Member Reviews

Thank you so much to Udon Entertainment and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this manga. Oh, this was a great story!!!!!! It reminds me of Today's Menu for the Emiya Family mixed with Seven Shakespeares with the setting and slice of life atmosphere. However, with that in mind, the dialogue can be a bit dry and dense so you may not always want to pick it up one at a time. The art though is gorgeous, and the characters seem interesting enough for me to pick up more. Because of these points, I have to give this a 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu Vol 1 is a cute slice-of-life cooking story. It follows a pretty normal cooking series format of presenting a dish a chapter that brings a sense of contentment from the customers. The setting's a little different with possible magical/supernatural influence, but vol 1 only hints at it.

Wow did reading this make me hungry 🤤
'Otherworldly Izakaya Nobu', is a series centred around a Japanese style pub that exists in a back alley of the fictional medieval European city of Eiteriach. Brought together by a love for good food and a wholesome atmosphere, the 'Nobu's' customers range from uptight tax collectors and tired soldiers, to spoilt young heiresses and more..
There's just something so comforting about manga series that have a focus on food! And the reactions! Reading this felt like a warm hug in the best way possible~
— Thank you to Netgalley and Kodansha comics for providing an eARC in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own

I'm hungry now after I read this. This manga follows the stories of the people that enter a Izakaya after a day in their life. Except, the Izakaya has access to food and tools the people in the village have never seen before. What is really going on in this Izakaya?
I enjoyed this for what it was. It was short and sweet. This volume didn't really tell us anything about the world or the characters so I'm still a bit confused about all that's happening. Overall, a decent food manga.
Thank you Netgalley and Udon Entertainment for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

This is really cute! I love the story. It's just charming and an easy read. I definitely want to read more!

I really enjoyed this light-hearted read. I want to read more volumes since the mystery of the izakaya remains at the end of the first volume. I will recommend it to our manga orderers!

This is a very light-hearted, slice-of-life historical manga. It's a bit over the top but quite cute at the same time. Most of the manga is comprised of people trying Japanese food for the first time, which alone doesn't seem like enough to comprise a series. What intrigues me is the fact that there appears to be something supernatural afoot. When the Japanese restaurant workers run out of ingredients, they disappear down a mysterious, long hallway and come back with plenty more, even in a land with a harsh, cold environment and pitiful harvest. So I'm suspicious they are traveling through a wormhole in time. I just wish they had dropped a few more breadcrumbs in this first volume because I would personally only continue reading if a plot of some sort emerges, because I'm not much of a slice-of-life reader, but I do know plenty of people who are and who would love this manga either way.

I want to thank Netgalley for an advanced ARC of this manga , all opinions are my own.
This was a very cute read and made me laugh at times because everyone was so mesmerised by the food that it over ran them hehe lol, I would continue with this series because it's fun and engaging to keep u interested from page to page.
I give this a 3.5 stars was fun. 😊

I think this is a wonderful slice of life manga focused around food. Perfect for fans of "Ms. Koizumi Loves Ramen Noodles" or "Today's Menu for the Emiya Family," or if you liked "Food Wars" but want something a little calmer and more wholesome. I think it is abundantly clear the creator loves food, and this is displayed on every page. The central characters, the chef and....waitress? Hostess? The woman on the cover, basically, are wonderful, even if we do not get much of them with just themselves.
I also really enjoyed the display of how food, especially good food, can impact a person and their day. The only real downside is this book made me very hungry.
I did have some problem with the pages being quite blurry, I'm not sure if that is an issue all the digital issues have or just the one I was provided. I do wish to buy this book, but I will defenitly be checking to see if the art is this blurry in the print editions.

When two moons rise in the sky, two different worlds collide for an evening of fine dining and good company.
This slice-of-life manga is heartwarming with the bonus of being educational. Readers unfamiliar with the German words and Japanese food will find themselves finishing the book with a whole new vocabulary and practice in empathy. The story opens with two low-ranking soldiers after a long day and looking for a place to take the edge off. After discovering an odd door, they walk through and find themselves in a modern, Japanese-style pub.
While the pub is filled with modern-day amenities readers will be familiar with, such as glass cups and hot plates, the characters are amazed by these unfamiliar items. Something simple like the soldiers being wary of a glassware allows the readers to see the familiar from an unfamiliar perspective. Learning to view something outside of oneself is valuable for practicing empathy. Overall, the book has many layers of teachable moments.
From a technical point of view, there is a variety of language and exposure to Japanese culture. Readers are introduced to German words, most of them food-related, along with Japanese cuisine. When an unfamiliar vocabulary term is introduced in the story, the author includes a footnote containing a brief definition. At the back of the manga is a “Menu”, which collects all the German and Japanese terms into one place, along with pronunciation guides and definitions. These inclusions help to educate the reader without disrupting the flow of the story.
Readers who enjoy the “Delicious in Dungeon” manga series will fall in love with this quaint pub and its colorful characters. No matter the reason for picking up the book, readers will finish with a new education and appreciation for the many characters visiting the pub.

