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Wild Magic

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Slow burn. Talk about wild take a ride on this sexual tension paranormal romance. A very good storyline that held my attention from beginning to end. Can't wait to read the next book in this series. 4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This was an utterly bewitching, action-packed fantasy romance.

Wild Magic presented a slightly different slant on vampires, witches, and mages than what you would normally expect. It was all very interesting, but took a bit to get used to, and I have some lingering questions about the world building. I hope there is more to come that will make everything clearer.

Right from the start Peri and Valen were circling each other, and they both accepted it as inevitable that something would happen between them, whatever that might look like. I enjoyed their repartee a lot. Both were well-developed characters and I certainly hope we will get to see more of them.

The plot progressed at just the right pace and I loved that both Peri and Valen used their magic effectively when it was called for, though it took a while before we got to experience Peri in all her magnificent glory.

I can definitely recommend this if you like urban fantasy with magic and suspense.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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If you haven't read the first book of the Magic for Hire series, Wild Magic by Alexandra Ivy, you are missing out!

I am always excited when a new series is started by one of my favorite authors, and this book was a delight to read. As per usual, since this is the first book in a series, you can of course read it as a stand-alone. However, you will be looking forward to book 2, Ancient Magic (due out in July!) with great anticipation.

In this first book we are introduced to Peri Sanguis, a wild mage who had to flee her mother (mom tried to kill her) and is living her best life with friends and mentors far from home. Years later, her mom's coven is murdered, and suddenly Peri has to deal with all of the ramifications that implies. Plus, her local vampire boss, Valen, is determined to be part of this mystery. Watching Peri deal with Valen while figuring out what happened to her mom's coven is both engrossing and entertaining.

As this book is a paranormal romance with some spice, I didn't really expect a ton of world-building, but I was pleasantly surprised that I had no trouble imagining and understanding the world Peri lives in. The writing sucked me into the story and I had a hard time putting this book down. I'm looking forward to book 2 and I'm excited that I don't have to wait a whole year to find out what Peri and Valen do next!

Thank you Kensington Books for this copy of Wild Magic!

#WildMagic #NetGalley#KensingtonBooks

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This is an awesome read! The story starts with quite a bang. I had to laugh at the curse put on that odious goblin. Peri has a great personality and she utterly refuses to back down. It has a surprising ending and I enjoyed it immensely.

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*Goodreads review posted 1/5/24, see link below

3.75 stars, 1.5 spice

Wild Magic by Alexandra Ivy is an urban paranormal romance novel that clocks in at around ~330 pages on my phone screen. I have to admit I am kind of unsure if this is supposed to be a standalone or the first in an either connected or interconnected series, but if I had to guess, with the side characters introduced and some lingering threads open, this is just the start of a new world. I hope it is!

There were things I liked and appreciated about this book on the whole, but when you get into some of the nitty gritty, I do have some thoughts; and you know what they say, the devil is in the details.
I know worldbuilding, particularly in fantasy, paranormal, and scifi genres are a massive undertaking that requires a deft hand to be done well, to be done so flawlessly you don’t even realize you’re being introduced to a whole new world until you already pretty much understand it.

There were slight blips of that here in Wild Magic, like a newly turned vampire trying to crawl its way out of its own grave. I saw the fingertips multiple times, but somehow the body never seemed to quite emerge. There was great potential in some of the worldbuilding I did see, and with a bit more nuance, hopefully in a second book, we can get a deeper exploration of the setting of the story, as well as all its intricacies. There were a few different setting changes in this book, New Jersey, NOLA, castles, coffee houses, but the words on the page didn’t make them feel any different to each other. I would love more detail and more nuance.

The plot as a whole was well done and made sense, however, some of the character actions that led to the plot moving forward grinded on my gears a bit. In particular, the FMC, Peri, was pretty cool overall, but I hated her tendencies to go headlong into traps knowing they were traps but having no secret plan, or even a plan at all, in her pocket. We love a badass, but we also love a clever, cunning, and prepared badass. I would’ve loved to have seen Peri go into these situations with more planning involved, so her escapes and triumphs would feel more organic and earned to the plot.

