Member Reviews

Sometimes Peggy Ehrhart gets caught up in describing the minutiae and I find it distracts from the actual story. I do not need to know every detail of the chintz fabric, Bettina's outfits, or the bone china they are using.

With that being said, the mystery itself, was interesting. I was able to guess the killer quite quickly, although I did not guess the rest of the story. Looking forward to reading A Dark and Stormy Knit later this summer.

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This series is not the fastest paced or most engaging at times yet I keep being drawn back. I love the characters and the descriptions of the common events. It is a relaxing series and this book fits in perfectly.

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When Pamela, Bettina, and their friends show up at the Voorhees House to greet its new owner, they’re met with a most unwelcome sight: a dead body on the kitchen floor. Tassie Hunt just inherited the old Victorian, which had been occupied by a reclusive widow for many years and had a reputation for being haunted. But Tassie would have been unlikely to be spooked since her career involved debunking such paranormal phenomena. Her demise sets off a new flurry of gossip and ghostly speculation in the New Jersey town, of course—and it’s tempting to think spirits were indeed involved considering there’s zero evidence so far of foul play. A nosy neighbor reports strange lights and sounds, and a man obsessed with the Victorian era starts photographing the place from the street. But it won’t take long before Pamela and Bettina are moving in on a killer. I had never read this series before but was able to pick up on what was going on in the characters lives and relationships so it can be read a standalone but now I am going back to read the rest! More twists and turns than your average cozy made this a delightful read.

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3/5 stars

Thank you to Netgally, the publishers, and Peggy Ehrhart for allowing me to read and review this book.

This is the 10th book in a series. You do not have to read the other books before reading this one, however, reading the other books does help you to understand the characters better and some of the situations will make more sense.

This book takes place during Halloween. I really enjoyed this book. The characters are fun to follow and the plot is interesting.

The series follows a cat loving older female main character and her knitting club. I highly recommend this book/series to anyone who is looking for cozy mysteries following older females, cat lovers, and knitting/crocheting.

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I have to say i haven't read all the books in the series. I can still pick up what is going on between Bettina and Pamela. A fun active book with all the twist and turns in the book. They keep thinking they found the killer, but it turns out it's the least expected killer. I did not see that one coming. Wow that hit me in the face when I found out who the killer is. I felt I can pick up the book even though I missed a few. It was a very relaxing read hope to read earlier books and ones in between...

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Knitmare on Beech Street by Peggy Ehrhart is the tenth book in the cozy A Knit & Nibble Mystery series. Each book of the series contains it’s own mystery that will be solved so they can be read as a standalone or in any order one chooses. However, those that follow from the beginning will see the full character development that carries over from book to book.

The main character of the Knit & Nibble series is Pamela Paterson who is on the older side for a cozy protagonist. Pamela found herself with an empty nest when her daughter headed off to college so she joined the Knit and Nibble knitting group. The group not only spends time together crafting their favorite projects but also cooks up some yummy treats as the name suggests.

Pamela and her best friend and fellow knitter, Bettina, first became involved in what has become a habit for them in solving murders when a body was found at Pamela’s home. This time around Pamela and her fellow knitters have signed up with a group to join in on welcoming new residents to their town, Arborville, NJ. However, when the group arrives at the mansion known as Voorhees House in town they are in for quite the scare when they find a dead body in the kitchen.

The cozy A Knit & Nibble Mystery series is one that I have followed from the beginning and will continue to return to simply because I adore the characters in this series! Pamela and Bettina certainly get up to some comical hijinx which makes each read fun to follow. The only thing that keeps my rating lower each time is the same I have mentioned before, the author has a tendency to ramble on when the characters are cooking or knitting which feels like page filler making them fall at three and a half stars insead of the four of five they would be otherwise.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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A delightful mystery that blends old secrets, unique characters, and a touch of romance. The descriptive writing brings the town and its residents to life.
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This series has interesting likeable characters. Unfortunately the author spends way too much time on descriptions of food, and clothing. I got about 30% through the book and then quit.

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Princess Fuzzypants here: Pamela and her neighbour Bettina join a group of ladies taking a welcome basket to a new arrival in town. The house the woman inherited has a reputation of being haunted so when the ladies discover her body on the kitchen floor, the first suspicion is that she was scared to death. Naturally Pamela and Bettina cannot resist a mystery and they are well and truly hooked when there is a second copycat murder.

The house itself has many secrets that are revealed when they explore the house. There appears to be a squatter and a hidden room and all sorts of goings on that lead to a very sad and compelling story of loss. I did not suspect the story behind the story until it was revealed any more than Pamela or Bettina did.

I like this series because the characters are believable and while they can get themselves into some tight corners, the reader can see them do the things they do. Four purrs and two paws up.

