Member Reviews

Joan He is so amazing. I love all of her books and Sound the Gong is the immersive sequel in a duology that I love. I recommend these books to everyone.

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Deadly courtly intrigue? Check. Rags to riches character arc? Check. Armies and war? Check. Possibly life-altering emotions? Check. The equally interesting and thrilling sequel to Strike the Zither, Sound the Gong by Joan He hits all the notes as book 1 of the Kingdom of Three duology that make you want a third. I really enjoyed Zephyr’s hero’s journey from start to finish; a three dimensional built character that grows, learns, stumbles, but not for long. A definitely read for any epic war and courtly intrigue fan.

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2.5 ⭐️
main character is a sore loser first, war strategist second and as she hyper fixates on changing the fate of lowly humans and letting her lordess win the war, she burns everything down.
This book was all hyperfixation, no substance. The reasons why I loved the first one were simply not there in the second. Not a single substantial relationship, no side plots, no character development, just Zephyr possessing the next convenient body so she can further her objective. Even the storytelling was so.. and then this happened and then I did this and then that happened- almost like I’m reading a flow chart or a brain dump for the books plot.
I was not a fan of the fact that the book picks up immediately from where the last one ends as if they’re a mega book together, not that this is a second volume and that the reader most likely cannot remember the fine details of something they read a year and a half ago. I had to seek out a document the author has that breaks down the first book chapter by chapter- why not just jog your reader’s memory in the first few chapters?
This could have taken the female rage angle or revenge or anything of the sort, but I failed to empathize with Zephyrs desire to “win” and essentially rewrite the predestined fate, or as a matter of fact understand why her loyalties lay where they did.

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IT'S DEFINITELY BETTER THAN THE FIRST BOOK. Agree with how Joan He said it supposed to be one thick book (bcs now I have to buy TWO BOOKS, not complaining since the cover's gorgeous) and best read RIGHT AFTER STRIKE THE ZITHER.

The pace is fast, straightforward and to the point 👌🏼 it's war and strategies all over the places... With different bodies, different mindsets, more enemies.

I was skeptical with the 'twist' in book 1, but book makes it so much better and I think the writing is getting better too.


The bittersweet end... It left me wondering....

It's clear but I need to remind ppl that Joan He knows what she's talking about, we could see that this is a well researched book. Definitely worth to read.

I feel like this series is a bit underestimated. THEY DESERVE MORE HYPE. Give it a go 💃🏼🩷🩷🩷

Thank you so much for the arc in exchange for honest review.

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Truly everything I wanted in a sequel - Joan He manages to create even higher stakes with endless twists that delve into the strategy behind winning a war. There are losses, heartbreaking sacrifices, and through it all the underlying theme of loyalty that drives each character forward.

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Sound the Gong was a richly imaginative gender-bent retelling of the Three Kingdoms full of political strife and war strategy. It is rooted in Chinese culture and mythology but gives an old tale a modern and feminist refresh. There was no shortage of smart, fierce women in this book!

In Sound the Gong, we start right from where the first book left off and it's a wild ride from there! Just like STZ this book was fast paced and often had me reeling from the constant action and trouble that Zephr got herself into in an effort to save her empire and Lordess!
If you love intricate plans and strategies, you should definitely give this series a read because Joan is absolutely amazing at describing these complex war plans.

Of course, when things become so complex it can get a little muddled as you read, and while there were a few times I got lost, the fast pace, the military tactics and the insane angst between zephyr and crow kept me intrigued! Their romance was very back-and-forth and will-they-won't-they but also enemies-to-lovers, which I cannot help but be obsessed with!

The fantasy God element was fully explored in this book, and while I liked what it added to the story and characters, it did get a little lost within the overarching plot. But the whole spirit and body-snatching (Or like body-inhabiting?) was really interesting to read about and I loved how the author also wrote about how the character processed these changes and we got to see how she developed throughout the book.

Also there was a lot more Crow in this book, which I'm sure everyone will be happy about! I loved that we got more insight into his past and I'm still not over his dynamic and banter with Zephyr!

Overall this was a great conclusion to a fast-paced duology filled with fiercely loyal sisterhoods, political intrigue, military strategists, morally grey characters and a slowburn enemies-to-lovers. Highly recommend this series if you love any of these things, and I suggest you read STG right after Strike the Zither because it is a better reading experience if you read them right after each other!

Thanks to netgalley and the author for the eARC!

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The ending of an era.

