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Perchance to Dream

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Captain John Forsythe is the maker of clockwork automata. Scandal surrounds him from his public divorce. His one blessing from the marriage is his daughter Jane. Pauline Turner has a very diverse family attached to some scandalous gossip. Her passion is roses and requests cuttings of roses grown at Forsythe's home. Meeting for the first time sparks of interest develop. Meanwhile John's ex-wife decides she wants her daughter back. His ex-wife and her husband kidnap Jane and accidentally Pauline in the process, then sail to France. It's no easy task for John to rescue the two most important ladies in his life. Talk about complicated! It takes family, friends and unexpected acquaintances to help John have his dream.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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A wonderful Beauty and the Beast type story. Pauline and John make the perfect characters. Just the right amount of twists to keep it new but keep the underlying theme.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this ebook and this is my freely given opinion.

Jude Knight has done a great job giving a series of historical romances set in Regency England with clever twists on classic fairy tales. This one is her take on Sleeping Beauty. Again, we also see some repeat characters from the past, this time taking center stage.

Pauline Turner was in book 1, the stepsister of Peter, Lord Ransome. She had a reluctant role as an evil stepsister in that book, with her mother and sister conspiring against Peter and his wife. But Pauline had a conscience and change of heart, in the end helping Peter and Ariel, against the mechanisms orchestrated by her blood family.

For the past several years, she sought to make up for her past, and to find usefulness and fulfillment, living with Peter and his family, through caring for the children, and perfecting her love of gardening and cross breeding roses.

She is seeking to communicate with John Forsythe, the reclusive friend of Peter, in the hopes that he would allow her to take cuttings of roses from his property. He had sent some to Ariel in the past, and Pauline is convinced that the roses that grow on his estate are what she needs to achieve the cross of rose she is hoping for. But John only remembers Pauline as the selfish, manipulative debutante from years before, who was an associate of his ex-wife. The reason he is as reclusive as he was was because of how badly burnt he was by his wife, after she trapped him into a marriage to hide her pregnancy by another man who married for money. John tried to make the best of things, but she ended up abandoning him with her daughter and ran off with her ex lover, putting John through a publicly humiliating divorce, after a soul sucking marriage. He vowed to have nothing to do with women again, buying a remote estate, hiding him and his daughter there

However, Pauline, and her sister were passing through the local village nearby one day, on their way to visit another family member, during a snow storm and were forced to seek shelter when the roads became impassible. The only available place is Forsyth's remote towers. John is determined not to have anything to do with his unwelcome guests, but is unable to keep that promise for himself, and he, his daughter, and Pauline end up striking a friendship when he finds her to be nothing like he imagined her to be.

Even after the storm has passed, he and Pauline continue their friendship, and John's sleeping heart rouses and starts to hope for something more for himself and his daughter. But, after years, he suddenly hears from his ex, wanting her daughter returned to her. John, despite not being her biological father, loves the girl and claimed her for his own, and her mother abandoned her to him years before, giving up claim to her. Now she and the lover she now married are trying to take her from John, and laying the groundwork in Society to label him as the party in the wrong keeping her child from her. In desperation, when their plans do not go their way, she and her husband kidnap the girl, taking Pauline as well when she tries to intercede. John is forced to follow to retrieve his daughter and save the woman he has come to love.

I loved this twist of the classic tale, and the continuation of Pauline's story line, showing her growth and maturity. She carried a lot of feelings of guilt and perhaps of being unworthy because of what her mother tried to do to ruin Peter and Ariel, but in this story she also comes to the realization that she is loved and worthy of love as well, regardless of what occurred in the past.

4.5 stars out of 5

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John Forsythe has had a very public, humiliating divorce and has gone North to get away from the ton gossips ,and to spend time with his daughter.
Pauline Turner has totally turned her poor behavior around and now is content to breed roses, and has quite a wide ranging reputation with her roses.
Then a bad storm strands Pauline and her sister at John's house, much to his displeasure. He does not want anyone at his house.
John realizes Pauline has changed as they are forced to spend several days together. John's daughter Jane enjoys spending time with Pauline. The staff also respond warmly to Pauline.
When John's ex-wife's husband kidnaps Jane, Pauline immediately goes after her.
Wonderful characters, several twists and turns. You won't want to put this story down.

