Member Reviews

“The death of someone you love is difficult to deal with in the best of circumstances. But when an accident—or worse—happens, it can make the grief seem overwhelming.”

Woah! I am not sure what I expected going into this one but I am blown away. This book is like a juxtaposition of horror, historical fiction, and murder mystery. You may think that that’s too much and it can’t possibly work does. In the best possible way. This book made me both feel and think and I can’t ask for much more while reading.

Boy am I glad I live in this day and age because if I lived back then where I couldn’t open a bank account or cash a check without a man in my life present.. that would not have ended well for me. 😤 #StrongPersonality

Reading the author’s note is always one of my favorite parts of a book, and the book is very well researched. She really made me think…who WAS the devil in this story? I’ll let you read and decide for yourself.

Thank you to Netgalley, Lake Union Publishing, and the author for the ARC in exchange for honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for access to this arc.

There is a lot going on in The Devil and Mrs. Davenport – there is a strong central storyline having to do with Loretta coming into her own, and butting up against the sexism of the era and of her controlling husband. In one scene she tries to open a secret bank account – she’s been making some money writing for the Kansas City Star – and is told that she can’t open an account without her husband present. She’s also dealing with past traumas, chiefly the death of her mother. Loretta’s relationship with Pete deteriorates throughout the course of the novel, and the Davenport home is crumbling literally, not just metaphorically – cracks appear in the foundation and a leak causes the bathtub to fall into the kitchen below.

There’s the mystery of Darcy’s murder and the other girl’s disappearance, as well as a girl named Joan who Loretta has premonitions of danger about. I wasn’t sure how (or if) the disparate mysteries were related, though I assumed there would be some personal connection for Loretta. As such I was suspicious of the two male leads, Pete Davenport and Dr. Curtis Hansen, though I don’t know that I was supposed to be suspicious of both of them.

On top of these two elements there’s the paranormal aspect. I hesitate to call this the weakest part of the novel, because it did serve as a way for Loretta to come into her own – her abilities gave her a sense of self-worth that had been lacking for a long time. I appreciated them as a metaphor but when Dr. Hansen talked about the phenomena as if they have scientific validity, I didn’t like it. I couldn’t reconcile my real-world beliefs with something that feels not just not real, but like a hoax, a scam. So there’s that – it didn’t ruin my enjoyment of the book but it was a negative for me.

The story gets increasingly gothic and nightmarish, and Loretta has to find the courage to confront the truth and vanquish an enemy, for her own sake and for her children. The ending was fine but the epilogues piled on heavy with an HEA that didn’t work for me.

I am a little ambivalent (as usual) on a grade – Loretta was a strong heroine, and the good elements were probably A-. The things I didn’t like were maybe C+, making an average grade of B. But I’d recommend this to readers who like the 1950s setting or simply are in the mood for a little something different.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.
This is such a unique story that really got me excited about reading again. Really, the only negative was Pete. I did not like him one bit.

I can see this book playing out like the movie Pleasant ville. Loretta lived in a black and white world until she started getting visions. The life and color come into her life.

Sorry it's 2:30 am and I'm tired.

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The Devil and Mrs. Davenport by Paulette Kennedy is a compulsively readable novel, as it tackles the study of parapsychology and metaphysics in the 20th century United States, Pentecostal faith-healing practices, and the oppression of women.
The time is 1955. The setting is a town in the Missouri Ozarks. Loretta is a housewife, mired in the drudgery of cooking, cleaning, raising children and being subservient to her misogynistic husband Pete. He teaches at the local fundamentalist Bethel College, but is a closet alcoholic, and more. As Loretta chafes in her role in this restrictive environment, she is conflicted by her desire to pursue her dream of a writing career and her duties to be docile and please her husband. Then, local teenage girls go missing and Loretta has visions which can help solve the crimes.
The plotting is fairly predictable. The reader follows Loretta as her husband has her committed to a mental hospital, because she has “visions,” and also because she is recalcitrant to his demands. The revelations of his dark activities and the solution of the murders are suspenseful and satisfying!
The strength of this book is the writing, which is intelligent, engaging, and atmospheric, as it captures the essence of the conservative religious movement that dominated social conventions in the mid-century Midwest and South.
In the Author’s Note, Ms. Kennedy explains her inspiration and purpose in writing this novel, as well as the parallels with that restrictive time and the present. “The biggest threat to liberty is our own hypocrisy and indifference.” (Paulette Kennedy)
This message is a profound takeaway for women who read this book—even in this 21st century, our freedom is fragile, and must be defended and protected by women of all ages.

