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10 Things That Never Happened

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Thank you NetGalley, Dreamscape Media, and Alexis Hall for the Advanced Listening Copy in exchange for an honest review.

I was hesitant to read another Alexis Hall book, I read A Lady for a Duke recently and really disliked it. I thought it would only be fair though to give a more modern style novel a try and I am so glad I did.

This was absolutely adorable and heartwarming. I loved Sam and Jonathan together, they had such good banter and chemistry. They brought out the best in each other and I loved watching these two men grow as people, and working through their family issues together.

The audio narration was also amazing, it really brought the story to life.

I am adding the rest of Alexis Hall books to my TBR now because this book brought me so much joy.

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This book was so much fun. I laughed out loud so many times while listening. I mean the plot is a little bit silly, but I was here for it! I absolutely LOVED the moment when Sam had to fake amnesia. This creates so much great conflict for much of the book. I couldn't wait to find out how Sam would deal with Jonathan's family and the housekeeper. I loved that Jonathan loved Sam's cat. Jonathan was such a jerk. He's just a complicated character and Sam is just lovable. It was definitely an opposites attract type of situation. This book was well written and kept me listening and laughing until the end. There was fantastic character development. The narrator did a great job reading this book. Fun book. Great ride.

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Thank you @dreamscape_media @netgalley @sourcebookscasa for this wonderful romance. I recommend this anyone that loves:
- Grumpy/Sunshine
- Fake Dating
- Forced Proximity
- Great banter

Sam is a perfect mc who is a little chaotic and wants to protects his staff from being laid off. Jonathan is the grumpy owner who is worried about the bottom line. I love their interactions and seeing their relationship develop. The misfit of employees and Jonathan's family added so much fun to the story too. The narrator really brought out the fun English wit in the story.

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Alexis Hall killed it again. Yet another book filled with perfect dialogue and banter, hilarious side characters that I became way too invested in, and imperfectly lovable heroes.

I received an audio advanced copy narrated by Will Watt and HOLY COW IS HE AMAZING! Seriously, he does the best voices from Sam’s Northern dialect to Jonathan’s stern brunch daddy, to every family member and friend. He is seriously talented and I can’t wait to listen to more books narrated by him. I definitely think Watt’s voice helped solidify each personality and his dialects leant themselves to Hall’s comedic timing making what I’m sure was already an excellent book, even more alive. And when Hall is on, he’s on. I feel like most of his books are 5 ⭐️ reads for me and this is yet another that so effortlessly pulled me into the world of Sam(wise), manager of a bed and bath branch store owned by the “dickish” Jonathan Forest.

From the get-go the antics of the coworkers pulled me in and the immersive storytelling made listening a delight. In an Alexis Hall book, everyone is imperfect and a bit quirky much like a Wes Anderson film, and I adored the detail and care out into each character from the housekeeper that’s also an MD and thinks Jonathan might be a serial killer, to Brian, the weakest link at the bath chain that is completely inadequate at his job, to Granny Forest who has a boyfriend in assisted living and knows how to get what she wants. The novel opens with Sam getting called down to London for a scolding from Jonathan in regards to his store managing. Tensions mount and Sam is about to be fired, but as luck would have it, he ends up with an accidental concussion where faking amnesia seems the quickest way to get out of his troubles. But one lie begets another and pretty soon Sam realizes he’s in a little deeper than he thought, especially when it comes to his emotions about Jonathan. This romance unfolds in the most wonderfully natural way; bits and pieces of Jonathan are slowly revealed and his hard edge is pulled back one layer at a time. As dislikable as he is from the beginning, Jonathan is really the more sensitive character that just wants to be loved. This is all from the single POV of Sam, who is our easygoing if not too laid back narrator. It turns out Sam is as much need of love as is Jonathan. Readers familiar with Hall’s books know that the romance is not the end all be all, but just the conclusion to how two characters really feel about one another. The reader is just lucky enough to experience the love story as it unfolds. I cannot say enough about how much I loved this book and think this would be an excellent introductory Alexis Hall book if you’ve never read one before. I can’t wait to see what else will be happening in the Material World series and always look forward to reading more by this author. I received this advanced audiobook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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sam likes his job, but is not his boss’s biggest fan. when his boss, jonathan, fires him, and sam shortly bumps his head afterward, sam decides he can delay being fired if he fakes having amnesia. as sam works to keep this lie up, he realizes jonathan might just have a soft spot after all, and starts falling for him.

i’ve read a lot of books and fanfiction with the amnesia trope, but never one with a fake amnesia trope. this seemed really interesting to me and a chance for some laughs, and it was!

i really liked the growth that was shown both between the characters and individually. overall, this is a great pick for anyone wanting an adult romance book.

audiobook note: i enjoyed the narration and thought it fit well with the characters.