We screamed. We cried. We laughed. We gasped in horror. We wept. We turned the last page of Sound the Gong and asked ourselves, "When will a duology as satisfying as Strike the Zither come again?"

Zephyr is more determined than ever to make Ren win this war. She won't hesitate to do all things to make it happen. Yet at the very last page, you will wonder if all she does is worth it. In true Joan He fashion, Sound the Gong's last scene is an open-ended one (though I would argue this is the most "closed ending" that Joan ever did — and we have a bonus epilogue that seals the duology). I try to keep this spoiler-free as possible, but knowing the time range of which STZ/STG are set (in which we are in Zephyr's POV), the question of worthiness of doing things above and beyond for someone and if it will lay the foundation you hoped it will becomes more poignant to think about.

Probably one of the best part of STG is uncovering more of Crow. Seeing him more fleshed out and knowing his past and his thoughts. Seeing him more "himself" rather than (just) a rival strategist made me like him more (or hate him a bit, too; the book's fault for being in Zephyr's POV lol).

Anyway, yes, an era has ended with STG, and I am glad to have lived thru it.

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As many have suggested, Strike the Zither (STZ) and Sound the Gong (STG) are best read one after the other. STG not only maintains the momentum of the first, but increases it up a notch. There was so much tension and I was frantic throughout the entire book. Did Zephyr have enough time? Could she succeed? It was nerve wracking.

Zephry was as committed to her lordess and the sisterhood as I was committed to the romance. It gutted me. It felt entirely one-sided. Unrequited love hurts and was exponentially made worse with Zephyr's discoveries about Crow, and yet, in the single day it took to read the book, I lived for their interactions. I just wanted a small crumb, some sort of verbal assurance Crow felt the same and it never came--at least not how I wanted it. Days after I finished, I was left bereft, questioning how Joan He could choose to hurt me so. I was in a slump for nearly a month wondering why the world kept on turning while I was searching for something, anything to bandage my wound. (It's been months since I finished this book and it still hurts as much as when I turned the last page.)

Grab this for the action and the sisterhood, but be prepared for the morsel of romance that will make you want more. Have the short story link ready to go once you have been warned. (4.5 stars rounded to 5 stars)

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I absolutely loved the conclusion to this story! I loved the mythology and the culture weaved into it.

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Unfortunately despite remembering what happened previously, this sequel felt like a jolt of lightning and I was extremely disoriented. I really like the characters but I felt like there was something missing. I just couldn't connect to the story and didn't feel invested. I think that possibly I could try again at some point, but for now this is a book that I think wasn't meant for my mood at this time

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My heart has been in my throat since the ending of book one and I’m so thrilled to finally have the sequel in my hands. Zephyr’s defiance of fate, even at the cost of her own eternity—can’t get higher stakes than that! And her battles-of-wits with Crow are far more compelling than most romance scenes I’ve ever read.

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The inspiration for Sound the Gong is from an even earlier era: the famously epic Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Here, He continues the story she began in Strike the Zither, in which strategist Rising Zephyr plots a course for her lordess, Ren, to become the Empress and unite the warring kingdoms. As smart as she is, though, Zephyr didn’t see how her own fate would transpire. Nor did she realize her true identity. After her own untimely death, she wakes in the body of Ren’s swornsister, Lotus—but only after Zephyr has remembered her true divine nature. In the sequel, Zephyr balances precariously, playing the roles of both strategist and warrior, and then more as she realizes just what her divine abilities will allow her to do.

There’s one person Zephyr knows stands in Ren’s way, and it’s not the other warriors vying for the imperial position. It’s Crow, the double-agent strategist working for one lordess while truly advancing the cause of another—and both of his lordesses need Ren to fail. The problem is that Zephyr might well be in love with Crow; that won’t stop her, however, from doing whatever it takes to place Ren on the throne. Even if it means losing everything that makes her who she is. The novel is at turns glorious and heartbreaking, a powerful and beautiful homage to Romance of the Three Kingdoms and yet something entirely itself. The way He raises the stakes here makes the finale well earned. Choose this duology if you like the idea of gods defying fate, and becoming more like mortals in the process.

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Joan He's Sound the Gong, the sequel to Strike the Zither, continues the story of Zephyr, the war strategist of a woman who doesn't want to be queen but just wants to serve the people. A woman we can always root for.
Zephyr's story in this book is just as wildly unexpected and twisted as the first book. I just don't know what to expect and sometimes, it can get a little too much. While I appreciate the plot, especially in terms of the war and where it was heading, the characters and emotional pieces felt lacking. It felt choppy to have some pieces of the characters and not all. Aside from that, the rivalry between Zephyr and Crow, our two main characters (of sorts), was stilted and I genuinely could not understand how the two had the relationship they did. I'm someone who prefers uncomplicated and it threw me off, the levels of complication with these two.

