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The Cat in the Mad House

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Princess Fuzzypants here: Scottie, Alley and Tanzy are not happy kitties. They are in their carriers being driving some place nefarious, or so they think. They are going to their new home with their human Jamie but Tanzy never makes it in the door. Left alone in the car while Jamie carries the other two in, she is abducted. Jamie is frantic once he realizes she is gone but Scottie takes matters into his own paws and sets out to find Tanzy and bring her home.

He does discover the pit of despair where Tanzy is being held. The catnapper is a mad woman who has a house full of stolen cats. It is an appalling situation with many of the cats sick or dead and disgusting conditions. As Scottie is sussing the house out, the woman grabs him and brings him into the horror house. He finds Tanzy and the two are determined to escape but they are going to need the help of all the cats who are trapped inside. The other cats have given up but together they are able to persuade the cats to wait for the opportunity. When the time is right, they will make the great escape.

The woman is mentally ill and quite sad but the conditions to which she subjects the poor kitties is horrible. Unfortunately, this is so often the case with hoarding situations. As with the other books by this author, the story is short and to the point but it is disturbing reading about the plight of the poor victims of her delusions. For some it may be too distressing. Four purrs and one paw up.

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This is a beautiful book and it is so amazing, the story is so lovely and very enjoyable to read. i loved everything about this book and i would recommend to anyone who loves reading to give this book a go. it is a lovely book and i will read other books from this author.

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Told from the cat's point of view, this is a quick cozy about a catnapping. The cats are cute. What more can you say?

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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I loved this book! It's told from the cat's point of view and will keep you turning the pages to see what happens next. It's a great cozy mystery.
I received a complimentary copy from BooksGoSocial via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A delightful cozy filled with cats. Whimsical writing that made this reader laugh, cry and gave me warm tingles. Cat detectives rule! Thanks #Netgalley and #Booksgosocial for the eARC in exchange for a honest review. All opinions are mine.

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Jamie is moving his cats into their new home. He takes two of the three cat carriers into the house telling the cats that this is their new home. Jamie gets a phone call in the house while the third cat carrier is in the car waiting. A little old lady sees the cat carrier who takes it and walks on with it while Jamie continues his ta phone call. When he finally goes to the car to get the third cat carrier, he can’t believe that it’s gone. He runs back in the house thinking perhaps he already took it in the house. Yet, he realizes he didn’t so goes to his next door neighbor to ask if they saw anything which they did not but suggest calling the police. He does call the police but is told it’s not really an emergency but will send someone out when they can. The police does come who suggests he should check with the animal shelter. They may have the cat. They don’t. While talking to the police, Scottie (a cat) is able to get out and he is determined to find Tanzy. He asks indoor cats and outdoor cats if they seemed Tanzy. Finally, he is told about this odd looking house where Tanzy may be. Scottie tries to look into the boarded or closed “drapes to find Tanzy. Just when he is about to give up, Tanzy is at a window that he has been able to look through. Scottie notices how bad the inside of the house looks. Scottie gets caught and taken into the house. Time passes and Jamie is knocking at the door but gets no answer. He leaves. A Siamese cat comes down the walkway and Scottie asks him to help them get out. The Siamese Cat is afraid he will get caught. Will he help Scottie and Tanzy besides the other cats escape?

This is a quick and entertaing cozy cat mystery. The author has written about a group of lovely cats that are kidnapped by a little old lady. There are moments when I chuckled as I read the novel. How does a cat find a missing cat? I am a cat lover so I did enjoyed the novel. There is one part of the book that I did not like but think it is a good reminder of what can happen to missing animals. Don’t miss reading this cat mystery!

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Prepare to embark on a delightful feline adventure in Peter Scottsdale's "The Cat in the Mad House: A Cozy Cat Crime Caper." In this charming Cozy Cat Thriller, Scottie, a clever Tabby, takes center stage in a cat-centric mystery that will leave you purring with delight.

The story kicks off with a purr-plexing disappearance – Tanzy, a Calico feline, vanishes without a trace right outside Tanzy’s new home. With limited clues and a deep sense of urgency, Scottie, a whiskered detective extraordinaire, dons his figurative deerstalker hat and sets out on a mission to rescue his missing friend.

What follows is a captivating and charming tale of feline determination. Scottie navigates the unfamiliar territory of a strange neighborhood, bravely facing the residents and their secrets, all in his quest to uncover the truth behind Tanzy's disappearance.

Scottsdale artfully captures the essence of a determined feline detective. Scottie's adventures are narrated with a whimsical yet earnest tone, immersing readers in a world where cats are the ultimate sleuths. As he prowls the dangerous streets alone, Scottie's tenacity and wit shine through, making him a truly endearing and relatable character.

