Member Reviews

I'm not going to lie, this book is really geared towards kids but I requested this from NetGalley (thank you!) because I wanted a simple explanation for myself. I would recommend this for parents, kids old enough to read it, and adults who have spent a lifetime dealing with frustration from ADHD.
The book goes through explanations, including biological explanation, and behaviors.
Most importantly, the book helps you look at how ADHD affects you and/or your loved ones and helps you figure out how to make positive changes.

This book is good for kids to kinda understand how adhd works for some kids and understanding. I like how they have some questions in the back of the book to help your kid and some advice on how to help with adhd. There are some big word I don’t know if younger kids would understand but overall this books would be good for other kids to learn how adhd is in ther friends.

This one was more for me, basically to understand ADHD more. I have a psych degree, but now that I have a kiddo, I really wanted to dive in to ADHD in case it was something he might have. Anyone who is interested in ADHD or has a family member with it, this would be a great read!

I really enjoyed this book! It focuses mostly on the positives of ADHD without glossing over the more difficult aspects and helps children see that they are not alone in their struggles. I also enjoyed that it begins with talking about the brain instead of treating adhd like ‘just’ a mental health condition. Teaching kids about the different parts of the brain might help them better understand why they’re having trouble. As an adult with ADHD, I would absolutely recommend this to parents who want to support their child as they figure out how to manage in a world that was not built for them.

A fantastic book for all readers for insight and understanding of what it is like to have a neurodivergent brain. This book is especially valuable to those on the spectrum. Create a positive view and banish feelings of inclusiveness.
I would give this book infinity stars.

This would be an amazing addition to a child psychologist library. Or if your child was just diagnosed with ADHD. It explains a lot of how the brain works and what ADHD means. In simple terms the kids can understand.

As an adult with ADHD, a parent of children who may someday receive a diagnosis of their own, and a teacher, I loved this book!
What a great way to help children understand that ADHD doesn't need to have a negative stigma attached to it. I especially liked that it highlighted how ADHD might present differently for different individuals! The illustrations were a great addition, and I think children will relate well to each of the three children that share about their experiences in the story.

This book is a fantastic resource! I can't wait to order multiple copies for my therapy practice and clinical students! I love the tips and brain connections.

I thought this book was really interesting! Learning about the human brain was my favorite part of this book. The brain is really advanced, but the explanations were easy to follow and interesting. I learned a lot about ADHD too! There were also a few strategies for what kids could do to help. I have read a few books about ADHD for kids that had more useful strategies, but they weren't picture books . My mom really liked that the book talked about strengths that kids with ADHD have, because a lot of books focus on only the weaknesses.

I read this aloud to my 9-year-old who has ADHD at bedtime and he was fascinated by it. He is very science-minded and so the sections about the brain were very interesting for him. He was even more interested and engrossed by the stories of the kids about what their ADHD looks like. He recognized in himself a lot of the traits and tendencies mentioned, both good and bad. I could tell he was really impacted by it and had a lot to think about.
I would have liked for it to have a little more focus on positive traits. The book does try to do this, but there are a lot more negative traits listed. I also would have liked a little more time and detail spent on ideas for managing ADHD. It's great for helping kids recognize it in themselves, but not as good for where to go once you recognize it.
I like having the information presented through three kids with three different presentations / types of ADHD. This makes it more relatable.
The first step to managing something is to recognize you have it and how it presents in you, and for that this book is great.
*Thanks to NetGalley and Boys Town Press Publishing for providing an early copy for review.

This is a fantastic book that lays out how children can be affected by ADHD - and not just how it can be difficult for them to live with, but the strengths and gifts that it can bring to their lives. It acknowledges the difficulties that they may live with in comparison to how someone without ADHD may not have these difficulties. This book is empowering for young minds who may be learning how their minds and bodies are working in comparison to others. I would highly recommend reading this book to young children, and I will be reading it to my high school classes when this book is released.

This book was so adorable, I loved everything about it, the illustrations were so well done, they suited the book perfectly, the story was amazing as well. I’m sure the kids are going to be just as enthralled with this amazing book as I was. I will definitely recommend! Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this early copy

<i> I received this book from NetGalley and my opinions are all my own.</i>
I think this was great! A cute simple but also specific book about the brain and how ADHD works while also having questions that kids will fill in about their strengths and struggles and what could help with their ADHD challenges. As an ADHDer, I really like how it was made in a positive light while also showing how ADHD is also often disabling. Definitely recommend to ADHD children and parents!

