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Wild Magic

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Overall, this novel was a fast-paced and entertaining tale. I’m intrigued to see where it could go and how the world will expand. I enjoyed this so much!

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Disclaimer: All reviews provided are my genuine thoughts and opinions. I would like to thank NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to be an ARC reader,

3.75 🌟

"Wild Magic: Magic for Hire" offers a low-stakes cozy fantasy experience, earning a 3.75-star rating for me. While the slow-burn romance promised in the book is present, the level of spice could leave avid spice lovers like me, wanting more. However, this lack of intensity is somewhat expected, as the book sets the tone for a milder romantic journey. Although the story didn't captivate me entirely, I didn't dislike it either. Overall, it's a decent option for those seeking a light, easygoing, 300-page fantasy read with a touch of romance, provided they are prepared for a more subdued narrative.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This was pretty good! I am slightly confused about whether or not this will be a series. I think my biggest note about the book was that its worldbuilding left something to be desired. I feel like the way it was set up and with the side characters, it has to be the first in a series. I think worldbuilding is VERY tough to do well in fantasy/paranormal. I don't think the author did a poor job but the book was pretty fast-paced and I would have liked to see a little more worldbuilding.

This is definitely a slow burn and low spice but that isn't a bad thing! Add in the fact that it's a murder mystery and I am in!! I would have liked to see a little more oomph when it came to Valen and Peri's connection and if I had to choose I would say I liked Valen more. Peri was very independent which I love in an FMC buttt I felt like she didn't always think things through.

Overall, I believe this will be the first book in a series and I am excited to read more!

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Wild Magic by Alexandra Ivy is the first book in her Magic For Hire series. At sixteen, Peri’s wild magic appeared and her mother tried to kill her to take it for herself. She fled to the east coast and eventually ended up at the Witches Brew bookstore-cafe where she lived and worked in a Magic for Hire business with two fellow mages. When she received word that her estranged mother and twelve members of her coven were dead of some unknown magical cause, she returned to the Wyoming ranch where she was born to solve the mystery of their deaths. Valen, the golden eyed vampire head of the New York cabal, was obsessed with Peri, who he believed would be his perfect mate.When he received word of the mysterious deaths and their connection to Peri, he journeyed to the ranch to investigate as well. The two launch an investigation across the country into the cause of the deaths and the path of destruction an incredible power was leaving in its’ wake. What happened during that investigation would determine the future for these two powerful people. This was my first book by this author and I lapped up this paranormal romantic suspense tale. I luxuriated in the spicy sexual tension from the slow burn between this couple. I really loved the characters and the story was interesting. I definitely recommend this book. It is even available in Kindle Unlimited, well worth it, and a new author to add to my rotation. I’ll be looking for the second book in this series in July! I am voluntarily submitting this honest review after reading an advanced complementary copy of this book thanks to Netgalley and Kensington Books, Lyrical Press.

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I love anything written by Alexandra Ivy and this book was no exception! From the first page to the end...I was glued to the story and it moved fast!

Valen and Peri are traveling all over the place to try to capture the miasma that was released by Peri's mother.

There's intrigue, danger and lots of "heavy flirting" between the two as they go on their journey.

The end is wild and you're going to want to read this book if you want to find out what that is! Go ahead...pick it won't be sorry! I'm definitely looking forward to Book 2!

I have to thank Kensington once again for granting me the privilege of reading an ARC of this book. Thank you!

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This is a solid 3.5 stars that I rounded up because it did have good potential for the series.

The world building here was interesting and fun. Humans do not know about the supernatural. Vampires are few and far between, but rulers for massive magical lands. Mages and witches are not the same and pretty vehement enemies.

As far as the individual character go, Peri was good. Obviously a stubborn mage with a chip on her shoulder. From her first interaction with Valen, she's defiant. While he is a bit cocky with her, he's less so than he is with others.

My biggest gripe is it felt like we really missed the meat of this couple's interactions. Sure they are thrown together here, but they didn't really romance each other. It was kind of a meeting of the minds that they could be compatible and boom, couple.

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I simply adore Alexandra Ivy! She write PNR so well and I am thrilled to start the journey into this new world of, Magic For Hire. Fun, exciting, slow-burning romance. What more could a paranormal romance lover ask for?

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This is going to be a great series if the rest of the books are as good as this one. Peri and Valen's story is unique but familiar. I enjoy the idea of wild magic & the premise of the book. I think it is an interesting take on an old topic. As per usual, the characters are interesting, the writing amazing and the story enchanting. Now to wait on the next.

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I will admit I am huge fan of Alexandra Ivy romantic suspense series and have read a few of her supernatural romance series.

I have to admit the story has some really cheesy moments I mean he lived for thousands of years but he never really lived until he met this woman. I mean come on even for this romance lover this is a bit much. That being said the story is over all what you will expect from this author.

The story is full of Mystery and adventure with the perfect cheesy slow burn romance readers are in need of right now.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of Wild Magic.

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This first introduction to Peri Sanguis was so fun. I loved her opening scene and really set the tone for how her character was going to be for the rest of the book. She was so calm and confident in her ability to get her job done and do it with flair. Everything about the scene was perfect. This story is a really unique urban fantasy concept, I hadn’t read anything really like it before. The hierarchy in the different regions and the way magic works in and out of Gyres was just really cool and I loved learning about a system that was unlike any world building I had read before.

