Member Reviews

Twice on Christmas' by @mcgarveyblack1 @joffebooks is a great thriller full of many twists and turns. I was gripped from the beginning,

Readers: please be aware this book contains several references to sexual assault that some may not wish to read or find distressing.

Synopsis: Rose is sexually assaulted one Christmas Eve and fighting for her life. Upon her recovery she learns that she is pregnant and decides she wants to keep her baby. The killer is still at large and hasn't been captured. Year on year the assaults and killings continue; no one can catch the killer, no one knows who he is and Rose wants closure. But could the killer be someone close to Rose, someone she knows.

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The first time I have read this author. I enjoyed the style of writing. A solid four star read. Great premise. Good characters. Page turner. Plenty of suspense to keep me guessing Would definitely read the next novel. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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I loved the cover on this book and the description but this one fell flat for me. There really wasn’t any suspense to me until the end. The prologue started out strong but the rest of the book seemed repetitive from year to year updates. The end to me was predictable although there were a few twists and turns. I hate being negative but this was a miss for me. Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy for my honest opinion.

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Absolutely awful- poor writing, a completely implausible story and one dimensional characters made this book a struggle to finish

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You do not want to miss reading Twice on Christmas by McGarvey Black. It is a great mystery that you can't get enough of and will not soon forget.

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Absolutely loved this book. I was hooked right from the beginning. It was exciting and fast paced. The plot was great. Well written. I was so convinced the priest was Kringle. But the writer out smarted me, lots of twists and turns to keep you interested. Will definitely be looking out for this author again

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I started this book and thought it was going to good, however i couldnt wait for it to end in the end, it just felt a bit like a repeat in every chapter..

Unfortunately not for me

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I enjoyed reading this sad but compelling story. It's emotional and engaging. The action unfolds during the Christmas period and this makes for happy Christmas scenes contrasting with the drama of violence.
I shall be looking to read more from McGarvey Black.

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An easy book to read. Not too complex. The plot was simple and somewhat predictable. Despite this, I enjoyed it.

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hmmm i enjoyed it quite easy too read and get into which is surprising giving the subject and nature of what happens too rose. I think it was done delicately and with not too much detail.
i think as someone else said it got a lil unrealistic at one point and it was easy too guess who the killer was even though other people were thrown in and it made u go hmmm... which is dissapoining though didnt take away from the story as still wanted too know how it ended and how Rose/the police figured things out.

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Twice on Christmas will keep you up at night wondering. So many questions why a killer will only strike on Christmas eve and Christmas day. Every year for 15 years or more the same thing has been happening along the Eastern seaboard. Christmas eve a woman is sexually assulted and left for dead, then on Christmas Day another woman is sexually assulted and killed. This is happening over and over again with the local police and the FBI looking into these cases.
No one knows why it's happening and no one has any idea of who this deranged person is. Rose just knows that every Christmas she is living in dread and hoping that maybe this year the answers will happen. But that is wishful thinking.
Time finally heals the wounds and Rose with her daughter Mary eek out a life for themselves with the help of her parents who had stood by her side through her ordeal.
Things take some crazy turns in this heart stopping novel when Rose finally finds a kindred spirit in Dave (her daughter's teacher). He is accepting of Mary with all her quirks and Rose with her phobias from her near death experience. But just when you think everything will end up nice and cosy, Bang!
I'm not telling you anymore, for fear that I will spoil this book for you. Suffice it to say I never saw this coming.....

I just reviewed TWICE ON CHRISTMAS by McGarvey Black. #TWICEONCHRISTMAS #NetGalley

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I loved this book. As a great fan of McGarvey Black, I was really keen to read this new Christmas thriller and it didn't disappoint. I did not guess right until the end who the killer many red herrings that kept you changing your mind at every turn.
Felt I knew the characters so well by the end. The tension kept building. Everything you could want in a thriller. Would strongly recommend. Thank you to Joffe Books and the author for an advanced copy in return for a true and accurate review

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This is a multifaceted thriller, which has some disturbing elements. It features a psychotic killer and serial rapist known as the Kringle Killer, because he appears to strike only twice a year - once on Christmas Eve and once on Christmas Day.

