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Accidentally His

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An elaborate mystery wrapped in a swoony romance.

Rafe and Verity were drawn to each other right from the start and things between them escalated pretty quickly. That part was exciting and they were usually a hair’s breadth away from discovery. I loved when Rafe turned up all possessive, surprising himself with his strong feelings.

Verity was too smart and observant for Rafe’s own good. Their sharp and witty banter showed that they were an excellent match in all ways. Rafe’s spying took some convoluted turns, and with his past thrown in, there were quite a lot to unpack. The author did an excellent job of showing us Verity’s intelligence instead of just saying it over and over.

I can highly recommend this entire series if you like steamy historical romance with some mystery and suspense. This book stands well on its own, but I think you’ll get more value if you read the series in order.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Never a dull moment with Rafe, an undercover agent for the Crown on his last mission, and Verity, a disgraced and disowned earl’s daughter who landed on her feet starting a family business with her sisters.

She’s a perceptive spinster with a cynical touch and a passion for good food. Candid, practical and confident. I just love the way she stands up to her father and her former fiancé - especially since both of them were responsible for her disgrace. Her curiosity overrules her bruised heart, and she’s determined to complete her secret quest and find out if he’s the mystery man haunting her family’s events.
He's a tough and seasoned military man with a cloudy past, easy on the eyes and maybe a tad too confident in his prowess as an invisible man - at least when it comes to Verity. There is danger, threats and mystery aplenty, but somehow she manages to crack his petrified heart wide open. Time and time again she takes him by surprise - a very unsettling thing for a spy focused on his mission, and oh so entertaining!

They stir the best, the worst and the most irresistible in each other. Sarcasm and banter flow freely throughout this novel. It’s delightfully witty, deliciously steamy with a slow burn, and incredibly riveting!

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Viscount’s heir Rafe courts Lady Verity with the hope of exposing suspected espionage. While she reluctantly rebuffs his advances to guard her heart, Rafe proposes a convenient marriage when her reputation is threatened. As they navigate secrets and trust issues, their union requires daring and surrender to transform into a true marriage.

This clever, emotional, and fun novel has likable characters and a strong plot. There were some references to some insignificant events in the previous books in the series—suffice it to say, Verity had seen Rafe at a variety of events in different disguises, and had recognized him as the same person despite the changes to his appearance. That’s all you need to know in order to enjoy this book as a standalone.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Rafael Gabriel Wolfford, not one but two archangels in his name. Yet Rafe is far from angelic being a spy for the crown and working to bring down a traitor who has been smuggling army movements to the French. Elegant Occasions is in his sights as are the sisters who run it most particularly Verity. Is Verity just a steppingstone towards his goal or is she just maybe more?
Verity herself has been hurt when her erstwhile fiancé jilts her in public. The last thing she needs is another scandal even though she definitely enjoys Rafe's kisses and petting. When her fiancé becomes a nuisance in more ways than one, Rafe steps up to the plate and offers marriage. While he shares some secrets, he still holds others close to his chest. Will these secrets come back to burn him?
This is a slow burn regency romance with house parties that include swimming using dippers and carriages and secret trysts on the beach. Protected young ladies speculating about what men look like will definitely garner a laugh of two. The suspense is somewhat in the background before hitting readers fair and square close to the end just in time for the big reveal.
All in all, a nice finish to the trilogy and definitely worth reading.

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We have come to the end of Designing Debutantes (or have we? I can see another character getting a story.) Raphael Gabriel (fantastic name) and Verity are drawn to each other but not in a conventional way. Their working together to find the Phantom and the spy is riveting and I even though I figured out the spy I was surprised at the reasoning. I love the over-arching story of this series. I know a lot of people do not but I like it. Again, can I mention Rafe – oh my goodness he is yummy. Some of the storyline was rushed and I felt it could be addressed better. Enough gushing. Sabrina’s writing is impeccable and the story a bit convoluted and I loved it.

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A very sweet historical romance with characters, I enjoyed. The plot was at times a bit convoluted. A few layers could have scraped off with nothing lost to the overall story. It didn't really add anything new to the genre, but that is perfectly alright. Sometimes you just need some escapism, and this is certainly that. I did enjoy how Jeffries didn't fall into the common cliché trap of secrets and misunderstandings, which would have been very easy with a book about spies and secret missions. Verity and Rafe are cute together, and I liked how we also got a good dose of Diana, Eliza and their husbands.

