willing to try McGowan’s future work

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<b> 3.5 Stars </b>

I really enjoyed this poetry collection, albeit not as much as I am The Rage. I thought that the sections were divided really well, although the last 2 sections fell a little flat for me.

My favourite poems in this collection:
- Delivery: Just outside the door
- Lost Song
- Lilies of the Valley (my favourite)
- Once I Thought I'd Found True Love (A Villanelle)
- Promise
- How to Destroy the World
- Americans Won't Wear THAT Mask
- The Sea Goddess Calls (second favourite)
- Alchemy
- J'Accuse (An Ekphrastic)

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This poetry book was great overall. Very descriptive and the writing was very profound. The illustrations were beautiful and I feel like it tied together really nicely with themes.

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This digital ARC was obtainable via NetGalley for an honest review!

I was really excited to dig into this one! I love McGowan's choice of words. My favorite section of this collection was part III. I also loved the "Advice to a Crafter" page. I will be looking out for any future projects!

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After reading Martina McGowan’s I Am The Rage, I was so excited to hear that McGowan had written a new collection of poetry. A Sweeter Song was a good read, but it did not connect with me as much as her previous collection. However, there were still some powerful pieces in this collection that are still on my mind.

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I want to start this off first by thanking NetGalley for this ARC. I first read I am the Rage by Dr. Martina McGowen a few years back which I LOVED. To this day that book lives rent free in my head and I was hoping this new collection of poetry would match that. Although this book was real, raw, honest and heartbreaking it was still missing something for me. Part 2 and 4 of the book I thought were the best and there were some poems that I went back and reread. This book actually just reminds me of how broken our world is and how broken we are as humans and that makes me sad.

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Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for a review.

This collection of peona was well written and felt very personal to the author.
You could feel what she was feeling even if it didn’t really relate to you.

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A Sweeter Song! All the poems were so raw and honest and I admire that in poetry. I enjoyed the depth that I felt when reading the poems. McGowan truly knows the best diction to use and I adore that. The cover art is truly beautiful as well.

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Firstly - Thank you to NetGalley for this opportunity to read and review A Sweeter Song by Dr. Martina McGowan

A Sweeter Song was a raw, honest and bittersweet read. This collection poignantly expresses the struggle to attain and maintain happiness (as experienced through the eyes of a black woman) in a world where every day is a struggle and battle. Martina McGowan is a fantastic poet and expresses herself so thoughtfully, with a depth that challenges the reader. I certainly felt that I learned from this collection of prose and I think anyone who approaches literature with an open mind and desire can appreciate the insight and knowledge that lies within the pages of A Sweeter Song.

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Poems written more like prose, covering a variety of topics Black women face. Very emotional but yet rational. How we view the world and the different lenses.

Covers many topics - family, loss, injustice, rage, worldview

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