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The Juliet Code

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I really enjoyed this Freddie and Grace adventure! As they travel to Venice to honeymoon (did they even get a date night?), they barely make it into a gondola before they are thrown into a mysterious chase!

This escapade introduces a cast of captivating characters, some more likeable than others, that are invited to an island house party, making everyone suspect as the Juliet paintings “go missing”.

With obscure clues and dastardly mishaps, Freddie and Grace help our dashing Detective Jack Miracle attempt to discover what is really going on and whom is whom, all while learning to fight with a parasol! You just have to read it!

I am already anticipating book 4 and hope that we hear more from Elliot along with a hopeful match for Jack Miracle. What? Yes! I am fully invested in this series with it’s swoony heroes and eccentric heroines!

I enjoyed the audiobook narration by Pamela Klein. The book was well read considering the number of characters that are included in this episode. True Brits might find fault with the accents but I thought her depiction of Freddie and Jack was fairly distinct.

This book is suitable for teens and older with no inappropriate intimate scenes and no bad language. I received this book from the author/publisher free of charge, with no expectation of a positive review. I also purchased the audiobook version.

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The Juliet Code is a delightful return to the world of Lord Frederick and Lady Grace Astley. They are on their honeymoon in Venice and run into Detective Jack Miracle. He recruits them to help with a case he is working on that involves paintings, a lost family and a hidden treasure.
Grace is delightful and funny. Frederick would be a great book boyfriend if he weren’t married.
I love how the author weaves fiction into the way Grace approaches her life. And yes, I know it’s just another layer of fiction but it’s still a great technique.
I love how the author weaves truth about God and his character into the story.
I heartily recommend the Freddie and Grace mysteries. And it doesn’t hurt that the reader gets to armchair travel to places like England, Egypt and Italy.
Thanks to Netgalley and Barbour Fiction for the chance to read The Juliet Code.

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#BookReview: THE JULIET CODE by Pepper Basham

I have truly enjoyed Freddie and Grace's adventures since The Mistletoe Countess.
The excitement and thrill continues in this third book set in Italy. Witnessing their honeymoon unfold across continents has been a vicarious joy, their shared smiles and daring exploits warmed my heart even as they set my pulse racing. Freddie and Grace have been a pleasure to follow.

I liked the secondary characters too especially Jack Miracle. It was so fun reading between the banter and interactions between Freddie and Jack. I like their friendship and I look forward to catching up with them again in future books. I can’t wait for more books in the series.

Thank you Barbour Publishing for the complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

Rating: 4.5 stars
Series: Fredrick & Grace Mystery #3

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I love Freddie and Grace and their adventures! This was a fun story that did not disappoint. Pepper Basham knocks it out of the park every time!

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Pepper Basham writes characters that you as the reader hope to meet in real life! Grace and Frederick are special because we the readers are privileged to come along on their journeys even after their wedding. From England to Egypt and now to Italy The Juliet Code is a thrilling and thoroughly enjoyable read. I for one hope there will be more Grace and Frederick adventures! I love to read novels about married couples beyond the wedding because that is real life, but of course fiction makes it that much sweeter.
Be sure to read all three novels about Grace and Frederick. The Mistletoe Countess, The Cairo Curse, and The Juliet Code. Book #3 TJC picks up where Book #2 finished and boy does this one pick up with a bang. Right off with a robbery before their gandola ride and we also meets Frederick's best friend Jack whom I hope we will get his book one day too! I won't include any spoilers but if you want to treat yourself this winter, pick up this book or all three and savor every minute!

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book 3 of the Freddie and Grace mystery series! And once again, Grace kept making me smile in her adventures. If you are wondering--yes you need to read these in order. They are not stand-alones with their references to previous adventures.

I loved being able to see the mystery unfold with Grace and I made my guesses as the book went along. I'm happy to say I TOTALLY knew what the foreshadowing was going to lead to. And I suspected at least most of the villains. Grace and that parasol cracked me!! in so many ways she reminds me of Anne of Green Gables with her overactive imagination.

i love the relationship between Freddie & Grace and their attraction as husband and wife. Their comments to each other remind me of my own marriage with my husband. It's nice to see a series that highlights the beautifully close intimate relationship a husband and wife can have.

I really hope that there will be at least one more Freddie and Grace book in this series! A few loose ends to tie up. (cough cough Elliot)

A solid four star enjoyable story!

*I received this book as an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are my own.

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The Juliet Code is the third book featuring Lord and Lady Astley by Ms. Basham. I have thoroughly enjoyed this series of amateur sleuths and their adventures. This book has them in Venice on their honeymoon and of course mystery and mayhem seem to follow them there. I enjoyed this book not only because the characters are so likeable, but also because there is romance and a mystery to be solved. I really hope there will be more romps.of adventures in the future.
*I was given a copy of this book by the publisher, and this is my honest opinion.