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This is the third book in the series and I would not suggest trying to read it as a standalone. There was a lot of backstory that I was missing by not having read the first two books and definite history between our heroine and hero.

It was an okay read but it never really gripped me.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Kensington Books through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you, Kensington Books.

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Tropes: MMC with a Big Secret; MFC who has faced scandal
Steam level:3
3rd book in the "Designing Debutantes" series. Works OK as a standalone but might be best to check out the previous two entries first.

I've read books by this author in the past but didn't read the previous in this series, which is probably why I felt a bit overwhelmed by all of MFC Verity's family members in the opening chapters. However, the author does a good job of filling in the details before the characters bog down the pacing. In this book, the MMC, Rafe, better known as "The Chameleon", ingratiates himself with Verity, and her family, in order to determine the culprit who shot his dying uncle while providing France with intel during the Napoleonic Wars. Rafe is apparently a recurring character from earlier in the series who has piqued Verity's interest; she has an almost preternatural ability to remember faces and has started to see through his many disguises. Although Verity and her sisters' business, Elegant Occasions, is pretty much the focus of the early chapters, as the plot proceeds more of the emphasis is on the cloak-and-daggers storyline, which honestly was the attraction of this book for me.

The pacing is fairly good, especially in the second half, when danger lurks, and I appreciated the twists and turns the author pulls off, with just enough red herrings. I also liked how Verity is portrayed as intelligent and competent; Rafe never really pulls the wool over her eyes. As far as Rafe is concerned, I liked him best when he began to show his vulnerable and protective side. It's easy to cheer him on when he's dealing with Lord Minton, Verity's awful ex-fiance, as well as her controlling father. And the final scene involving Verity, Rafe, and his father is genuinely moving.

I have to admit, though, that in the first 30% or so Rafe was more of a rake toward Verity than I thought necessary. Some of their sexy banter and behavior was OTT. I get that he's not Mr. Suave, and she's blunt, but he wasn't nearly as subtle as he needed to be, to the point that if he hadn't offered to save her from Minton he probably would have found himself pushed in that direction anyway by her family. I also felt that he should have moved off his unfounded suspicions much sooner than he did. One final caveat: it was was too convenient that he didn't warn Verity who the culprit was before he took off to investigate toward the end.

Overall, though, this is a fun, steamy HR with a mystery that pays off in the end.

I read an advanced reader copy of this book and this is my voluntary review. Opinions are my own. This is set to be published January 23.

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The latest addition to the series, and it is just a clever and cute as the other two. Family is still very much the center of the tale. Verity is known as the mischievous sister who was spurned by a man who did not deserve to breathe the same air as her. Rafe is an enigmatic figure that appeared in lurking in the shadows in the previous two books. Verity was drawn to Rafe, and he to her. There was an obvious air of mystery and adventure in this addition, and Rafe's devotion to his uncle was at the center of fit.

I read the book in one sitting, and it was entertaining from beginning to end.

*ARCs provided by Kensington Books, Zebra publishing via NetGalley, and I have given my honest and voluntary review.*

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This is such a lovely addition to this great lighthearted low angst series by Sabrina Jeffries. I was reading this with a grin on my face the whole time. I was so curious to see what kind of partner Verity would end up with and Rafe is honestly just perfect for her. They fit together so well and actually communicate openly (well, as far as he can communicate about his spying activities for the British government) with each other. Seeing Rafe slowly realize that he is falling for Verity was so wholesome. Both of them overcoming their fears and growing to trust each other.

Can be read as a standalone, but for full effect it is a lot of fun to see how Verity gets worked up more and more throughout the first 2 books trying to figure out who is crashing all the Elegant Occasions parties.

Once again this series features another MMC that I fell hard for. He is just so sweet and swoonworthy and well, I am a huge sucker for the ‘who did this to you?’ microtrope. Rafe getting worked up every time he saw Milton made me so giddy. Then his devotion to his uncle and how he really wants to do all of this for him, ugh this man makes me want to go googly eyed and exclaiming ‘awwwww’ every time he says anything.

A huge part of this story is about the family that the sisters created and how Rafe desperately wants to belong to such a family, reading the last few chapters really made me tear up while grinning like an idiot. Grenwood and Foxstead both show up in their swoonworthy ways and now I really want to go back and reread A Duke for Diana and What Happens in the Ballroom.