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I am really loving these stories with a twist on the classic fairy tales. This one was inspired by Sleeping Beauty and it is very cleverly and beautifully written. John has hardened his heart after a bitter betrayal and very public divorce. He left London and lives in the northern part of England with his daughter and has no interest in having any visitors. Pauline's reputation is far from pristine, having been involved in schemes and manipulations with society, but she has since reformed her ways. When Pauline and her sister are caught in a storm, they are forced to seek refuge in John's home, John knew Pauline from her scheming days and is hesitant to let her in, but realize he has no choice but to allow them stay. After they are forced to spend time together, John begins to soften towards her. John's daughter also takes a liking to her, and slowly Pauline begins to carve a place in his heart. But what really endears her to him is when she goes after the kidnappers who have taken his daughter and risks her own safety to protect her.
This was a lovely story of two lonely people who are in desperate need of love and trust, and finally find it with each other when they least expect it. A very charming story with wonderful characters and a brilliant addition to the series! Glad to have had the opportunity to read this!
I received a complimentary copy from Dragonblade Publishing via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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A man with a severely dented heart and a woman who has caused her share of pain in the lives of others in society are the main characters in this heartwarming and emotional novel. Licking his wounds in the northern regions of the country where he can protect his delightful daughter John Forsythe buries himself in his work and ignores all overtures to be part of the local society as well as most of the correspondence he receives. Having been caught once, he is particularly leery of the letters received from Pauline Turner asking for cuttings of his roses. After all, Pauline had been part of the group his ex-wife socialized with during the season and he remembers her being a scheming and malicious woman. When Pauline arrives on his doorstep during a dreadful storm, he would like nothing more than to throw her out, but reason prevails and very soon John discovers that she has changed and no longer represents the woman he knew from years before. John's daughter Jane takes an immediate liking to Pauline and as he observes Pauline with his daughter and the staff, a grudging respect grows. However, she really earns a place in his heart when she goes after his daughter when Jane is kidnapped by his ex-wife and she does whatever it takes to stay with Jane and protect her. Although this novel is part of a series, it is nevertheless a standalone and comes to a successful conclusion, bringing some resolution to old disputes and healing to their hearts. I received a copy of this romance as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Sleeping Beauty perhaps? Or maybe the princess and the frog? I could not decide which this one was supposed to be a retelling of. The man is definitely a toad at first, of course he has a reason to be...
Either way this was a wonderful story to follow a previous character that I had wondered how she was going to survive. You don't need to read the previous book but if you like this one you'll want to.
I recieved a free copy so that I might tell you what I honestly think. Hope you enjoyed my review. Now go enjoy the book.

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Entertaining Regency Romance

After his bitter divorce, John wanted nothing to do with women; however, a storm brought unwanted company to his door. Pauline wrote letters to him about his roses, but he completely ignored her. Now, she just landed on his doorstep. John was quite suspicious. Could Pauline soften his hardened heart?

When his villainous ex-wife and her new husband kidnap his child, Pauline makes the ultimate sacrifice. She takes us on an adventure as she gets into the carriage with the little girl and becomes hostage herself. We go with them all the way to France. Can Pauline find a way to get herself and the little girl extricated from that terrifying situation? Can she find a way to get a word to John? How can she do it when she is always guarded? How would it all turn out? For the answer, you would have to read this twisted tale of abduction and romance. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to those who like historical romance with adventure and suspense.

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Miss Pauline Turner has settled into life as a spinster and much loved Auntie. After years of misery with her complicated family she now spends most of her time breeding roses.
Captain, Lord John Forsythe has only two interests in his life, his young daughter and making clockwork automata. Nobody else is welcome in his domain.
This historical romance is filled with very unusual family relationships, some of them poisonous. Scandal is never far away. Our characters special talents are on full show, and there is a scary adventure for a little girl.
Although this is part of a series, each book is totally separate, so they can be read in any order.
Great fun.

