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A Vicious Game

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To say I enjoyed this installment in the Halfling Saga is a bit of an understatement. I LOVED IT!
You would think that getting into the third book in a series we've gotten to know our main characters pretty well, and we have. Still, A Vicious Game had us going even deeper into what makes Keera and Riven tick, and that took me on an emotional roller coaster that along with the plot and other mindblowing reveals kept me glued to the pages until I reached the very end. Which then had me cursing about having to wait an untold number of time until the next one is released. There are a few budding couples that I'm rooting for to make it to the end. I'm so excited about all the new things we learned with the magic, Keera, and Riven and I can't wait to see how it's all going to add to the next book and how they are finally going to win the war, hopefully, all of the many characters I've come to love will make it to the other side.

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Melissa Blair is such an amazing story teller!!! I laughed…I cried…I raged…absolutely one of my favorite series. Each book in the series spins a tangle journey that I just can’t stop wanting more. It’s rare to find a series that all of the middle books are just as strong as the first but this one knocks the early books out of the park. Only down side it now I have to wait for the next instillation to come out. This is also one of the best examples of a diverse book and taking all the different qualities to work together. Thank you for letting us all go on this journey with Keera.

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A Vicious Game is the third in fantasy series, the Halfling Saga by Melissa Blair. Picking up after the second installment, this book explores the aftermath of A Shadow Crown and how Keera - any everyone in the novel - were affected. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I think the covers of these novels are so beautiful! You also really have to see it person because they are SO SHINY.

Without giving any spoilers, I think Blair expertly portrayed Keera's emotions and struggles in the beginning of the book. Given the events of the second novel, I do not fault Keera in anyway with how she handles things, by drinking. It is a bit devastating know how she resorted to this given what we learned about her struggles with addiction in the previous books. But Blair crafts this story in such a way that you still can't help but really feel for Keera and want her to beat this.

Beyond the focus on Keera's addiction, I really enjoyed the rest of the plot of the novel. I loved the whole magical quests the characters had to go on to achieve their intentions. I do have to say I was definitely not expecting the plot twist in this book. Thinking about it after the fact, I can certainly see how obvious it was at times! But I was still shell-shocked when it happened. And I am once again begging for the next book in this series, immediately.

I'd recommend A Vicious Game to all lovers of the first two installments in the series, A Broken Blade and A Shadow Crown. I'd recommend the saga as a whole to all fans of new adult romantic fantasy books.

Thank you to the publisher and TBR and Beyond Tours for a copy of this novel. All thoughts and opinions contained within this review are my own.

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How can an assassin know who to trust, especially when she discovers the truth behind her lineage? When Blair introduced Keera in the first book of the Halfling Saga, A Broken Blade, readers knew her as an assassin entrusted with tasks by a corrupt king, but secretly caring for others, like her, trained as assassins and spies due to their mixed heritage. Moving from quiet rebellion to openly joining the forces of a revolutionary force in A Shadow Crown, Keera puts her weight and talents behind Prince Killian, who intends to overthrow his corrupt father. But when everything they’ve worked for goes wrong at the end of the second novel, she’s driven back into self-destructive habits she meant to leave behind.

That’s where readers find her at the beginning of A Vicious Game, which comes out February 6, and luckily, the found family that she’s grown isn’t about to let her fall into her own worst self again. They haven’t lost hope, and new information about ancient magical seals, left behind by Keera’s ancestors, could help them change everything—if the truth they discover doesn’t destroy them first. Blair keeps raising the stakes in the Halfling Saga, and readers will be eager to follow Keera deeper into the truths that created the world she and her friends are trying so desperately to decolonize.

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I rated this book 3 stars but it was really closer to about a 2.8 for me. I love the accuracy with which Keera’s addiction was portrayed. The inexplicable need to make others hate you as much as you hate yourself while in active addiction is something I could really relate to and felt like it was done well. It also feels very fitting for Keera given her history of self-harm (this is indeed a form of self-harm too, but on an emotional/social level). However, I felt like this storyline was dragged on for much longer than it needed to be (just shy of half the book).
My biggest issue with this book is that I didn’t at ALL buy into the romance between Keera and Riven and even less so once the Riven/Killian plot twist was revealed (and it made me like Riven even less). The plot twist didn’t feel like it was explained well either and left me with a lot of unanswered questions that don’t seem like they’ll be answered.
I think my favorite part of the book was the growth in Keera and Gerarda’s relationship. Gerarda really took center stage in this book and was its redeeming point. I love the way she is subtlety hinted to be NB or possibly even trans and wish this would’ve been further explored upon, as Blair does a wonderful job of including characters off all sexuality, disability, ethnicity, and likely in Gerarda’s case gender identity. I did also really love the scene where Keera’s found family came and found her at Brenna’s grave to support her. It was a very touching moment and further added to the humanization of Gerarda’s character.
All in all, the first 3/4ish of this book felt like a chore as the same points were made over and over. Things really started picking up around the time Keera and “Killian” went looking for Collin and Maerhal, but that didn’t happen until the later part of the book. I assume the grammatical errors will likely be fixed prior to publishing, so I did not factor that into my review. While this book had some good moments, it over all made me feel less inclined to finish this series.