I also want to mention that I didn’t immediately guess who the bad guy was in this! I rarely find books like this one where I don’t call it upon meeting the character. I actually felt a bit stupid that I didn’t trust that nagging feeling in my head that said my suspicions were on the wrong character all along.

Thank you to Netgalley and Kensington Books for providing an ARC.

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Another solid entry for Sabrina Jeffries. The women of the Designing Debutantes series are all so likeable and unique that the reader is thrilled to cheer on their love affairs with these stellar men. As always, Jeffries creates sumptuous scenery, sizzling conversation, and just enough intrigue to ensure my ongoing devotion. Well done.

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The final in the series, has the last sister Lady Verity Harper left to find her HEA. She is still avoiding the marriage institution due to her embarrassing almost engagement years ago. But when Colonel Rafe Wolfford shows up at Elegant Occasion event, something seems familiar about him. As he inaugurates himself to her and her family she definitely thinks he maybe the Phantom as she nicknamed the gentleman that had been seen at several various occasions in the past.
Rafe is a spymaster for the Crown and has been tasked to find out who has been passing intelligence to the French, His uncle almost died trying to discover the traitor and now it’s Rafe mission to continue the search, but he has to start with the few leads his uncle gave him and they all lead to the Harper sisters and Elegant Occasions. So he shows up as his true self and befriends Verity to get entrance into the Harper family. And what started as a job for Rafe winds up being so much more.
I love reading anything Ms.Jeffries writes and this did not disappoint. The previous characters are all back, the mystery of who the traitor is was kept me turning pages trying to guess. Normally I can guess, but she got me this time, which makes it all the more entertaining. Best to read the previous books, but can be read as a standalone. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you #NetGalley #AccidentallyHis #DesigningDebutantes

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A story of spies, intrigue, and falling in love as one man tries to uncover what his uncle was investigating when he was shot and who is behind it. This, however, leads him to go undercover on his own shores to investigate the family of the woman who has spellbinded him, who can't stop thinking about and wanting. Auctions, ball gowns, dancing, passionate embraces, and investigations are just a few of the joys ahead. As passionate as it is exciting, you will surely enjoy this regency romance!

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Terrific conclusion to the series. The Harper sisters' business, Elegant Occasions, is doing a booming business with its event planning and matchmaking services. Verity's sisters, Diana and Eliza, found their matches in the previous books. Verity isn't interested in a match for herself. Between an earlier betrayal and her parents' scandalous behavior, she has trust issues and feels she is better off on her own.

Rafe is an army officer who is also a spy. He has a reputation as a chameleon whose disguises can get him anywhere undetected. His mission is to find the person providing military information to the French. He believes it is someone connected to the Harper family and is determined to get closer to them. He decides his best option is to fake courting Verity. He doesn't expect the intense attraction that complicates his plans.

I enjoyed watching the relationship between Rafe and Verity develop. Rafe's confidence in his abilities is well-earned, but he's never encountered anyone like her. His attitude at the beginning made me laugh out loud: "He would use Lady Verity's native curiosity to draw her in, and then would charm her into giving up her family secrets...or at least showing him where to look for them. What could be easier?" He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

Verity is an intelligent and observant young woman who never forgets a face. Her first thought when she saw Rafe was that he reminded her of the Phantom, a man who has crashed multiple events over more than a year wearing various disguises. After his introduction, she second-guesses herself but can't let go of the suspicion. She finds him good-looking and charming, but that lingering suspicion makes her wary. But a grand scene at the auction that night wins him some points.

As Rafe increases his attention to Verity to get closer to the family, the sparks of attraction between them grow stronger. Rafe continues his investigation while fighting his growing feelings for her. It was fun to see how being near her scrambled his brain and made him feel protective of her. Verity also feels the same sparks while becoming more convinced that Rafe is the Phantom. I loved their conversations - their banter and teasing were fun and flirtatious.

I also ached for Rafe as he grew closer to Verity and her family. He had a lonely childhood, brought up by his bachelor/soldier uncle, and that loneliness has continued as an adult. Some vulnerability was exposed as he experienced the close and chaotic Harper family life, and he wondered what it would have been like to have a family like that. He also has unanswered questions about his family.