Thank you to Lake Union Books and NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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I did not read the synopsis of this book before I started. I like to live dangerously and be surprised by what comes my way. From the title of the book, I didn't really know what to expect. This is a gothic thriller with paranormal. Not quite what I imagined, but I'm not mad about it at all. This book is eccentric, I loved the twists, and Paulette Kennedy did a fine job executing her work.

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Take the '50s idealism but make it horror! Wow! You can't trust many people in this book, and part of the fun was identifying who you could/could not trust. This was weird and wild and I loved every page.

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The Devil and Mrs. Davenport revolves around a seemingly content 1950s housewife whose life turns chaotic when she starts having visions of a murdered girl. As if life wasn’t scary enough for a woman back then, the main character in this story starts to experience terrifying visions, all while enduring physical and emotional abuse from her husband. There were parts in this story that made me so angry. The way Loretta was treated by her husband and society was horrible. I thought Loretta was a strong and likable character. It was hard at times to read about what she had to experience.

I definitely recommend this book, especially to lovers of historical fiction and paranormal fiction. I loved the author’s writing and I can’t wait to read more of her books.

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Thank you to netgalley for this ARC!

The Devil and Mrs Davenport is historical fiction set in 1950s Ozarks with a strong speculative slant. It follows Loretta, a trad wife, who wakes up from an illness to discover she has psychic power, including the power to see the dead.

This book is the perfect feminist story of a woman trapped in patriarchy and religious indoctrination rediscovering herself and growing into her own power. It’s gut wrenching at times as you witness the struggles of a woman without power; it feels like a nightmare as the men in her life control and abuse her.

The speculative elements of seeing the dead are so well done and fascinating. I definitely got hooked and needed to know the answer the mysteries!

Overall, this is a definite recommend!

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This is my second Paulette Kennedy book and it was an absolute winner for me. The author is a masterful storyteller. Set in1950s in Missouri, the author has stayed true to the time period and effortlessly captured the atmosphere and the treatment of women during that time.

Loretta, a housewife in 1950's develops disturbing psychic abilities after a fever. Her husband, a professor at a Bible college becomes convinced that the Devil is to blame.

Loretta's story was inspiring. Dealing with the horrors of an abusive marriage, judgemental neighbours, abiding by the demands of fundamental religion and a bit of supernatural too, Loretta did not have an easy life but with her perseverance and determination and support from Dr. Curtis Hansen, a parapsychologist, she finally manages to find her voice and place.

I could not put the book down. Taut with suspense and a gothic atmospheric feel, this was a very compelling read and one I truly enjoyed from start to finish.

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The Devil and Mrs. Davenport by Paulette Kennedy was an incredible story that I couldn’t put down.
The writing is exceptional, and the pacing is perfect, keeping readers engaged from start to finish.
The setting and dialogue are atmospheric, transporting readers back to 1950s where they can fully immerse themselves in the story.
The character’s were engaging and the haunting atmosphere created just added to the feeling of suspense and tension.
Kennedy created a haunting atmosphere throughout and tension that steadily increased as the story went on.

Thank You NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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What devil is worse - the known or unknown?

This book combined many of my favorite genres, with a few others sprinkled in to round out the story. It is a combination of suspense, historical, horror, paranormal, and a touch of romance.

Loretta Davenport is trapped in a marriage that has gone downhill over time. But is it her doing or her husband's fault? The answer is not that simple, and with the book set in the 1950s, there is more she has to overcome than just a bad relationship. This is a time where women were not allowed to open bank accounts without a male family member's permission and signature. That alone sends shivers down my spine. Top that with women are considered weak and crazy, it isn't hard to see why Loretta is fighting for her life and her children.

There is another twist to the story: Loretta is psychic and doesn't discover her abilities until later in life. She isn't sure what is going on, but her husband, Pete, is no help whatsoever. However, there is a psychologist who studies parapsychology, and he is able to guide her in these new abilities. It doesn't hurt that he can use her as a study subject for his field. It isn't all work for Dr. Curtis Hansen, and there is attraction and admiration for Loretta that brings them closer together.