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Faking amnesia to hopefully keep your job just as you and your whole team were about to be fired is fool proof right?

Sam Becker didn't exactly dream about managing a bed and bath retail store, yet he's committed to standing up for his team. At least that was his thought process when he tripped and bumped his head whole getting reemed by the owner, a very attractive Jonathan Forest.

This forced proximity, hilarious romance, with a lovable family to boot was the perfect warm up to the holiday season!

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I loved the grumpy/sunshine aspect, I loved the side characters, and I loved the humor and honestly the storyline in general. As a gen-fic book, this was great. As a romance, it was a bit lackluster. I never really felt the chemistry between the characters, nor did I feel like they were a good match. I am starting to realize that this author just may not be for me outside of a couple random books, and that's ok! Not every author is a match for every reader.

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Thank you very much Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for the ALC!

Ever since Boyfriend Material I’m such a fan of Alexis Hall’s books, and this was was such a win again. I loved it from the first minute, laughed out loud, cried a bit, and will recommend this (audio)book everywhere.
It’s the first book in a spin-off series from the Boyfriend Material series called Material World, and it’s about Sam (full name is Samwise, actually), who is a manager at the Sheffield branch of a bed and bath retailer. He doesn’t love his job, but it’s alright, and he likes his team, even though they’re a chaotic bunch. But then the chaos takes overhand a bit too much, Sam is called to London to see the boss aka Jonathan Forest aka His Royal Dickishness, and he threatens budget cuts and layoffs – but when Sam, in a panic, runs into a surprisingly thick and hefty glass shower wall (or not surprisingly, they are in a high quality bed and bath retailer after all) and wakes up with a concussion, things get even more complicated. Because Jonathan misinterprets Sam’s brief moment of confusion with amnesia, and Sam doesn’t exactly correct him. He feels guilty to let Jonathan believe, but perhaps this way he can save his team? The two of them are forced to spend a lot more time together than anyone of them had bargained for, and maybe both of them are hiding from the truth …

Like I said initially, I loved this story so much. Jonathan’s and Sam’s Grumpy x Sunshine dynamic was so much fun, and Alexis Hall expertly manages to add another layer to their grumpiness or sunshine persona, characterizing both heroes much deeper. I don’t want to spoil anything, but I loved that we got to see why Jonathan seemed so cold and rational; and why Sam was hiding behind his cheerfulness. We get to know them both more and more, as they get to know each other, and it’s hard not to root for them. The slow burn romance was incredibly well done, and because these characters are so different, the slower pace was exactly right. The book was incredibly heartfelt as it was funny and I laughed out loud several times.
And that brings me to the absolutely incredible narrator, Will Watt. He gives Sam a Scouse accent (which I’d heard before, but have never been able to place), which is spoken in Liverpool and the surrounding areas. He truly makes Sam come to life and gives him so much personality, and he switched between accents effortlessly. I truly loved listening to his voice and will check out more audiobooks he’s done.

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Alexis Hall has done it again with 10 Things That Never Happened. Laugh out loud funny but also very touching love story between grumpy Jonathan and sunny Sam. This book takes place in the same world as the boyfriend material books, but focuses on different characters. It was great to get to see why Jonathan is so stern and to see him remove that hard exterior in front of Sam.

WIll Watt doe an amazing job narrator for the audiobook. Highly recommend this book!

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At first I wasn't sure how I would feel about the whole "faking amnesia" thing and I absolutely loved it. Sam and Jonathan are the best kind of grumpy/sunshine where the sunshine also knows how to dole out the sass/sarcasm to keep the grumpy one in check.

Read if you like: watching someone make incredibly bad choices and it somehow work out, good sassy banter between your couple, one of the partners being emotionally unavailable/push people away, and a little bit of a slow burn.

