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The Teacher

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I have read quite a few of her books and I'll be honest most of them are good but not life-changing. Some people swear by her work but sometimes it feels slow and vanilla. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably keep reading her work because there's always a good story.

That being said this book started out pretty obvious as to what was going to happen. (As a teacher I kind of hate the teacher and student cliche) but I was surprised there were a few tricks up her sleeve. Some of the references to Edgar Allan poe, gave us a foreshadowing of what would happen, but I appreciate it because the Raven is one of my favorite poems ever. I also absolutely died after the last two pages. I did not see that coming, like at all. It's a weird twist but crazy and I loved it. I would say this is definitely the best I've read from Freida.

Than you to netgalley for an a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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From the first sentence (“Digging a grave is hard work”) I was hooked!

This book has everything we all love about Freida’s books – fast-paced, short chapters, humor sprinkled throughout, and a phenomenal twist. Not to mention characters you love to hate.

This story was expertly crafted and hints were dropped with perfect timing to keep the reader guessing and engaged throughout. In typical Freida fashion, I definitely had the twist figured out… until I didn’t. And then I did again… and then – BAM! – another curveball.

NOT a spoiler because it is mentioned in the book’s description:
I saw a review saying that this book romanticizes child sexual assault, but I did not think so at all. I think that the way this is written makes it very clear that, while the age of consent in MA is 16, any adult having sex with a minor is taking advantage of them.

Thank you so much to Freida McFadden and Poisoned Pen Press for the honor of reviewing this ARC through NetGalley.

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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. I was so excited to get an early copy of this book!! It did not disappoint! My favorite part of reading a Freida McFadden book is that I never quite know " exactly" what is going on. The same short chapters and alternating POV makes this story propulsive and I couldn't put it down. Everything came together in the end with this one and I found myself smiling when it was over. Grab a copy everyone!! Highly recommend

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First things first, Freida McFadden is one of my favorite authors and I am incredibly honored to have been invited to read this book before it even comes out. I may have squealed when I got the email…

Trigger Warnings:
Alcoholic parent

I give this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5

Freida has surly done it again. She has managed to lure me in and keep me hooked until the very last page and left me wanting more!

I can only describe Freida McFadden stories as a kind of drug. From the first page until the last page I could not put this book down. I finished it in about 8 hours and neglected all of my real life duties because I was hooked.

The ONLY reason I knocked this down .5 of a star is because the ending didn’t tie up a few things that I thought needed to be addressed in order to completely understand the story.

Other than that, this is an amazing book and you should read it first chance you get!

Thank you, Freida, for another incredible story and for allowing me to read it before it’s released. I can’t wait for the next one!

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Thank you to Poisoned Pen Press and Net Galley for this ARC. I was thrilled to get the chance to read another book by my favorite author prior to the release date. I was unfortunately disappointed with the book and the premise. The book left me with a big ick. Not a fan of the child predator plot. This was the first time I was easily able to predict the ending of Frieda’s. The book had potential with a secret murder and a hidden affair but lost me with the predatory plot that I was not expecting from this author. I almost feel as though the book should come with a trigger warning for those who may have been victims of a predator as a child. The book was easy to finish so I give 2.5 and I read it over the course of a day but this is at the bottom of the list for Freida reads and I would not recommend. (I hate writing that!)

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the chance to read and review The Teacher. I’ve spent hours today gleefully devouring this wonderfully twisty tale of lies and comeuppance. I started the novel this morning with excitement knowing I was in for a wild read and ended the afternoon with a satisfaction. That tricky Frieda McFadden outwitted me again in her delightful way. Bravo to this author and long may she write.

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I will admit that I felt a bit nervous as I read this, as I wasn't really connecting with it. Then I remembered reading another book of hers and thinking that I knew where it was going, only to be pleasantly delighted by the end at the twists. So I stuck with it, and the same thing happened. It ended up being much more than I expected at first. And I don't know why I was so nervous, because she don't miss.

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Special thanks to NetGalley for the advanced reader copy of this book. I am so done with McFadden’s brainless female characters. This book read like a cringey horror movie and that is not even touching on the fact that the ENTIRE book is about multiple teachers having “relationships” with “consenting” students. Absolutely not!

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Queen Freida has done it again!! In my opinion, this is her best book yet. I think she does an excellent job in making you feel uncomfortable, but in a good way. Her use of different personas for each character was fascinating to me and I frequently found myself thinking about this book when I wasn't reading it. This will be a book that I recommend to everyone to read. Whether you enjoy mysteries, thrillers, romance, this book is for everyone and I don't hesitate one bit to give it 5*s!

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Another great read by McFadden!, Twisty turny story with a great ending. Definitely read this book. Thanks. NetGalley for this 5 stars read!,

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