DNF @ page 10
This one just wasn't my jam and that's okay. Not everything we attempt will be for us.

Thank you so much Netgalley for a digital copy of the manga in exchange for an honest review.
If you like cozy vibes, stories about food, and just constantly changing people mind, this is the story for you.
This is a beautifully illustrated story about a hole in the wall izakaya restaurant in a fictitious German village. Due, to each chapter being told from the different perspectives of each new patron there is no set main character which adds an interesting and fresh touch to the story. we get to spend a short moment of time witch each of the characters and learning their preferences and what is going on in their lives and seeing the impact food has on them before and after a great meal. There is one chapter that felt straight out of Ratatouille with a cruel and harsh man who has sealed off his joyous side from youth and is bring back to his roots with a pasta dish. He changes everything and starts over new and becomes a generous person.
This story was just a really warm read that makes you want a comforting warm meal and to be adventurous the next time you eat out because you might discover something exceptional.

I am biased because I started with the live-action adaptation of the light novel this is based on, and I have also read the first volume of the light novel series. So I know all the characters, the stories and I know how what at the beginning seems quite random people going to a Japanese pub (izakaya) to have something at the end of the day develops little by little into its own world, with lots of stories and characters that are related to each other, and more depth than a 'food/other world' story should.
So reading this first volume of the manga adaptation I feel like watching the show or reading the light novel: it is enjoyable enough, the characters are nice, and the little stories are entertaining, but not much else. But I know what is to come, so I know I have to first get introduced to the world, before getting to discover its depth. That makes it more interesting for me than if I have come to the story without background.
The art is very nice, even if sometimes the drawings of people enjoying their food may seem too much, too over the top..
I would recommend to give this a try, particularly as the story becomes more interesting the more we get to know the characters.

So, I don't really understand the appeal of reading these detailed depictions of food and the random characters you have no attachment to rhapsodizing over eating it. It can be an atmospheric enhancement to a story, as well as a plot device (see Kakuriyo, which does both of these things well). But as the entire plot, I just don't get it. (Then again, I don't understand people who pay to watch other people eat, and I have heard that exists)
The other thing that bothered me was the proliferation of untranslated words, mostly Japanese and German, that weren't translated in the main text but rather footnotes.
The art was nice.
Recommended if you like that sort of thing, but not if you want an actual story.

Its a really heart warming slice of life manga with food. The characters are sweet and all the food drawn looks delicious and lifelike.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.
If you want a detailed story, this isn't the manga for you. But if you enjoy food and the happiness it can bring to others, then pick this up! An episodic manga focused on a fictional German town with a Japanese style pub highlights the joy food can bring. It's fun to see how the different character react to the different types of Japanese dishes.
And whatsontap made me chuckle every chapter!

This graphic novel was a lot of fun to read. I had never read anything by this author before, but I will definitely be looking out for more of their works in the future. I can't wait to add it to my library's collection.

This slice of life manga will resonate with fans of A Restaurant to Another World. Focused on a Japanese resturant in a fictional historical German city, residents come to enjoy a meal with ingrediants and receipies foriegn to them, yet none leae unsatisfied.
This is very easy to read story, both cozy and charming. It is a great interduction to this series, but I do hope we start to get more background to the chef and why the restaurant is here in future volumes.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the review copy.

This is a well drawn and interesting food manga story.
The reader is taken to a Japanese style pub called "Nobu" which exists in the medieval European city of Eiteriach. We are not told how the pub arrived in this medieval city or what the customers think about this strange pub. All we know is that the food tastes magical and this magic seeps into the lives of those people who visit this pub.
Sometimes food manga stories can be quite boring but this was is very engaging and the artwork is great. The reader is drawn in and is left wanting to visit the pub themselves and taste the food that is offered.
Copy provided via Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review.

I haven't read much manga for years and forgot that you need to read it right to left. Once I got back I to the hang of it I found this was a cute graphic book. It has some very nice art but not much of a plot. Cute and pleasant quick read though, enjoyable enough. Suitable for children.