Cover Image: The Sweetheart Crush

The Sweetheart Crush

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This is a wonderful and heartwarming second chance romance. I loved the characters and the small town of Blossom Glen. Viv and Logan are both back in town - Viv feeling like a failure and Logan a successful author. I loved the way the story moved along to its perfect ending.
I received an advance copy of this book from Entangled Publishing and NetGalley and this is my voluntary review. All opinions are strictly my own.

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I loved The Sweetheart Crush! It was fun returning to the little town of Blossom Glen, the storyline was interesting, the characters were great, and I loved Viv and Logan's career choices. Their story was so good, and the ending was perfect!

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The Sweetheart Crush is the third book in the Blossom Glen series and while this is part of a series, you don't have to read them in order to enjoy them. They definitely can stand alone.

Viv Montgomery had big dreams when she was growing up in small town Indiana. She wanted to go to Paris and pursue her photography and that is exactly what she did, but now she's back in that same small town where she grew up living and working.

Logan Matthews had aspirations of being a writer just like his father. He has followed through on that dream and is now an accomplished writer of thriller novels and has come back to his hometown to write his next book.

Viv and Logan, who used to be best friends, have not seen one another for twelve years when they had a falling out after a misunderstanding. Now that they have run into one another in their small town, they are going to have to figure out how to co-exist with one another. When Logan finds out that Viv is accomplished in social media and PR, that is exactly what he needs help with, so he hires her and the two now really have to figure out how to work together. Will it end up bringing them closer?

This was an enjoyable book and the small town setting where everyone looks out for everyone else always gives you warm fuzzies. It was nice to get to see some of the characters from the first books in the series as well. Definitely an enjoyable friends-to-enemies-to-lovers romance.

**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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What a great story! Teen years are such a crazy time. Who wouldn’t want to go back and undo or redo something from that time? I love the story of Viv and Logan and their families. It’s always good when family and friends can stand together to help solve a problem. Loved the story and the characters. I received this book from NetGalley, but my opinion is my own.

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The Sweetheart Crush by Miranda Liasson my kind of story. It is a childhood friends to adults living different lives to finding forever love together, so also a second chance romance vibe going on. Then add in a new beginning or makeover for Viv Montgomery who is not living her dream these days and you have everything I love in a story. But wait there is more a former best friend, now successful writer Logan Matthews back in town. He has a secret or two plus could use some PR help. A connection, a past to work through and a present to enjoy and a future to look forward to all-in-one. Blossom Glen is once again a wonderful setting being a small town but not too small of town. I live in a small, small town, no chance of a Christmas shop here so thumbs up to Blossom Glen.

I read where someone called this a cozy romance. I like that term, it fits. Much like a cozy mystery, it is not filled with bad language, or graphic sex or violence. It does have which I loved charming families, the likable, interesting, intelligent but fallible main characters, just the right amount of drama, and a lovely, sweet romance. The meeting in the Christmas shop near the beginning was so well done I want to keep reading. So it’s cozy romances for me, of which this one is excellent.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Viv Montgomery left everything behind and moved overseas to pursue her photography dreams. Now she is back home in Blossom Glen having left her dreams behind and is working at a Christmas store where she dreads going to work each day. Just as she thinks life can not throw anything else her way, in the door walks Logan Matthews, her childhood best friend, neighbour and confidant who is now not only hotter than hot, but he is also a best-selling author who Viv has not seen in years. Viv in her elf costume tries to hide but not only runs into Logan, she is now all over his Instagram page. When Logan suggests Viv help him change his aloof image on social media to a more fun and loving one, she has no choice but to help him out. She needs the money to pay back her family for all they helped her with. When these two hearts collide, can they mend not only their friendship but the moment that broke it all apart?

This is such a beautiful story of second chances set in a small town. The characters are well written and the story line is fresh and fun. Although this is the third book in Blossom Glen series, it can be read as a stand a lone novel. I loved Viv and Logan’s story and would like to thank Entangled Publishing for my advanced copy which I voluntarily read and reviewed. The perfect romance to curl up with this fall.

