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Wild Magic

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC.

✔️Enemies to lovers
✔️Slow burn
✔️Fae, Demons, Mages, Witches, Vampires

I enjoyed this book. It was fast paced and entertaining. It took a couple of chapters to get invested but the characters quickly had me interested and wanting more. I enjoyed the banter between the main characters. I love how strong willed and stubborn Peri is and how she challenges Valen. I look forward to learning more about the other characters in the next book.

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Mages and witches and vampires, oh my! This was a fantasy mystery book that I really enjoyed. I haven’t read many fantasy books where the MC is a mage, usually they’re a fae/faerie or a vampire so this was a refreshing change. I really liked the magical mystery that was central to the plot of this book - it was fairly predictable for the most part but it was fun enough to keep my interest despite this.

I’m knocking off half a star because this book contained what is quickly becoming one of my least favourite romance tropes of all time - super old ancient immortal MMC and young FMC. Thankfully the woman in question in this book is 30, rather than a teenager as so often seems to be the case. Honestly, I probably would have let it slide if it wasn’t mentioned SO OFTEN just how old the MMC is. At a certain point it crossed over into ick territory for me.

I wish that the characters were a bit more fleshed out, many of them had potential to be really interesting but I feel like we only really got to know them on a superficial level.

Overall I’d recommend this to anyone looking for an easy-to-read fantasy book with mystery elements. Wild Magic is out today!

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I am a huge Alexandra Ivy fan and have been for years. I was so excited to receive this ARC from NetGalley. What a fun way to finish out my year of reading. This book had everything you could want. Magic, bookstores, vampires, secrets and mystery and don’t forget the passion. This was everything all rolled into one great story. I love the way Ivy writes. She really has a talent for details and makes her characters and their worlds come to life. They jump out from the page and real you in. You will want to let this one grab you, but be ready you won’t wanna put it down. I will be adding this to the collection. Enjoy this magical adventure.

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💜Urban Fantasy
💜Paranormal Romance
💜Enemies to Lovers
💜Murder Mystery
💜Found Family

I LOVED the characters and their complex feelings! The chemistry between the main female character, Peri, and a thousand year old vampire, Valen, is spellbinding in itself! It's the perfect combination to keep the story intriguing. So much so that I definitely will be waiting for the next book in the series! Not to mention the power of Peri's magic makes her a force to reckon with and weave in a mysterious murder that could possibly effect the entire world-the perfect ingredients for the perfect book!

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Wild magic is the first volume in Alexandra Ivy’s new series titled Magic for hire. For now, there should be 3 books.

The book tells the story of Peri Sanguis, a mage, and Valen, a vampire. It takes place in a contemporary world, different from her Guardians of eternity series, where paranormal creatures and humans hang out with each other. The latter don’t know about the others.
This universe is composed of many species but only one of them rule them : the vampires. The reason for this hierarchy is explained in the book, so I won’t say more about it. What I can say is that the world is split into several territories, and each one is ruled by a vampire. They are all part of the Vampire Cabal and creatures who live in their territory have to pledge allegiance to them.
Peri works for an agency where mages are for hire. They established their quarters – a bokstore-cafe – in an independant territory which is near the one ruled by Valen, so they often see each other for their business. But, contrary to other creatures, none of the mages have pledged allegiance to him. Of course, there’s a main reason but we quickly understand that it’s the attraction Valen feels for Peri that also explains his indulgence.

Peri and Valen have known each other for 9 years when the story begins. But Peri, who has a complicated past and an instinctive distrust toward vampires, prefers to stay as far away as possible from Valen.
A tragic event will reunite them for an investigation which is going to lead them to other territories where we are going to meet other vampires who could become heroes themselves. Valen is there not only to cover Peri from the other members of the Vampire Cabal, but also to protect her.
As the action goes on, our heroes are going to drop their guard and give free rein to their feelings.

I didn’t know what to expect with this book. On the one hand, the cover is different from the others by the author, on the other hand, the synopsis is vague. I only read the book because of Alexandra Ivy. In the end, I was so right to trust her. I spent a great time with all the characters.
As always, I loved the relationship between our heroes, the action in the book, the suspense. Peri is a strong heroine and Valen doesn’t hesitate to let her be in charge when he knows she can do it. He’s just her shadow and he’s there when she needs him.