After choir practice, college student Rose Grandon is taking a shortcut through a park when she is brutally attacked and left for dead. But this turns out to be a mistake on the part of her would-be killer.

Rose not only survives she gradually recovers. At least, physically. But she also finds out she is pregnant as a result of the attack. Deciding to see the pregnancy through, she gives birth to her daughter Mary, and begins to live a quiet life in her hometown.

Unfortunately her attacker is never caught. And when he finds out he has a child, Rose's situation becomes perilous...

This is an interesting book, but not for the faint hearted. There are some gruesome scenes and graphic details included. But it is also a sensitive and insightful portrayal of how trauma affects the victim, and also how the lasting the trauma can be. The fact that the story is told over a longer period of time makes it unusual.

Black is a skilled writer, and this is a creative take on a familiar trope. If you can manage the triggers, it a story worth reading. I give it 3.5 stars.

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A super quick read the delivered exactly what it set out to. You're thrown in at the deep end as the book starts with a bang. I was instantly hooked and although it felt a bit slower in the middle and you get a lot of unnecessary characters thrown in, the ending made it all worth it! Just your good old fashioned suspense filled, twists thriller.... with a Christmas twist@

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A Christmas thriller yes please!! This was my first book by this author and it will not be my last! The chapters were short which made it such an easy read. This booked had me hooked from the beginning and I couldn’t put it down. The serial rapist/killer commits the crimes over several years on Christmas and the story is told throughout the years. The characters were well developed and I felt creeped out by some. The story was so well written that I had my mind set on who it was and the last few chapters were quite the twist for me.

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This is my first novel written by Black! When I saw this was a Christmas thriller, I had to check it out. At about 280 pages, the story is fast paced and straight to the point. I did find the writing a bit simplistic. I wish she would have written a longer book to allow her the space to fully flesh out the characters and go into greater details. Regardless of that, I was gripped from the beginning and the plot kept me reading to find out the resolution. Despite the dark topics presented (TW: assault, rape), I was entertained throughout this entire quick read!

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Christmas and a thriller....yes please!

This book hooked me from the very beginning. Disturbing and gruesome at times, the trauma of surviving such a brutal crime and the frustration of all involved at the lack of answers was well written.

The story spans over several years introducing new characters, some likeable and some creepy, leaving me second guessing myself the whole time. The way all the small details came together to reveal Rose's attacker was brilliant.

Thank you NetGalley and Joffee Books for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book! I highly enjoy a good thriller and to add Christmas time just made it better.

The beginning of the book really gets you hooked. There is constantly something happening. New characters come in and I was constantly trying to figure out who the bad guy was. Towards the middle of the book things slowed down and the book kinda drug on. It did pick back up towards the end though.

I found it a little predictable however the author had me 2nd guessing myself the entire time. This was a really good read and I would recommend this to anyone who likes a good thriller!

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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Wow. Just Wow. What a fantastic book. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. I do not believe I have read anything by this author but see her books are all highly rated and for good reason. This book was so well written, the story just pulls you in and doesn't let go.

Rose is a young girl, leaving choir practice on Christmas Eve when she is brutally attacked. The next day, a second attack takes place on another woman, but that woman dies. This goes on every Christmas Eve and Christmas day. A huge task force is in place, but they cannot catch the Kringle Killer. Time passes and Rose slowly heals to some degree but dreads the Christmas season.

Every character is so well written, I felt like I knew them. There is not one negative thing I can say about this book. I would highly recommend this book to others. This was an ARC copy from Joffe Books and I thank them greatly. Also thank you to NetGalley. Definitely a 5 star read.

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Twice On Christmas by McGarvey Black. Publication Date 10/12/23
4 Stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Once I started reading, it was hard to put down. I liked it a lot because I couldn’t figure out what the twist would be.

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