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Book Review
Title: A Vicious Game by Melissa Blair (The Halfling Saga Book 3)
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Rating: 4.5 Stars
The opening to A Vicious Game was interesting as it takes place after Gerarda rescues Keera with Gwyn but she has completely fallen off the wagon and we find out why shortly. It turns out Damien is using a mind walking ability to show Keera his memories of murdering the shades that Gerarda believes are still alive and because of this and her inability to save them she turns to drinking again. This time she is pushing everyone away even Riven because of this but she doesn't say anything. Her magic has also become more volatile because of her drinking and her inability to control it.
The others have been searching for a way to undo the seals behind the magic so they have a chance of fighting back but it seems that Keera has given up altogether believing there is no way to undo the seals or defeat Damien. During this time others like Vrail and Gerarda are looking for a way to break the seals while others like Riven, Killian and Feron try to find a way to get through to Keera and bring her back from the destructive path she has set herself on but nothing seems to be working. That is until Gerarda steps in knowing Keera better than most and what she was forced to endure. Rather than talking to Keera, she straight up kidnaps her with Vrail and takes her to the location of the first seal. However, Riven, Syrra and Nik are close behind demanding answers from the Dagger but in the end Keera agree to try breaking the seal and surprisingly it works reignited the hope she had but she knows Gerarda’s hope of rescuing the Shades isn’t possible.
After breaking the first seal, Keera also agrees to begin training her magic since she has a better connection with it now and has some new powers in the form of wind and fire but also a little bit of lightening in addition to her healing gift. This potential makes her not only a great healer but a formidable opponent in battle more so than she was as the Blade. While training her new gifts she is able to learn more about her mother from people like Nik’s mother and Feron who knew her when she was alive as well as mending things with Collin after the events of the first two books. It is to Feron that Keera turns to for help in keeping Damien out of her mind although she doesn’t give him details and tells her once more than a mindwalker only has power over her mind if she lets them meaning to shut Damien out she has to conquer her fear of him.
The group end up preparing a ship for the journey to the Order but Keera is still debating what they are going to find there but in the end everyone picks up as the journey progresses with ease. It takes them a few days to reach the Order but during the trip we see pieces of the old Keera and what Riven is going through in her absence. By the time they reach the Order and put their plan into motion, everyone feels that something is off and it is but not for the reason I expected. It turns out Lady Curringham is actually Gerarda’s lover and a spy for her and she has informed the Shades of what is coming and protected them during this time earning her the respect of Keera. However, one the soldiers manages to light a beacon informing Damien that the Order has been taken and Keera with Vrail heads to find the seal while everyone else gets the Shades loaded into the boats.
As we approach the halfway mark in the novel, things are heating up as Keera and Vrail find the second seal but are pressed for time since Damien’s forces are approaching from the water, launching arrows and boulders. Keera uses some her new found abilities and seeing her using them consciously in a battle situation was nice and returned Keera to her battle prowess from the first two books. She unlocks the second seal but after getting hit with a boulder needs Riven’s help after he just yeets Vrail to the boat with his shadows that made me laugh out loud. Together they heal Keera and get back to the boats to begin their escape but Riven has passed out and Keera isn’t far behind but the shades here show their training even the younger ones.
Upon escaping Damien’s forces, Keera passes out but when she comes too Riven is in a bad way, the pain exceeding what it had before. This makes Keera find somewhere that Riven, Nik and Syria can disembark in order to get him to the healers leaving Keera in the care of the shades to continue their journey. They eventually make it back where Keera is welcomed by Feron to introduce the shades to their home and she rejoins Riven who is seeming much better now but unlocking the seals is having a negative effect on him and that is something they are going to have to deal with as they have three to go. It is here Keera admits she needs help with her drinking and that Damien is entering her dreams to Riven which was a nice bit of character development for her.
This next section of the book felt like an intermission as Keera takes the Shades to the Faelands and gets them settled as well as dealing with her own addiction on Hildegaurd’s funeral. Through this she starts to come to terms with a lot of the guilt and grief she has been carrying with her for years as well as starting the process on researching why Rivne’s magic is reacting so badly to the seals being broken when everyone else is experiencing good things. Despite this, it felt like Blair was taking time off from the actual plot in order to figure out where to take things with the breaking of the final three seals and dealing with Damien. After this Keera and the others plan their trip to break the third seal and set off in quick succession but she is beginning to have doubts about whether the identity of the mole was correct since Elaran posing as Lady Curringham gives her cause to doubt from her presence at Lord Curringham’s side and claims there was no mole or if there was it was someone who remained unseen the entire time.
As we approach the ¾ mark in the novel, things are beginning to head towards the climax as Keera learns that Damien knows of the seals and plans to destroy the last two. This means they are heading to battle sooner than later but the Eleverin are standing with her. Now they are in a race with Damien’s forces to reach the fourth seal first and a huge battle commences with Keera being focused on the seal while the others defend the beach. However, Damien is using his new weapons including the Violet fire which even fire wielders like Lash can’t control but in a desperate attempt to escape Lash uses the last of his power to free them from the flames, killing him. This is heartbreaking for Nik who has been in a relationship with Lash among his other one night stands but Lash is always someone he has returned to. However, because of the difference in age they weren’t allowed to be together outside of a physical relationship plus we know Nik has feelings for Vrail but that didn’t mean he didn’t love Lash in his own way.
As we cross into the final section of the novel, there are 90 pages left with one seal to break and Damien to deal with. Keera and the others also don’t know if Riven survived the breakfast of this seal so I have no idea how Blair is going to wrap things up but I am seeing a few hints that are scaring me. Honestly Melissa Blair blew me away in this last section and while it isn’t my favourite book in the series it was different and pointed towards where the series is going to end. However, I was expecting this to be a trilogy and we can see from the ending that it clearly isn’t and now I’m upset I have to wait for book four but I can honestly see this being a four or five book series with the loose ends we need to tie up before it comes to a close. Overall, A Vicious Game was action packed with some of my favourite characters in the past few years. There’s definitely ups and down for said characters throughout the books and Blair even deals with some hard hitting topics like addiction, so I highly recommend The Halfling Saga and pick it up if you haven’t already.

