Member Reviews

Cousins Amelia and Kylee were just little kids six years ago when their older cousin Grace disappeared while babysitting them. She was never found. But her legacy lives on through Amelia and Kylee, who aim to follow her last wish and get out of Beaumont, the dead-end small town they live in where nothing is ever expected of anyone. When a young woman’s body is found, the girls vow to find out once and for all what happened to Grace before they graduate high school and leave Beaumont behind. But the person responsible for her abduction is most likely closer to home than they ever imagined.

The story is told from two POVs: Amelia and Kylees in the present; and Graces in the past telling her life story and leading up to her disappearance.

Laura McHugh is a genius at telling a haunting, engrossing story that just pulls you in and keeps you turning pages late into the night. It’s so engrossing and realistic I almost hesitate to recommend it to people who grew up in a one-industry rural town, like I did, and like the one depicted in the story, because MAN did she nail it. It was eerie.

The central mystery was amazing and multifaceted. There’s a lot of moving parts, so there’s plenty of twists, turns, and suspects that keep you guessing. I know some other reviews didn’t like the semi-ambiguous ending, but I felt was complete enough that we understood what would happen next. Of course I can’t tell you any of that, but the author lays out the terms fairly clearly, and we can extrapolate from there. That’s not always my choice for an ending either, but it is what it is in this case.

This was such a great book and brilliant addition to McHugh’s already excellent literary canon of work. I highly recommend it, and then suggest checking out her other work.

You won’t be disappointed!

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This is a dual timeline story about girls the same family in the same small town trying to escape. One disappears and the others set out to find out what happened to her. I enjoyed reading this book. The story is compelling but a little uneven. Laura McHugh is a reliably good author.

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Safe and Sound (Hardcover)
by Laura McHugh
The story of cyclical struggles of poverty, small towns and social experiences. The lives of three cousins born in separate decades us only the beginning. The oldest cousin has a horrific childhood. She does everything to protect her younger cousins. She babysits, and cares for them all her life. Yet they are the ones who give her the greatest protection. Safe and sound shows that our intentions affect the things we do. When we look out for others we find the strength to go against the worst odds. Although a dark story it shows the resilience of human nature. That we can break the chains of poverty, abuse, and neglect. Its our choice to stay in a negative cycle, and our choice to risk leaving it.

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Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Random House for the copy of Safe And Sound by Laura McHugh. The story started out great, and I liked the character development. As the book went on, there were so many characters and so much going on, it got overwhelming for me. The big reveal was shocking, but it came out of nowhere, so I wish there had been more clues. This was still a good read, and I think readers will love the big reveal! 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

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This was another excellent mystery/thriller/family drama from Laura McHugh. I loved the dual timelines of Grace in the past and Kylee & Amelia in the present, trying to figure out what happened to her. Some of Grace's chapters were very hard to read - the abuse she suffered was so awful. I would have liked an epilogue to give some closure to the characters. Thanks to NetGalley for the digital ARC.

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Laura McHugh's "Safe and Sound" swept me away into its deep, emotional currents from the very start, leaving an indelible mark on my soul. It weaves a gripping narrative that's as shadowy and intense as it is emotionally resonant.

Set against the backdrop of a decaying town, Beaumont, Missouri, the story captures the essence of despair and the yearning for escape. Here, life's cyclical nature—birth, toil, and death at predetermined checkpoints—paints a grim picture of existence. Amidst this bleakness, sisters Amelia and Kylee, alongside their cousin Grace, become beacons of hope and resilience. Raised in the shadow of poverty by their pole-dancing mother, the sisters' bond is tested and strengthened in the crucible of adversity, particularly after a traumatic home invasion that saw them saved by Grace's brave actions.

The mystery of Grace's disappearance six years prior hangs over them like a shroud, compelling Amelia and Kylee to delve into the murky depths of their town's and family's secrets before they can carve out a path to freedom. Their investigation reveals not just external dangers but also the shocking truths that lie within their closest circles, challenging their perceptions of trust and safety.

The narrative, skillfully entwined through the perspectives of Amelia, Kylee, and Grace, is compelling and rich with complexity. Each character, distinct in their resilience and vulnerability, draws you closer into the fabric of the story. Amelia's idealism, Kylee's resourcefulness, and Grace's determination paint a vivid portrait of courage in the face of despair.