Can't believe I'm going to say this but the one person I felt I knew and liked properly was the villainous Miasma. She was consistent in her villainy and that was most reassuring in this whirlwind of a story.

Overall, an easy read that needed more cohesiveness and pieces to glue the different parts of the story together.


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This brings Joan He's amazing Kingdom of Three duology to a thrilling conclusion. And what a conclusion it is! The sequel to "Strike the Zither" continues the saga with relentless action and heightened stakes. This feels so incredibly dense and action-packed!

One of the highlights of this book is its poetic prose, which beautifully captures the essence of the story's setting and themes. Of course, my favorite aspect was Zephyr and Crow. They are so enraptured with one another and yet they also are terrified of giving up ground to one another. They will never be vulnerable enough to realize something deeper so while I gobbled it up - it's also sad. And that meant the ending was incredible and so fitting.

While the ending may leave some readers craving for more closure, there's a satisfying resolution that ties up most loose ends and is sugar sweet and sassy on He's website. I highly recommend it after you get through this because it's a much-welcome shift. He's decision to offer this short story is amazing and I love her notes about the story.

This is a fitting finale to an exceptional duology. With its blend of military fantasy and Chinese literature, it offers a compelling story and is a damn good time.

Thanks to Netgalley and Macmillan for the copy. This review is honest and voluntary.

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From Full series review.

If I could pitch this book, it would be Mulan meets the Celestial Kingdoms. The focus of Mulan's story would center around the battles and war efforts. Place this in a fantasy world where women are allowed to fight. They can become generals. They can lead armies and become warlords. But then, let's take out the ancestors part of this story and replace them with celestial gods. Next, let's throw this all into a retelling of the Three Kingdoms.

Now, let's create an ongoing chess match being played out between warlords, and each has a strategist whispering in their ear. Throw in a bit of a love story between two strategists from warring parties, Zephyr and Crow, and we have the elements that compose this story.

Just for clarification in the comparisons between Mulan and the story of the Three Kingdoms, the Three Kingdoms took place between 220-280AD. Mulan (a folk heroine) existed sometime in the 4th century, long after the story of the Three Kingdoms. This story takes place in 414 AD.

Strike the Zither starts right off within the fields of war. A betrayal. And Zephyr is in the middle of it all. This is her strategy to change what fate has determined in order to make her warlordess the next empress. But I will warn you, don't get too attached to Zephyr. She dies.

Crazy, right? She dies.

But isn't this story about her? Yes, it is.

There's more than one book about her. So how in the world does this get drawn out if she died?

Those celestial gods. I tell ya. They are not supposed to meddle in the affairs of humans, but every now and again, they do. In particular, Zephyr meddles in those affairs.

I'll leave the review at that. I'll be honest, when the celestial kingdom became part of the story, that is when I became interested in the story. I love stories about the gods. I'm not into the fighting or the war part of this book (which was literally the whole thing). Oddly enough, I perked up when Zephyr died. That is when the story had my full attention. Which, I know, is completely weird. But that is where the story really began for me.

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This was a solid follow-up to Strike the Zither, which was in itself a beast of a book handling fascinating and delicate topics with a deft hand. Joan He is a masterful storyteller, taking the classic Chinese tale of The Three Kingdoms and rewriting it into a creative book for modern audiences. I just know my students would love to get their hands on this.

One of the major highlights of this book that Strike the Zither mostly lacked was Zephyr's presence as an overarching grey protagonist. While she knew right and wrong, she would do whatever it took to ensure the success of those she wanted to win the war - from trickery to murder. And there is plenty of gruesome murder to be had in this book. The romance is there, but it's the relationships between the sworn sisters - the found family - that take center stage in this book.

Sound the Gong works best as an immediate follow up to Strike the Zither in order to get the full effect of the storytelling.

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If ever there was a book that should be read in quick succession to its predecessor, Sound the Gong is it. The followup to Strike the Zither builds on the characters and action from the first book. The world that Joan He has created is complex. And although informed by the Chinese classic tale of the Three Kingdoms, it’s a unique fantasy full of intricate world building and flawed characters.

In fact, Zephyr is about as morally gray as a character can be, but the author has crafted her in such a way that you want to know more about her. She’s compelling and multifaceted, and you’re left forced to come to your own conclusions about her.

