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The Duke's Defender

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Member Reviews

it was such a good read that i couldn't put down, thank you netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. I enjoyed this story immensely and the characters were entertaining.

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A wonderful mysterious read. You'll love Emily and Aiden and their adventures. So much fun in historical England! *Note: Skip the epilogue to remove the spice.

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Such a good book! You can read it in one sitting and it has lots of action. I really like how this relationship evolved. Please keep writing like this.

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So I requested this book without realizing it's part of a series; however, I could still follow along without any issues. Aiden is charged with protecting the duke's new charge Emily. Unfortunately for Aiden, Emily is not a child but a young woman who he's invested/attracted to immediately. These two dance around one another and until finally giving into the attraction. An enjoyable read w/ a HEA.

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Having read the Duke and Earl's stories from this author, I was eager to read more and was delighted to find so many follow ons from these. I really enjoy Admirands ' style of writing, there is always a credible plot, although I am surprised at the misbehaviour of some members of the ton! Emily was a bit of a thorn in Aidens' side in the beginning but she comes through as one feisty female. These books can be read as a stand alone but I recommend at least the first three are read first, they set up the saga very well. Thanks as always to Dragonblade and Netgalley for a read and review of The Duke's Protector.

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First book of this series that I have read and I found it okay. It had its moments of excitement, but also some pages that went slow and were a bit repetitive.

The characters themselves are well developed. Aiden is a man with lots of strength (physical and of character), honor and love.

Emily seems a little spoiled, but I think most of her childish behaviour comes from loss and being a little bereft.

Both Aiden and Emily feel the attraction from the start.

A good read.

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Ms. Admirand has done it again with the 6th book in her The Duke's Guard series. This is Aiden and Emily's story. The two butted heads because she feels she doesn't need anyone's protection and he was doing what Aiden does best. Emily finally learns to trust Aiden after the attempts on her life and they begin to learn and trust one another, slowly falling in love

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This book is the sixth installment of The Duke's Guard series which centers around the men who have sworn to protect the Duke of Wyndmere and his family from his enemies. Aiden has been assigned the duty of protecting the Duke's new ward Emily. Emily is not a child, but a young woman, and Aiden can't help but be attracted to her. But first and foremost his duty is to protect her. Especially when her life could be in danger. A wager has been set on who can come win her hand, and when devious and unsavory men regard her as a prize to win, her safety is at risk. Emily refuses to believe any harm can come to her, and that puts herself and Aiden in great danger. But Aiden is determined to find out who is targeting her, and in the process, quite possibly lose his heart.
Another exciting addition to a wonderful series. The books can certainly be read as a standalone, but I would definitely recommend reading them all. I got caught up in the story from the very beginning and remained engaged till the end. Emily and Aiden were very strong-willed characters and I enjoyed seeing them together. Along with romance, the story was filled with action, intrigue and suspense which kept me turning the pages. Looking forward to reading the next one! My thanks to Dragonblade Publishing and Netgalley for providing a complimentary copy. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Fast-paced and suspenseful, this entertaining romance kept the main characters on their toes as they had to continually avoid the machinations of a man who bore a grudge and was set to ruin the Duke's family and everyone associated with him. Miss Emily Montrose becomes his newest victim upon the death of her father and Aiden Garahan and his team are tasked with escorting her to Wyndmere Hall. Aiden is droolworthy and one could fall in love with him just reading about him. Emily was unfortunately a bit of a brat and had no sense of self-preservation. I found myself getting frustrated with her stubbornness as she thwarted all of Aiden's attempts to keep her safe. Fortunately, despite the Baron's efforts, Aiden and his fellow guards get Emily to safety, but loses his heart along the way. The novel does come to a good conclusion and although part of a series, is a standalone. I received a copy of this enjoyable romance as a gift and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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The Duke’s Defender by CH Admirand is another in her Duke’s Guard Series. As we are aware, this was a dangerous time in history, even for wealthy people, but they could afford the security necessary to make themselves and their families and properties safe. The Duke of Wyndmere had seen fit to hire some Irish guards, and then their cousins, until he had a formidable force who were used to working with various other ex-soldiers and Bow Street Runners. In this case, Aiden Garahan has been assigned to guard a young heiress, Miss Emily Montrose, whose father had recently died and made her the ward of the Duke. She was not happy as she was nearly the requisite twenty-two years of age to be responsible for herself. As for the duke finding a husband, well, she didn’t plan of having one of those. She didn’t make it easy for Garahan and his men until several different sets of men had made attempts to break into her home. Then they have to make the journey to the Duke’s home. Will they make it with no problems?