I love our MMC, the vampire Valen, as a character probably the most. He wore his emotions on his sleeve and was very sweet, while still having alpha tendencies, but I did feel that sometimes Valen’s feelings for Peri overshadowed her own for him, and Peri’s feelings only fully switched when it was relevant to the plot. If we see their relationship again in future books, I would love to be a more balanced portrayal of love between the pair.

This is me being picky, but Wild Magic would’ve worked SO much better if this was truly a Book 1 of a connected series, where the main couple and the main plot weren’t resolved at the end of Book 1 and continued to build tension and angst and feelings through the course of a series. While this does feel like a beginning to a world, it also kind of felt like the end of Peri and Valen’s main story. But we’ll see where this goes, I hope to be pleasantly surprised!

Overall, the writing was digestible and engaging, and I had a lot of fun reading it, particularly during the interactions between the main couple, Peri and Valen. There’s a lot of potential for things to come, and with some additional nuance to the worldbuilding and fleshing out the characters and their relationships, I think this could really turn into something special.

Thanks NetGalley for the arc, as always!

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I loved this book! It had Bargainer meets Bewitched meets vampire Diaries vibes. The female mc was soo good! I loved that she was independent and didn’t need a man but still ended up with one that understood her in all the ways women want to be understood. I love that he took care of her in the ways she needed but was able to admit she didn’t always need that. I loved all the witty banter and the twists and turns that made this story really unique but also familiar feeling. I could not put this book down!

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Peri Sanguis’s is trying to keep a low profile. She lives with 2 other mages and together they run the Witch’s Brew bookstore-cafe. The death of her mother and the entire coven, sends Peri to a Wyoming ranch. She hasn't been back since her mother and the coven tried to kill her. Followed by an all powerful and mysterious vampire, Valen, Peri must lay to rest whatever monsters her estranged mother has released.

Why I started this book: Requested a copy from Netgalley because I love a good paranormal romance series...

Why I finished it: Solid book but strangely uninspiring. Clever world building was enough to draw me in with delight, but the characters felt disconnected from their world. Actually the character motivations didn't match the epic world building available. I'm describing this badly, it just felt like there was a new world to explore but the elevator only went to the 4th floor, and not all the way to the penthouse. A good story that could have been so much more.

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This was a very well-written, entertaining book. It was fun, suspenseful, action-packed and I didn't want to put it down. I enjoyed this book and will look for the next book in this series as well as other books by this author.

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This is a brand new series by this author, and it definitely sounded intriguing just by the blurb alone! There was a time when demons reigned. That was before they were forced to retreat to the shadows. Today, in hidden corners across the globe their evil blood still pools, and the authority of their new rulers—the Vampire Cabal—must never be challenged. Leave it to a Jersey girl to change ancient history. At sixteen, when Peri Sanguis’s wild magic first appeared, she was forced to flee her Wyoming ranch—and her suddenly murderous family—to save her own life. On the East Coast, tutored by mages who run the Witch’s Brew bookstore-cafe, Peri’s world seems magically tranquil—until her estranged mother and a coven of witches are slaughtered. Now, to solve the violent mysteries of her past, she must put her trust, body and soul, in a sensual immortal who is every woman’s darkest fantasy. The golden-eyed vampire, Valen, has never wanted more than to claim an untamed female like Peri. Lured into each other’s orbit, and working together against a resurrected evil brings them intimately closer—to danger, blood betrayals, all-consuming passion, and to sacrifices that must be made to save themselves and the world.

I really enjoyed this book! I thought it was a great start to this series with a lot of world building so the reader understands how everything starts. Peri's character is great and I definitely enjoyed her and the way she thinks about things. She doesn't put up with anything and isn't afraid to voice her thoughts. Valen is this tough as nails vampire but he seemed to have a soft side to me. I loved the back and forth between him and Peri, and it definitely fit with their personalities. My only issue, and why I knocked it down a star, is that the romance is super slow to me. The rest of the story is fast paced and seemed to get right to it, but the romance was almost like an after thought? That was the only downside for me, but the rest-I absolutely enjoyed and I can't wait to see how other books will play out in the series!

