Member Reviews

This one was an exciting mic of magic, secrets and survival. Keeping the dragon king in the dark about her powers just may be the hardest thing she's ever had to do, especially when she starts to fall for him.

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Once again: WE NEED MORE DRAGON BOOKS PLEASE. I did have a bit of hard time getting into this title, but once the story picked up I couldn’t put it down.

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I was not a huge fan of this book. I DNF about 10% I'm sooo sorry. A lot of the stuff didn't make sense. Then the sex scenes weren't very spicy. On top of that she didn't even cum, like the heck?!?

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A quick and mildly entertaining read. I liked the idea of the story because dragons and magic are awesome! I would have liked a little more clarity on the dragons, world, and magic. While I was able to immerse myself into the story, unfortunately, I didn't find it extremely original and the pacing was a struggle for me. The tone also read more as YA to me and I'm not sure if that was the target audience or not.

I found more tension in the MMC possibly sleeping with other women, which was a huge turn off for me, than the war or conflict with the queen. I wanted to like the romance but I wanted more chemistry between the characters. I think it was ok but felt it was a bit weird.

The last two thirds of the book felt rushed and I didn't really feel like the conclusion of the book was very satisfying to the arc for the first book. Overall, I think I have mixed feelings but I did like the story enough to finish it.

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"The Last Dragon King" by Leia Stone left much to be desired. The premise, while initially intriguing, quickly devolves into a predictable and uninspired narrative. The protagonist, Dahlia, is a generic heroine whose journey lacks depth and fails to engage the reader on any meaningful level.

The plot hinges on tired tropes of a powerful king seeking a bride, a concept that feels more suited to a fairy tale than a contemporary fantasy novel. The predictable trajectory of Dahlia's decision to present herself as a potential wife despite knowing she stands no chance due to her diluted magical lineage feels contrived and lacks logical coherence.

The world-building was not strong unfortunately. Also
character development is equally disappointing. Dahlia's motivations and actions lack consistency, making her difficult to root for or empathize with. Supporting characters serve little purpose beyond fulfilling stereotypical roles, contributing little to the overall narrative progression.

Overall, "The Last Dragon King" fails to live up to its potential as a compelling fantasy novel. With its derivative plot, shallow characters, and lackluster world-building, this book will likely leave readers disappointed and longing for more originality and depth in their reading experience.

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This book was promising but I was so sooo close to not finishing. The ideas were there, but the follow through in the writing just wasn’t. The characters were so unlikable to me, I feel like they just needed a bit more growth on page and it would have been okay but it just wasn’t there. I know it others who enjoyed the book as it is a very quick reads but if you’re looking for a fantasy romance with world building and character growth this isn’t it.

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Thank you NetGalley and Leia Stone for allowing me to read this ARC of The Last Dragon King. I love fantasy books however this definitely wasn’t my cup of tea. It would be much better for a younger reader however didn't fit my briefs,

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This book was amazing! I loved the world building and the romance between the two characters. I give it 4 out of 5 stars

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I expected a lot more from this book based on the description. There was zero spice in this book, which is fine with me, except the book is heavily focused on child bearing. The characters are very young, so it's hard to believe that they are so focused on protecting the dragon heir (and the king/former queen had tried FOUR times to have child. Which means they were trying to conceive as minors???)

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I wish I liked this book but it just simply wasn’t for me. Lack of character development and just their overall immaturity sunk any enjoyment I had which is a bummer.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with the ARC for this book. It was my first digital ARC ever, and I took some time to read it and ponder on my review, but after some thinking I'm afraid this book is not for me. As many fantasy books in recent times, the worldbuilding comes second to the romance part of the story, and I quickly lost interest in the main plot, feeling distracted by the constant intrusions of the romance subplot. The writing itself, though, was good, with the right amount of dialogues and descriptive enough. Unfortunately I do not think I'm the right target for this book.

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This was an interesting read.
I enjoyed a lot of the concepts, however there were a few moments where the characters and their actions were frustrating.
All in all it was a good book, but I think it had potential to be better. I am interested to read the other connecting books in this series and find out what happens.