When we close the book, we have all the answers to our questions, even though it leads into a new intrigue, which sets a story arc up for the sequel of the series.
The second volume will be published in July 2024 with different heroes and I will be there although the synopsis is vague, once again. LOL

For now, I highly recommend Wild magic, which, I insist, is a first volume in a new paranormal world by Alexandra Ivy.

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Loved it! The world building is excellent. The characters are complex and intriguing. The romance is a sexy slow burn that you become wrapped up in. Then you get the magic. There is also more than one mystery happening. I was gripped from the start. Peri and Valen are going to be hard to top. I'm really excited for what comes next. That ending! Wow!

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Alexandra Ivy once again brings us a strong sexy hero and smart independent heroine who are well matched and balance each other. this book starts a new series with new world building that has an emphasis on magic hidden all around and those that feel, live and work with it. the world building is done steadily so as not to overwhelm the story being told. Peri (a mage) and Valen (a vampire who oversees/rules a large region) have been warily circling each other in part due to and in part despite the mutual attraction between them for several years. when a major event causes Peri to revisit the past she'd as soon leave in the past, Valen also goes to investigate. Ivy does an great job of showing the the relation evolve as trust slowly and steadily develops as they work together to uncover the mystery and each other's hidden depths. the plot is interesting with various twists and includes the touch of both humor and wit that the author often brings to her stories along with side characters that are interesting and have me looking forward to future books to learn more about them and this world.

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Wild Magic is an engrossing tale of Peri, a mage who's powers turned out to be much more than what even she imagined they would be. Powers that could lead someone to murder in order to harness her gifts. Valen is a centuries old vampire, leader of his gyre and an alpha in every sense of the word. Those in his gyre kneel to him but suddenly he's convinced that there's one whom he would probably kneel before.

Peri gets news of her mothers slaughtered coven and some ancient evil connected to it. She knows she must chase it down and eradicate it. Peri may not want Valen tagging along but she soon realizes that the vampire won't be letting her out of his sight and the sooner she accepts it the sooner her can show her all they can be to each other.

I thoroughly enjoyed Wild Magic but did feel that some of it could have been expanded upon to give a deeper understanding of some events. Can't wait for more!!

**Received ARC through NetGalley. Voluntarily reviewed**

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**Note: Review will be added to Instagram and Amazon upon release day, then I will update with links.

This was a fun, fast-paced mystery, urban fantasy, and paranormal romance all wrapped in to one book. I did not know what to expect going in to this read, but I was pleasantly surprised.

The shortest summary is: Peri, a mage, and Valen, a vampire, work together to solve the murders of a witch coven and develop undeniable chemistry along the way. The romance is a super slow burn, but worth the payoff in the last few chapters. The mystery element of the story was engaging and the magic system compelling.

A note specifically about the audiobook: the narrator did a great job. I enjoyed her portrayal of Peri and most characters, but subjectively did not love the way she voiced Valen.

This was book one in the Magic for Hire series. The story is mostly resolved at the end, but there is just enough of a cliffhanger to make me excited to continue the series!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
🌶️ 🌶️

Thank you to Alexandra Ivy, RB Media, NetGalley, and Kensington Books for providing me with digital and audio copies of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

Peri Sanguis life changed when her mother decided to kill her, trying to steal peri magic from her, its then that peri wild magic came about, she survived that attack but she ran into the night away from her mother and her followers

peri life now is full she helps in Witch’s Brew bookstore-cafe which is owned and run by a powerful mage

but the one thing that is in her life she isnt happy about is valen a powerful vampire

when peri mother and her followers are murdered peri has to go home for the first time in years and what she find there is very disturbing, what could have killed her mother and the others

and its not long before peri has a clue and sets off the race of her life

not a bad read.... hope to rejoin and learn more about these characters they were interesting

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I was excited to be awarded this ARC to read, but as I was reading this, I kept wondering if this was part of an already existing series. If it is, I couldn't find any mention of it. But, there are many times during the story that it just FELT like there was more that the reader SHOULD have known. Relationships that were existing that felt like there was background that should have been realized.
Oh well, if there is, then I am not, nor was I aware of it at the time.

The story introduces us to Peri Sanguis who is a mage in a world where mage's are the exception and not the rule. This is a world where the knowledge of the paranormal is restricted to only those actual paranormals. There are vampires and goblins, all under the label of demons. On the paranormal side, the paras are ruled by a few Vampires who compose the powerful Vampire Cabal. There are also things called gyre's which are locations where magic is prevalent - so powers are amplified. There is one Vampire ruler per each Gyre.