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Logan and Viv both had dreams when they were childhood best friends.  He wanted to be a writer like his dad and she wanted to be a photographer.  They both regretted the one time Logan had tried to kiss Viv and she had turned her cheek and ran away.It was now twelve years later and Logan had returned to Blossom Glen.  He was a successful writer but Viv was working at a Christmas shop to save up money to leave again.  They both needed closure on what had happened between them and why they both did what they did or they would not be able to be friends again.I enjoyed how open and honest Logan and Viv were with each other and how they still had a crush on each other.  I liked how Logan's sister, Elise was able to confide in Viv about being bullied.  The outcome of that was a special part of the book.I liked that the book sent a message that you have to please yourself and not everyone else.  You need to follow your dreams and what will really make you happy.  I received an advance copy of this book and I willingly chose to write an honest review.

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This is one of those stories where just talking would have fixed everything. Or almost everything. The problem was that they were way to young when they should have first talked, and Viv had some baggage that she really needs to work out.

I've been really enjoying the Blossom Glen series. The Montgomery family has been one that I've really enjoyed. I think one of the best parts is seeing the layers that are in a family. Those layers can really affect a person even when you are meaning to have them be for good. One person's good isn't always another's.

If this more so with this one than the prior two you really, she the mom's influence in how Viv thinks. I'm not saying that in a negative way just that sometimes what we think is a good bit of wisdom isn't always for everyone. Without getting too much into it. I will say that the girl's mom wanted nothing but a better, easier, more for filling life for her daughters.

Sometimes that can be a lot of pressure.

Poor Viv is so busy trying to get back to the life she thinks she should have that she's not really living in the one she has. The best thing that could have happened to her was Logan coming back into her life. He made her stop and think about things. She had to really think about her life and where she wanted it to go.

Logan is such a great guy who loves his mom and sister. He works so hard at his craft and worries about it all the time. I will say at times hearing about the pressures and how hard it is to be an author took away from the story a bit. I found myself thinking is this the authors life, instead of being within the story.

I was glad to see that Viv help Logan see his sister in a whole new light. She pushed him to see that it's okay for her to have a dream that might be a lot of disappointment and hard work. Isn't that life?

Together these two works and right away you see why they were best friends. There is a connection between them that cements their relationship. I liked how they lifted each other up and supported each other. I thought that Viv did overreact to something in their past but maybe my skin is thicker.

As whole this story worked out perfectly. I think you'll be so happy that the third sister has gotten the perfect HEA. I can't wait to see what's next by this author.

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I had a wonderful time spent on reading this sweet, cozy small-town romance. It was just the perfect moment to read a heartfelt story like this.

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Viv Montgomery lives in her hometown of Blossom Glen, Indiana. A talented photographer, she moved to Paris at age 18 to pursue her love of art. Now, 12 years later, she is back home and working at a large, year-round Christmas shop. Her family member are very close and they own some shops in town.

Logan Matthews was Viv’s best friend as they grew up together next door to one another. But in their teens due to mixed romantic signals, their friendship died. Now, Logan is a very successful author of thriller novels. He has just returned to his hometown for a month to relax and start a new novel. His PR representative is not very good so he hires Viv. She is social media savvy which Logan hates to try to work around, but he knows he needs to show up there more so he hired Viv to help him get his face and information out more. In addition, he hates to be interviewed so she is helping him there as well.

There are bumps along the road as the two of them find one another again and discover a love that they have been denying for years.

I loved the close family network and the genuine characters. My favorite character is Logan who proves that he has grown into a very solid and mature man. Of course, Daisy, the kitty grabbed my heart too because I am a certified crazy cat lady. Now, if only I could my hands on one of delicious-sounding elephant ears. Enjoy!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I really enjoyed Viv and Logan's story and even though I'd read the other two books in the BLossom Glen series, I didn't have a real sense that I knew Viv at all so it was like starting from the beginning.

After a few chapters with a slightly slow start, I dove into the book, eager to see what would happen next. From the moment Logan walked into the Christmas Store to see Viv in all her elf glory, I was hooked. They easily fell back into their old childhood roles and I had a good time.

There was a little bit of drama that added just the hint that was needed for the story. You knew it was gonna happen but how it all unfolded was the real surprise. I am a huge fan of friends to lovers, especially best friends, and a second chance romance so this was right up my alley. Logan & Viv were a great couple whether platonic or romantic, and I enjoyed every single page.

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This is a charming Friends to enemies to lovers story, which I adore. Like a Christmas story, it is heartwarming and emotional and left me with a lovely feeling!