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Fiber arts editor and amateur sleuth Pamela Paterson has joined her best friend Bettina Fraser and their neighborhood welcoming committee to greet Arborville, New Jersey’s newest resident. Tassie Hunt is an author whose latest book, A Sucker Born Every Minute, debunks spiritualism and the paranormal. Her new neighbors have not missed the irony in the fact that Tassie has now moved into the reputedly haunted Voorhees House. Perhaps, they wonder as they approach, she’ll be writing her next book on the house itself?

To the committee’s consternation, however, Tassie does not answer the door, despite their having called ahead to confirm that she’d be home. Bettina notices that the back door is slightly ajar, so pushes it open to call out… only to discover Tassie collapsed on the floor next to a freshly baked blueberry pie. Worse, she’s very much dead.

The rumor mill goes into high gear, speculating whether Tassie was frightened to death by a specter. Her neighbor Win Colley certainly thinks so. The elderly woman has spent a lot of time chronicling the various strange lights and noises emanating from Voorhees House when it was supposedly uninhabited, and is more than happy to go into elaborate detail for Bettina and Pamela. But when the coroner’s report determines that Tassie did not die of natural causes but was very much murdered, it looks as if Arborville has a real live killer who won’t hesitate to strike again. The question is not only who, but why?

This was another engaging installment of the Knit And Nibble mystery series, as Pamela not only puzzles out another whodunnit but also deals with the mysteries of love. While her relationship with handyman Pete Paterson (no relation) looks promising, she can’t help but still feel attracted to her neighbor Richard Larkin. She’s also concerned for her daughter Penny, who is going on a month-long trip to build a school in Guatemala with a handsome friend. Solving murders is practically a piece of cake in comparison with figuring out the vagaries of the human heart!

As with all the other books in the series, there was a knitting pattern and a recipe included. This is the non-deadly version of a possibly killer pie:

Pamela’s Blueberry Pie

2 pie crusts
2 pints fresh blueberries
1 tsp cider or white vinegar
¾ cup sugar, or a full cup if desired
3 tbsp flour
½ tsp cinnamon
Pinch of salt

Wash the blueberries and pick them over, removing any stems or squashed berries. Sprinkle them with the vinegar. Mix the sugar, flour, cinnamon, and pinch of salt in a small bowl, sprinkle it over the berries, and mix gently with a large spoon.

[Pat one] crust into place, curving it up and over the sides of the pie pan. Scoop the berries into the pie pan and gently spread them over the bottom crust. [Set the second pie crust] atop the berries [and] smooth it out.

Tuck the overhanging crust under all the way around and pat and smooth it until it’s merged with the bottom crust. To make a fancy edge, place the index and middle finger of your left hand on the edge, pointing outward and with half an inch between them. Use the thumb of your right hand to push a little ridge into the dough, working your way all around the edge of the pie doing the same thing. With a sharp knife, slice a few steam vents into the top crust, in a decorative pattern if you wish.

Bake the pie at 425 degrees for 10 minutes, then turn the oven down to 350 degrees and bake for 30 to 40 minutes longer. The pie is done when the crust is lightly browned, especially around the edges.

The pie is delicious served with ice cream, especially while it’s still warm.

While Peggy Ehrhart includes instructions for making the pie crusts in the book, I had neither the space in this column nor the time in my life to do the same. Store-bought crusts are perfectly fine in this, though if you’re not as busy as I am, I do highly recommend checking out the book and trying to make the whole thing from scratch. As it is, my corner-cutting served me well, even if my crust crimping left a lot to be desired.

The pie itself comes out wonderfully. Like the book’s health-conscious Nell Bascombe, I generally prefer the option of using less sugar. Three quarters of a cup was perfectly sweet, especially when combined with vanilla ice cream. Not drowning the filling in sugar also allowed the slight tartness of the blueberries to really shine through.

Next week, we head just a short ways south on the East Coast to whip up some delightful sandwiches while figuring out the link between a fresh corpse and a very cold case. Do join me!

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I adore this series and Pamela and Bettina so much. I have been reading this series since the beginning and I will continue as long as the author does. I always enjoy a past mystery or cold case mystery mixed in with the present as well as a "haunted" house. I did not expect the reveal; the who and the why, it was a great twist. The only issue I have with this series.... just let Pamela and Richard het together and be happy!!

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This 10th installment in the series didn't let me down. (They are not necessary to read in order though some relationships would be understood better if read in order.) I really like the main character, Pamela, and though her best friend Bettina isn't my favorite, I do like their friendship. I also like that the MCs are older. There is also something really soothing to me about reading through a day in the life of Pamela. Overall, this is a solid mystery with the suspects whittled down one by one until the big reveal. Looking forward to the next one!

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Knitmare on Beech Street is the tenth book in the Knit & Nibble Mystery series. Best friends and amateur sleuths, Pamela and Bettina tumble upon another dead body, this time when they are helping the Arborville welcoming committee greet a new town resident. As always, the duo ask questions until they have searched out the culprit.