Witches and mages are a bit different. Classified as humans, they do have access to magic, but they are as different as night and day. Witches need to band together to be able to accomplish any grand magic or magic of any scale, but mages, well, they have true magic - called "wild magic" which makes them formidable. Normally, the mages have to pledge their loyalty to the lead Vampire of their gyre. In this case, that has not happened.

We meet the female mage -Peri - who lives with two other mages at a business called the Witches Brew. They are "found family" and have some sort of protection from an unknown Benefactor (at least unknown to us). These are three powerful women and the Benefactor is more powerful than the three of them.

Then there is Valen. He is the head Vampire of the region where Peri lives and he has taken notice of the three women, especially Peri. He has not demanded their fealty because he feels it would be better to have them come and pledge willingly once they realize what his protection can offer (I'm not sure if he knows about the Benefactor).

Okay, so the story begins when Peri discovers that her mother - a witch and leader of a coven - has been murdered at her ranch in Wyoming. Actually, 12 of the 13 witches were all killed at the same time. Things become complicated for Peri because she escaped from the coven 10 years ago when they tried to murder her (her mother initially tried to steal her magic with a dagger through the heart) when her magic awoke and it became known that she was a mage and not a witch. Her mother was NOT a nice person.

Either way, Peri feels some responsibility to investigate and Valen decides he is also going to go along because this impacts Peri - which in turn impacts him. He has been intrigued by her for many years and through this investigation, the two of them become much closer.

The story itself is a bit out there. There are a lot of twists and turns and eventually we see the attraction grow between Peri and Valen. The mystery itself is just okay. I felt like it tried a little TOO hard, but it still did hold my interest. The story also plants the seeds for future stories within this world - there ARE two other mages and another Vampire leader (Gabriel) we meet during all of this.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. The opinions above are mine and mine alone.

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I am not big on vampire stories but I am not opposed to them either hence why I got this book to begin with. What I didn’t like about the book is not that there were vampires but because I don’t believe Perry was a vampire I believe she was a witch or a mage and having said that I really liked her I didn’t like the Insta love and as I am new to supernatural paranormal adult fairytales I believe I’m learning about myself I like them in a more historical setting as opposed to the modern-day dance club this book started in. Again, having said that it still held my attention with a clever mystery that move the plot along and makes for a nice fast read. I do love most of this authors books and so thought I would love this one as well but you can’t win them all… Can you? I want to thank the publisher and Net Galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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First of all, the cover is absolutely stunning and it is what drew me to the book in the first place. But the storyline was amazing to follow up the beautiful cover.

I read this book pretty quick and it was so easy to read it all flowed really well. I thought some aspects of the story were rushed through but overall it was a really enjoyable read.

I loved the 2 main characters and their blossoming romance, I thought it was the perfect “he falls first” romance. I loved the magical system that we started to explore in this book and cannot wait to explore it more in the future books.

Overall this book was really good read.

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4.25 🌟
Wild Magic was a fast-paced, exciting read. I enjoyed the way this urban fantasy was set up and how the different "beings" in this world had their magic, for lack of a better word, balanced. Peri is a mage who essentially straddles the world between humans and the other creatures who inhabit Earth. But magic is tangible and only accessible in gyres (pools of magic). Those pools are ruled by a vampire cabal and are run by their servants, demons. The world-building was fascinating and added to the story building in the book. Peri's gripping story, friendships, and romantic entanglement drew you into her world. I am glad more books are intended for this series because I want to know more. I am definitely keeping an eye out for this author!

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Wild Magic

When Peri was 16 she fled her mother’s coven after they attempted to murder her to steal her mage powers. Now in present day she teams up with the head of the Vampire Cabal in New York City to search for clues about her past and the murder of her mother and her coven. This is a world filled with demons, goblins, fae and witches living amongst humans. Peri is such a strong main character. If you are looking for a book that has an insanely rich vampire, touch her and you die vibes, and a murder mystery storyline then this is the book for you!