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This was a lovely romance with two engaging characters. Pauline has become a changed woman ( for the better)since leaving her mother and sister, Laura. Pauline is an enthusiastic rose grower. Captain John Forsthye has become something of a recluse since his divorce. When circumstances cause them to meet again, they gradually rethink their views of each other. Of course, it isn’t all plain sailing and there are some worrying and dangerous time ahead. This was a most enjoyable read with a satisfying ending. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own. However, I did preorder my own copy.

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This is a wonderful story about two lonely people who need but will not look for love. They meet when Pauline and her sister are forced to delay their trip to London due to a terrible storm. John isn’t happy about it, but sees no way around allowing them to stay. He cares about two things: his daughter and his automatons. He doesn’t normally allow any visitors except for a brother and a friend. Pauline has been writing John letters which he hasn’t opened. He is suspicious of her motives. Pauline, like John, is content with two things: her family and breeding roses. After they are together a few days, the atmosphere lightens up. One day, during a walk in the garden, they kiss. Will anything come of it? Will this kiss awaken them to the possibility of love? This is an emotional story. The characters have dealt with adversity and tragedy. John is quite protective of his daughter and his privacy. Pauline has escaped the hateful world of her mother and sister, and enjoys her now quiet life. There is excitement and danger in the story when John’s daughter is kidnapped, and joy when she is recovered. A charming and heartwarming story where a stolen kiss in the garden might just lead to happily ever after.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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John Forsythe abandons London for the furthest reaches of England after a series of betrayals leave him with the shame of a very public divorce. Protected from intruders by his servants, the Thornes, he spends his days with his daughter and in a workshop where he makes clockwork automata. Pauline Turner has reformed in the years since she joined in her mother’s attempts to destroy her step-brother. She is content with space to breed roses and her status as a favourite sister and aunt. When a storm forces Pauline to defy John's ban on visitors, she and John each strike a chord in the other.
The fourth book in the series & it could easily be read on its own. Another very well written delightful retelling of a fairy tale, wonderful characters, brilliant descriptions & a well paced story had the pages flying by. I wondered if I would like both John & Pauline but the more I read the more I liked them & became thoroughly invested in their rocky journey to a HEA.
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Another great twist on a classic fairytale that takes on a life of its own!

After years of frustration with family, she is content to live a spinsters life being an aunt and sister, while raising her roses..

He has been thought a terrible marriage and only wants to be alone with his precious daughter and his favorite automatons..

When they meet, he is of course on the defense, but sometimes, life, or in this case a kiss and a kidnapping bring these two together. What could be better with true love's kiss?

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Blissfully sweet, slow burn romance!

I'm really enjoying being entangled in this fairytale world brought into vivid colour and compelling life by the well crafted imaginings of Knight. To create this Sleeping Beauty inspired, fluidly paced tale, embellished and rethreaded into a sweet - thwarted by selfish desires and encouraged by loyal friendship - second chance for two, who so desperately deserve and need it but least expect it.
A story cleverly interlinked by its characters and how they all relate, entangle and bind together while John and Pauline's rocky road to acceptance, dependence and love opens up a new insight and layer into this world, which can both be appreciated by me...who has enjoyed each book in this series, while still managing to hook readers in by working perfectly as a standalone too. Focusing upon the once-so-very-nearly-yet-briefly-was villainous stepsister but now redeemed plant breeder and cultivator of roses, Pauline and our misused, tricked into marriage, captain, creator of intricate automatons, understandably weary, John and his little girl, Jane.
As we see suspicions shift and perceptions crumble, shadowed by past betrayals, a hateful self-absorbed ex wife and the remembrance of past wrongs being redeemed by the seeking of forgiveness and redemption as desire rolls into a sweet connection and much needed friendship which blooms between them after the awakening of a kiss.
A fun, very well written, slow burn romance with a spot of threat, action and a heart opening kidnapping adventure! Loved it! Highly recommended addition to a fascinating, feel good, happy ending awarded, series!

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Perchance to Dream is the fourth book in A Twist Upon a Regency Tale series. This can be a stand-alone read. I never felt as if I was missing a part of the story.

