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The Teacher

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“The Teacher” by Danielle Stewart was an amazing psychological thriller. This book keeps you guessing from the first page to the last page. So many twists that you don’t see coming.
Elizabeth is a teacher who tries to help her students the best that she can. She will also do whatever it takes to make sure that her family is safe. Enter Daisy who comes into Elizabeth’s life. Elizabeth tries her best to help Daisy, but at what cost?
This is book I would recommend to anyone that loves a good psychological thriller.

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This book was straight up wild. I couldn’t believe my eyes half way through the book.

Daisy is a new student. She’s living in a run down home and a teacher named Elizabeth tries to help her. She tries to help her, not only because she’s a teacher and a mother but because she raised her younger sister her whole life.

Daisy ends up admitting something about Elizabeth’s own child and Elizabeth’s life comes tumbling down around her.

She wants to be there for Daisy but she needs to be there for her son more.

This book is wild. I had no idea how it was going to be all tied together but worth the read.

Thanks netgalley and publisher for free copy in return for my opinion .

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The teacher was my first book by Danielle Stewart and it certainly won’t be my last. I absolutely loved this book. I was hooked right from the start and finished it within 24 hours.

Elizabeth is a teacher who looks out for her pupils. Coming from a rough background herself she is determined to look out for her students to ensure that none of them suffer or experience anything like what she did during her childhood.

One day Elizabeth can’t help but notice that something is wrong with one of her students Daisy. She confides in Elizabeth that she was attacked, she is reluctant to tell Elizabeth who attacked her but she finally does Elizabeth is horrified to learn that it is her son being accused of rape. Caught in a trap Elizabeth is determined to believe and help Daisy, however she is torn by the love of a mother.

Soon threats start to come Elizabeth’s way, her car is keyed, the word bitch is scratched onto her bonnet and she notices she is being followed. Someone wants to keep Elizabeth quiet but she’s determined this won’t happen. Her husband wants her to cut all ties with Daisy in order to protect their son and the family but Elizabeth cannot help to help Daisy.

Soon Elizabeth becomes to attached and involved with Daisy. Elizabeth’s life is turned upside down in a heart beat. Secrets and lies are revealed and the truth that comes out is more shocking than anyone could imagine.

Every time I thought I knew where this book was heading it took a completely different turn to what I thought. The end was very twisty which I loved and that very final secret revealed right at the end blew me away. I’d have never worked that one out in a million years.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an advance copy of this book in exchange for this review.

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Did Bryson assault Daisy? That's the problem Elizabeth is faced with when her student accuses her son. And she's got a secret to protect. This is twisty but so much so that it sort of jumps the shark of the tropes which abound. That said, it's a fast (short) read that kept me going because I wanted to know what really happened, Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC,

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This isn't the most realistic book but it's a fiction so it doesn't have to be. Once the twists start, they just keep on coming! There is twist after twists after twist! The characters are well written, the plot was orignial and if definitely kept me hooked. I really enjoyed it

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I thought this was a good book! I like that it kept me interested and was hard to put down, I kept wanting to keep reading til the end!!

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The Teacher is a fast paced, twisty thriller full of deception, secrets and lies. The plot lives along at pace and held my attention throughout. The only downside was I didn’t really gel with any of the characters. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the chance to review.

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The story follows a teacher, Elizabeth and her student, Daisy. One day Elizabeth notices Daisy looking quite disheveled. With her own personal concern, she confronts Daisy. Daisy reveals that she has been assaulted at a party that she attended while intoxicated. As a concerned teacher, she tries her best to fix the situation since it’s hits too close to home. Soon, her student drops a bombshell as to her attacker was, Elizabeth’s son, Bryson.

After the dominoes fall, the meddling teacher’s credibility starts to crumble. Her care and concern for her student becomes very inappropriate. Elizabeth already knows there are consequences to her actions since she’s done something like this before. With her marriage at risk, son in trouble, and her job at stake… she’s willing to take that chance.

I think the author started this story strong. I was really into it and finished this in a day. However, there were so many twists in the end that it got a little silly. Plus, I think the whole ‘why’ could have been better if told another way. Fans of Freida McFadden and Daniel Hurst should eat this up.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for an advanced copy for an honest review.

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This is an ARC from NetGalley and Bookouture, these are my own thoughts and opinions.

This book had a hold on me until the very end! I thought I knew where it was going and then it twisted left and right until I didn’t know what, or who, to believe anymore. With every new chapter I kept flipping between who I believed was telling the truth. I truly had such a hard time putting this book down because I desperately needed to know the truth. Even with multiple POV’s and flashbacks the story was easy to follow and understand while also realizing exactly why these were necessary to understand the characters.

Definitely recommend to anyone and everyone who loves a good mystery while keeping you in the edge of your seat.

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An Interesting Ride with "The Teacher" by Danielle Stewart

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐½

"The Teacher" by Danielle Stewart, published by Bookouture, takes readers on a rollercoaster of twists and turns. As an educator myself, I found the premise intriguing, but there were aspects that left me questioning the credibility of the story.

The story centers on Elizabeth Meadow, a teacher who sees herself as the 'cool' and 'edgy' educator. Her life takes a dark and unexpected turn when she stumbles upon a troubling secret involving her student, Daisy. The blurb might give away too much, robbing the story of the gradual suspense it should have built.

One of my major concerns was Elizabeth's behavior, which was highly inappropriate. Her attempts to intervene in Daisy's life by texting her, giving her money, and coercing information were unsettling. It's crucial for teachers to follow the rules and protect students properly. Elizabeth's actions blurred the line between care and overstepping boundaries, making her character difficult to root for.