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Thank you very much to Kensington books and netgalley for the E ARC.


💫Wild Magic💫 By Alexandra Ivy

Publication day 02/01/2024

RATING ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️


When old-world demons, modern-day mages, and irresistible attraction collide, desire becomes the most powerful and dangerous weapon of all, in this spellbinding new series from New York Times bestselling author Alexandra Ivy . . .

Wild Magic is an urban, paranormal romance featuring vampires, mages and witches.The concept for this story was really great, and I was, therefore, really looking forward to getting stuck in. Unfortunately, the execution was not brilliant. The pacing is fast, not always a bad thing, but in this instance, it felt a bit rushed, and lacking in substance that could have been added had more time been spent on it. The characters and story itself felt flat to me. There wasn't a point I felt I was actually engaging with or connecting with any of it, and the writing style seemed a bit juvenile for an adult book. There were also a few occasions where the plot felt a bit all over the place, and it was hard to follow. I did therefore end up DNF about 2 hours in. And I really hate doing that

The concept for the magical system was good. I don't want to say too much as I don't want to give spoilers, I would recommend this book to those who enjoy fast-paced, easy reads.

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WILD MAGIC is the first instalment in Alexandra Ivy’s contemporary, adult MAGIC FOR HIRE paranormal, fantasy, romantic suspense series focusing on three friends: Peri, Maya and Skye. This is mage Peri Sanquis, and ancient vampire king Valen’s story line.

Told from omniscient third person perspectives WILD MAGIC follows in the aftermath of the murder of an entire coven of witches, a coven ruled by Peri’s mother Brenda. Having been estranged from her mother and coven since the age of sixteen, and the attempt on her life by both, Peri is reticent yet she needs to uncover the truth. With the assistance of ancient vampire Valen, an assistance Peri is reluctant to accept, Peri goes in search of the truth only to discover an ancient power has been released, taking aim at our story line heroine.

The world building is detailed and complex. We learn some of the back story and history involving Peri and her mother Brenda-Brenda’s need for power, and her attempt to take the life of her only child. As Peri begins to uncover the truth, the past refuses to die, taking aim at our story line heroine.

The relationship between Peri and Valen begins acrimoniously. Valen knows instantly that Peri is his mate, a woman he never suspected in all of his vampire life. Peri doesn’t do relationships; has issues of trust, constantly fearing she is targeted for the powers within. There is one lone passionate $ex scene without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Peri’s friends and witches Maya and Skye, as well as witches Tia and Destiny ; vampire Gabriel Lyon, and mystery man Joe.

WILD MAGIC. Is a story of secrets and lies, power and control, vengeance and betrayal, magic and mayhem, murder, mystery, acceptance and love. The premise is edgy and enchanting; the characters are animated and stubborn; the romance is mostly implied as Peri continues to refuse any and all of Valen’s attempts at seduction and love.





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A huge thank you to Alexandra Ivy for this excellent book, the first in a two-book series.

Finally!! A heroine from New Jersey!! Who knew? This is a magical story about Peri Sanguis, a Wyoming teen who comes into her magiks when she turns 16, and then her world as she knows it turns upside-down.

What a great story! Peri grew up in Wyoming, forced to flee to New Jersey, over the years, she learned her craft from some interesting New Jersey mages at a local bookstore. (I always knew there were mages in New Jersey!!) Enter Valen a golden-eyed vampire who is thrown together with Peri to fight evil and save the world!

Great character and world-building, a unique story, and an entertaining and sometimes steamy read. Take some time in this New Year for some “Wild Magic” a New Year’s gift from Alexandra Ivy!

All opinions and observations are mine alone. Thank you to Kensington for sharing this ARC.

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"Wild Magic" by Alexandra Ivy is a thrilling witchy novel that combines urban fantasy, mystery, and paranormal romance in one addictive read. For those who like gruesome murders, suspenseful twists and turns and the spice level turned up, this is a must-read novel.

