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House of Ash and Shadow

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

I liked the idea of this book but it felt like it's geared towards the younger part of YA. The mix of modern slang words mixed in with ye old speech patterns was kind of off putting. Not a ton of world or character building either. Ending felt kind of rushed too since suddenly a lot was happening.

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DNF'd at 25%

The storyline is really interesting and I might pick this back up later because I'm curious what happens. But the repetition is driving me nuts. For as much as I've read, I've learned so little because everything just keeps repeating itself!
I get it. she can't touch anyone without pain, she's so lonely that she latched onto the idea of being with a person she just met just because she can touch him without pain.

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Daaamn this was good.

Fallon is a great FMC and doesn't let her curse stop her from living her best life. My least favourite thing is a whinge-y main character, and while she has every reason to be one, she is kickass instead.

My only complaint is the over use of exclamation marks, but obviously since I gave it 5 stars, it didn't keep me up at night.

Bring on book two, can't wait to see what happens after that cliffhanger!

Check this one out if you like academy settings, magic and cute twins with plenty of personality.

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Fallon is a fae that has been cursed. She lives on the outskirts of the Gilded City with her Dad and the other Fae people without magic abilities. She has never felt human touch without intense pain, this is her curse. One day her Dad is gravely injured and needs more than basic care, she needs a healer from the Kingdom. Fallon meets a healer, brings him to her village, and he not only saves her Dad, but he's able to touch her without causing pain. Fallon is then requested to come to the Gilded City.

I couldn't believe how fast I fell into this world and couldn't stop reading. I got Harry Potter vibes with fae instead of wizards. The world building was all around me. It was easy to follow and read. I liked the touches of modern world with the fantasy world.

I never knew where this story was taking me and I loved every page of it. I enjoyed the romance parts of the storyline so far. This book is geared towards a younger crowd, so there's no spice. I think I enjoyed it better this way. Friendship and morals play a big part of this book.

The only complaint I have is that it left me on a cliffhanger and I need to know what happens next. I would definitely recommended this book to people and have already started.

Thank you to Netgalley, Leia Stone, and the publishers for this free ebook. This review is 100% my own and honest opinion.

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Thank you so much to Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the ability to read this book before release day. This was my first read by Leia Stone, but it certainly will NOT be my last. I really loved the unique characters and the story line, for once I felt like I was reading something completely unique, instead of regurgitated ideas. I can't wait to buy copies for my friends, this was AMAZING. My full review will be posted for release!

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Thank you to Bloom Books for my arc!

This was so good!!! I went into this not really sure what to expect but i loved Fallon and honestly cried at everything that happened to her. I loved Ayden and Eden which i now realize rhyme. I can't wait for the sequel.

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“House of Ash and Shadow” by Leia Stone is a YA fantasy about Fallon. Fallon, burdened with a life-long curse that inflicts unimaginable pain upon any touch. Living on the outskirts with her adoptive father, Fallon's world takes a drastic turn when her father's injury propels her into the city's magical realm. Desperate for a healer, she encounters Ariyon, the one person who can touch her without causing agony. However, when Ariyon discovers her curse, he makes a decision that alters Fallon's fate, leading her to a magic school to control her powers and avoid turning dark.

Such a great YA book (YA so no explicit content especially because Fallon could never have those types of relationships, so she is very innocent in that way)! I liked the love situationship that both twins like her and one is sweet, and one is grumpy. I liked the modern slang to fit the modern lifestyle upgrades from a Middle Ages world to something else. It wouldn’t make much sense or make me happy if they had flushing toilets and stuff, but their language is still in the Middle Ages. I didn’t get bored even a little throughout the book. I loved loved loved that Fallon and Ariyon are kind of in the same boat. She lives a half-life with the fact she cannot have physical contact with people, and he lives a half-life literally that his power will kill him early. The ending broke me to pieces, and I now need to start reading the next book. 5 out of 5 stars.
-Magic School
-Dark Magic

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A big thanks to NetGalley and SourceBooks for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Really cool concept, but missed the mark on it's execution.

House of Ash and Shadow by Leia Stone is a YA fantasy novel about seventeen-year-old Fallon Bane who was born with a devastating curse: a single touch from another person will cause her excruciating pain. Thus, she has accepted that she will die without ever being kissed, without even hugging her own father, though it breaks her heart every day. But when her beloved father falls ill, she breaks into the magical Gilded City to find a healer fae that can save him. When handsome healer Ariyon Madden agrees to help, everything she knows about herself and her curse changes. Because during her father's healing, Ariyon reaches out and touches her bare skin. She waits for the agony… but it never comes. For the first time in her life, she imagines a new future for herself. However, that fantasy is quickly destroyed, because not only does Ariyon flee from her in disgust when he learns of her curse; he also reveals her existence to powerful fae who want to hurt her. Fallon is then swept away to a magical academy, where she learns the terrifying truth about her family history and her dark magic. Her life and the future of fae everywhere hang in the balance, and all the while Fallon can't help but wonder if she will get to touch Ariyon Madden one more time before she dies…

I really wanted to love this book. But the writing style made it out to be quite juvenile and overall cringe due to it's usage of modern slang, despite this being marketed as a fantasy book. Yes, the page did turn quite quickly, but I found myself more confused than anything. And don't even get me started on the romance, I feel like this book belonged in the early 2000's of YA.