Elizabeth's superiority complex also grated on me. Her attempts to be the 'cool' teacher by ignoring rules like swearing in class undermined the profession. Furthermore, her erratic behavior left me questioning her sanity, or was she being gaslit by her husband? The ending, however, takes a surprising turn that challenges this perception.

Now, moving into spoiler territory, the storyline involving Rick felt forced, and his character didn't align with the shocking revelation at the end. The lack of a convincing explanation for his actions and the lack of logic in his choices left me unconvinced. The final paragraph involving a nine-year-old's actions felt unbelievable and added little value to the story, seeming more like an attempt at a shock factor.

Daisy's motivations also felt overblown and inadequately explained. Her extreme actions were hard to connect with her character's background. The story left many unanswered questions, particularly regarding the sudden loss of her wealth.

Despite these issues, I did find the character development commendable, especially in Elizabeth's case. Her past trauma seemed to drive her unstable behavior. However, Rick and Daisy's characters didn't resonate with me as well as others did.

In conclusion, "The Teacher" is a mixed bag. While it had the potential to be a four-star read, the over-the-top events towards the end left me with a sense of disbelief. The well-developed characters and the exploration of Elizabeth's psyche were the highlights. I appreciate the opportunity provided by NetGalley and the publisher to review this book, and these thoughts are solely my own.

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WOW! What a booook! I'm still shocked!
Danielle's writing style is very easy to read. It flows smoothly, never overcomplicating the dialogue or the descriptions, it just draws you in naturally.
The story is filled with many twists, turns and at one point you assume you know better than these characters but your assumption will be wrong and the last twists... It will take you by a complete surprise. It’s fast paced, with a very surprising ending! I also loved Elizabeth, she's just so likeable. Her flashbacks were so interesting, I rooted for her, I just wanted her to succeed!

I didn't know this author, this was my first book by her but I can tell it won't be the last!

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Read this book when you’re in the mood for:
A fast-paced twisty thriller with lots of drama and untrustworthy characters that have big personalities.

What I liked best:
It took me awhile to get into this book, but once the twists start (and there are LOTS), it’s pretty hard to put this book down!

Something I found a little challenging:
The characters were a bit unrealistic, I almost stopped reading this because I thought there was no way the main character was still allowed to work as a teacher (of course I’m biased because I am a teacher). The author does address some of this later on in the book.

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I read this book quickly! Throughout the book i was questioning who to trust, I found myself being unable to trust any of the characters at one point. I'll definitely pick up more books by this author.

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𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐛𝐞.

Elizabeth is a high school teacher with a history of severe childhood trauma. To compensate, she has created a perfect life with a beautiful home and a loving family with her husband and teenage son. She notices a student acting strangely, and she reaches out to her. She finds out the young woman is accusing her son of assaulting her at a party. With that, Elizabeth's past takes the driver's seat and dominates the storyline.

As a teacher myself, I know there are teachers like Elizabeth--those who scoff at the rules and do whatever it takes to get their students to like and trust them. Even after realizing Elizabeth was acting the way she was because of her trauma, I found myself rolling my eyes constantly at her over-the-top actions. With additional storylines coming into play, I just thought too much was going on, and the "then" and "now" sections were a little disjointed.

I really wanted to love this book, but the blurb told just about the whole storyline. There was no element of surprise.2.5 stars rounded up. Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the early read. THE TEACHER will publish October 20, 2023.

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Wow! What a book! I couldn't put it down read it in one sitting. The tension and pace were amazing. I was really on the edge and trying to figure out what really happened. I had my suspicions but I was guessing the whole time excellent thriller. It was very well written told from multiple perspectives and flashbacks to the main characters past which definitely helps keep you guessing and hooked to the story.

Elizabeth, a high school teacher, appears to have the perfect adult life—she has a beautiful house a teenage son, and a seemingly loving husband. When one of her students, Daisy, appears upset during class—she questions her to make sure she is okay. Elizabeth discovers that Daisy was sexually assaulted at a party—but by WHO?? With everyone in Elizabeth life acting suspiciously will she find out who hurt Daisy or will she protect the ones she loves.

Highly recommend this thriller it will have you hooked from start to finish with the many twists and turns this is one of my favourites this year. Thank you to netgallery and the publisher for my advanced copy.

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A teacher with a history of childhood trauma has created a perfect life. She loves her job and her family. Then, her son is accused of abusing a young woman he goes to school with. And thus, the teacher's past comes back to haunt her.

As she seeks to find the answers to this puzzling event people become brutal with her - threatening her through various means.

Topical and terrifying, this thriller really got under my skin.

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Wow. I was really surprised by this story. A sick, twisted tale of abuse, lies, deception and so much more.
The entire book had me guessing and trying to stay with it. Such a sick twisted tale that you just can’t get enough of.

Another new author for my favorite list.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This book was…wow! Nothing like I expected AT ALL. Every single time I thought I knew the story, it took me on another wild turn that shocked me to my core. While the story was overly unrealistic, it still kept me completely entranced and captured my full attention. This is the first book I’ve read by Danielle Stewart, but I cannot wait to read more of her psychological thrillers!!! Overall, fantastic book.

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The dialogue is so good between the mom and her son - reminded me of how my teenager acts! The book gets juicy fast. I thought Stewart crafted an exciting, edge of your seat, book! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars.

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As always, I truly appreciate getting the opportunity to read these books before they are released.

While this book had great potential, it fell very flat for me.

I found the position the main character found herself in as a teacher wasn’t very believable.
I am a teacher myself and would never put myself in this position with any student of mine.

Once you hit the halfway mark i felt the author went too fast and started going in all different directions and it was hard to follow.’

Would like to read something else from this author to give them another chance.

2 stars rounded up to 2.5

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