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Single Mum, Ellie, is totally shaken when she sees a missing child post, of her son, Tyler, who is with her right now!

So that was me hooked! I could totally relate to Ellie and her fear that someone would either accuse her of having abducted Tyler, or that someone was planning to abduct him - but who? And why?

The reaction of the pre-school yummy mummies to Ellie’s situation was well incorporated and relatable, and there were some brilliant twists and red herrings as Ellie tries to find out the truth about her past and why it has caught up with her now!

5 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Ruby Soeechley and Boldwood for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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insomniacbookwormbookreviews's profile picture
I was pulled into this dark, intense thriller instantly I couldn't read it fast enough. The twists and red herrings sowed subtle seeds of doubt. I would never seen that ending. I love the fact that the whole time I was reading this I was trying to figure out what was happening and it felt so unsettling(in a good way) such a great thriller @rubyjtspeechley

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A single mother beings being anonymously harassed. On top of that, she's trying to get her ex to acknowledge paternity of her son, all the while haunted by a hazy night four years ago.

This was an ok read. Parts felt a bit repetitive; especially when characters were verbalizing every rationale. I understand wanting to make the actions and motivations clear, but it also seemed kind of over explained. Overall though the plot was interesting.

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First, I want to thank Ruby Speechley, Boodwood Books, Rachel’s Random Resources and NetGalley for providing me with the book so I may bring you this review.

You are going to want to hold your little one a little tighter after reading Ruby Speachley’s latest! Missing is every parent's worst nightmare become reality! Missing is fast paced, insanely addicting, suspenseful, shocking, nail biting and heartbreaking.

I am always wondering what inspires authors to write the incredible stories they do! Ruth shared with her readers her inspiration for missing and it was interesting.

There were a few scenes that were difficult to read due to the subject matter.

My deepest sympathy to Ruby’s dear friend LLoyd Rigewell who discovered reading through her books. Missing is written in memory of him.

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2.5 stars rounded up for GoodReads.

This was a pretty basic Lifetime movie level "thriller." There aren't many twists or thrilling moments.
The main character would definitely walk into a dark cellar to investigate a noise rather than run to the car and call the police. She and her friend are both pretty naive/overly trusting especially when it comes to men.

Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for the advanced reader copy. I am required by federal law to disclose this.

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I really enjoyed this book! It was intriguing from the very beginning, and held my interest through the whole book. Every chapter left me needing to know more, and I wasn't disappointed with the twists. I would recommend this book, and look forward to reading more from this author!

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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This is the third book of Speechley's I've read and this one is definitely my favourite so far.

The internet and social media can destroy lives within seconds, and once this stuff is out there with a few clicks it goes viral and the ramifications of the prank can never be undone.

From the fast paced plot, to its realistic characters, Speechley has come up with another brilliant thriller that will take you on a twisty ride through a mother's hell.

I found Missing to be an addictive read, full of suspense and tension.

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Actions have consequences, sometimes very bad consequences. When a woman’s past (a past she can’t remember) comes calling, all hell breaks loose.

This was nerve wracking. It has an edge of the seat plot. You will want answers and keep turning the pages.

I enjoyed the plot. I felt sorry for Ellie and all she had to go through and how her life was upended through a seemingly random and unexpected incident.

The book plays up the devastation caused by the spread of fake news on social media. It also highlights the nightmare of every parent.

It was hard to pinpoint exactly who the villain was but towards the end everything began to come together.

I couldn’t help but notice that Ellie did not report anything to the police, which was baffling.

If you love psychological thriller then you will enjoy this.

I received an advanced copy of this book and the review is entirely mine.

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Missing 🎒

⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 (3/5 stars)

Thank you to Netgally, Boldwood books and the author for sending me an ARC of this one to read and review.

Don’t let the title and cover picture fool you. Missing is not a case of a child who has gone missing, but a case of a mother being harassed and bullied online. When Ellie is being treated weirdly at her sons preschool she realizes that the mothers must be online talking about her again. A single mother with a questionable past is the talk of the school. Unfortunately Ellie discovers that the rumors going around online are worse than she feared, and someone has made a mock missing poster of her son, and it’s circulating around online. On top of this, her ex Darren doesn’t believe Tyler is his son. Will Ellie be able to clear up these rumors about herself and her son? Will Tyler ever know his dad?

As someone who has read mostly thrillers, this book felt different and refreshing with s new plot I’ve never really read before. I’m really enjoyed the plot and the idea behind the book. I struggled with some of the dialogue and the narration style of the character. Sometimes the conversations didn’t feel authentic or real. There were also a lot of extra characters who didn’t really matter such as some of the other moms at the preschool, which felt a little like fluff.

I struggled with the middle of the book and found it slower to get through. The last 1/3 of the book really got me back into it because I was determined to figure out where the story was going.

All that to say I do believe this book is worth the read and some will find the plot interesting and different. If you can look past some of the dialogue and narration style you will probably enjoy this book! Considering the author has only written 2 published books, I’d be interested to read her other book Gone and see what else comes from her.