John Forsythe has had a tough life since he was forced into a marriage after being accused of taking advantage of Augusta. Their marriage was terrible for all concerned. John wanted to try to make the best of it, but Augusta lied from the very beginning. She was actually pregnant by another man who couldn't marry her. So, she set up a plan to use him instead.

They have since divorced, with Augusta being finally free to be with her former lover and John moving away with Augustina Jane his daughter. They have built a life away from the scandal created in Augusta's wake.

A storm forces Pauline and her family to take refuge in John's home. Slowly John come out of his shell and becomes friendly with Pauline and a spark has been lit between them both.

John has invited Pauline to see his newest creation, so she returns for a visit. During that visit, John learns that Augusta and her husband have been telling everyone that John kept their daughter from them, and they want her back. Jane is kidnapped and Pauline follows in order to rescue her, where she is also kidnapped and off to France. The journey that follows takes them across the sea to Paris.

This was a wonderful romance. The characters were well written and easy to like. I am interested in reading the entire series.

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This is a wonderful blend of hard rocking action and romance. There is an instant connection between our hero and heroine, so we know where that is going, but it doesn't get in the way of the action to follow. The story was very well written and included plenty of twists and turns to keep things interesting. The characters are also well developed and have a sense of realism to them that makes the story easy to read. I found this one to be a page turner and I am hoping to see more from this author in the future.

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This is an entertaining and emotional romance with two people finding friendship and love. John and Pauline make a great couple, both have been through a lot and learn to trust and open up their hearts to love. Another wonderful story in A Twist Upon a Regency Tale series.

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I have really enjoyed all of the books in this series, but this one might be my favorite. I've loved John since meeting him in book 1 and wanted to know what had happened at that house party that resulted in him having to marry. I knew he wouldn't have done what he was accused of but I was hoping it would all work out for him. And I guess it did in the end, it's just a shame he was made to suffer at all. Poor guy really had the worst luck with the women in his life! And although I did not love Pauline right from the start but she has grown a lot since then and I've been hoping she would make a match of her own. And although it never crossed my mind to pair these two they really were perfect for one another. I loved that their relationship developed over time and they really did start out as friends. It made their connection that much stronger. It was also so great to see the characters from previous books make appearances. I really liked getting to see more of Peter and Pauline's growing relationship and how he constantly reminded her that she was loved and worthy of being loved. One of my favorite parts in the entire book was when after Augusta lamented that people would think she was a bad mother Deerhaven replied "you are a bad mother". Pretty much everything he says in that scene is what we were all thinking. The only thing missing from this book was somebody punching Tenby in the face. I know violence is never the answer, but he so had it coming. In the end I felt that Augusta and Tenby got off pretty easy for what horrible and selfish people they were. I am comforted in knowing that in my mind they end up making each other miserable the longer they are together - or that after he dies his children toss Augusta out on her ear. I'm not sure if there are any other books planned for this series, but I really hope there are because I have loved every moment with these characters.

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Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This story follows John who ends up leaving London with his daughter after a humiliating public divorce. He finds himself owning a part of land in England, and his path crosses with Pauline. Pauline loves gardening roses and through a mutual acquaintance she finds that John has a specific rose she wants. She writes several letters to John requesting a start from his roses, but he ignores all her attempts. He is unable to trust any woman after the betrayal of his first wife. Fate has other plans, as Pauline ends up staying with John when a storm appears. There is chemistry there, but can either of them trust the feelings being brought out? Suddenly, John's ex-wife appears and attempts to kidnap his daughter. Not before Pauline can throw herself in the carriage to try and steal her back. Pauline finds herself and John's daughter now hostages being taken across the sea to Paris. Will John be able to find them and save them? Or is this just the path fate had lined up for her.

Jude was able to take a twist on a fairy tale and add more elements to create this story. Perchance to Dream was able to pull me back through time into this era. The author was able to perfectly write the setting, locations, and even the narration of how people spoke. The trials that each character had to go through were intertwined with hope and suspense. This story has a feel-good ending, and I was left feeling so happy for John, Pauline, and his daughter.

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