Sound the Gong is a strong companion piece that creates a cohesive duology. It feels almost as if the author wrote the two books as one and then split into two. The pacing is strong and the overall flow feels right.

Sound the Gong also features map art by Anna Frohmann and black-and-white portraits by Tida Kietsungden.

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For some reason, I thought this was book two in a trilogy, so I read all the way to the end, expecting a setup for a third book. Ha! The marketing copy does say pretty clearly that it’s a duology, so it must simply be my desire for more books by Joan He speaking there.

I really enjoyed diving back into the epic political landscape of this story world. Zephyr finds herself yet again bargaining for her very existence, and determined to pay whatever price she must in order to save Ren and her allies. Even if it means she must change fate.

I haven’t read The Three Kingdoms, which inspired the duology, so I’m not sure which elements follow the original versus which are the author’s reimagining. There’s an extensive author’s note at the back of the book that outlines some of the ways the characters in these books relate to the original novel. I really appreciated that information– it’s a lot of names to digest, so I had to read it a couple of times, and I’m still not sure I followed every reference, but I love that the author offered the explanation and shared so much about the original work.

Both books seem strange, not in a bad way. Some of it comes from including deities in the story and some supernatural workings. The author strikes a good balance between the characters and their relationships and the political machinations driving the plot.

I’m glad I stuck with the duology from start to finish. Joan He’s debut, The Descendant of the Crane, is still my favorite of her books, but I enjoyed this one, too.

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Genre: YA Fantasy, YA Historical FantasyPages: 320Series: The Three Kingdoms Duology Book 2Rating: 5 Stars (Duh!)


About a year and a half ago, when I first read Strike the Zither by Joan He after finding it on BookishFirst, I had no idea that I’d just discovered a new favorite author! And reading the sequel, Sound the Gong, reaffirmed Joan’s venerated place on my list of all-time favorite authors! As readers, every now and then we’ll come across a book that is on another level when compared to other books, a book we think everyone should read, a book that changes who we are. Both the books in the Three Kingdoms duology are those kinds of books!

As if Strike the Zither wasn’t enough of a rollercoaster ride, Sound the Gong had my stomach jolting in surprise with all the twists and turns. Zephyr and Crow are two of the most morally gray characters I’ve ever read, and I really appreciate how He didn’t hold back with their morally grayness. At the same time, she juxtaposed a strong sense of justice in both of them. The contrast adds a higher level of plausibility and makes you root for them all the more.

Similarly, anyone would have a hard time convincing me that Joan He isn’t an absolute genius! You don’t have to read her books super closely to enjoy them, but if you do, your mind will be blown at all the subtle references and foreshadowing. As someone who’s just starting to explore writing, it is authors like Joan who inspire me to be a better writer. The flood of joy I’d feel whenever I found a little clue that alluded to the previous book or foreshadowed a later event was thrilling.

Additionally, Joan’s sense of humor with her writing is so memorable. I love the way she takes what could be a pretty depressing story and infuses it with lightheartedness and hilarious moments. Simultaneously, she does not shy away from addressing deep emotions. I particularly enjoyed Joan’s depiction of Zephyr working through her grief for Lotus.

As a whole, you NEED to read both Strike the Zither and Sound the Gong if you haven’t yet! In my mind, they are masterpieces! (Also, your heart will need the bonus story “In Another Life,” after reading STG. Just to forewarn you.) :)

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I want to thank NetGalley and Macmillan for giving me access to an early copy of Sound the Gong. It was such an amazing read and I'm so happy to have picked up Strike the Zither. This ARC is what pushed me to finally start working on my backlog of books.

Having read these two almost back to back I'm now tempted to read the three kingdoms to see the source material for this epic tale. Zephyr and Crow are two dynamic characters that play off each other in the best possible ways from their rivalry to the strained romance.

Mixing gods and spirits into the mix made this more exciting, and gave the story an extra dose of life. And even if any of that hadn't been a part of the plot and we were just dealing with a Zephyr and Ren versus Crow and the others I would have loved it all the same.

There were some characters I wish we could have gotten to see more of, but in the end, I was more than happy with how things played out. The ambiguous ending reminded me a lot of the end of Heart of the Sun Warrior by Sue Lynn Tan. And while I'm not a super big fan of these kinds of endings I will say that it was the perfect choice.

So please go pick up Strike the Zither and Sound the Gong. You won't be disappointed!

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