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The Sweetheart Crush

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Member Reviews

I am so in love with Miranda Liasson stories. And Sweetheart Crush is no exception. This is such a heartwarming story of Logan and Liiv’s journey. Logan is a famous author and Liv who has always had dreams of being a photographer. They were best friends in school until time to go away to college and then they weren’t. Their paths crossed in their home town later in life. Their deep feelings for each other never died after all these years. But can they finally reveal those hidden feelings and learn to really love each other through all the obstacles in front of them? Only time will tell. So don’t miss this touching story. I was very honored to be allowed to read and review this wonderful story.

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The Sweetheart Crush was a nice, lighthearted read.

Vivienne is a photographer, working as a publicist for her childhood friend Logan. Logan is now a well known author but struggles with public relations and publicity issues so Viv agrees to help him for one month. There is a mutual attraction with a lot of push and pull between the two. They fight the attraction, initially but then give in.

The plot was okay but I feel like there could have been a lot more backstory, especially given that twelve years passed from the time they were kids to the present day. I also didn’t feel completely invested in Viv and Logan’s relationship. It felt like it was lacking passion, or chemistry, which is so important. This book did do a good job with addressing bullying and hit the small town, second chance tropes.

Overall, an okay read that I used as a palate cleanser between other books.

I received an advanced reader copy and am leaving my review voluntarily.

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3 Stars = Good book, but probably will not reread

This is my first time reading this author, and I’m surprised I’ve never heard of her before. Not only was her story lighthearted, but it was packed with a small town vibe with characters you want to know more about.

Viv was a character I wasn’t sure I would like but she did grow on me. I actually saw part of myself in her, so I wanted her to succeed and have it all in the end. I liked how she was dynamic and had a variety of different hobbies. I just wish we knew more about her life in Paris. The sequence of events during the 12 year time gap were a bit puzzling, so I was unsure what came first.

Logan I had a love-hate relationship with. It is clear from the first moment he walks through the doors of the Christmas store Viv works at that he has loved her since they were children. However, there are a series of events that makes me question this - starting with that book he wrote. I get it, you’re mad, but that was such a heartless thing to do to someone you once loved. Especially since you have been friends with that person since birth.

I wanted a bit more chemistry and wining and dining with these two characters. I also felt cheated that there were no real spicy scenes. Because of the lack of this, I just didn’t 100% feel it between these characters.

Good story if you are looking for a quick read that isn’t stressful. I enjoyed my time reading this one.

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Viv is a talented photographer who gave up too early, both on her art and on her best friend from childhood, Logan. But when he comes back into town, now a famous writer who needs publicity, Vivienne agrees to work for one month as his publicist. The two of them go back and forth, first fighting and then giving in to their mutual attraction, while a subplot unfolds about Logan's little sister being bullied. I'm sorry to say this book didn't grab me. I didn't really feel any attraction between Viv and Logan, and their ups and downs were too contrived.

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The sweetest story about the Sweetest Crush. Vivi and Logan were best friends all through school… until they weren’t. Now they are both back in their hometown, Logan a famous author and Vivi a “failure” at photography. Can they find their way back to that friendship ( and maybe more) through the lies and miscommunications ? Visit the sweet town of Blossom Glen and discover families and stories that feel like home.

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The Sweetheart Crush by Miranda Liasson is a wonderful and sweet contemporary romance that is the third book in the Blossom Glen series.

I really like this series (The Sweetheart Deal, The Sweetheart Fix) and I am so glad thus third book does it justice. It is heartwarming, relatable, and uplifting.

I highly recommend this book and this series.

5/5 stars

Thank you NG and Entangled Publishing, LLC, Entangled: Amara for this wonderful arc and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon, Instagram, and B&N accounts upon publication on 10/13/23.

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The Sweetheart Crush is the first book I've read by Miranda Liassin, but it definitely will not be the last. Her characters come alive on the page. Their problems are relatable - situations that we have all encountered or know someone who has.

I think The Sweetheart Crush would make a great movie!

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The Sweetheart Crush is a sweetheart of a book. It’s a story about family, friends, finding one’s true purpose and recognizing that some thing’s simply are inevitable. Viv and Logan were besties since they were in diapers, but after that horrible day, both had some growing to do. Miranda Liasson has captured all the angst of being a teenager both in the past and in the present as this book also highlights being bullied. There are strong messages wrapped up in a totally delightful second chance at least for friendship…and perhaps more. I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book from NetGalley. Most highly recommend.

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oh my goodness!! this book was such a pure delight!! i really truly enjoyed this one so much! thank you so much to netgalley for letting me read this one early! please pick it up when it comes out!!!

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