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After the previous books from the Freddie and Grace Mysteries, The Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse, I wondered how Pepper Basham would be able to top those two. The third installment,The Juliet Code does not disappoint. It is by far my favorite of the series. It was great catching up with Frederick and Grace Percy in Italy. Once again there is a mystery to be solved and had to find out how it would end. What a fabulous read.

I am giving The Juliet Code a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who love to read books that are clean historical mysteries. As always, I will be looking for more from Pepper Basham.

I received a paperback copy of Pepper Basham’s The Juliet Code from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

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This is the third book in the series and was another wonderful adventure to read. Even though it is part of a series it can be read alone. Although I am not sure If I really like the heroine she works well in this christian read. There was so much going on that you didn’t have time to get bored. The characters were well written and the storyline kept me turning the page. I love the adventure and the fact that you can read a great mystery with a small amount of Christian content. Well worth the read for those who are not Christian it is still a very good read. I received this as an Arc from netgalley and freely give my review.

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I like going on adventures with Freddie and Grace. It usually has an intriguing mystery to solve, along with themes of love and faith, well-placed humor, and a well-developed cast of characters. This book will have you turning pages as you go side by side with this couple as they uncover clues to this puzzle. Readers will enjoy traveling to a remote Italian villa on a remote island. This is a captivating tale, where pirate treasure is found, along with a few surprises. As they dig deeper, they quickly learn that no one is who they say they are. Will they solve this mystery and survive long enough to tell anyone about it?

I’ve enjoyed seeing how Grace and Frederick’s love has grown, and how they’ve become partners in more ways than one. This is a great escape and one your book club will have fun with.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I requested and received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Nora St. Laurent
TBCN Where Book Fun Begins!
The Book Club Network blog

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As the third installment of the Freddie & Grace Mysteries, The Juliet Code follows newly married Freddie and Grace as they leave Egypt for another leg of their honeymoon–Venice. Only in a picturesque setting such as Venice would Grace manage to be part of a thievery mishap in the very first scene. From there, both she and her husband manage to get ensnared in another mystery by helping their friend, Detective Jack, solve an art heist involving Shakepeare’s famous Juliet in a series of paintings that may reveal a vast treasure. Basham’s cast of secondary characters shine with their own voices so they are easy to remember and decipher. And a special two of them seem like they will be heavily featured should this series continue.

Basham is known for her steaminess but this still remains a closed-door style romance, however, the reader should keep in mind the main characters are married and act as newly married couples do. There is minimum on-scene violence and some is played for humor. As with any of Basham’s books, there is a heavy Christian theme which hits on several areas, but it is a thread woven throughout and not simply dumped at convenient intervals.

This is a standalone book but does reference the two previous cases featured in the first two books of the series. They are all enjoyable reads and one would grasp more of their shared references if the entire series were read in order. The Juliet Code is for fans of historical fiction who also love a heady mix of romance and mystery.

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Swoonalishic!!! I know that is not a "real" word but that is what this book is. I have loved Freddie and Grace since The Mistletoe Countess; this book was no different. Pepper Basham not only transports her readers to Italy she transports this reader back in time. I felt like I was reading an Agatha Christie novel with loads of romantic swoon!

My favorite quotes . . .

"It's incredibly dashing when you speak sleuth."

"I think you're beautiful, and you're incredibly dangerous to my heart."

Freddie and Grace are two of my favorite bookish couples, and I will happily follow them on their next adventure!! Please, Pepper!!!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book via the publisher. I wasn't required to write a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Freddy and Grace finally get their honeymoon in Italy but, it’s full of more adventure than Freddy wants. This book has everything you could ask for and then some, adventure, humor, wit, spunky characters, mystery, intrigue, murder, romance, a ghost, art thieves, kidnapping, and treasure. I love this whole series! You not only get Freddy and Grace’s sweet romance but you also get a little extra romance from the side characters. I was definitely not ready for this book to end and I hope there will be even more books in this series in the future.

I was provided a copy of the book from the author/publisher. I was not required to post a positive review and all views and opinions are my own.

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Mystery lovers will enjoy this book, the third in the Grace and Frederick series. Set in Venice, Italy, Grace and Frederick set out in a belated honeymoon are caught up in art heist mysteries. Very entertaining! Readers will want to read the first two in this series.

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This was a great addition to the Freddie and Grace series! Watching the mystery unfold as they searched for hidden treasure in Italy, kept me on the edge of my seat. I really enjoy the dynamic between Frederick and Grace and it's fun to see how they grow and balance each other out. I also liked seeing Jack Miracle's character and getting to know him more. Overall, it was a great read!

