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Seven Summers

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Rating: 4.5/5
I received eARC for my honest opinion.

WOW!!! Why have I not read any of Paige's books before, she is amazing. I can’t believe all the emotions that I felt while reading this book: love interests(multiple), grief, trauma, romance, and heartbreak. This book was beautiful, heartbreaking, heartwarming and devastating at parts but I would still recommend it to anyone.

When reading this book, you will be taken to the rugged Cornish coastline with an amazing view of the ocean, with a bar that everyone goes to in the summer months and to a cute Airbnb that Liv starts up. I wasn’t sure what kind of book I was getting myself into, honestly, I thought it was a romcom and it is but so much more. I would have to say that Paige Toon is now up there with Abby Jimenez books with the emotional damage and being able to pick up your broken heart and piece it back together. She has a way with her lyrical words that will be having you sitting on the edge of your seat non-stop reading this book. The plot does follow a few different timelines and at first, I thought I would hate that it would go to the past then present but it really helped me to understand all the feelings that Liv and Finn were going through. This book is fast paced, and the characters are so easy to connect with and relate too that you feel all their pain with them.

Liv, I loved her right away and the more and more I got to understand her side of the story, I found myself able to relate to her more and more. I loved that she was determined to keep to her guns, and I could understand the reasons, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to shake her a few times. I loved getting to see her growth as a character throughout the book. Finn, I loved him right away. I was a little mad at first about how things went down but I understood the reasons. It was fun getting to see the other side of him when he was younger and to understand his feelings for Liv. I didn’t think I would like Tom that much because of how much I loved Liv and Finn, but I loved that he was able to help her with her growth as an adult and really helped her to get the happy ending that she deserved.

If you are looking for a sweet romcom look here but be ready to have your heart strings pulled and your heartbroken, but don’t worry the author will piece it back together for you.

I want to thank NetGalley and Penguin group for the opportunity to review this book.

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Seven Summers is not your typical romance book. Not by a long shot. It is original, endearing, refreshing, emotion evoking, thought provoking, and captivating. It's all about the journey for me with romance books and WOW what a journey!

Liv and Finn had bright futures when they met at a bar on the Cornish coastline. Liv is a local who dreams of being an artist and Finn is a musician from Los Angeles. They share a wonderful night together but then tragedy strikes. Finn must return to L.A. while Liv must stay in Cornwall. They make a promise to spend their summers together if both are single...

Tom is a new arrival in Cornwall and he and Liv have a connection....

I had no idea what I was getting into when I began this book. I loved the author's book Only Love Can Hurt Like This and was excited to start this book. I was instantly transported to the Cornish Coast, charmed by the characters, and feeling for what life throws their way. I kept my fingers crossed for them to both be single so they could spend their summers together. I also loved Tom's character and rooted for him and Liv as well.

This book had me thinking about it when I had to put it down. My heart soared, my heart broke, I cheered, I felt sad, I smiled, and I enjoyed the ride Page Toon took me on. Plus, I adored Liv's brother.

Wonderfully written, endearing, captivating and evoking emotion.

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Liv and Finn met 6 summers ago in their hometown of Cornwall and fell in love while Finn was visiting his mother’s family for 6 weeks; on their last night together they experienced both a wonderful, amazing night and then something traumatic, bonding them forever. For the next few summers Finn returns on that anniversary and their love continues to grows but also keeps them stunted, not allowing Finn to move on with his life in LA and Liv's in Cornwall. But eventually Finn moves on with his and Liv realizes that she needs to learn how to as well. Then a new man, Tom comes into town and Liv can finally envision herself without Finn for the first time.