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One these two made me feel like they wanted to express so many things. We have Viv a photographer who loves being behind a camera. But things doesn’t pan out. She’s back in her home town of Blossom Glenn. What she doesn’t expect is to see Logan Matthews. He’s different. Her one time best friend which seems a life time ago. Things change and they both moved on from that one kiss which changed everything. Logan a very well known best selling author has come back to his home for something to do with his book. He’s come to her for help with things help with. He actually hires her.

I was provided a copy in exchange I provided my thoughts how I felt. I would highly recommend reading the other Blossom Glen books before this one. That’s just me.

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The Sweetheart Crush is the third book in the Blossom Glen series by Miranda Liasson. I have enjoyed this entire series.
This one has Viv Montgomery and Logan Matthews as the main focus. Every character plays a big part in the story but the friendship that is so much more between Viv and Logan is what makes this a beautiful book.
It is a sweet small-town romance that is so well written I could feel the chemistry and tension and closeness of them along with many of the towns people.
Thank you NetGalley, Miranda Liasson and Entangled Publishing for the ARC of The Sweetheart Crush. This is my personal review.

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Another wonderful book by Ms. Woods whose fantastic talent and skill for creating plots and characters is truly on display in this story. Damon, who's Belle's older brother's best friend, is deemed off limits to any possible romantic relationship between him and Belle. However, there's no denying the appeal they have for one another and the story proceeds from there. I received an ARC of the book and have voluntarily chosen to write this review. I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed the book and can heartily recommend it.

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Viv Montgomery is back home working in the Christmas store and in walks her former BFF Logan Matthews. They haven't been in touch in twelve years. Viv left for Paris for her photography, and he went to college and is a famous writer of thriller books.
It seems before the blow-up Logan tried to kiss Viv and she turned her head and has mixed emotions about their friendship. Viv is saving money to leave town for NYC and Logan has returned home to live. As they get closer together and mind their friendship Logan is keeping a secret from Viv and she is also determined to leave town.
I loved this story of the final Montgomery sister and find out about her older sisters.
Books is well written and keep my attention.

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"The Sweetheart Crush" by Miranda Liasson is a charming and heartwarming contemporary romance that I thoroughly enjoyed. The book features the endearing Viv Montgomery, a talented photographer, and her lifelong best friend, Logan Matthews, who has become a famous author. Their rekindled friendship and budding romance make for a delightful and entertaining story.
The novel's small-town setting and the blossoming romance between Viv and Logan create a sweet and engaging atmosphere. The characters are easy to love, and you'll find yourself rooting for their happiness from the very beginning. The book is well-written, and the author captures the essence of their connection beautifully.
Miranda Liasson's storytelling is a perfect blend of nostalgia, emotion, and humor, making "The Sweetheart Crush" a feel-good read that will resonate with many.
The cover is not only visually appealing but also encapsulates the heartwarming spirit of the story within. If you're looking for a light and uplifting romance, this book is a perfect choice.

Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy through NetGalley, opinions are my own.

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Logan and Viv had been best friends since they were kids. But one fateful night drove them apart for twelve years. He is back in town to spend more time with his family. Viv's dream failed and she is been reagrouping abd saving money to leave town again. Can they find their way to each other, forget and forgive their past mistakes and really have their HEA? A really good story about true friendship, family, second chances, facing your fears and finding happiness and love.

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Thank you Entangled Publishing and NetGalley for my complimentary eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I’ve read all the books in this series and this one is hands down my favorite. I adored the second chance romance between Viv and Logan. Being back in Blossom Glen and connecting with all the characters was the ray of sunshine my soul sorely needed this week.

It was nice seeing how much Viv and Logan matured since that awful kiss that didn’t happen moment. Their love never really went away, they just needed time to grow into it. While this is a sweet clean romance there is a lot of steam and underlying tension. The hot tub scene was just perfect.

Perfect if you enjoy:
Second chance romance
Best Friend
Small Town

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I loved the first two books in the series and this one is every bit as good! Viv’s sisters were the main characters in previous books, so if you’ve read those, it feels like catching up with old friends when you start this book. Viv and Logan and both very endearing and likeable characters who I really connected with. As ever, there is a warm and cosy small town feel, with an array of family and friends as secondary characters. It’s a clean romance, but rich in emotion and romance, despite that. I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes small town romances, regardless of whether you are new to the author or have read all the previous books in the series.

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