I love this series because it is not about nobility or even nobility marrying down. It is about relatively regular people, granted in an elevated profession, but these cousins are really nothing more than farm boys from Ireland and that makes my day. Aiden is a good character, full of personality and awareness of duty. He loves deeply but is aware that his station makes it impossible and is willing to give up the love of his life to do the right thing. There is nothing better than that. Emily is no less aware of the difficulties ahead but she has yet to meet the Duke of Wyndmere and his duchess. It was a plot full of the reasons bodyguards were necessary and it kept the readers on the edge of their seats as it was never clear when the attack would come. There was also Emily’s lack of control in her efforts to take control of her own life and help where she perceived the need. It was a good book. Very little romance but we saw it coming!

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of The Duke’s Defender by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #CHAdmirand #TheDukesDefender

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A Determined Protector and a Feisty Lady

Aiden was determined to protect Emily at all costs, and she seemed determined to thwart him at every turn. What neither counted on was love with all its complexities. Danger was everywhere, and Aiden could not afford to be distracted by the lovely and most exasperating Emily. Their love did not stand a chance, anyway. He was one of the duke’s guards, and she was a noble lady and the duke’s ward. Could the determined lady and the feisty guard find a way to outwit a villain bent on destroying Emily? Could they find a way to be together despite their class differences? This book might be my favorite in this series. Although you do not have to read these books in order, it is much more fun to do so. I recommend this series to those who like historical romance.

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I really enjoy CH Admirands series. This is one of the cousins. I am truly in awe of how she can make each individual book so interesting. I have read this series from the beginning. You don't need to in order to enjoy it. But once you read one it'll be had not to read them all! The Scottish clan guarding the Duke and his family. Keep adding interesting tidbits to the family!
I am giving this review in exchange for a copy of the book.

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I love this series and have so enjoyed reaching each book. I think this book deserves a 6 at least.
Garahan always stays true to several important qualities that make this series so interesting. He is honest, shows integrity to always do things right to the best of his abiity, has compassion for those in need or a second chance, and his commitment to protecting the Duke of Wyndemere and all of his family even if it means his own death.
When we first meet Emily, she is still in shock from the death of her father, and she is not at all ready to do what Garahan decides is necessary to keep her safe. The building attraction between these two gathers speed very slowly, and there is humorous banter between the two on more than one occasion.
There is a large group of interesting characters that work well together, a mystery to solve, and a horrible villain who thinks he is invincible.
I highly recommend this wonderful book.

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Book six in the Duke's Guard series and another Irishman gets bitten by the love bug. It's always fun to see these tough guys get felled by an emotion they think they can control.

In this book, Aiden Garahan's assignment is to protect the Duke's new ward, Miss Emily Montrose. Her father's death has left her a wealthy woman, and the fortune hunters are coming out of the woodwork, egged on by rumors and unscrupulous wagers. Emily doesn't understand why her father insisted on asking the Duke of Wyndmere to be her guardian if anything happened to him. She's a grown woman and fully capable of taking care of herself.

Aiden and Emily clash immediately upon his arrival when she attempts to refuse him entry. As a member of the Duke's Guard, Aiden expects immediate cooperation and isn't happy with Emily's resistance. I laughed at their back and forth over the use of "lass" and "gentleman," neither inclined to give way to the other. But beneath the antagonism are sparks of attraction that neither want to admit.

Aiden doesn't take long to realize that things are not as they seem. There is suspicion that Emily's father's death was no accident. The arrival of the first suitors is dealt with by Aiden, who then returns to the Montrose home to discover three more men who have managed to gain access to Emily. That scene made me laugh out loud as Aiden and his two fellow guards put the fear of God (or Bow Street and the Duke of Wyndmere) into them.

That isn't the end, and Aiden and the others are kept busy protecting Emily. The intensity of the attacks steadily increases, from more intruders to attempts at abduction. Aiden and the others stay busy investigating who is responsible for the trouble and their attempts to catch him. Their determination is unmatched, and I enjoyed seeing them close the net on their quarry. The final confrontation was intense but short-lived, as Aiden followed through on his promise to keep Emily safe.