I had never read @paigetoonauthor before (I will definitely be putting her backlist on my TBR and telling my best friend about her for the beach this summer) and this very subtle and moody love story just hit the spot. I really liked all of the characters, even when their decisions were frustrating to me. I fell hard for the couple (actually all the couples in the book) and could not stop turning the pages because I needed to see where their lives were going to end up. This one has tragedy, love and second chances - and I just fell for it. I loved how the book was set up - each summer is a mini story and the present day is interspersed throughout the novel, and then the epilogue is also broken up by future summers. If you're in the mood for a love story and can deal with some heartache - I suggest picking this one up.

4.25 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons

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4.5 ⭐️

If you’re a romance reader who loves having your heart torn apart by a couple you wish would be together, this book is for you! I am so glad I finally got to experience a Paige Toon book!

Finn and Liv put me through the wringer, whew!

Finn and Liv met six summers ago, and with each summer, Finn returned to Liv, until one summer, everything changed. Although romantic and angsty, the story still aptly explores the burden of grief and loss. It has a great cast of characters, and the shifting timeline allows the plot to unfold gently—just hold on to your heart.

Thank you @putnambooks and @penguinrandomhouse for the gifted digital arc and thank you @PRHaudio for the gifted audiobook.

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The tale of two epic lovestories spanning over seven summers between Liv, Finn, & Tom. This truly was a masterpiece.

Reading & loving "Only Love Can Hurt Like This," last year, I knew Paige's new novel was also going to wreck me. "Seven Summers" is a beautifully written book that is perfect for the summer. And fall. And winter. And spring. The vibes for sure are of summer, but this heartwarming story will captivate you anytime.

As many of you know, live triangles are my kryptonite, especially the ones where choosing one love interest will wreck you. I loved how Liv had different dynamics with Finn & Tom. One was like the waves-coming & going but never staying in one place and the other like the sand--soft, stable, & present.

Without spoiling too much, I'll say how brilliant the writing was when it went from 7 summers ago, 6 summers 6 summers later, 7 summers later. The narrative was poetic & even though I could guess how it was going to end, I still wasn't prepared for the whirlwind romance.

This book reminded me of some of my recent favorites, "Expiration Dates" and "The Last Love Note."

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is just the perfect beach read! I enjoyed and felt a connection to the characters and story. It made me have all the feels. It is tragic but hopeful. The back and forth between the years did work for this book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the e-arc.
4/5 stars

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The story covers seven summers between Liv and Finn. Liv and Finn are bound together by their undeniable chemistry. When tragedy strikes, it draws them even closer together. But then life brings them apart. Finn moved to LA to follow his dreams with his band. Liv stayed in Cornwall for her family. Every summer Finn comes home for a short visit and every summer Liv ends up with a broken heart. On the seventh summer Liv meets Tom. Tom has the potential to help Liv move on from Finn and live a life she deserves with someone who will always be there for her. Who will Liv choose?

I loved every single character. They were all relatable and at one point I could have sworn the book was about my life. It really resonated with me. I was cheering for Liv the entire time and was hoping that she would find her happy ever after.

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And again this author does it to ME!!!!!! Takes my heart, rips it off my chest, and squeezes IT!!!!!! UGH This book was EVERYTHING I EVER NEEDED. We meet Liv who is back home from college, it’s the summer time, but she’s looking forward to hopefully leaving again to pursue her artistic career as a sculptor. She meets Finn, and this is a boy she has known since before high school, but he always kept to himself, but this summer he’s very different. Their arrangement is pretty simple, since he lives in the states now, if they are still single in the summer time they will spend it together, and take it from there. Neither want to move to be with each other, especially with what happened to Liv and also having to take care of her brother.

But like then she meets Tom who comes to stay at her AirBnB, and there are some sparks, and in true Paige Toon form, we have us a SITUATION, a little love triangle. I was thinking to myself “how is Paige going to make this HAPPEN!!!” I couldn’t stop rooting for either character. The growth between these two characters was awesome, to finally see that love can conquer all. I won’t lie, I was not a fan of Finn after a while because he couldn’t make up his mind, but I still loved this book so much!!!

