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Nothing But It All

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Notthing But It All by Adriana Locke, Lauren Reed, is a mother of two and married to Jack Reed, she lost her parents when she was very little and her loved ones are her family, her best friend and her father-in-law, Harvey, but for some time, her marriage has been slowly dissolving on a day-to-day basis. Tired of asking for attention and waiting for her husband Jack to do the things she asks him to do or at least show up for dinner, she decides to take control of her life, after a while and with her children already teenagers, Michael about to finish school and Maddie will do so in a couple of years, she begins to work on a business that, thanks to Maddie and the fun videos she has put on her page, her services are highly sought after, this leads her to seriously consider divorce. When Maddie and Michael, helped by their grandfather Harvey, decide to conspire to make their vacation happen, as usual, at the cabin in Story Brook and get their parents to be in the same place for a couple of weeks and try to get them to get along. When they agree to continue with this little vacation it will be the opportunity for Jack to win back the woman he has never stopped loving and for Lauren to feel seen, heard and supported again.
This is a story full of feeling, beautiful characters who find themselves without realizing it separated by the burdens of life, but whose love is so strong that they manage to find their way back, but only when they are truly committed to making their relationship work and do everything necessary to always put themselfs first. A story that will captivate you and with which many will feel identified. A beautiful emotional story that you won't want to miss. Highly recommended!

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First off, if you’ve never read an Adriana Locke book… you’re missing out.

Next, Lauren and Jack’s story makes my heart feel all the things!

The first chapter broke me a little, but then they get “parent trapped” and I couldn’t help but hold onto hope alongside their kids!

I told my husband that the ending is so perfectly imperfect, and you can imagine they are real people in your life. Like, I feel like Jack and Lauren could be our neighbors… That’s how relatable Adriana makes her characters!

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𝗧𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗲𝘀: marriage in trouble, second chance, characters in their 40's, small town, parents of teenagers

This story is an emotional one where Lauren and Jack face a marriage in trouble. Their children and Jack's father made a plan to bring Lauren and Jack to the Pop's house, and spend one last summer together. Here, Jack finally sees that he has to change to save his relationship with Lauren, but she realizes some things too.

During the time they spent together, it makes them change some aspects, and repair the distance that exists between them, and save their marriage. The process is hard and raw, but a beautiful one. Girls, have some napkins with you because you might shed some tears.

Their story is full of emotions, from which we must learn that communication is the one of the keys to a successful relationship, and that without it we would be strangers to our loved one.

Thank you Adriana Locke and Montlake for the opportunity to read this amazing book in exchange for an honest review.

This books was provided via NetGalley.

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Adriana Locke is on my automatic 1-click list. I fell in love with her writing years ago, and I’ve tried to catch every new release since. Her writing clicks with me every. Single. Time. I can’t quite put my finger on the why of it, but it does. I guess it’s like any other relationship in your life. Some draw you in, and some don’t. It’s one of the reasons I love reading new-to-me authors because it’s like speed dating in the book world. Most of the time, prospects are decent, but some are downright awful. And every once in a while, you stumble onto a big winner. I hit the jackpot with my first Adriana Locke book, and now, I can’t help returning over and over. She writes amazingly complex but (mostly) lovable characters in amazingly emotional (in the best possible way) stories. And she stayed true to her style and voice with this new release.

Jack and Lauren could be almost any married couple. And while I don’t think a marriage in crisis can be saved by two weeks away with meddling kids and an incorrigible father, this is fiction, just like instalove is fiction. What this story did well was to make me consider my own relationship, what pitfalls trip us up, and how we can navigate those. Ms. Locke did so while writing likable, relatable characters with dynamic personalities who weren’t afraid to do a good bit of self-introspection, considering both the positive and negative aspects of their selves and their relationships. The story had heavy moments, but there were enough light-hearted moments to make you smile and laugh. At the end of the day, fiction lovers long for stories to take us out of our reality and drop us into the potential. As usual, Ms. Locke did precisely this and did it very well.