It is hard to sum up this story in a few words or sentences. The story is gripping, and if you have ever been exposed to the Pentecostal faith and casting out of demons and such, you might understand this book a bit more. There is the time setting that works against Loretta, and then Pete's religious fanaticism causes issues for them. It is like a train wreck that you can't look away from because you know what is going to happen.

I rooted for Loretta and admired her attempts to find a way to support herself should she be able to leave her husband. It isn't easy since women aren't given high paying jobs, if they can even find one outside of the home as a housewife. But she digs down and finds a way. Top it off with these discovered psychic abilities; she is able to assist in solving several crimes. It is a good thing that some people believe in her abilities!

There are many moments that I held my breath wondering if certain situations would work out for Loretta and those around her. I also appreciated a jump forward twenty years to see where her life ended once everything was resolved.

This was a fantastic read, and we give it 5 paws up.

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This was such an engaging read, I couldn’t put it down. I ended up reading the whole book in one afternoon. The plot wasn’t surprising but everything worked well here. Especially the writing. Clear, concise, addicting in nature. Really well crafted as a story. One of those rare writers who can conjure a clear picture for the reader.

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This is yet another book I had high hopes for. There was such a compelling description. It started out interesting enough. It soon devolved not 8th the gothic style tension I expected but into a run of the mill story of a woman not being treated with respect. It felt like someone had taken one of the many books about a woman losing it and just changed the time.

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Wow, that was a ride - in the best way possible!
The story follows Loretta, a young mom in the 1950's. Living an isolated and uneventful life, with her two children and husband, until a local girl gets murdered and Loretta starts to gets visions from beyond.
This book was a mix of historical fiction, mystery and horror. I was captivated from the beginning and I can't remember a time I was that invested in a story and its characters.
The book shows the social norms and especially misogyny in the 1950's very well and it's making Loretta's life living hell. I think she was such a well rounded character and I was rooting for her and her dreams from the first minute. My heart shattered later in the book and I don't want to think about people, outside this fictional world, going through the horrors Loretta had to face.
I loved the side characters and even though this book has some very dark moments there are also equally beautiful scenes between the characters.
The Devil and Mrs. Davenport is not an easy read but if you feel ok after reading content warnings I highly recommend picking this one up. I would love to write more about this amazing novel but I also don't want to spoil the story for you, so I'll stop here. I will be thinking about this book for a long time.

Thank you to Paulette Kennedy, Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The vintage cover and dark occult-ish 1950s setting lured me into requesting this one on Netgalley. It was an easy (if ultimately cheesy) read that took some dark turns and held my attention, but the plot was just a little too simplistic.

Loretta Davenport is a frustrated suburban housewife in 1950s Missouri, married to Pete, a Bible studies professor and religious fanatic. When Loretta begins to have visions following a dose of flu, Pete dismisses them as delusions and encourages Loretta to turn to God. Loretta seeks out the help of a parapsychologist instead to help her make sense of the visions, enraging Pete who sees it as his job to expel the devil possessing Loretta.

The book reminded me of a short story I’d have read in my mum’s Women’s Way or Reader’s Digest in the 1980s/90s, in the sense that it is well written, but fairly twee and with some quirky/bizarre elements thrown in (the crumbling house 🤷🏼‍♀️). The book has a lot to say about the role of women in society in the 1950s, even if this is a bit laboured and obvious at times. It also speaks to religious abuse, a topic as relevant today as it was in the 1950s.

If you’re looking for an easy read with a mid-century setting and a neat ending, it’s one you might enjoy.

The Devil and Mrs Davenport will be published on 7 March and available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited if you’re a subscriber. Thank you to the publisher Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for the arc. As always, this js an honest review.

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This book is so good, I almost read it in a one day.
I’ve always been interested in ESP. I like to think it’s a gift from God and not the devil. Parts of this book really made me mad and I felt for Loretta. In this day and age I couldn’t imagine having to have your husband’s permission to open a bank account. Definitely recommend.
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the early copy

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The Devil and Mrs. Davenport by Paulette Kennedy is a period piece from the 1950’s, but many parts of it are still relevant today. It’s unsettling, maddening, and sad that so little has changed.

There are many trigger warnings at the beginning: physical, emotional, sexual, and religious abuse; fatphobia; racism; homophobia; murder; self-harm; alcohol dependence; pregnancy; and abortion. While that seems like a lot, and it is, Kennedy was still able to write a novel that left you hopeful for the main character.