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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Liv and Finn meet six summers ago working in a bar on the rugged Cornish coastline, their futures full of promise. When a night of passion ends in devastating tragedy they are bound together inextricably. But Finn’s life is in LA with his band, and Liv’s is in Cornwall with her family—so they make a promise. Finn will return every year, and if they are single they will spend the summer together.

This summer Liv crosses paths with Tom—a mysterious new arrival in her hometown. As the wildflowers and heather come into bloom, they find themselves falling for one another. For the first time Liv can imagine a world where her heart isn’t broken every autumn. Now Liv must make an impossible choice. And when she discovers the shocking reason that Tom has left home, she’ll need to trust her heart even more . . .

It's been awhile since I've found myself on the edge of my seat in a book.
This story had me from the first page and didn't let go. I thought it was going to be predictable and maybe it was to some degree but she had me questioning it all multiple times.
If you love an awesome love triangle with A-N-G-S-T, you're going to love this.
This will be going on my list of top reads for the year.

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I really like the first half of this book but then it got a bit monotonous and the ending was just not for me . . . even though it was foreshadowed, it felt a bit rushed and just ugh . . . the setting was fantastic and well developed characters but I found myself wanting a bit more and/or a different ending. Still very good -- give it a try!

Seven Summers comes out next week on May 21, 2024 and you can purchase HERE.

PERFUME EMANATES FROM THE PURPLE AND WHITE wildflowers growing on the grassy banks and the morning air is crisp and still as I set off to Seaglass, the restaurant-cum-bar on the beach where I work. On either side of me, the hills seem to climb higher and higher as the road cuts down through the valley, and in the far distance, the Atlantic Ocean comes into view, a deep blue where it hits the horizon. I follow the curve of the road past whitewashed cottages, the pub, and the Surf Life-Saving Club before Trevaunance Cove appears in full. The tide is halfway in and the curling, clear aquamarine waves are lapping gently against the creamy-white sand.

Summer has landed and Cornwall is radiant. I feel the hope of it in my bones, as though I might finally be ready to step out of the cold shadow that has lingered over me lately.

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Oh my goodness what a roller coaster ride this was! Beautiful cover, beautiful story! I loved every character in this book and was almost sad to see it end. This was my first read by this author but I've already gotten more!

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The title is straightforward, you are jumping around from the present summer and summers past. I wasn't ready for the emotional rollercoaster that this book took me on. This was my first Paige Toon book and it won't be my last, I am eager to read more by her!!
I won't be writing a lengthy review because I don't want to give anything away but you will fall in love with every character; Liv, Michael, Finn, Tom, Chas... etc. The romance between Finn & Liv is so easy. They mesh so well. They truly had me wrapped around their finger. But trust me... they crushed my heart too. Finn is the perfect book boyfriend, supporting her whenever she falls apart and bending all the broken pieces while also shattering them each time he leaves. Then Tom came along and I didn't want to like him but it was so hard not to! One of my favorite relationships was Liv and Michael and how they both wanted to protect each other but Liv uses him as an excuse (you'll see what I mean).
I don't think I would've appreciated this book as a teen or even when I was in my early twenties but now, as I am almost 30... this book wrecked me and taught me so much. There was maturing, grief, first and second loves, second chances, and so much more. I could go on and on but it felt so real. It was so much more than a romance novel. I highly recommend everyone run out and get this book when it comes out May 21!
Thank you, NetGalley, the author and the publisher for an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is SO heartwarming and typically I'm not one for love triangles, but this really pulled me in.

This beach read takes you on such a wild ride emotionally, and really felt unpredictable at points.

Four stars instead of five because the maturity of the characters felt unbelievable considering the circumstances, and because the ending left something to be desired.

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This book wrecked me. It was so emotional and heart wrenching. I absolutely loved it. Seven Summers is one of my favorite romances of the year. I fell in love with Liv and Finn’s bond and how they connected. Paige Toon does such a wonderful job writing deep romances that really have you feeling emotional. I’m usually not one for love triangles, but Seven Summers was different for me. I was totally pulled into the story and couldn’t stop reading once I made it to the second half.