I enjoyed the development of the relationship between Aiden and Emily. The sparks between them are undeniable and obvious to those around them. Their conversations were fun to witness, whether debating word choices or arguing over her protection. Emily is a stubborn woman whose disagreements with Aiden do nothing to lessen her fascination with him. The scene in the stable was entertaining, as was the conversation between Emily and the housekeeper afterward.

The feelings between Aiden and Emily continue to grow, but neither gives any indication to the other, believing that a relationship is impossible. I loved their arrival at the duke's home and watching Aiden get into it with Patrick over his familiarity with Emily. It was great to see how Emily takes matters into her own hands with help from the duchess. I could picture Aiden's face at the surprise the duke had for him. The epilogue was terrific, and I look forward to hearing about them in future books.

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Aiden Garahan is an important part of the Duke's private guards and has been tasked with protecting his new ward after the murder of her father.
Our big handsome Irishman is prepared to give his life in defense of the Duke's family. He's going to have his hands full this time.
Miss Emily Montrose is still in shock and coming to terms with her father's death. Determined to find out what happened, she's in no mood to be ordered about by a stranger. Our heroine is fiesty and stubborn, but maybe not thinking clearly.
This historical romance is part of a series, and while each book can easily be read on it's own, the series as a whole is better read in order. This story is full of danger and devious villains. It is also amusing and filled with adventures.
I loved it.

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4.75 Stars
Aiden Garahan is tasked with protecting the duke of Wyndmere’s new ward, Miss Emily Montrose when a runaway carriage tragically cuts her father’s life short. Her life is turned upside down when rumours and a wager challenges all comers to win her hand. Aiden must find who is targeting Emily.
Aiden is the sixth of the sixteen related duke's guard to find love. Whilst the book could be read on its own characters do make appearances. A very well written fast paced book, which drew me in from the start & several hours later had me smiling as I turned the last page. I loved both Aiden & Emily he’s the tough, loyal, straight talking Irish man & she's an intelligent, feisty young woman who has been knocked sideways by her father’s death. I loved how their relationship changed from the first stormy meeting, she was always lass to him & he gradually became Aiden. Their chemistry sizzled but he thought her far too good for him & she couldn't believe he could want her. There's plenty of action in the book with the villain determined to get his hands on Emily's inheritance by any means but he hadn’t realised how determined Aiden & the rest of the guards plus Emily’s servants were more determined to keep her safe. I would have liked to have learned what happened to the villain, maybe there’ll be an update in the next book?
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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The Duke’s reluctant ward!

A sudden death that looks very much like murder has the Duke of Wyndmere honoring his close friend Lord Montrose’s request to become the guardian of his daughter Emily.
Miss Emily Montrose is not the most accommodating of people, particularly as at 21 she feels she doesn’t need to be anyone’s ward.
How’s Aiden Garahan going to handle the situation? The lass makes his heart beat faster, but trying to curtail her foolhardiness is almost too much.
Emily refuses to believe she’s in danger, but she is. That refusal puts her guards’ lives at risk
(We know the Dukes Guard, those wonderful Irish rogues will always win through.)
Does Emily modify her behaviour? No!
Believe me, halfway through I was well and truly over her.
Of course she’s finally rescued from a fate worse than death
The two reluctant lovers are joined but not without a lot of trouble and strife surrounding them both in London and en route to the Duke’s home.
An amusing read, and if you’ve been following the series, then of course you’ll need to read on!

A Dragonblade ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)

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The Duke's guard...

Aiden is a Scot, who has been tasked with guarding the duke's new ward and transporting her down to him. Emma is young and comes across as very sheltered. She is now an heiress with fortune hunters after her. There's some drama, some tediousness with the journey and a mishap or two.

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Thank you NetGalley. This book is part of a series which has plenty of action and romance. The family of Garahan protects the Duke of Wydndmere plus all those he feels responsible for which includes the new ward he has taken on of his friend who died. Aiden has been sent to guard her and see that she gets to his estate safely. Emily Montrose is an adult and thinks she can take care of herself. Her father was actually killed and it is a Baron who after her. She can't move with out his men being after her.

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