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Thank you Netgalley for my copy of The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone. According to Goodreads, I read this last August but didn’t read a review and I barely remember what happened so I reread it.
I’m kind of sad I did to be honest. I yelled at this book in a bad way.
King Drae out MMC is looking for a new wife to give him an heir. His last one died in childbirth and had a new miscarriages. It’s hard finding a match with enough dragon blood to be able to actually deliver an heir. Our FMC Arwen thought she didn’t have even 1/4 dragon blood but come to find out she’s a full blooded dragon.
Because of that she’s the best candidate to become queen and have his heirs, but they find out the last time of a joining like this, the babies were deformed and didn’t survive. So Drae decides that he should marry the runner up and Arwen should join the guard which is what she originally wanted anyways. She tries to move on but she’s still heartbroken because Drae and Arwen started to fall for each other. But Arwen find out she’s blacklisted from moving on because she’s the backup if the new queen dies.
The new queen ends up getting assassinated and Arwen becomes the new queen and they both decided that Drae would have mistresses to have babies with and Arwen could have a lover she could she babies with.
Arwen knew she’d get jealous and wouldn’t be able to handle it but went through with it anyways because she loves Drae.
When it came time for Drae to do the deed with another woman, he couldn’t do it.
So in the end, they ended up having perfectly happy babies and a happily ever after.

I’m not a huge fan of any type of pregnancy tropes, a whole lot of celibacy culture going on, and the whole back and forth of mistresses and what not just made me rage.
1.5 star read for me.

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I wanted to like The Last Dragon King so so so much, and it fell flat for me. If you're going to have a dark asshole for an MC, he HAS to have some redeeming qualities. They have one sex scene on their wedding night and rather than empower our FMC, good ole boy doesn't even make her come. That alone is a sin.

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I would give this 2.5 stars
The premise of this was so good, the execution...not so much.
The first half of the book was really enjoyable - fast paced action, character development and a potential for a really great romance.
The world itself and world building was good, the foundation for the story was there.
The romance part kind of fell apart and brought the whole story with it - Arwen and Drae were so hot and cold.
Also what was the point of the other potential wife, the dynamic was weird between them all on top of the fact that he is widowed. What was the reason for all these other women, I think that energy could have been spent on developing the relationship between Arwen and Drae. It was just too much and then they would choose each other and something else would happen, they would change course and repeat. How can you build a relationship with absolutely no loyalty from the FMC or MMC. I guess maybe that was the point thinking about how it ended, but I think there were better ways to accomplish that.
Aside from the romance aspect of this had a lot of potential, I would be open to give the next one a chance since it is in this world.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I liked this book because it advertised the fact that the dragon king needed a wife and that was the main purpose of this book. I liked the perspective of the FMC and how she was able to have emotional maturity for many situations she was put in that I personally would have thrown a tantrum. I did have issues with the obsession with offspring and the hyperfocus that it had to be done a specific way, I understand the constraints of the book world but still made me shudder a bit.

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I am completely addicted to this series!!! This book was absolutely enchanting and I binge read it and I can't wait to read the rest of the series!! 6 stars if I could!!
I just reviewed The Last Dragon King by Leia Stone. #NetGalley
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I struggled with this one. I really wanted to like it, but it missed the mark for me. Unfortunately, it took me a very long time to finish it. I could not connect with the characters. It had potential, but I feel like it needed more development. The characters fell flat, and the author did a lot of telling instead of showing, which really took away from the enjoyment in the book. I do think there is potential there, so I would give her writing another chance down the road.

Thank you NetGalley and Bloom Books for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Amazing as always! I’m excited to see where this series goes. Does end on a cliffhanger. Highly recommend especially if you like dragons!

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this was shockingly good. i was hooked from the first to the last word.
This book hits on some of my fav subgenres and it was refreshing. I loved the mix of fantasy that was used here in that the King can transform.. that was pleasant. The marriage games was so entertaining to me and you can really feel all the characters energy , love, loss and everything in between. I need book 2 asap.. i did not expect that end!

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