"Safe and Sound" is a masterful tale that not only captivates with its suspenseful plot but also leaves a lasting impression with its deep emotional resonance and the poignant exploration of its characters' inner lives. McHugh has crafted a world that's as haunting as it is unforgettable, securing her place on my list of must-read authors. The story concludes on a satisfying and reflective note, ensuring it remains with you long after the final page is turned.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group for the opportunity to read an advance review copy of Safe and Sound. This book is a testament to McHugh's incredible talent, and I wholeheartedly give it a well-deserved five-star rating.

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Safe and Sound is more than a mystery/thriller. It's a story of strong family relationships, of people stuck in a fading town, of folks stuck in generational poverty with an inability to move up in life. The story opens with a vigil for Grace, who's disappeared years ago. She was the one girl who was determined to make more of herself and leave her small town when she went missing. She was very protective of her two young cousin, who are now teenagers and also determined to escape the life they've been dealt. The characters are really well-developed and Laura McHugh paints a vivid picture of the fading town. There are some shocking moments in the book. The characters are more than the mystery.

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A dark, twisting tale of a young woman's disappearance and her young cousins' attempts to learn what happened to her. Great for fans of Riley Sager, Liz Moore and William Landay.

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I received a free copy from NetGalley. More drama than true mystery, it does have a twist. Characters are well developed and moves at a decent pace.

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It was OK, not my favorite book by the author. I would give it 2.5 stars and have so many mixed feelings. I did not love the ending at all. What happens? Did she survive? Is she comatose? So many unanswered questions. What ever happened with the body that was found in the barn during construction? It was hardly mentioned. I didn't love the characters. It's a wonder Grace, Amelia and Kylee turned out as well as they did. Especially with their moms and family history. Elsie would have never believed Grace even if she told her what happened. Uncle Norman's activities were the dirty secrets that the family never talked about but knew they happened. He was engaged to a fourteen year old. I don't know why Elsie didn't want Grace to better herself and go to college. Grace was doing everything she could to leave, but everyone wanted her to stay. Elsie and Shannon definitely wouldn't win the best mother award. They would leave their children with anyone. Who would leave their children with Norman????? At least Elsie had food in her house and made dinner. Shannon never had any food in the house, besides the moldy hotdog. The whole town probably saw Amelia and Kylee's mom naked at one time or another.

I'm not sure I would call this a mystery/thriller. From the start I wanted to know what happened to Grace. When the truth was finally revealed, it was sort of a let down. I had so many scenarios in my head that could have happened to Grace, but I would have never guessed what actually happened or the reasons behind it. It all seemed not too believable, especially after so many years. The beginning felt slow and nothing much happens except for Amelia and Kylee talking about their missing cousin.

Definitely recommend giving the book a try. The story kept me guessing until the very end. I never expected what really happened to Grace. Look forward to reading more books by the author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Random House Publishing Group - Random House through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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First read by this author. The book takes the reader from the past to present in telling the story and putting all the pieces together. The characters are living in a town with not alot of hope and promise and there is quite the array of young, old, good, and bad with secrets throughout. Good writing kept the pages turning and the story flowed.

Grace was the focus of the story but I liked two connected characters, Ameila and Kylee, most both in their past and present lives as it was heartfelt and funny at times. The suspense was good and unraveled to an ending that I did not see coming. This was the author's story but it is the ending that left me feeling a little deceived, slightly short-changed, a tad bit confused yet I liked the way the book ended.

My rating pivoted but I went with the higher star after thinking about it from an overall standpoint. I would read another thriller from this author, glad she got me there. Thank you to both Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity in exchange for an honest review.

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SAFE AND SOUND by Laura McHugh is dark, atmospheric, and utterly compelling. With an increasing eeriness that’ll make readers look over their shoulders, gorgeously cinematic writing, and main characters everybody will root for, this haunting story lingers long after the climatic ending. Not to be missed.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Any time Laura McHugh has a new book coming out, I know that it will be a fantastic read and Safe and Sound continues her track record of great storytelling. Amelia and Kylee are trying to get out of the dead end town they grew up in, but before they do they begin to unravel what really happened a few years ago to their cousin Grace who went missing one night while she was babysitting them.

Once again this story has such heart achingly wonderful characters who are flawed but constantly wanting something better. While I would say that this probably wasn't my favorite book by the author, it was still well done and handles a heavy subject matter in an honest and unflinching way. The pacing and the way that the story unfolds is spot on and I didn't see the end coming.