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Wild Magic- Bk #1 Magic for Hire
By: Alexandra Ivy- I like her Guardians of Eternity series
Setting: Wyoming, NJ, and NY
Published 1/2/24, read 12/22/23

✔️ Paranormal Romance
✔️ Fae, Demons, Mages, Witches, Vampires
✔️ Enemies to lovers
✔️ Found family
✔️ Adult Fiction
✔️ Sci Fi/Fantasy
✔️Murder mystery

This is the story of Peri Sanguis who was raised by her mother and her witch coven. At sixteen, Peri manifests wild magic. Her mother Brenda Sanguis is envious of her daughter's magic and wants it for herself. Sensing the threat she would become, her mother stabs her in the heart. She escapes to the Witch's Brew bookstore/cafe, and meet Skye and Maya who help and train her. Valen is a two thousand year old vampire and one of The Vampire Cabal-the most powerful who rule the Gyre(source of magic). He wants to claim Peri as his mate, but she can't stand him. He is protective and shows up for Peri when she's in danger. When Brenda and twelve witches in her coven are murdered, Peri wants to know what happened and who did it. Together she and Valen investigate and fight their attraction to each other.

The world building is filled with supernatural creatures. The vampires in The Cabal rule over all but Peri and her friends enjoy their independence and will never "bend the knee" while under the protection of The Benefactor. They don't know who this is, but from time to time they are assigned tasks to complete. The Benefactor reminds me of Charlie from Charlie's Angels.

The characters- Peri is a strong, independent mage that follows her own mind regardless of danger. I love how she challenges Valen even though he could kill her in an instant. Valen is patient and protective because he knows she is stubborn, so he takes his time. Maya and Skye are Peri's found family and are protective of her even when she's reckless. I feel like they have secrets and their own stories to tell. The mysterious "Joe" comes around the bookstore and they have no idea why. They know nothing about him but he gives them cryptic warnings. I even like Tia, a mage who hates vampires and wants Peri's wild magic.

My Thoughts-I loved Valen and Peri's power struggle. Working together on the murder case helped them get to know each other. It's slow burn with a bit of action, mystery, and fantasy that PNR readers will like.

Rating:  4/5 ✨

Spice: 4/5 🌶️they have 1 actual sex scene at the end, with a few interrupted kisses.

Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington Books for this ARC💙 ! I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions expressed are my own.

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"Wild Magic" is a 4-star read that delivers on its promise of supernatural intrigue and passionate romance. Alexandra Ivy introduces readers to a world where magic, desire, and danger collide, setting the stage for an enticing series that fans of paranormal romance will undoubtedly enjoy.

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Mysterious, magical and beautiful. Peri needs to investigate how her mother and her coven died, but she’s chasing an evil entity. This thing survives on feelings and is hunting something it deems vastly important. Valen, the vampire leader seeking control over Peri and her friends, is intrigued by her lack of fear of him. It’s like wanting what you can’t have, Valen desires Peri but does she desire him? I was fascinated by this story, thinking it was just a romance between vampire and mage but it quickly moved to a murder mystery and lesson in magical abilities. I was captivated and never lost interest in their mission. I’m hoping this moves into a series as it appears Maya has a mystery of her own developing. My copy came through NetGalley and I’m leaving this review voluntarily.

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This was magically badass!!

I absolutely loved Wild Magic! I was instantly drawn in by the cover & the blurb - and it 100% lived up to the hype!

🔮 Magic
🧛‍♂️ Vampires
💥 Big Bad
❤️‍🩹 Emotional Damage
🎬 Action Packed
♥️ Romance
🔐 Secrets

Thank you so much Kensington Books for the advanced copy!

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Wild Magic by Alexandra Ivy is a fascinating urban fantasy story packed with mystery, suspense, action and drama, and romance that develops as a slow burn that enhancing storyline rather than overshadow and doesn’t deter from the main focus of plot but allows it to grow and emerge.

Peri Sanguis had a tragic start to life, but her stubborn, independent, determined, and intelligent nature has helped her survive and become a formidable Mage; and a little sass hasn’t gone astray either. While the male lead Valen, is a wealthy, powerful, arrogant, and overbearing Vampire, who is also protective and generous with a side helping of humour.

I have long been an avid fan of Ms Ivy’s work and found Wild Magic to be a fast-paced, entertaining, and enjoyable tale with its creative twists and turns and edge of your seat suspense, the only thing that prevented a 5 Star rating was my personal opinion that more worldbuilding was needed, especially in relation to Gyre. However, overall Wild Magic is a story that kept me engaged throughout and eager for the next book in the Magic for Hire series.

Thank you to NetGalley who provided a complimentary digital ARC of this novel for review. The opinions expressed in this review are strictly my own.

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