Member Reviews

Likely closer to 2.5, but the writing was so lovely I feel like I really should be rating this 3! Thanks Netgalley, Tahereh Mafi, and HarperCollins Children's Books/HarperCollins for the eARC!

I read this in one sitting, so that's a good sign. My main issue with this Tahereh Mafi series is that.... not a lot happens? I noticed this as well with the first two installments. These books positively drip with gorgeous prose--that is where Mafi's true skill lies, and I'd love for her to try poetry--but fall quite flat in almost every other facet. This and the previous books really do feel like filler, and remind me of the 201os author's habit of spinning out a story that could be told well and succinctly but was too bloated with fluff or unnecessary scenes. Or in this book's case, with unnecessary prose. Gorgeous to read in the moment but a day later and I've already forgotten about it. This book needed something to propel the story to its conclusion (I believe the next book is the last?) as it's difficult to remain interested in where the story is actually going... because I just don't know, because I feel like nothing much has actually been explained, because the narrative is bogged down with too much purple prose.

I do worry that Tahereh Mafi peaked with SHATTER ME--or, worse, that because her books seem to sell, her publisher/editors are just letting her do what she wants, when in reality, what she NEEDS is to be pushed more. Once this series is done, I am, however, interested to see where she will take her career. Hopefully she will take a different direction, one with less fluff, more plot and dynamic characters.

This review is mostly negative, but mostly because I am frustrated as this series had/has so, so much potential seemingly squandered by Tahereh Mafi's obsessing with lush prose.

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A big thank you to and the publisher for the advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

I adored the beauty of this series since book 1 and book 3 did not let me down. However I went into reading this thinking that this was the end to a trilogy. That is not the case. I actually waved my hand in the air when I turned the last page saying "What?!?" There must be a book 4! Books that make me emotional, like this series, are ones that stick with me.

Cyrus is hiding a lot of secrets. He is attempting to best the devil, but isn't letting anyone else in on the challenges he faces or what he suffers. Everyone thinks he's the bad guy, but he's not. Alizeh has guessed that there is more than everyone knows. But with Hazan, Huda, Deen, Omid, and Prince Kamran all now in Cyrus' kingdom to rescue her and/or kill Cyrus, and flocks of Jinn descending there too to see their long lost queen, Alizeh needs to make a choice fast. Should she take Cyrus up on his deal to take his kingdom by way of marrying him with the blood oath promise that when his deal with the devil is complete he will die by her hand leaving her ruler of his country?

Books in the middle of the series seem to be filler for the most part, but I didn't know this was a middle of the series book. So while reading this, I was absorbed into the story and didn't really see it as a building block type of book. I say Great Series to the author and I wish to read many more books by you!

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Received an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and its publisher <3


I read both of the previous novels and could not wait until the third book came out. These books are some of the best young adult fantasy books I have ever read. I seriously thought this would be the last book and would be a trilogy but it isn't :( I didn't even realize this until I got near the end and it felt like this was so much more to cover and only like 50 pages left. I don't know how I'm going wait for another year.

Can we also talk about the covers? BEAUTIFUL. This one is easily my favorite cover from the whole series and I need to purchase the physical copy for my own little collection.

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I need the next book! It was such a great book and overall the books keep getting better. I’m excited for what’s to come!

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Listen, I love Mafi. I love this series. I ship Cyrus and Alizeh to the ends of the earth. I like what’s going on with Huda. I’m waiting for some ass kickery to begin in this series. I will absolutely be reading the next book(s) to get to the end of this and will reread them over and over.

These last two books, however, could have been one slightly longer book. In both this and the last, when you summarize the plot that occurs over about 400 pages, there isn’t actually a lot. I’m in this for the end game—there’s definitely going to be some sort of battle or at least some “kick the devil’s butt” action here. But it’s taking a little too long for me, and it’s making it a little frustrating to keep waiting for the next installment.