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10000 stars for 10 Things That Never Happened!

This book is Alexis Hall at his finest in my opinion. While I adore his historical romance books and more fantasy/fantastical tales there is just something so strong about his contemporary romances. The banter, the characters, the heart of it all.

As someone who adores Boyfriend Material and listens to the fantastic audiobook for it at least twice a year I was so thrilled when NetGalley approved my request for this audiobook. Firstly, Will Watt brought such a wonderfulness to an already wonderful story. From the bright undertones of Sam to the uncertainty and hesitation of Jonathan he truly encapsulated so many feelings for these characters in his tones and inflictions. His accent really brings the whole thing together as well and makes the conversations and humor pop that much more.

This book is laced with the specific type of heart that only Alexis Hall seems to deliver for me. These characters had me laughing out loud one minute and wanting to cry the next. This book truly felt like making friends with the characters and rooting for them along the way to what you will hope will be a HEA.

I honestly took my time over these last two days listening to it in increments because I just didnt want it to end. I would sell my soul for a second story of these two and I really hope Alexis and the publishers make that happen. (Please give Alexis all the money/permission so he can write more Sam and Jonathan!)

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I cackled and giggled my way through this until close to the end, where I was punched in the feels and almost brought to tears. No one, but no one, writes a better rom com than Alexis Hall.

Two far-from-perfect men. An even further-from-perfect cat. (I don’t usually like cute cats in romances but this cat was terrible so it was fine.) A large supporting cast of co workers and family, drawn sharply, but with such a light touch. A swoony, slow burn romance, which as always with Hall, has a lot to say about wider issues—class, wealth, poverty, family, and loss. Loved it.

Will Watt’s narration was such a delight. The characters in this book speak in a variety of British accents: Liverpool, Sheffield, RP, East End London—it’s quite a tour de force for a narrator! But what I really loved was the way Watt coloured the emotions in the text. A tremor in his voice in a highly agitated sequence, for example, or warmth and laughter in a fond moment. Beautifully done.

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I love how Alexis Hall delivers romcoms that genuinely earn the moniker. 10 THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED is packed full of wacky hijinks, OTT scenarios, and running gags. (My favourite is how the characters always state the full name of every posh bed & bath fixture their company sells, even if someone else just did so.) I snickered my way through it, more than willing to overlook the implausibility because it was just so. much. fun.

It also gives off strong Christmas vibes, offers real feels of both the romantic and familial varieties, and gives its characters room to grow as they navigate their very strange, very amusing scenario. And the audio production works beautifully thanks to narrator Will Watt’s sense of comedic timing and Northern energy. I’m a happy reader (/listener).

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The way I loved this book!!! I loved the dynamic between the characters and even the lie didn’t bother me and found it hilarious. I loved their character arc and growth and the cat truly elevated everything to the next level of awesome!

The narrator did an amazing job with this one and I cannot wait to read more Alexis Hall

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4.5/5 stars
1/5 spice (fade to black)

Workplace romance with the grumpy boss? Oh yes... this one was a treat.

Forced proximity
Family dynamics
Holiday shenanigans
Faked amnesia
Single POV

Jonathan really was that boss you love to hate because they are just so logical about everything. But oh my goodness, seeing him thaw out for Sam was swoon worthy. I listened to the audiobook and was laughing on more than one occasion because of their banter. Jonathan really did care in his own grumpy way, and I loved seeing Sam figure out all his quirks and mannerisms. The whole amnesia plot wasn't a huge conflict, and I was glad to see that it didn't create a long, drawn-out 3rd act break up. But you see it coming, and you know that hair brained scheme is going to coming crashing down on Sam eventually. But by that time, the feelings are involved.

Overall, this was a cute rom com with a diverse cast of characters. I could totally see this being turned into a holiday movie. The spice is very low and fades to black after some heavy kissing scenes. I only wish there was a bit more tension leading up to those moments. Otherwise, it was all nicely done.

Thank you to Netgalley and Dreamscape Media for the ALC. All thoughts and opinions are my own and offered voluntarily.

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I’ve really enjoyed the previous Alexis Hall books I’ve read (except that one…), but found that about the first two thirds of 10 Things That Never Happened was very slow with not too much happening.