NICUnurse’s Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Overall Grade: A

Tropes: marriage in trouble; small-town vibes; second chance; blue collar;

Dear Adriana,

I decided to write this review as an open letter to you because it’s been a week and a half since I finished reading Nothing But It All, and this book continues to cling to my soul. Reading this book was like looking into a mirror and seeing my reflection. You deftly and beautifully captured the challenges of two middle-aged parents and the strife of marriage. Yes, Lauren and Jack find their happy ending again, but the book’s ending promises that life will continue challenging them, and they will need to continue working hard at their marriage. The truth and reality of this book are couched in the tenderness and spice of Jack and Lo’s reconciliation, so anyone who doesn’t want to read the reality of romance can still melt with the love portrayed between these two characters. Yes, Jack’s father and their kids are critical to your story in getting Jack and Lauren to the place where reconciliation can happen, but they aren’t necessary to Jack and Lauren’s journey.

I have to be honest, though. I had to step away from the book several times because it was so real, and I saw myself in your story. My husband and I are essentially married roommates after 26 years of marriage.
Unfortunately, my husband isn’t Jack, whose self-awareness is refreshing in your story. So the hope projected through Jack and Lauren’s story is a bitter pill for me. My choices for my marriage, though, are represented in the truth of your book: marriage takes dedication and work through the good and bad times. Lauren says something like she would rather have Jack in her life than a life without him, and I think that’s true for me too.

Thank you for writing this book even though it was sometimes difficult to read because it’s so true to my life now. I am exceedingly grateful for the quality of your writing voice, and for how you create characters that look and sound like real people in real situations with the promise of finding their happy endings. Nothing But It All is a primer on how romances can be written about the challenges of middle-aged love and the hope for different outcomes.

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It’s a beautiful and emotional second chance and goes to show you that there are still bumps in the road. Jack and Lauren have been married over 20 years now and have teenage kids. Lauren is a stay at home mom and devotes herself to their kids and Jack. Jack owns his own business, auto shop, and the past few years he spends more time at work than at home. It's kinda a parent trap situation, except the kids didn't just meet. They work together with their grandpa who definitely don't want their parents' marriage to end by making everyone stay at a cabin for two weeks. A beautiful, real and heartwarming story of a marriage on the edge of collapse, and a couple’s fight to get back on track and find their HEA again.

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If you liked King of Greed, by Ana Huang, done want you will love this book from Adriana Locke.

It has the same themes of marriage in trouble, a little vacation and forced proximity. Add some kids who really don't want to see their parents break up and you have here a very emotional story of second chances. Jack finds out that his wife is about to file for divorce, he is determined to turn things around. As they struggle to get over the gross miscommunications that built up over their long term marriage, they rekindle their love and bring their family together.

I liked this story a lot, although i wished for a different, more thrilling ending. Still, marriage-in-trouble being one of my favourite tropes, this was a really good read for me.

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Adriana Locke is one of my favorite authors for emotional, contemporary romances. She never fails to deliver a poignant, riveting story and Nothing But It All is no different! There are heavy, heartwarming, and laugh-out-loud moments that make this an amazing read. You know how they say you should never stop dating your partner? Nothing But It All gives you that reminder and may even have you reflecting on your own life. Lauren needs to feel seen and heard in her struggles, but Jack remains oblivious until it could be too late…If you're looking for a book that will give you all the feels, pick this up! It's so worth the read!

•Contemporary Romance
•Marriage in Trouble
•Second Chance
•Small Town
•HEA 🥰

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“He stands in the doorway, one hand gripping the top of the frame. A smirk that’s as decadent as it is sexy is planted on his lips. My God, this man is something else.”

Review: 4/5 ⭐️
Steam: 1/5 🔥

Jack and Lauren have history. They’ve been married more than two decades but Lauren is tired of being put on the back burner. Jack has been working hard to support their family but lost sight of his wife’s needs. So when it seems like everything’s going to dissolve, the kids and their grandfather step in to save the couple who are meant to be.

Lauren and Jack don’t have the perfect marriage. But they have a real one. It’s so easy to get lost in kids and work, not even realizing that you or your spouse aren’t the people they once were, and not always in a bad way. When they say marriage is the hardest job you’ll have, it’s not a lie. But through all the struggles it’s easy to understand why these two love each other. It’s raw and real. As hard as it was, they fought because they knew what their hearts felt. Not a trope I usually read, but I did find it easily relatable and enjoyable.