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The Juliet Code is the third book in the Fredrick & Grace Mystery series. I had not personally read the previous books in the series. While I could certainly tell that there was some history here that I wasn't familiar with, I didn't feel like it impacted my understanding or enjoyment of the story. I did enjoy these characters so much that I found myself wanting to go back and learn more about these events that they mentioned throughout the story.

This was such a fun mystery. Like I said, the characters were really fun and I couldn't help but enjoy them, and the mystery kept me wondering. And oh, the romance... this is most certainly a kissing book--- which Pepper Basham is most certainly great at! There were definitely some swoon-worthy kissing moments in this one that proved just that. I will say that while this is Christian fiction and as such it does not go beyond kisses on the pages, there were several moments of implied intimacy between the married main characters. Again, it's all off pages. While this didn't bother me personally, it was a little more than we typically see in the genre and as such might not be for all readers.

Overall, I thought this was a great story with the perfect blend of romance, mystery and humor... and I enjoyed every minute of it!

**I received a complimentary copy for consideration. All opinions are my own.

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I love Grace and Frederick. Grace is so funny with how she gets so excited that they have a mystery to solve on their honeymoon. Rather than being disgruntled, Frederick gets into it too despite fearing the potential danger of it all. They both come to see that they have to trust in the Lord no matter their circumstances.

This book has a solid mystery to solve. I loved seeing how Grace put her training into practice. She and Frederick are a delightful couple and I hope they have many more mysteries to solve.

Thank you to Barbour Fiction for providing me with a free e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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'Oh my darling, Frederick, not only are we on a remote island, but there's a dangerous-looking butler, an unsolved robbery, a treasure, and now a ghost. I really am living a fairy-tale romance."

This book is part of a series and being who I am I jumped in with book 3 lol. I am who I am. Before I get to my review of this book, there were a few things that could be deemed spoiler-y for the first 2 books, but nothing that ruined anything for me or would keep me from going back to read books 1 and 2. I also felt that this author did a great job of incorporating events from the earlier books, while allowing a new-to-the-series reader (like myself) to read it with zero problems with understanding past references, etc. This book was very well done.

My favorite thing about this book was the mystery. I LOVE a good mystery. I love trying to figure it out before everyone else in the story. Just when I thought I knew "who done it", I would realize my guess was completely inaccurate and I'd switch to someone else, and even go back and forth between suspects. The mystery is incredible...each clue fits like a perfect jigsaw puzzle and keeps the reader completely intrigued and entertained.

I loved the humor. Grace is a character-literally and figuratively. I loved her zest for life and love of fiction. Frederick is a saint to keep up with her. They are a fun match and I love that they faced everything together. Their love story is adorable and I'm excited to go back and see how it all began. I loved the side characters...even the ones I repeatedly suspected of all the crazy things that happened.

Overall, this was a very entertaining read and one I would recommend! I'm a new reader to Pepper's books (I started with her Skymar series and have LOVED those!)

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

Content: mild danger/peril/violence (risky situations, murders, etc), religious exclamations, mentions of a married man and woman being intimate and discussing foreplay (no explicit details given, but mild innuendo), kisses only.

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Thank you to Julie Wright and Net Galley for providing me with an ARC of this novel.

This was a quick, enjoyable read about a young woman who sends a letter to the man she thinks she's in love with, only to have it intercepted by his cousin, who happens to be one if her childhood friends. The two strike a deal to suit the both of them to help them reach their respective goals.

The story is straightforward and nothing happens that you wouldn't have guessed, but it's a nice ride. Read when you want a chill moment reading a sweet historical romance.

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Lord and Lady Astley have set out to continue their idilic honeymoon, only for this part of their trip the destination is Italy. Ha! Hold onto your hats, readers! Lord Frederick Astley should have realized by now, that wherever his beloved Lady Grace goes events will lead to a less than relaxing time. Mysteries and adventures seem to follow her, or them, at every turn. The author has once again taken readers on a merry chase, with some very real danger with ruthless villains, as they follow the adventures of amateur detectives Freddie and Grace. With their friend, Detective Jack Miracle, enticing them to help him solve this case, how could they say no? Readers of previous Freddie and Grace Mysteries, will thoroughly enjoy the banter, the peril, the ingenuity, and the romance in this newest novel. The characters are real to life. The plot has so many twists and turns, the reader will be guessing all the way along as to who the real villains are. I highly recommend this book to lovers of mystery, lovers of romance, and lovers of adventure. If you are new to this series, it might take a few pages to get into the story if you are jumping in without reading the others, but it will be worth it in the end. Sit back and hang on for a lovely adventure!

I requested and received a copy of this book for review. The opinions expressed here are wholly my own.

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