Following Valen and Peri as they endure forced proximity in order to solve her mother’s suspicious death was fun, but I felt like their chemistry fell kind of flat through the development of the story. It just seemed kind of rushed and I was more interested in the mystery aspect of the novel than the romance because it just didn’t really feel integrated with the plot at all. I think if the development of their relationship was spread out over more of the series I would be more invested in it, but instead I just felt like I was being given a happy ending immediately whether it felt right or not.

Overall, I really like the story and the world. I hope there will be more books in this series since the ending of this one definitely set us up for more books. I have a lot of unanswered questions that I really want answered.

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CAWPILE score: 8.14/4.5 stars

While I don't usually read contemporary fantasy, this book combined the fantasy elements with the advancement of the real world in a pleasant way, with the immortals talking about how the world changed and the adopted the new techs.
The pacing was okay, I didn't feel like the story was dragged or rushed, all in all, I enjoyed the story and its characters

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WILD MAGIC is the beginning of a new series called Magic for Hire by Alexandra Ivy and it is an absolutely amazing read, set in a world where magic, witches, mages, vampires, and various paranormal beings live side by side.

Reviewed by Annetta Sweetko for Fresh Fiction.

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A whole new world of magic comes alive in this book. What is most impressive about this book is it starts off light with explosive diarrhea and painful male parts, but the book doesn’t stay light forever. The contrast between the treatment of the first demon and the murders shows how strong, powerful, and frightening the magic they discover came be. Peri is the perfect leading mage to handle both problems. She is tough and a little reckless, but it works for her, and it clearly works for Valen as is smitten with her. He is the quintessential alpha male lead wanting to protect her and help her whether she needs it or not. That he learns to rely on her to get them out of a hot situation shows real promise for their slow burn relationship.
The magic that Peri and Valen fight is like something out of a horror film which kept me turning the page to see if they stood a chance. I do feel like the book got better as it went along. Like the romance, the story itself was a bit of a slow burn taking a while to find its footing. I wondered early on in the story if I would stick with it but the initial buildup was enough to make me curious. That curiosity kept me invested in the book. I had to know what happened in Peri, why her mother was such a witch and if something so evil could be defeated.
I feel like maybe the author left a few things on the table in this story but perhaps that is for another book. Skye, Maya, and Ashton felt like they should have been more than bit players. I would have liked to see those characters a little more developed but maybe in future books. I still have question on what comes next so I guess I will have to keep reading if this story continues. We need to know more about Joe and the Benefactor. Overall, this book is about a 3.5 to a 3.75 but I must round up so it gets a 4.

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I lOVED LOVED LOVED this new world by this author. Modern times but paranormal. Witches and vampires and demons. Great paranormal lore.

I loved Peri. She was such a strong female lead. I loved Valen for her. He was very patient--letting her come to her own conclusions in time.

Nice get to know you slow burn in this one. A bit of suspense. Great sisterhood vibes. I can't wait to read the next one in the series.

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Wild Magic reminded me why I LOVE paranormal romance novels. There's something about an ancient being falling to his knees over a powerful woman that gives me the warm fuzzies!

Peri is a mage with incredible power she often uses to exact revenge for a price. She's introduced in just such a scenario and I immediately fell in love with her. She's impetuous, snarky, and stubborn, and she makes no apologies for it. In fact, she even makes fun of herself on occasion because she realizes she can be too bull-headed for her own good.

Valen...what can I say about that man. Er...vampire. He's kind of a big deal. He's in charge of an entire territory where he keeps the supernatural beings in line. He is feared by all, adored by many, and follows Peri around like a lost puppy who could maul anyone who dared look at her cross.

In short, I love him. He's this big bad alpha who growls while also being madly infatuated.

Wild Magic has a lot of mystery, suspense, and family drama in it. The romance is always there, lurking in the corners, but it's executed in a way that wraps around the rest of the plot without being the primary focus. I LOVED that about this book! It kept the pining high and made the reward oh so sweet.

Thank you, Lyrical Press, Alexandra Ivy, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is book that was an enemies to lovers with a slow burn that exploded towards the end of the book. The storytelling started slow, but as you read further within the book you understood why the author took their time to give each character their moment.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

Boy oh boy do I hope this series continues! I have so many questions to explore! And want to see so much more of the relationship, which is a definite slow burn but the tension is *chefs kiss*.

Excellent story and unique take on common paranormal tropes and characters. Recommend!

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WILD MAGIC (Magic for Hire book 1) by Alexandra Ivy
This is the first book of the new paranormal series by Ms Ivy. Once again, she has a strong well written start with Valen, the vampire and Peri who is a mage. She was 16 before she came into her power, fleeing her home when she realized her mother was trying to kill her to absorb her power. Valen is in charge of the Gyre. When all the witches in her previous coven are dead including her mother, Peri goes investigating and Valen goes with her. This is a good start to this series and I am looking forward to the 2nd book. This is 4 stars.

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This is my first Alexandra Ivy book but won't be my last. I definitely want to read the second book in the series. I always enjoy getting into new paranormal worlds and see how different authors portray their supernatural species and I hope the second book gives us more insight into this world. I liked the story and concept but do wish the book had been a little longer and spent more time on the relationship of the two main characters. It is a slow burn as most the book is spent on solving the mystery of her old Coven's murder, not so much the relationship of the characters.

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Slow burn. Talk about wild take a ride on this sexual tension paranormal romance. A very good storyline that held my attention from beginning to end. Can't wait to read the next book in this series. 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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