@authoradrianalocke captured what a real marriage is like so well. As much as we love romance, it’s refreshing to see real life things, not all butterflies and rainbows. I’d recommend this to anyone who enjoys this trope or needs a refreshing dose of real, true love.

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5 Stars

Nothing But It All is a heartwrenching/heartwarming story that shows love can and will conquer everything that is put in its path. It is beautifully written, full of raw emotion, absolutely wonderful characters, and will make anyone that has ever been through a divorce question whether they really did try all they could to make their own marriage work.

Angela - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog

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A good read that had me smiling loved Harvey and Snaps. Great looking at the intergenerational relationships too.

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Thank you to the publisher @netgalley for a copy of this marriage in crisis romance. I don't read too many stories with older couples especially one that is married for 20 years. I love how real this story is about a couple growing apart with focusing on raising a family. You feel the pain the Lauren goes through as she is unappreciated and feels invisible. Despite being a heavier read, there's a lot of humor in it too. The children, grandpa and the puppy brings a lot of depth to the story. I love the forced proximity of a secluded cabin to make them rediscover each other.

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Nothing But It All
Author- Adriana Locke
Series- Standalone
Rating- 4 Stars out of 5
Genres- Contemporary Romance
Tropes- Second Chance, Small Town, Marriage in Trouble, Blue Collar, Lake House, Parent Trap-esque Meddling
Main Characters- Lauren and Jack
Spice Level- 2/5

When I started reading Nothing But It All earlier this week I thought I'd just start the first few chapters to get an idea of whether I'd like the book or not... I didn't expect to stay up well past when I intended to go to bed, because I couldn't put the book down, NEEDING to know what was going to happen. I won't lie this book didn't have any huge twists and turns, it had it's moments of predictability but it was an enjoyable romance. Two people learning how to fall back in love with one another again is always a sweet romance.

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When I started this book, I actually had no idea what it was about. I went into it completely blind and I am so glad I did. Not knowing what I was getting ready to read I think made it more impactful for me. I have not read many "marriage in trouble" trope books, but this one was written so well. Lauren feels like she has the weight the world on her shoulders. Taking care of the house, kids, being a good mom and wife. Feeling utterly alone because her Jack, her husband has lost site of his priorities. When Lauren decide to finally take charge and make her life out of something so she can be independent... jack realizes that maybe he needs to realign his priorities.

I loved that right out the gate we get to see the raw emotions of being a struggling mom. I truly appreciate when I can connect to a female main character struggling with real life issues. Feeling lonely and underappreciated. I love that the kids tricked the parents into spending a weekend away in hope of saving their marriage and forcing them to attempt to figure their things out. The two teenagers were funny and I loved them just as much as our two main characters. This was beautifully written and I absolutely loved it!!

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Nothing But It All is a second chance love story by Adriana Locke. It is the story of Jack and Lauren, a married couple who is trying to figure out how to rekindle the spark in their relationship.

Jack and Lauren might be married on paper, but they really are living two separate lives based on how things are going. Jack is focused on business and Lauren is taking care of things at home and with their two teenaged kids. The kids, Michael and Maddie, are awesome and play such a big role in this entire story.

While Jack and Lauren absolutely had their share of problems, the connection and chemistry was definitely there. The way that Locke went about writing this story had me cheering for this couple and wanting the absolute best for them. Throw in the rest of the family and the dynamics they bring as well, the aforementioned kids above, and it just adds to it.

This was a really, really beautifully written story and one I'd recommend picking up!

**I read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

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Cant go wrong with a book by Adriana Locke. I have enjoyed everyone she has written and this is no exception. This is Lauren & Jack's story. They have been married awhile and have two teenagers and have let things go in their marriage. Lauren is ready to file for divorce, but her kids and father in law coerce her and Jack to their lake cabin for two weeks. Jack has received a wake up call when he finds out of the possible divorce and will do anything to fix what went wrong in their marriage. Absolutely loved this book!

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“A man standing at the sink, shirtless, doing dishes.”

Is something I think a lot of us would appreciate, I know I would! 😆

Lauren and Jack have been married for 20 years and it seems time has not been good to them.

“We aren’t even passing ships in the night. We’re more like trains operating on different continents.”