I have posted about publishing day and will post about my review on @readitwithtay and goodreads

Trigger warnings: SA, themes about hurt or missing children

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Missing is a really chilling story which strikes right at the heart of every mother's worse nightmare especially when you have no control over what is being posted on social media. Ellie is a struggling single mother, trying to do the best she can for herself, and her three year old son, Tyler, but when the other mums at pre-school start to give her accusing looks Ellie knows that something is seriously wrong.

Missing is definitely a story which can be read in one sitting as the plot develops quickly and I was soon pulled into Ellie's rather complicated story which hits the ground running when she discovers that her son Tyler has been posted as missing on social media but how can that be the truth when Tyler is holding her hand? There are lots of twists and turns in the plot and several characters who soon prove not to be as good a friend as Ellie thought they were, there's also an ex-boyfriend who I was never entirely sure about. I enjoyed observing how it all came together, I couldn't really second guess where the story was heading and I liked that the author didn't reveal too much too soon.The truth, when revealed, is quite shocking, and as all the pieces of the puzzle click into place it proves just what a toxic environment social media can become if left to run unchecked.

As I have said, I raced through Missing in the space of one sitting as I didn't want to miss anything and all credit to the author for keeping my attention fixed on Ellie and Tyler's complicated story.

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When i came across this book I hadn’t heard of the author before but absolutely loved the sound of the blurb, so decided to give it a chance.

Right from the very beginning i was pulled in to this story and i found it a very addictive book to read. I kept turning the pages faster and faster just so that i could find out what was going to happen next, it was such an easy book to read!

This was a wonderful, tense thriller that had me oooing and ahhhing all the way through it…….

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Great thriller, easy to follow and written exceptionally well. Lots of twists and turns so you won’t want to put it down!

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Missing by Ruby Speechley is a book I was overjoyed to find on as I really enjoyed her previous book, Gone.

She has a real talent for thrillers that involve families and children and she gets into the characters’ feelings from the start.

I was hooked on Missing all the way through. I automatically felt for Ellie, and I was questioning from the start whether things were true or not. The atmosphere and tension between Ellie and the other mothers at the school was incredibly realistic and I was really concerned for her and especially Tyler and his wellbeing.
The plot was easy to follow, and it was so wonderfully twisty that one minute I was asking myself “Is this really happening?” “Is this really true?”

Missing is a thoroughly enjoyable novel from one of my favourite thriller authors and I’m looking forward to more books by her.

Thanks to Ruby Speechley, Boldwood and Rachel’s Random Resources for my eARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

5 stars

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I raced through hht this twisty fast paced thriller and could not put it down. what a treat. excellent storyline and great writing style

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It all starts with a social media post that her son is missing. It’s impossible because her son is with her. It’s always been Ellie and her son Tyler, but now Ellie must prove she’s the mother.

This story is told in third person and is an interesting book. It is a quick read and it will keep you guessing. I enjoyed the book and plan to read more books by this author.

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"Missing" by Ruby Speechley is a gripping psychological thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The story revolves around single mother Ellie, who stumbles upon a missing person post on Facebook, featuring none other than her own three-year-old son, Tyler. The twist? Tyler is right beside her, holding her hand. What begins as a seemingly harmless prank quickly descends into a nightmarish ordeal as the other parents at Tyler's school start questioning Ellie's motherhood.

Speechley masterfully crafts a tense and unsettling atmosphere as Ellie races against time to prove the post's falseness. Her desperation and determination to protect her son are palpable, making her a relatable and sympathetic protagonist. As the mystery unravels, the author skillfully weaves in a dark past, hinting at a traumatic event that Ellie has been trying to forget.

The narrative is expertly paced, with each chapter ending on a tantalizing cliffhanger, propelling the reader forward. The plot is rife with secrets, lies, and betrayals, making it impossible to put the book down. Speechley keeps you guessing until the very end, delivering a satisfying and unpredictable conclusion.

"Missing" is a rollercoaster of emotions, blending psychological tension with family drama. Ruby Speechley's writing is sharp, and her storytelling is top-notch. If you're a fan of suspenseful thrillers with a compelling emotional core, "Missing" should be at the top of your reading list. It's a pulse-pounding page-turner that will haunt you long after you've turned the final page.

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I found Missing to be an OK read. It was a little slow to begin with but the pace did pick up. It had quite a few twists and turns that kept me reading but I really did not like the main character - she drove me mad with her actions!

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my ARC.

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This newly released psychological thriller exceeded all of my expectations. The plot was genuinely unique and kept me reading into the early hours, way past my bedtime.

The characters were hard to trust, with an unreliable narrative, adding to the suspense. The conclusion had an unexpected turn, and this added to the dramatic atmosphere and excitement of the plot. The twists and turns throughout were expertly crafted, leaving me fully invested in the story, and resulting in an addictive page-turner.

Overall, I believe this is an outstanding psychological thriller and is a must-read for anyone who loves this genre. I am looking forward to reading more by this author in the future!

A well-deserved five-star read that is available now!

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It what I was expecting from the blurb and not my favoured kind of read. The school gate clique an turn me off a book very early on plus the characters didn’t thrill me either.

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