This book is sort of spun-off from the Boyfriend Material books (I read Husband Material right before which is where we’re supposed to meet Jonathan but just must have missed it… though he mentions in this one that he went to school with kids of famous parents including a rock star, which would be Luc).

Jonathan is the uptight boss and owner of bed and bathroom stores, with Sam managing the branch in Sheffield. The staff is poor and numbers are poor, so Sam gets called into London to meet with Jonathan to see how it can be fixed (ie can they let go the one staff who constantly causes stock to be written off or the staff who is always taking time off), but instead an argument about it leads to an accident and head injury, leaving Sam with a split second decision to fake a case of amnesia (the doctor is the one who mentioned it’s possible so he goes along with it). This leads to 2 weeks being monitored by Jonathan in his home, because Sam doesn’t “remember” if he has anyone else, beyond the emergency contact that didn’t work.

The storyline is unique, but the first bit is very slow - I’m glad I stayed with it though because it does end very strong and makes it all worthwhile! I can definitely recommend it in the end, and it wraps up as a solid 4-star read. And yes, now I am looking forward to book 2!

Audio is narrated by Will Watt who does a lot of the British accent books coming out recently, and I really enjoy his voice! He did another brilliant performance.

I received an advance read and listen copy from NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca and Dreamscape Media, and this is my honest feedback.

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I honestly don't know why I was supposed to 'root' for Sam.
I'm not a stranger to an unlikeable character - but you need to give me SOMETHING to work with.
Also, faking amnesia so he doesn't get fired for being an incompetent worker? Yikes on so many levels.
Maybe if the 'sunshine' character was, oh, I don't know, actually sunshiney then I might have liked this more. But it was just all kinds of bad to me.

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What a wonderful romcom! As always with Alexis Hall, the characters are all so well done and fleshed out that you feel attached to all of them by the end. As this is part of the same universe as Boyfriend/Husband Material, you can expect the same 90s romcom vibes and humor.

The main character and love interest are so well done and so wonderfully flawed and human, I loved them instantly. Even though Johnathan is in fact a MAJOR grumpy jerk. I cannot wait for the final version, as it is it’s difficult to not go back and immediately read it again.

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I don't feel like writing an actual review for this book, so here's a list of everything I liked and didn't :]

Sam can be an empathetic listener and occasionally gives some good advice.
Interesting dynamic between Jonathan's family.
Sam was really dumb but wacky. Not sure if that's good or bad.
Funny and engaging incidents
Nice understanding between Jonathon and Sam blossoms a longgg way in.
Jonathan's family was entertaining.

Didn't Like
Sam's intentions never translate properly into his actions.
The way Sam speaks to Jonathon makes no sense. How can he speak to his boss that way?
No work ever gets done.
"Family" dynamic in Sam's work branch which felt unreal.
Romance was nonexistent for most of the book and even then, it was very mild.
Jonathon is mostly a jerk.
Very long and dragging plot
Just a mixed bag of tropes, no actual plotline
I wasn't rooting for the characters or for them to end up together.

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My review for this is…mixed. The writing and romance is pretty good. A nice, slow burn, but not a burn that waits to the very last pages to get the steam running. It’s an emotional resolution slow-burn. But it’s also a slow-burn on the reader, because at the start, you…you just HATE one of the protagonists.

Okay, so there’s an essential problem with this romance…and that’s capitalism. Or, well, really, it’s about power imbalances, as a result of capitalism. This is a boss/worker romance, where the boss is introduced as a HUGE asshole, and then the book works to redeem him. To an extent, he is humanized, but the fact remains that the boss is pretty ruthless. For example, when employee love interest, Sam, is injured as a result of the boss, Jonathan’s, actions, Jonathan’s first reaction is to…call his lawyer. Not an ambulance. His lawyer. And that never gets explained away. Sam just…is too in love to care.

Alexis Hall is definitely trying to capitalize on their previous series, London Calling, with this cover. Just the color scheme and design is so similar. It is set in the same world–I mean, basically the real-world England–but it’s not really a crossover. You’re getting the same style, though, with the ick of the boss/employee romance, a bit of a different feel.

As romances go, I’m not wild for this particular one. I’ve loved a few of Hall’s books in the past, so I know they write well. They just picked the wrong dynamic, here.

Advanced audio copy provided by the publisher.

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