A great book for everyone! I have a niece who has been diagnosed with ADHD, and this book has answered a lot of questions for me personally. If you feel or think your child, even you yourself, may have ADHD, this book will more than likely be able to help you understand what to look for. Thank you for such a helpful book.

This is a really sweet little book, I think once my daughter's a tiny bit older I'll read it too her. I definitely would have loved something like this when I was a distracted daydreaming little girl. I like that they show different presentations of adhd.

This book explains the principles of ADHD, geared to children. It's quite difficult to explain these brain processes, and I think the authors made a good attempt. I found the brain anatomy explanation still a bit difficult, with terms not really explained properly. Also, I found the advice given not very useful. Not all teachers or caregivers understand on how to deal with ADHD, so simply asking for extra help is not always a solution.
What I did really love is the drawings, the art style and the characters. It's very likely that most children will recognise something of themselves in one of the characters. I would not give this to a kid and then lean back, for that, there's too much text and difficult words. It would be great to sit down together and read it, and then discuss with the child on how they experience these things, and if they can name examples similar to what the book characters go through. In that situation I think this book is a really good tool!

I really Enjoyed this book. As a mom of a child with ADHD, this book was fantastic at describing his behaviors and normalizing them for him to help him understand and appreciate how his brain works. Thank you for making it easier to describe his disability in a way accessible to him.

Different Thinkers ADHD by Katia Fredriksen and Yael Roth is an excellent resource tool for introducing and explaining ADHD to children (ages 5-11).
Being a mom to multiple children with ADHD, I believe I have first hand insights and experiences. You can tell and appreciate that it is written by pediatric neuropsychologists who just want to help others understand the brain and those who think differently.
The book does an excellent job of explaining the parts of the brain, their functions, and what happens when they are wired a little differently. I love that the book tells stories through three other children and their experiences. Kids are engaged through opportunities to ask and answer questions. Tips and suggestions are provided at the end for children and their families to make healthy, supportive changes. I thought it was well written, logical, kid friendly, and informative.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are solely my own, freely given.

Different Thinkers ADHD, is an informative kids books. The pictures inside are cute and fun. Any time a large or technical term is used the authors break it down so you and your child know what you are reading about.
If you have a younger child that does not quite understand things about the brain this book is still really good. The brain part is just something fun that you could sum up or do parts of now and re look at another time. For a little older kid that can understand the brain information it is just an added bonus, especially for kids that enjoy looking a little more into things.
There are three kids that are introduced in the book. They each have events in their life that lots of kids can relate to, which is really nice (i.e. getting ready to leave and getting distracted). I like how the authors kept it simple and relatable.
I was surprised how modern, positive, and informative this book was. I think even if you don’t have ADHD it would be a nice book to go over with your child. A lot of people who do not have ADHD or know anyone who has it, they do not understand it and just think the child is hyper, silly, etc. This is a nice book to shed some light on the subject as well as a non ADHD’er being able to maybe understand it a little more if they know someone at school who has ADHD.
The ending of the book is great as well. Not only does the book cover areas of the brain, the meaning of ADHD, and positive aspects…. It also has a section where you can make a note about, What you are good at, Things that might be hard for you, and Situations that can be harder for kids with ADHD. Then you can read examples on how to work on these skills/problem areas to help improve situations. They even mention a difference between boys and girls who have ADHD which is overlooked a lot.
I wish there was an ADHD book like this when my kids were younger and going through testing/diagnosis. The books back then (about 8-10yrs ago) were so dry, non-relatable, and did not have a fun vibe to them like this one. I really like how this book breaks down the big words so a child could read/listen along. It was really neat when the book explained ADHD. They explained it but also had a positive spin to it and explained positive attributes of people who have ADHD. I feel that the way the book explained ADHD, it wouldn’t make kids feel like outcasts or different than others who don’t have ADHD.
I would recommend this book. Different Thinkers ADHD, covered a lot of subjects when explaining the topic to your child.
Thank you to Boys Town Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Come discover how your brain works. What kind of thinker you are.
Is it hard for you to get ready for school? Are you loud when you play? Are you easily distracted?
There are reasons for this and it is how you think? There are ways to overcome these? ADHD may be what is keeping your children from being successful. It can be frustrating for both parents and children. Children with ADHD have strengths that can help overcome.
What a great resource for both parents and children. It gives examples of 3 children that have trouble but only because they think differently and with their parents help, can direct them to finishing up tasks and being successful.
A special thank you to Boys Town Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.