Will I keep reading: yes. If Mafi doesn’t give Cyrus a happily ever after, I will simply pass away.

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All This Twisted Glory is my favorite installment in this series so far. This book was so painful and brutal. I genuinely cannot believe that I have to wait an entire year to read the next one. How will I survive? I'm feeling so many different emotions right now. I am not okay.

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jesus christ almighty i need the next book.

thanks to harpercollins and negalley for the egalley!

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I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but the story seems to be moving so slowly now.
I am struggling with the world building and the magic system here. I just don't feel like I've been given enough information to understand it.

I AM really enjoying the characters of Miss Huda and Omid.
There are a lot of good things happening in the story and things are slowly being revealed. However, I feel like I was left with far too many unanswered questions after this installment and I am losing patience waiting to hear what Cyrus' deal is.
I didn't realize that this was not the last book when I went into this, so that may have something to do with my disappointment.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an early copy for review.

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We pick up right where we left off in the previous book. I absolutely love this story and this world, so my critiques are minor.

Alizeh and Cyrus are literally in a deal with the devil, and they've decided to marry. Cyrus will fulfill his end of an unholy deal, and Alizeh will get his entire kingdom. She worries about her people and finds herself lacking in what she can give them. I love that Alizeh is so compassionate and caring. She also finds herself having sympathy for Cyrus. It's obvious that he's tortured by his decision to make a deal with the devil, and because he's not allowed to reveal the deal, everyone thinks him a monster, including his own mother. It was great having multiple POVs to see what everyone was thinking and feeling.

Kamran makes his way to Cyrus' kingdom to exact revenge, but finds himself constantly frustrated by his companions. At the end of the last book, a ragtag team of unlikely friends decide to accompany him, and reading about their interactions was so funny. I love Huda, Omid, Hazan, and Deen, and their dynamic is very much one of a "found family".

Mafi's writing is truly wonderful. I'm someone who doesn't enjoy very flowery or ornate writing, and the writing in this series is perfect. It's descriptive, beautiful, and vivid without being too much. The one thing I don't like about the writing is how one of the main characters is being written. Going into this, you know there's going to be a love triangle; Alizeh, Kamran, and Cyrus. Something that's very noticeable with love triangles is making one of the choices into a not-so-great person so that the choice of who to choose is easier. It seems like this is the direction that Kamran is going in, and I dislike that. I understand his actions, but his motivations and words feel so different and harsh from the Kamran we saw in the first two books. He's been through and lot, and his desire for revenge is understandable, but I just don't like that he comes across as so cold now. I think it's possible to show a difficult love triangle without doing this.

My other critique is the pacing. I don't know how many books this series will be, but the pace is feeling quite slow. Everything that's happened in three books could've happened in two, and it doesn't feel like much time is passing at all.

I adore this series and look forward to the next one.

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I have been a fan of this series since I bought the first book. It is so well written and interesting. I enjoy reading books set in fantasy kingdoms, with mystical creatures and people. I felt like the way the Jinn were treated in these books was similar to how some people are treated now. I thought this was the last book in the series, but was happy to find out there will be another instalment.
This is a must read if you are a fan of fantasy books!

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This book!!!! I cannot express how much I love this series. It has been in the back of my mind since I read the first book in the spring, and it’s one that I haven’t stopped talking about or recommending.

I want to be brief in the description since it is the third installment within the series. All This Twisted Glory is a beautifully crafted fantasy story with romantic elements—in writing and in the love story. Mafi’s world is elegantly shaped and you can feel a sense of every characters even if there is no context for which the character is speaking. I love Alizeh and I can’t get enough of her and Cyrus. They give so much angst and energy to the story and I’m craving to get the fourth installment, like I’m ready to bust down the doors for that book.