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[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and Bloom Books for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
House of Ash and Shadow re-releases January 2, 2024

Fallon grew up cursed in a village outside of the Gilded City, where all of the outcasts and magicless fae are banished. Anyone that touches Fallon (animals included), results in immense pain for her.
Can you go a whole lifetime without the intimate touch of another person?

When Fallon’s adoptive father becomes ill and his infection shows sign of death within the next 24 hours, Fallon takes the risk and travels to the Gilded City where the fae with magic reside in the hopes of getting an antidote to save his life. But will she be able to navigate the Gilded City as a magicless outcast without getting caught? Or will she stumble across someone that will change her life forever?

Well, it turns out that the healer Fallon chose to save her father, not only is the prince and the queen’s heir, but the only person that is able to touch Fallon without causing her pain.
Fallon’s family history proves to be more complex when she learns that she’s a descendant of a royal line of dark magic, and if she doesn’t learn how to control it fast, she risks becoming a Nightling.

House of Ash and Shadow is definitely lower YA, but for beginner readers and those that don't like explicit open-door romance, it’s really approachable.
The plot concepts are intriguing enough that I’d likely continue the series to see what unfolds, especially with that twisty cliffhanger.

Read if you like:
- academic fantasy
- dark magic
- heirs
- enemies to lovers
- familiars (crow)
- twin brothers (one is a grumpy prince, the other is a sunshine golden retriever)
- life and death stakes (every time he heals someone, he takes time from his own life)

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I was not expecting that ending!!!! Ugh so good. I immediately jumped into the next book! This story felt so original, and I'm sure there is more backstory as to why Fallons mom hated the royals so much.

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This is my second Leia Stone book. Omg! This book it took me a minute to get invested but once you do. It's so much better.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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I'm not usually one for fae / magic books but I enjoyed this and it really intrigued me overall,I'd definitely read more.

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Book #1 in the Gilded City trilogy and right from the start itv was nothing but adventure and drama all the way through. Page for page full of intrigue and I devoured it all! PNR, fae, magic, danger, fantasy and amazing.

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Thank you NetGalley for a free e-galley of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Leia Stone's "House of Ash and Shadow," the first installment in the Gilded City series, marks a captivating entry into the realm of YA fantasy. This novel, rich in fae lore and romantic intrigue, follows the story of seventeen-year-old Fallon Bane, a girl cursed with a life of isolation due to a unique affliction: the touch of another human brings her unbearable pain. Stone crafts a narrative that is as much about overcoming personal adversity as it is about navigating a world brimming with magic and dark powers.

The premise of Fallon's curse is both a poignant metaphor for adolescent alienation and a literal barrier to intimacy, making her journey deeply relatable to the YA audience. Stone's exploration of Fallon's struggle, coupled with the richly imagined world of the Gilded City, elevates the novel beyond a simple fantasy tale. The narrative shines when it delves into Fallon's emotional landscape, capturing the heartache of her solitary existence and her yearning for connection.

The introduction of Ariyon Madden, a healer who challenges Fallon's understanding of her curse, injects the story with a blend of romance and mystery. The dynamic between Fallon and Ariyon is a classic grumpy-sunshine romance, filled with tension and the tantalizing possibility of love. However, the romantic subplot at times overshadows the more intriguing aspects of the novel, such as the exploration of Fallon's family history and the complexities of the fae world.

While "House of Ash and Shadow" offers an immersive fantasy experience, it occasionally succumbs to some of the genre's clichés, particularly in its depiction of the magical academy and certain character archetypes. Despite these tropes, Stone's narrative maintains its allure through brisk pacing and a well-constructed magical system.

In conclusion, Leia Stone's "House of Ash and Shadow" is a compelling start to a series that will undoubtedly capture the hearts of those who revel in stories of magic, self-discovery, and forbidden romance. Its blend of enchanting world-building and emotional depth makes it a notable addition to the YA fantasy genre. Readers who enjoy the works of Holly Black and Sarah J. Maas will find themselves at home in the Gilded City.

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I enjoyed this book a lot. I read leia stones other series and I was so excited when I heard about this series. The writing was very well done and I loved the romance!

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I had so much fun reading this!

House of Ash and Shadow is about a girl named Fallon who is cursed to be in horrible pain anytime anyone touches her.
When I first read that in the description I thought it was like Rogue from x-mens powers in reverse. She had so much angst from having such a debilitating curse. Despite that Fallon is the sunshine in the grumpy/ sunshine ya romance. Her relationship with Ariyon takes some time to develop as he spends a lot of time in denial also being angsty.
I loved the fantasy, magic academy and all the action. The relationship Fallon has with her father is particularly touching. This had good touches of humor and overall was YA book. I can't wait to read the rest of the series.

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