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A mother. Her son. A tragedy.

Cora who lost her husband 2 years ago is trying her best to pick up the pieces and move forward with life all while still finding herself grieving. Her son, Ezra, misses his dad terribly and just wish that life would go back to how it used to be for them. A child is beaten & airlifted to the hospital one night and that leaves Cora in a state of shock as she thinks it could be her teenage son. Relief washes over her when she finds him in his room a safe playing video games. Then she finds his clothes. Covered in blood and orange clay…

This was an emotional read for me. It’s one of those books that going to pull at your heart strings. The author did a great job with making readers feel Cora’s raw emotions with every word written. There’s a lot of back and forth between the past and present but it’s done in a way that ties the whole story together. I enjoyed this book, I read this in 1 day. It’s a page turner that will have your heart racing, anticipating what’s going to happen next. Highly recommend.

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Brilliant book amazing plot :) would defo reccomend this to anyone and everyone love this author!!!!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of The Mother by Anya Mora in return for my honest review. This is a new author for me and I must say I will defiantly be adding her other books to my ever growing list of authors to read. This had me gripped from the beginning till the end, would definitely recommend.

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In my opinion, the complex issues discussed and described in this book were not handled delicately. I did not enjoy the book and would struggle to recommend it.

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The bad:
There was so much whiny, lovey stuff that it got irritating, that I ended up skim-reading a lot of the pages so that I could skip the marshmallow-fluff.

The ugly:
The repetition, of feelings and events, actually made me so frustrated that I was skim-reading so that I wouldn't have to endure anymore.

Having said that, the blurb on the book definitely did even come close to expectation, as I was really expecting a suspense with a shocking twist ... that I saw coming from a mile away.

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Previously titled “Secrets Mothers Keep”.
I’m struggling with rating it a 3 or 4 star. There were pieces of this I really didn’t enjoy, but that’s my own personal reaction (I am not a Church/God/Bible) person, so the parts that revolved around the MC’s struggling with their religion I didn’t enjoy. There is also a strong plot line around LGBT, where supremacy, white privilege, racism … it was a lot to take in, and really didn’t not feel this fit the bill for “Thriller” or suspense. The story premise was good, the wanting to know the truth of what happened that night was good, I kept reading to find out the answers, but I honestly don’t know if I will be recommending this to others.

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WOW! This book was phenomenal! It was my first read by this author, but definitely not the last! The writing style was easy and flawless, and the story flowed seamlessly.
This book will have you feeling every emotion known to mankind. If you're a wife/mother, you will definitely connect with the main character. I can honestly say I've only cried while reading one other book, but I had tears in my eyes a couple times while reading this book. If you enjoy psychological thrillers, I highly recommend this book

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What a gripping read, The
Mother was a book I found quite hard to put down, will be reading more by this author.

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Omg talk about a roller coaster read wow this book kept me on the edge of my seat through out I just couldn't put it down this writer keeps you hooked and once your hooked your not letting go I found this book thrilling the characters were fantastic and well thought out and the little clues all the way threw keep you guessing until the end this book stays with you long after you close the book this book is well worth the read I promise you wont be disappointed.

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I've read Not My Baby by Anya so I was excited to read this book. Dealing with the pain of loss, fear of being a parent and the protective side whilst also trying to innately trust your child.

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