Peri is a powerful mage who has found a home at Witch's Brew bookstore and Cafe with two other mages, Skye and Maya. When Peri's old coven is mysteriously murdered, she is sent back to her hometown to figure out what happened with a powerful member of the Vampire Cable, Valen. Together, they must figure out what took out a powerful coven before whoever or whatever killed them reaps more death and chaos.

The mystery surrounding the deaths of Peri's old coven is one of many aspects that makes this a quick, one-sitting kind of read. There are so many twists and turns and unexpected events that will leave readers desperately wanting to know what happened, why, and if there's a way to stop it from happening again. This book will have everyone on the edge of their seats.

Peri and Valen also keep things interesting with their opposing personalities that somehow draw them to one another. Peri is headstrong, witty, impulsive, and smart, but she also has major trust issues. Valen is arrogant, controlling, overprotective and wealthy but occasionally proves he has a bit of a sense of humour. The two of them together are like oil and water but somehow they manage to work well as a team.

Readers will find "Wild Magic" to be entertaining full of well-developed characters, plotlines, witty banter, and world-building. This is a story that must be added to your reading lists!

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books (Lyrical Press) for providing me with a free copy of this book and the opportunity to share my honest opinion in this review.

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This is a fast paced, easy to read paranormal romance. It has a strong, engaging story line with well-developed complex characters, as well as twist and turns. The beginning was a little slow, but keep reading, it will pick up.
-Slow burn
-Found Family
-Enemies to lovers
It also has Fae, Mages, Witches, etc.
I received this ARC from Netgalley to give my honest review. Thank You!

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The world building is simply outstanding and I was quickly drawn into this fantasy paranormal world. I loved how characters and plot lines were gradually introduced, so the reader isn’t overwhelmed. The book is first in a series and sets up various story arcs that I’m sure will be developed further in later books. Peri is a great character with a difficult past- it’s easy to see how her personality has developed. Valen is a complex character, largely because he is a such an old and powerful vampire. His attraction to Peri is long established at the start of the book, but she has an inane distrust of him. The plot is fast paced and exciting as Peri and Valen race to solve the mystery of who killed Peri’s mother and her coven. Nothing is quite as it seems and are enough plot twists to keep you on your toes! The romance develops slowly and is very much secondary to the action and murder mystery plot. I found the story utterly engrossing and am excited to read future books in the series.

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Wild Magic by Alexandra Ivy
Paranormal vampire mage romance. Slow burn.
At sixteen, Peri Sanguis was forced to flee Wyoming when her mother and her coven tried to kill Peri because of her wild magic. Now the entire coven is dead and Peri must return to the ranch to find answers of who could have killed the twelve women. Cabel Vampire leader Valen won’t let Peri investigate on her own. Anything so evil that could kill a coven that easily should not be faced alone.

🎧 I alternated between an ebook and an audiobook. For some reason, the best option for me was the two together for this story for the first couple of chapters. World building and character cementing.
The audiobook is narrated by Elizabeth Russell who does a great job distinguishing between Peri and Valen. One character (Stella) has an intense accent and it was quite different from the main characters. There was an impressive conversation between Stella and Peri that had to be difficult to perform but came through very cleanly and clearly. This is one of the best things about listening to an audiobook over reading. Accent variations and emotional portrayal.

Vampire Valen hasn’t had a relationship in 2000 years but he can’t resist Peri. And he will do anything for her. Including putting his own life in danger. Swooning. He doesn’t notice or care about all the other women throwing themselves at him. He has eyes only for her now.
Peri is quite independent because she’s had to be. She has made family with Maya and Skye at the bakery where she works. She’s not alone, but she does know there is something different about herself and her magic. She is drawn to Valen but doesn’t want to be like every other female panting after him. There’s more than a spark in her heart when he’s near.
There’s lots more than romance here and in fact that’s probably less than 10% of the story, but it does factor into some important moments.