Life has gotten in the way, Jack’s business that he built from the ground up, two teenagers and their busy after school activities and all the other things that needs to be done. Lauren feels like she doesn’t even know her husband anymore, let alone her own self. And the only way she feels she can move forward is by getting a divorce.

Michael and Maddie, Lauren and Jack’s kids are not ready to give up just yet though. With the help of their Grandfather, they scheme up a plan to get the whole family together in their lake house in Story Brook, Ohio. They’re hoping that their parents figure out their issues and fall back in love, if not then atleast they’ll get one last summer together.

OMG! I love this book so much! I read it one sitting! Forget all the things that needs to be done at home, feed yourselves kids! 😆

I think that at one point in our lives, especially if you’ve been with someone for so long and if you have kids as well that you’ve felt some of what both Lauren and Jack felt. I think Adriana did a great job of describing those feelings. That feeling of loving your family and doing that you can for them but also feeling like you’re doing everything and no one seeing you. The feeling that every one gets a choice to do whatever you want but you get stuck doing things because everyone knows you’re gonna do it for them.

I can keep going on and on about all the things I felt about this book and I wouldn’t be able to stop so you’re just gonna have to read it for yourself.

A small town, second chance, marriage in peril romance that will make you cry, laugh and fall in love all over again.

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𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐀𝐥𝐥 is an emotional an authentic marriage in crisis romance by Adriana Locke sure to tug on your heartstrings. After 20 years of marriage, Jack and Lauren are basically roommates living separate lives. As his business pulled him away, she pleaded with him to make time for the family, but Lauren has reached her breaking point. With her own business now, she’s ready to move on. Can one last-minute family vacation organized by two meddling kids and one wily grandfather be enough to remind Jack and Lauren why they fell in love with each other in the first place?

I loved this real look inside a long-term marriage, as a couple gets busy and complacent, and takes each other for granted. Yes, it seems like Jack is the main culprit, but nothing is 100% one-sided in a marriage. I just love the authentic emotions, the compelling characters, the top notch banter, the fun meddling, the gut-punch of a twist I didn’t want to see. Life is complicated, and we hit rough patches sometimes. It’s how you respond to those watershed moments that matters. This book captures in such an entertaining way! I wish it wasn’t over… I want more of these wonderful characters!!

I received an ARC for free, and am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I find something so riveting about love stories that start after the proverbial HEA, with couples well beyond the falling, well into the struggles and challenges of STAYING in love. Nothing But It All gives us the story of a 20-year marriage in trouble. It’s a beautiful and emotional story of falling BACK in love, and learning about growing together and not apart.

I love the depiction of Jack and Lauren’s challenges. A couple who were once MADLY in love, who were living an enviable happily ever after. But like so many couples before them, love brought marriage and children and responsibilities and so much living. And over time, little sacrifices, little identity compromises, and the pressures of growing older and raising a family create little fissures in their connection, fissures that tear and tear a tiny bit over time. This isn’t a couple who has some loud or dramatic betrayal or falling out- it’s a couple who has quietly but painfully been growing apart. Now two people who couldn’t have been more madly in love are practically estranged in their own marriage- strangers who have their own silent frustrations and challenges.

I appreciated how realistic their challenges are, and also how neither is villainized. You empathize with both characters, understand how they both got where they are. I love how their whole family gets in on the action to help them want to recommit to making it work (has a little parent trap vibes). Watching a couple fall back in love, remembering what brought them together, and starting to heal and find a path forward is so rewarding in a love story. There are some emotional moments, but given the stakes it’s actually not too heavy of a story (if only it were that easy for all of us- but that’s why it’s romance!), and it was quite sweet and swoony all in all.

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Nothing But It All takes the troubled marriage concept without making someone the evil villain, combined with mischievous teens (and their doting grandpa) to “parent trap” Jack and Lauren into falling back in love. It was well done and an enjoyable, heartfelt read. I’ve loved many of Adriana’s previous books and this one was a deeper read, still funny in the way her books tend to be, but it felt like there were higher stakes involved. Jack and Lauren clearly still loved each other but allowed their own insecurities and other commitments get in the way of spending time together. I recommend this one if you enjoy a small town romance with all the feels.
I received an advanced reading copy, receipt of which did not impact my review.

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