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This book continues the story that first two establish and knocks it out of the park. Danger, mystery, and love. I never would have thought I’d become addicted to this story but here we are.

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Every once in awhile, an author writes a book in a series that gives you everything you want. It's rare because it's so hard to give everything while keeping the integrity of the narrative, especially as the penultimate novel in the saga, but Melissa Blair delivers with this impressive, satisfying romantasy addition.
If you haven't read books 1 & 2 of The Halfling Saga (A Broken Blade and A Shadow Crown, respectively), you should. They are both also great, and A Vicious Game both answers questions I've been thinking about since A Broken Blade and features jokes without repetitive context, making a loyal reader feel like an insider within the fantasy world. Keera's struggles with addiction and managing her triggers are relatable despite living in a world so different from our own. I loved every new reveal, especially THAT one, which left my jaw on the floor at 1AM while I questioned everything in the best way.
This book is well-written, complex, and fun. My dreams for Keera are coming true despite her struggles with hers, and though I know the rest of this journey will not be easy for Keera, I am very much looking forward to the next and final installment in this exciting series.
All my gratitude to NetGalley, Union Square & Co., and Melissa Blair for this advanced copy of A Vicious Game to review!

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Vrail's voice was a dark rasp over the wind. "An army of competitors can be wielded; an army of comrades can overtake."