When Rafe rescues Verity from a sticky situation, offering marriage is the only thing he can do to protect her. But he worries about what will happen when she learns the truth about why he was there. I loved the conversation when he revealed those secrets and Rafe's surprise at her reaction. Rafe's reaction to her revelation of him as the Phantom had me laughing the loudest. His shock at how much he had underestimated her was hilarious, but it did bring them closer.

Meanwhile, Rafe is beginning to close in on the traitor but lacks some vital information. I loved seeing his partnership with Verity as they collaborated on what he knew. The resolution came together quickly at this point with an unexpected twist and Verity in danger. The final confrontation was satisfying and believable.

The book had an emotional ending, with all questions resolved. The epilogue was terrific, and I loved catching up with all three sisters and their families.

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This book was an entertaining read. It had some mystery to it, which I ultimately found distracted me from the romance. The spice was a little awkward, but that happens sometimes. Overall, I recommend this series finale.

I received an ARC from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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Loved this book! I took the time to re-read the first two book in this series to refresh my memory, and I am very glad I did—while I do believe you *could* read Accidentally His without having read the others at all, I don't necessarily think you should. Verity's fascination with her "Phantom" is a small but recurrent theme throughout the series, and the payoff here is nice.

Sabrina Jeffries writes a very fun, lighthearted and sexy story. I enjoyed Verity and Rafe meeting and sparring, and appreciated the push-pull of their relationship when it came to her suspicions and his machinations. And while the ending wasn't as satisfying as the overarching mystery in Jeffries Duke Dynasty series, it was still a solid ending to a series I suspect I will enjoy re-reading in the future.

Side note: this book will always be A Viscount for Verity in my head, just as the previous book should've been An Earl for Eliza LOL.

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Alas, this was a DNF for me. I really liked the first book, enjoyed the second well enough, but couldn’t stand Rafe in this one. I did not appreciate him manipulating Verity’s emotions, she deserved way better than that, especially after previously being jilted. Rafe was throwing himself at her the whole time without any redeeming qualities. I wanted to scream “run, girl!” the whole time.

And it felt like I was missing a lot of information that I should have known earlier. I conferred with a few friends who have also read the series and this book to ask “wait, did we know about x because I have no recollection about it and it seems like the author thinks we should…”

I expected better.

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I loved this series. I’ve been waiting for verity’s story since book 1. I loved that the phantom was uncovered, and that Verity managed to figure it out without his help.
“I have no desire to spy on people.”
“No, just to record the spy spying on you,” he said testily.
“Can you blame me?”
Verity turned into a spy herself, searching for the phantom at events for 18 months, then trying to figure out if Rafe was the phantom. The twist of who was the “bad guy” got me and I didn’t see it coming until the end. Love a regency romance, and this one did not disappoint.

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Accidentally His by Sabrina Jeffries is the third book in the Designed Debutantes Series. Lady Verity and her sisters run a party planning business called Elegant Occasions. They plan parties for the rich and famous in the Ton. Verity is the only unmarried sister. The other sisters met their forever after person in the prior books.

Lady Verity had firmly decided that she wanted nothing to do with men again. Her ex fiance was in the past and she was moving forward. She decided to stay focused on their business.

Rafe Wolfford was a spy. He needed to find who was passing information to the French and believed it was coming from Elegant Occasions. He befriended and then started to court Verify to get to the bottom of the spying.

Nothing went exactly as planned and suddenly Verity and Rafe were engaged and the secrets built up around them. Trust was needed to move forward, something neither of them had. Accidentally His by Sabrina Jeffries was a good read.

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What an absolute delight! This is a spy mystery where the spy is outed by a very observant lady and it is delicious fun. Verity KNOWS she has seen Rafe before, but cannot pinpoint whether he is the “party crasher” she keeps seeing. Rafe is trying to find a traitor and must use Verity without her knowledge. The antics that ensue are half hilarious and half scary. I loved how the two of them banter and Rafe’s protectiveness of her , even though he “doesn’t love her” is precious!My favorite line from Verity is “ It’s swollen because it’s been injured?’ I just about fell off the chair. You will have to read it to know what she is talking about! The villain is well hidden with different avenues that keep the reader guessing. I adored Constantine and the short reunion between him and Rafe is so emotional (sniff). This is WELL worth your time!

I received this copy for free and these are my own opinions

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