I have loved this series from the beginning and continue to love it. If you are a cozy mystery fan, this is a great series to check out with a cast of characters that are enjoyable and easy to relate to. The knitting group, Knit & Nibble, adds so much to this series and had become a favorite aspect of mine in any cozy mystery series. This is a quick read, but an engaging mystery that is fun to follow along with. I can’t wait to see what comes next for Pamela and Bettina!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book!

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Knitmare on Beech Street is book #10 in the Knit & Nibble Mystery series by Peggy Ehrhart.

I really enjoyed this series and this book was a great addition to it. I like the friendship between Pamela and Bettina. If I don’t like the characters, it doesn’t matter how good the mystery is. The mystery kept me guessing until the reveal. There’s a knitting project at the end and a yummy recipe. I recommend this book.

Thank you to the author, Kensington Books, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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Knitmare on Beech Street by Peggy Ehrhart is the tenth Knit and Nibble mystery. I started this series in the middle and easily connected with the main characters Pamela Paterson and her best friend, Bettina. The two women are in a knitting club together and of course help the local police solve crimes. In this book, a woman is found murdered in an old house she inherited and some of the people of Arborville, New Jersey think the killer could be a ghost! The books in this series are fun, relaxing reads. I especially like the friendship between Pamela and Bettina.

I also like reading about the various knitting projects that Pamela, Bettina, and the rest of the Knit and Nibble club members are working on. Instructions for one of the projects, but since I have no knitting talent, I can't say if they are easy to follow or not. The books I've read in this series spend as much time describing Pamela's day-to-day life as on the investigation, and I like the leisurely pace of the books. I really enjoyed this book and would rate it 4.5 stars. The Knit and Nibble Mysteries have become one of my favorite cozy series.

I received an advance copy of this ebook at no cost from NetGalley and Kensington Books, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.

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A Crafty Cozy
Not only crafty as in the knitting group that's a big part of the cast, but also in the way the mystery is handled. Is there a ghostly involvement, over active imaginations...or something more sinister at play.
I really enjoyed the book. Answers came out slowly as theories were proposed and disproved, one at a time. I have to admit one of them was mine. I was not even close.
I requested and received a NetGalley arc to peruse gratis and offer my opinion in the same.

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A group of women including Pamela and Bettina go to greet a new resident to Arborville at a large old house. On arrival they find the woman dead in the kitchen. Talking with the neighbors, they find that the house has been haunted with strange lights and sounds in the night. Bettina and Pamela continue trying to figure out who killed Tassie. They soon find out that someone has been sleeping in the attic, and there is a secret room in the house. The woman who lives on one side tells them about strange lights and sounds coming from the house. The man on the other side appears to be cleaning out his house and appears to be covering up for his missing wife. On two occasions, they find someone inside the house who shouldn't be there, one when a second body is found!

It isn't until the very end that the reader finds out the real killer. This is a good cozy mystery which keeps the reader guessing. I thank Netgalley and Kensington Books for the ARC.

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KNITMARE ON BEECH STREET is the tenth book in the Knit & Nibble Mysteries by Peggy Ehrhart. This is a new-to-me series, but I had no trouble jumping in and getting to know the characters despite not having read any previous books. I enjoyed the comradery that protagonist Pamela has with her best friend, Bettina. Their banter provides a bit of humor to lighten the mystery. I also like that they’re women of a “certain age” which gives them experience and steadfastness. The action starts early in the book with their discovery of the body of a young woman newly moved into town. A neighbor claims the house is haunted, an uneaten blueberry pie is found in the kitchen, and a Victorian-era obsessed man shows up in the neighborhood. Are the clues connected? Or are there other sinister happenings taking place? Pamela and Bettina delve into uncovering the culprit in between knitting and nibbling. While the story moves at a gentle pace, I still became engrossed as the clues unfolded. At the reveal, the strands of the clues and the subplots came together satisfactorily that will leave the reader wanting to either catch up with all the books in the series or waiting impatiently for the next book to release. There is a knitting pattern and a delicious recipe included at the back of the book.

I was provided with an advance copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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It's always fun to spend time with Pamela, Bettina and the rest of the Knit and Nibblers- but don't worry if you don't know them because this will be fine as a standalone. Pamela and Bettina know there's something fishy about the murder of Tassie, a paranormal researcher, in her supposedly haunted mansion- but what? They're intrepid investigators but they're also really into both knitting and snacking (a lot of snacking). It's pretty classic cozy fare, with good characters (including a few pets), a small town, and a recipe at the end. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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local-law-enforcement, small-town, small-business, New-Jersey, widow, neighbors, friends, knitting-pattern, knitting, recipes, pet-dog, murder-investigation, murder*****

The victim was a ghost debunker found dead in her own kitchen by the local knitting group in the town she recently moved to. So, of course, the knitters had to get into finding out more. I have read all the previous books, but still think that it could stand alone (followed by a binge read just for fun). The characters are so well done that I feel like I have met them in person and the investigation is well done with sneaky red herrings and a couple of interesting twists. Loved it!
I requested and received an EARC from Kensington Books/Kensington Cozies via NetGalley. Thanks!

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