Found Family Supremacy? ✔️
Proper grown up MC instead of a teenager? ✔️
Excellent Pacing? ✔️
Beautiful Worldbuilding? ✔️
Ending that left you gasping for more? ✔️
Brilliant plot twists? ✔️
Discovering your magical heritage? ✔️
Beautiful character growth/development? ✔️
Fae, Elves & Magic? ✔️

This book has absolutely wrecked me in so many ways! I need to talk about it with someone so desperately but alas since it’s not out yet all I’m going to say is, everyone who loves this series is in for an emotional rollercoaster! I’m not sure I’ll be able to articulate how much I loved this continuation of the Halfling Saga, there was something so deeply profound within the pages. This whole series has so many layers to it & touches on so many topics, & while it is a Fantasy series, the topics it regularly broaches are ones that have very real world implications which feel like a punch to the heart at times. Keera is a deeply flawed and relatable MC whose struggles took many forms. I loved her interactions with the other prominent characters in the book (trying to avoid spoilers), and honestly the found family in this book is so truly wonderful. It’s now one of my favourite books that heavily features found family as one of the main tropes, and if FF is one of your favourite tropes, you’ll especially love this series as well. The character development, not just Keeras but many of the main side characters was just exceptional and I loved going on this journey with them all. The plot twists, the world building, the snippets of backstories, the emotions, all of it was amazing & I cannot wait for the next book. Thank you so much to Netgalley & Melissa Blair for giving me a digital arc in exchange for my honesty review, I’m so glad I got it just that bit earlier than the released date since I’m so impatient for this series.

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Wow! What did I just read? This trilogy (or is it?) is so good and well done. This is book 3 and it does not disappoint with the character growth and continuation of the story. There is a truth reveal that was such a surprise. Do yourself a favor and read these books!

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Where do I even begin with this book? THIS BOOK.

After book 1 (A Broken Blade), I didn't know how it could get any better, but book 2 (A Shadow Crown) was a whole extra level of amazing. I naively thought this again, "how could it get better?" And holy damn, did Melissa Blair deliver with A Vicious Game. Blair takes everything that makes ABB and ASC so incredible, and someone weaves that into the magic that is book 3.

Balancing the light and the dark, AVG discusses the darker sides of addiction and grief while still giving us SO much love. Honestly, the love these characters have for each other makes me cry happy tears while I'm reading it.

Plotwise, so so so much happens in this one. Each book picks up the pace just a little bit, and the tension is palpable in this one. The threat of war is breathing down your neck, weighing down every moment. The absolute gut-wrenching sadness I feel for Keera, Riven, Nik and Syrrha is a genuine physical reaction – I have not stopped thinking about this book since I finished it.

The prose is getting darker, more heavy-handed too. The strings Blair has been pulling throughout the series are finally being revealed with some absolutely mind-blowing plot twists. The kind of plot twist that made me physically put the book down and think back on every single clue Blair left us. And that ENDING gahhhh!

In summary: I need book 4 asap.

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I don't know if there are enough words to describe how much I love this book and the Halfling Saga as a whole. So rarely is there a series where I enjoy each sequel more than its predecessors, but this is it!

Keera has become one of my favorite characters to read. She is so well represented with her struggles and triumphs that you can't help but feel connected to her. There is also a big cast of supporting characters (lovable and hatable) but it never feels overwhelming in remembering who's who, which I think is a testament to Melissa Blair's writing style.

There is a reveal in this book that I did not see coming, but the shock of it was such a thrill. It made me want to immediately start a re-read of the first two book to look for the clues that were peppered throughout.

I absolutely cannot wait to read what the author has in store for these characters and this world next. If you are a fan of the Throne of Glass series or enjoyed the fantasy world building of Fourth Wing, then this series is for you.

Rated 5 stars. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC ebook.

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This book was EVERYTHING i thought it would be.
I loved the first 2 books. The world building, the story flow, basically everything about those books were what I loved in a story. Nothing dragged or got boring, and it was perfectly paced depending on the events.
This book was not only perfectly paced, it was SO rewarding with the story development. The characters, the quests/goals, just everything I loved.
Now I rated the previous books in the series 5 stars, and I was SO close to rating this one 5 stars as well, but the ONLY reason it wasn't was because It took me a while to get back into the flow of reading the series. Aside from me getting through this book slowly, I LOVED IT. This was a solid 4/5 read for me and I will 100% read the next books in the series!

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Ummm so I loved this book so much?? As the third instalment of the series, I was shocked how much I enjoyed the book after book two and how I did not want this series to end! And it's so exciting that this isn't the last book apparently??

I cannot get over how much I didn't see the twist in the story coming which made my reading experience that much more enjoyable. There was still so much happening and Melissa does a fantastic job at immersing you in the world, characters, and story. I literally cannot begin to process how much I loved this book. I'm obsessed.

Thank you NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This book meandered a bit as compared to the previous books, but nevertheless was a very interesting and exciting end to the series. I enjoyed it very much.

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This is my fave book from this author so far. I am so invested in the world and characters by this point that I should have expected that. I can not wait for the next one, though!

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