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Laura McHugh digs deep. Her characters pulse with vitality and complexity, and her stories feel familiar and inevitable. I loved her last book, and I love this one too.

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This is a mystery that I could not put down. It has a lot of twists and turns. the characters are believable and some are likable and some not so. the ending is a surprise that I did not expect. A very good read!

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Missing girls, check; poverty amidst rural location, check; neglectful and alcoholic mother, check; heartbroken boyfriend, check. Safe and Sound has all the "necessary" elements of an intense thriller (many similar to the author's critically acclaimed debut novel, The Weight of Blood), yet they feel horrifically fresh and frightening here. This is mostly due to the depth Laura McHugh gives her characters-most are teens and young adults, yet they possess the strength and resilience of people twice their age-especially Grace, who is all that stands between her young cousins Kylee & Amelia and their predatory uncle Norman. But is Norman responsible for the disappearance of Grace and another even younger girl years before? Safe and Sound is haunting in so many ways-but Grace's bravery (and the contrasting cowardice of the adults who should be protecting these girls) is what sets the novel apart. The descriptions of life in rural Beaumont, Missouri are painful, but the sections with evil Uncle Norman are truly traumatizing (Miss McHugh includes a warning that some parts of Safe and Sound may be "triggering" for some readers). The plot moves a little slow at the beginning, and the end feels rushed and somewhat incomplete, but it's what's in between that makes Safe and Sound truly mesmerizing. Rich, detailed, and disturbing, Safe and Sound cements Laura McHugh's status as a master of suspense.

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I have to start by saying how THRILLED I am to be able to review a novel from a local author! This is my first from McHugh, but it won't be my last. I read this over a few quick sittings, carried along by the fast-paced writing, believable characters, and desire to discover the horrible truths our main characters sought. The only reasons I'm giving this read three stars instead of four are (1) I found the ending to be a little too quick for me, and (2) the content was very serious and heavy, including topics that I don't personally love to read about. BUT, if you check the content warnings and feel good to read, I think you should definitely add this to your TBR when it releases April 23!

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Laura McHugh's books are always such emotional, gut-wrenching reading experiences for me, and Safe and Sound was no exception. Nobody else does Rural Noir quite like this.

The author nails it at creating characters that feel so realistic that it's hard at times to remember they're fictional. Her portrayal of the hardships and gritty reality of life in rural America is so vividly drawn that I felt fully immersed in the feelings of desperation, struggle, and hopelessness pervading this small Midwestern community. The disappearance of Grace and her young cousin's determination to find answers and see justice while also fighting for a more promising future for themselves was both heart-wrenching and engrossing to watch play out.

This book was a real standout for me, even though I've loved each of this author's books. The setting, atmosphere, characters, and mystery were all stunningly well done. This story doesn't provide gentle, easy answers, but I enjoyed every page of the grim, compelling journey. 

Thank you to Netgalley and Random House for the opportunity to read an early copy of this book.

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I didn't love this one. I"m not exactly sure why! It wasn't particularly fast-moving and the sisters made me roll my eyes. Often. Plus it didn't make sense to my why THAT was the time they decided to really care/investigate what happened so many years ago. Maybe I missed it!

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It's been six years since Amelia and Kylee's beloved cousin, Grace, vanished in the middle of the night while babysitting them. Grace had dreams of escaping their dead-end small town, and she was *this close* when she disappeared, leaving Amelia and Kylee with unanswered questions and dangerous dreams of their own.

This book was amazing and everything I want from a missing person/cold case/smart, determined girls trapped in a crappy town thriller. I loved the part at the beginning where McHugh describes the road that circles the town, going from the hospital to the meatpacking plant to the cemetery - "It was like the kiddie-car ride at the county fair, where you've got your own steering wheel and you can turn it all you want, but there's only one way to go, the track laid out before you got there," - BRUTAL. The way the story was told in dual timelines, switching between Grace's story from six years ago and Amelia & Kylie's story in the present, the tension was nearly unbearable. Grace was so smart and brave and driven, and knowing she was going to disappear pretty much wrecked me. I loved Amelia and Kylee as well - Amelia's snark factor was delightful, and they felt like real girls caught in a terrible situation. The ending was upsetting and weird and I loved it. This is absolutely going on my list of favorite books this year.

Also... somehow this was the first book I've read by McHugh (??!??), and I've clearly been missing out. I just downloaded her debut novel THE WEIGHT OF BLOOD from the library and am reading it ASAP.

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