The novel excels not only in its cat-driven detective plot but also in its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions. As Scottie faces danger and uncertainty, readers are treated to moments of suspense, laughter, and heartwarming camaraderie among the feline characters.

"The Cat in the Mad House" is a cozy cat mystery with universal appeal. It's a page-turner that will have readers chuckling at the antics of their feline heroes while eagerly following the twists and turns of the investigation. Scottsdale has crafted a delightful tale that showcases the irresistible allure of our furry companions as crime-solving companions.

In a world that can sometimes be a bit too serious, "The Cat in the Mad House" offers a refreshing escape into a world where cats are the heroes. Join Scottie on his adventure, and discover that sometimes, our feline friends are the most ingenious detectives of all.

"Peter Scottsdale's 'The Cat in the Mad House' is a purr-fect blend of mystery and whimsy, whisking readers away into a world where feline detectives reign supreme."

"A charming and heartwarming tale of furry sleuths, 'The Cat in the Mad House' is a delightful read that will leave you with a smile on your face."

"Scottie, the Tabby detective, is a character readers of all ages will adore. Peter Scottsdale has crafted a cozy cat caper that's simply irresistible."

"In 'The Cat in the Mad House,' Peter Scottsdale creates a world where cats embark on daring adventures, and readers can't help but be enchanted by their antics."

"This book is a delightful escape into a cat-centric world where mysteries are unraveled with a touch of humor and a lot of heart. A must-read for cozy mystery enthusiasts."

"Scottie's determination to find his missing friend, Tanzy, makes 'The Cat in the Mad House' a heartwarming and suspenseful tale that will keep you hooked till the very end."

"With a whisker of suspense and a dollop of humor, 'The Cat in the Mad House' is a literary treat that will make cat lovers and mystery fans alike purr with satisfaction."

"Peter Scottsdale's novel proves that sometimes, our feline friends are the most ingenious detectives of all. 'The Cat in the Mad House' is a cozy mystery gem."

"A tale that captures the essence of curiosity and adventure, 'The Cat in the Mad House' is a delightful read for anyone seeking a cozy escape into a world of clever cats."

"Scottie's quest to solve the mystery of Tanzy's disappearance is a charming and compelling journey that will warm your heart. 'The Cat in the Mad House' is a literary hug."

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Jamie is moving his three cats – Alley, Scottie, and Tanzy – to his new home when Tanzy is stolen right out of his car while he is talking to his girlfriend on the phone. When Jamie realizes one of his cats was stolen he calls the police.

Meanwhile, Scottie realizes that he must find the woman who stole Tanzy and bring her home. Peter Scottsdale writes a warm account of Scottie’s adventure as he plays detective and tries to track down Tanzy and bring her home. Mr. Scottsdale’s story is told from Scottie’s perspective, offering a fascinating mystery for feline fans.

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Seriously, Jamie? But don't worry: not all humans are so stupid. At least my human is much smarter than Scottie, Alley and Tanzy's human!
Hello! I'm Luna, the gorgeous black cat, and my human Mawmy has given me permission to write this review in her place.
In the previous book, Jamie comes across as a bit of a fool. In the first few pages of this book, he shows us that he is a complete idiot. But at least, an idiot who doesn't abandon his feline family!
Scotty again to the rescue! This time in a new neighborhood, where cats are afraid to leave their houses, because someone is kidnapping the neighborhood's kittens. His most recent victim: our capricious kitten Tanzy.
A quick and entertaining read, ideal for cat lovers.
I thank the author and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.
The opinion I have expressed above is based solely on what I think and feel about this book.

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I liked this book but I just couldn't get into the story. I didn't like the writing style but overall the story was good.

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This is a cozy cat caper, and I chose it when I was in the mood for a fun, quick read.

This was a very sweet short story. Cats are the main characters, which I found very endearing. It didn't take me long to read this, but it made me smile. If you like cosy mysteries and cats, this may be for you.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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"The Cat in the Mad House (A Cozy Cat Crime Caper #2)" by Peter Scottsdale is a super short, truly cat cozy mystery. It's a different take on cozy mystery. Scotty, the cat, is our detective and the story is entirely from the cat's point of view. This story also addresses what cats may think of when living in a hoarder situation. Very entertaining, even if it's a quick read.

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I'm so glad I did not pay money for this book; free is too expensive for this obnoxious drivel. It was annoying, pedantic and an utter waste of time, brain space and electricity. I wish I could give it 0 stars.

I was given a free copy of this ebook by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is a cozy mystery featuring a group of lovely cats, one of them is a good investigators.
They're realistic cats and this story deals with one of the cat being stolen and Scott trying to find her.
Entertaining and compelling.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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