If you are looking for an excellent gothic novel, filled with feminist themes and the supernatural (and who isn’t!!!), I highly recommend The Devil and Mrs. Davenport.

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The title caught my attention. The Devil and Mrs. Davenport...what is that about? Well, I found out and it is not what I was expecting in the beginning. I have been a fan of Paulette Kennedy's books since Parting the Veil. Her books always have a spin that have you enticed from the moment you open the book. This book was no different. It had me entertained, yelling at the characters, and wanting to slap others. The story is well layered and has some triggers.

Loretta Davenport is a young mother of two. She has been married since she dropped out of high school to marry Pete. The man who is up for tenure and nothing can get in his way. Everything must be perfect. His home, his wife, his life. Loretta is there to handle the load most days. This fall she fell ill and started to have visions. She is not sure if she is imagining things or if there are actual people from the beyond trying to contact her? As more of these spells begin to occur, she needs answers, and she finds them in Dr. Curtis Hanson. A parapsychologist who believes that people can have certain abilities and reach beyond death. As Loretta grapples with this new way of life. Her eyes finally open and she sees what she needs for the first time.

I do not want to go into too much more detail and give everything away. There are some parts that can be difficult to read. The way in which women were treated during this time will make you want to throw the book against the wall. I loved watching Loretta blossom from a lonely, innocent young girl, into a woman who knows what she wants and has people backing her way. Thank you to Paulette Kennedy, Amazon Publishing, and Over the River Public Relations for my gifted copy of this captivating read.

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Loretta, a 50’s homemaker wife and mother of 2, wrestles with demons in The Devil and Mrs. Davenport. In the process of caring for her family, she loses her sense of self, all while her husband lords over every aspect of her life. He controls the finances and dictates her friendships. He limits her time, her freedom, and even the clothes she wears on her body. But when her ability to commune with the dead suddenly manifests itself after a serious bout of sickness, Loretta believes it’s a gift from God. As she channels the supernatural to help solve cold murder cases and bring closure to the victims’ families, Loretta also learns to tap into her own power to free herself and her children from the clutches of her abusive husband.

Everything, and I mean everything, about this novel is outstanding. The premise, the characters, the vintage setting, the oppressive horrors, the suspense. I was drawn into Loretta’s plight from the start, and every moment of mounting tension had me on edge with bated breath for her well being. It was maddening to think about how, even to this day, women are still fighting for every inch in a world dominated by men. Yet at the same time, also uplifting to see supportive friendships become a lifeline for rising above those challenges. That melancholic but hopeful mood stayed with me, long after I put down the novel. It speaks to the transportive quality of writing that’s just dazzling with lyricism, credibility, and compassion.

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I really enjoyed Paulette Kennedy's [book:The Witch of Tin Mountain|60864419] so I was happy to get a chance to read more from this author. She writes beautifully and is a good story weaver.

The first day of autumn brought the fever, and with the fever came the voices.

Missouri, 1955. Loretta Davenport has led an isolated life as a young mother and a wife to Pete, an ambitious assistant professor at a Bible college. They’re the picture of domestic tranquillity—until a local girl is murdered and Loretta begins receiving messages from beyond. Pete dismisses them as delusions of a fevered female imagination. Loretta knows they’re real—and frightening. Defying Pete’s demands, Loretta finds an encouraging supporter in parapsychologist Dr. Curtis Hansen. He sees a woman with a rare gift, more blessing than curse.

With Dr. Hansen’s help, Loretta’s life opens up to an empowering new purpose. But for Pete, the God-fearing image he’s worked so hard to cultivate is under threat. No longer in control of his dutiful wife, he sees the Devil at work. As Loretta’s powers grow stronger and the pleading spirits beckon, Pete is determined to deliver his wife from evil. To solve the mysteries of the dead, Loretta must first save herself.

My Thoughts:
Anyone would have been scared hearing voices. I admired Loretta's bravery going to see the parapsychologist to try to understand what was happening to her, even though her husband was dead set against it and she had to be very secretive. I certainly didn't like Loretta's husband Pete at all with his controlling manner. The book was successfully in providing a good look at women in the 1950's as well as the atmosphere of that period. The story has a distinct feminist view which totally fit the story. I would recommend to anyone who likes a good period novel.

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing through Netgalley for an advance copy. Expected publication on March 5, 2024.

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