Additionally, as a warning, the beginning (maybe around the first hundred pages) is a bit confusing and wordy. At times, I found it hard to concentrate on what’s being described; however, Mafi while she is usually a descriptive writer, I had a hard time following the first few chapters. This story and writing is very much on the vibes end of the spectrum, so if you liked Once Upon a Broken Heart trilogy you will adore this series as well! After that first few chapters, I flew through this book and I never wanted it to end. It has to be my favorite of the series and I will be buying a copy in store on the release day.

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Thank you to netgalley for the arc of All this Twisted Glory

All This Twisted Glory was an excellent addition to this series. I really appreciated that Mafi included different POV chapters, I think that added to the plot development and helped me to get a better understanding of what motivated each character. I love Alizeh. I think she is such an interesting and unique character. It’s been a lot of fun to see where her story leads. I was on the edge of my seat for the last 25% of the book … can’t wait to see what this author does next!

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This series has a death grip on me. When I went into this book I thought it was the last in the series and was surprised to find that it isn’t ending yet. I will definitely be reading the next books as I need to know what happens to Alizeh and Cyrus. I won’t say much about this book cause I don’t want to spoil anything but this series has moved from being okay to me absolutely loving it. Mafi is a master of world building and characterization which I absolutely adore. I will read anything that she writes. 🩷

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I wanted to love this book, really I did. However after book two (which already felt like a "filler" novel to me) book three was a whole lot of nothing. I understand that this was originally slated as a trilogy and was subsequently upped to five books, it's just a bummer to see such an incredibly strong start in book one and have it all come apart by book three.

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Yeah, I absolutely devoured this book.

The amount of tension is so thick in this book, it could give TBONA a run for its money 😰 (if you know you know). If anything happens to my boy Cyrus I will scream, cry, and throw up (not in a god way). If ONE KISS isn’t exchanged in the next book I’ll probably explode with too much tension. The side characters were cracking me up almost the entire book. My only complaint is that this book definitely felt more like a filler episode than canon. Not saying there isn’t any important bits because there definitely is, but there was definitely more filler. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC!

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This book is a literary treasure trove. It will leave you breathless, clutching your aching chest as you battle with the minefield of emotions Tahereh Mafi brings to life in these flawless pages. I dare you to try to read it in more than one sitting.

Thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins for an advance reader copy.

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Mafi truly has a way with words; she has a way of making me care about every character and their motives.

This book picks up the pace from book two; while I loved the focus on Cyrus and Alizeh in book 2, I appreciated how this book redrew my focus to the politics at large. I have fallen even harder for this series, and I know I’ll reread these books over and over again until the next book releases.

If you loved the first two in the series, hold on tight, because I have a feeling you will enjoy this book as much as I did. A huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’ve really enjoyed this series, but this book has been my least favorite so far. The pacing is off, and the book feels like it pads out the series rather than pushes it toward the conclusion. I still look forward to the next book, especially with how abruptly this one ends.

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I enjoyed this book. The first two books each took place over just a few days and the majority of this book does as well. That timing can feel odd, but overall it didn't detract from the story. I was happy with the continuing character development and relationship development, even though it doesn't seem like a ton of stuff happened. It mostly felt like build up for the next (maybe final?) book, but I didn't mind since I enjoyed learning about our lead characters even more and being in their heads with the split POVs. I'll be recommending our library system to purchase and can't wait for the next book to come out!

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I am not sure what I was expecting, but somehow I came up disappointed. I confess the cast of characters has become a whimsical for my taste and as for the plot it feels like there really wasn’t one? I thought this was the grand finale, but instead it’s a placeholder of sorts. And ended quite abruptly in my opinion.

I adore Mafi’s writing- even the purple prose of Shatter. This Woven Kingdom was one of my favorite reads of 2022. However, this book paled in comparison to the first 2.

The only time I felt the rush of the previous books was in the scenes with Alizeh and Cyrus. Even then, I felt like it just couldn’t match the agony and swoon-worthiness that was the declaration at the end of book 2- a scene I read half a dozen times because it was just that good.

Alas, I’m saddened to only rate this 3 stars. Even the title irritated me.

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