My biggest impression is that this is just the beginning and that there is a lot more world building to come. That is a bit of an educated guess based on advertising. And I’m intrigued to see where it could go and how the world will expand. And how the wild magic will expand.

🎧📖 reading vs. audiobook: generally I like both equally for different reasons. I’m busy and an audiobook will fit into my schedule easier. In this case, I felt the world building and the inflection of Valen’s personality was better through reading. For me, it’s a visual experience and while I was reading and listening together, I preferred my inflections of his voice, over how some of it was done in the audio. But as I said above, the audiobook for accents was phenomenal and I would have totally missed that had I only had the ebook at the point.
Go with your preferred in this case.
I will definitely continue the series if it should turn into one.
The writing is compelling storytelling and I was hooked into to magic world immediately.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley and the publisher RB Media.

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Wild Magic is a fast paced easy flowing entertaining paranormal romance with well developed quirky characters and a intense storyline with just enough romance drama twists and turns with a few surprises as the plot unfolds to keep the reader engaged and wanting more this is a good first in series I have high expectations for books two and look forward to it's release.

I received a advance reader's copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving this review.

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I love paranormal romance so I thought a romance with a vampire and a mage would be right up my alley. Unfortunately this one didn't really work for me.

I don't think this book is terrible. It is getting one star because I didn't finish it. I try really hard to only request arcs that I'll enjoy but in this case I tried really hard and I couldn't get into this one. I read about 50% and was confused about the plot and not interested because their wasn't enough romance for me. What romance there was seemed very one sided and I didn't understand what abut the heroine the hero liked.

I think this one simply had too much fantasy for me. While I love a romance with paranormal elements, romantasy books don't always work for me. In this case, with the romance being slow to start and lots of characters and plots I think it will appeal to fantasy readers who like romance more than romance readers who may like a little bit of fantasy.

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Woohoo, this new series by Ms. Ivy grabbed me and kept me riveted from start to finish. Vampires, Fey, Witches, and Mages populate this world. This is different than her Guardians of Eternity as well as her contemporary murder suspense books. I cannot wait to see what happens next in this series.

Peri is a mage who has issues with authority figures. What does she do? Catch the eye of one of the most dangerous paranormal creatures close to where she lives - the vampire, Valen. Peri likes to skate the line when it comes to following rules that will protect her and the two other mages she considers her family. Peri is an intriguing character as she is a bit wild, a bit reckless, yet deep down wants to be safe.

Valen on the other hand is controlled, disciplined, feared, and a bit jaded. He survived the last many centuries and amassed power, riches, and one of the most powerful places on earth to protect his people. And yet a little vixen teases him with snarky and an unhealthy lack of obedience. Peri doesn't mean to play hard to get. She just does not want to be under anyone's thumb and she has good reason.

I thought this story would be a sexy chase between a powerful male and a less powerful female. There might be some fated mate thrown in. Boy was I wrong. Instead, I'm treated to a mystery, betrayal, power hungry magic users, and a terrible evil. I like it! From a character perspective, I thoroughly liked both Peri and Valen. I want to learn more. I anticipate more back history in the next book, even if they are not the focus of the story. From a plot perspective, I enjoyed how Peri's mother shows up in the story. I liked how Peri's history is exposed in a painful yet cathartic manner. This creates more questions I have and hope to have answered in future books.

What I like about this story is how the sexual tension permeates the story and enhances the world building as well as the character development. Peri doesn't deny her attraction. She acknowledges it and provides logic reasons why being with Valen is so bad for her. Still, she succumbs to his sexiness and I cannot blame her. Ms. Ivy does create a deliciously powerful male.

This paranormal romance is recommended to readers who like a bit of mystery and mayhem.

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

Wow, what a wild ride! Peri does not trust any vampire but she is attracted to Valen and he definitely has his eye on her! They are forced to work together and combat an evil that could take over the world. Add in some past emotional damage from Peri's past and this new threat and she is ready for Valen's help.

This was non-stop action and I could not put the book down.

And what a teaser at the end of the book for the next book in the series!

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