Member Reviews

It has been almost 2 years since I listened to first book in this series 'Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches' so it took me a while to recall the basic plot of the first one and connect it with this book but once I did I had as much fun listening to the second installment as I did with the first. In my review for the first book I had said that Steve Hendrickson's narration did wonders to the story and it is the same with the second book as well. However, I will say that to enjoy this series and understand the world building and characters it is better to read the books in order. The book ends with a 'to be continued' right at the crux of the action so the adventure is far from over.

My thanks to NetGalley, the publisher Andrews McMeel Audio and the author Michel Guyon for the ALC.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (narration)
               ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (book)

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Warning: ends on a "to be continued." (Insert all the sad faces here!) Great adventure story. Recommend reading the first in series before tackling this one as there are so many characters and it can get confusing. I would like to see more good adults. The audio narrator did quite well.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this audiobook arc in exchange for my honest review.

Steve Hendrikson is an amazing narrator! I loved this audiobook so much!

If you are craving to read a middle grade fantasy series that is as good, as detailed and drags you as deep into its world as books like Harry Potter, please look no further. This is a series that will most likely join the ranks of enduring great middle grade classics (said by many readers and I can only agree).

In this sequel, Archibald has returned from Lemurea but something came with him. With the unexpected help from his sister, Oliver and Fae (who is not that happy Archibald retrieved her from Lemurea), he tries to find it, to take it back.

So much happens in this book! This book is packed with so many mysteries, adventures, secrets, fantastical things and creatures and the best characters.

I just love everything about this series and I can’t wait to read the next book!

If you enter the magical, unforgettable world of Lemurea with its witches (and what witches!!) and dragons that aren’t dragons the way we got to know them, with many scary things but so many hilariously funny (and clever!) moments too, I must warn you.. You will have a hard time getting back to the real world ;).

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My 12yo and I were bored to tears and didn't finish the book. We were both highly unimpressed with the lead character kidnapping his supposed best friend. The lack of consent when he took her on the trip to his own world was wildly inappropriate. We might have gotten past that if the character had been otherwise likeable, but Archibald is terrible and unpleasant and not someone either one of us wanted to spend more time with.

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Archibald back from Lamurea where he came back much braver. But his sister knows there is more. Archibald is seeing things that point toward the fact he might have brought back something with him on accident from Lamurea and now needs help to track it down and send it back before it can destroy London.
This is a very good fun book. I enjoyed it a lot and hope everyone else does too. I had the audio version and it was really good. The narrator was really good and made the story come alive. This was a fun story and can not wait to see what Archibald and the gang get up to next.

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ARCHIBALD FINCH AND THE CURSE OF THE PHOENIX by Michel Guyon is narrated by Steve Hendrickson is the next fantastical book in this middle grade saga!

I admit, I am not a huge MG reader, but I had the opportunity to read Archibald Finch and the Lost Witches and the cover sucked me in. I fell in love with the story and how Archibald grew through his magical adventures.

This book continues the adventures when Archibald returns home but has brought something back with him. When he works to right this wrong, he needs help from his friend Faerydae, his sister Hailie, and friend Oliver. What this crew discovers, however, is not what they thought and they have to decide how to reveal the truth without getting trapped forever!

I am seriously considering buying the physical copies if there are illustrations like the cover!! That said, the audio was gripping and I found myself stopping my work to listen! I was easily able to follow the characters and all the magical action!

This is really a fantastic story that captured my imagination. There is a ton of adventure and intrique, but even as an adult, I loved the dialog! I think it would appeal to older readers as well because of this. It made me laugh frequently with some great zingers!

Thank you so much @andrewsmcmeel & @netgalley for the chance to listen to this story and share my thoughts! This is publishing September 26th, so be on the lookout!

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Archibald returns to Lemurea to get help from Faerydae because one of the monsters came with him to Earth when he returned home six months ago. He brings Faerydae back with him and there are some interesting moments as Faerydae tries to understand modern London.
Archibald’s sister Hailee gets involved and much craziness ensues.
There are still lots of things I don’t really understand about this series, but this second book was better than the first. I think a reader would need to have read the first book to have a hope of understanding this one.
The narrator did a good job.
Thanks to Netgalley and Andrew McMeel Publishing for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook.

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I loved the first Archibald Finch book so I was very excited to get to listen to the second! I love the narrator as he makes the story quite an enjoyable listen.

When Archibald came back from Lemurea at the end of book one, a marodor came too. He knows exactly one person good at fighting marodors, so back to Lemurea he goes to retrieve Faerydae. Then Archibald, Hailee, Oliver, and Faerydae explore all over modern-day London and even France. I felt like the beginning of book two was a little slow compared to the non-stop adventure of book one, but it quickly picked up the pace and the gang was tangled up in plenty of action in both the real world and Lemurea.

I have recommended book one to many tween readers and will be sure to let them know that book two is available!

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Although it is a very good an very well written and told book. It is not my kind of book. But I do recommend it to people that enjoying reading these type of books.

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Archibald was not the only one to return from Lemurea, a Marodor came too. So another adventure unfolds across two worlds. Danger is everywhere but friends look after each other.

Loved this audiobook, so well written and narrated. Adventure throughout and great characters. Cannot wait to find out what happens next.

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