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Review - Seven Summers by Paige Toon
After reading Only Love Can Hurt Like This by this author last year, I knew I wanted to read more of her books.
Seven Summers was so good!
I admit I couldn’t quite relate to Liv personally, but it honestly didn’t matter because the author made me feel for her and understand her decisions and that’s why I love this author so much!
Seven Summers was tragic, heartbreaking, and also beautiful and full of love and joy.
If you’re looking for a contemporary romance about loss and love and how we are shaped by it all, this is the perfect read to add to your bag this summer.
Highly recommend and I cannot wait to see what Paige will write next.

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Thank you to PRH Audio and Putnam Books for an ALC and an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

A new author for me.
I went in blind. I had no idea what I was in for. It’s an emotional read between Liv and Finn and Liv and Tom.

Liv reconnected with Finn six summers ago in England. They developed a relationship and tragic event brings them even closer. Finn has to return to Los Angeles at the end of the summer, but he says that he will return. If they are both single they will renew their romance.

Meanwhile, present summer Liv meets an interesting stranger/tenant, Tom.

Then we go back to five summers ago when Finn returns. And then to the fourth, third and second summer. This is all intermixed with present summer chapters. I’m usually not a fan of back and forth timelines, but this worked as I was equally absorbed into both stories. I had a guess of who Liv would end up with, but had no idea how emotional it would turn out to be.

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LOVED this book. This book gives you butterflies, shatters your heart, and then puts it back together in the best way. It was a rollercoaster of emotions from beginning to end and I didn’t want the book to be over.

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬 ♡
•murdering the lawn
•sand art
•the trees
•”I just want you.”
•the playlist
•Taylor Swift “22”
•St. Agnes, Cornwall
•“I wanted to give you a path to wander along.”

Gosh, I have no idea how to review this book. Paige Toon’s writing is so addictive. It’s no wonder that I stayed up until 3:30am to finish this story…in tears. Yes, I cried many tears over the course of this book and that’s unusual for me.

Seven Summers may be the most unique love triangle I’ve ever read. I know a lot of people freak out when they see this trope, but I think this is the best one I’ve ever read. I can’t explain why as I don’t want to spoil the story, so you’ll just have to trust me on this. What I can say is that I fell in love with both Tom and Finn and they were each perfect for Liv. Her romances with them were unique and equally swoony!

I loved Liv’s relationship with her brother Michael. He was hilarious and the way they took care of each other was so heartwarming. Liv goes through a lot in this story, but I loved her resilience and the way she put her whole heart into caring for those around her. The summery beach vibes in this story spoke to my soul and made me fall in love with Cornwall. There is so much heartache in this story, but it’s tempered by love and healing and will ultimately put you back together in the end.

Content: some language, brief nondescript open

Thank you to Penguin for an advanced copy. My thoughts are my own.

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Finn and Liv have had a summer fling for the past seven summers, but can really even call it a summer fling. Each summer their flame burns stronger than the last, but can these summers of deep connections and be enough to last the rest of the year? Will one of them give up their love and move for the other?

While I really ended up enjoying Liv and Finn’s story, it was just too much of a slow start for me. I had a hard time staying infested until I was almost 1/2 of the way through.

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This was my first time reading a novel by this author, and it won’t be the last! This story takes place over seven summers full of love, heartbreak, grief, discovery, and every other emotion in between.

What a love triangle we got! Liv and Finn? Liv and Tom? I was torn in both directions multiple times during this novel. Paige Toon accomplished what most authors cant; make you root for both love interests. I was transfixed till the end to find out the conclusion.

Definitely recommend this book if you enjoy the What If? scenario! Very well done.

Thank you to Netgalley and Putnam Books for this ARC; all opinions are my own.

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