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Their Last Resort

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I loveeee RS Grey and anything she writes!! I wasn’t a huge fan of this one but it definitely grew on me. The tropes were great and it’s what kept me hooked.

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Their Last Resort could have been more. I wanted to believe in Paige and Cole's romance and it fell flat for me. They did give nice banter when they were "enemies." So I expected the fall to be much greater than it was and it was disappointing not to get that effect. Their "love" was too quick after years of animosity. The author really had the potential to make their romance epic and it just didn't have that connection. While it did not resonate with me I'm sure there are other readers that will like it.

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Their Last Resort could have been more. I wanted to believe in Paige and Cole's romance and it fell flat for me. They did give nice banter when they were "enemies." So I expected the fall to be much greater than it was and it was disappointing not to get that effect. Their "love" was too quick after years of animosity. The author really had the potential to make their romance epic and it just didn't have that connection. While it did not resonate with me I'm sure there are other readers that will like it.

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I just have to say-- R.S. Grey NEVER freaking misses! I absolutely adore all of her books, and I read this in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. This is one of my new favorites! I can't wait to reread on the beach this summer!

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Another fun, lighthearted and easy romance read from R.S Grey! The characters made me giggle and their chemistry with the enemies-to-lovers dynamic is a favourite of mine. Well written with witty banter I will always one-click R.S Grey books :)

Thank you for ARC by Netgalley

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Fun and sweet summer romance. Fun characters even though I wanted more from this read! I still found it and easy and entertaining one

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Their Last Resort follows Cole and Paige. They work at a resort in Turks and Caicos. Cole is the assistant director of operations and Paige works on guest excursions. Where Cole is serious, Paige is chaos. She had an unconventional childhood with her marine biologist parents, she traveled all over the world with them but finally found a home among the resort staff.

Paige and Cole have a combative relationship, they trade insults with each other and push each other’s buttons, but there is also an obvious attraction. I loved their banter, it was probably my favorite part of the book. Their back and forth was so much fun to read as was Paige’s internal monologue.

When Paige overhears Cole and their boss talking about firing Paige, Cole assures her that her job is safe but she is heartbroken and feels betrayed. And then a hurricane strikes the island, Cole and Paige have to share a room with only one bed! And we all know what happens when there is only one bed 😍.

I loved the found family among the resort staff, and I loved the island setting of the book. It made me want to live in the book. I loved the chaos of Paige and the straight man Cole. I liked how he never let her see how much Paige made him laugh and entertained him. I loved Paige continuously trying to get him to break.

Overall this was really fun, I was entertained through the entire book and it was a fast read. I always enjoy books from this author.

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I liked the banter and the setting. I like the enemies to lovers storyline set at an island resort. Unfortunately, I could not connect with the characters. I'm a fan of RS Grey so I will continue to read and recommend her books. This is just not one of my favorites.

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A fun read, the story of Paige and Cole. They work together at an island and could not be more different, each shaped by their upbringing. Will the hurricane be their chance to get together? I liked how it was told from both points of view.

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Set on the Island of Turks and Caicos, this love story is a fun escape to the tropics and perfect for a quick afternoon read.

Paige works for the resort Siesta Playa, and is basically in charge of tours and excursions. Cole is the assistant director at the resort. When the book opens you already see some tension between Paige and Cole in their interactions. It’s a funny scene though and it gears you up for the angst that is coming. The opening also had me wondering what their backstory was or what caused it? It was such a sweet unraveling discovering it.

I always love it in a romance when the guy falls first and Cole does exactly that! Paige is fighting her feelings, but she knows beneath Cole’s buttoned-up exterior he’s a gentleman and protector to his core. You will see this side of Cole in spades as the story plays out, because Cole is also secretly protecting Paige’s job at the resort.

The banter is the best part of this book. The sharp, clever, verbal sparring is just all around entertaining and will have you laughing and smiling at just how cute this couple is together. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Cute story very lighthearted romcom vibes. Liked the characters banter. From the start it was obvious they were both interested in each other and they had good chemistry.

It did annoy me when the word hate or enemies was brought up bc they didn't actually "hate " each other or they weren't "enemies " either. It just mostly seemed like they liked each other which made them type awkward which cause them to not knowing how to speak to one another if it wasn't for playful banter type of thing.

Overall the book was a bit enjoyable but nothing too crazy.

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Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this book as much as I hoped I would. The FMC was not able to endear herself to me. Although I found her to be a very cool person in terms of her job, her absolute denseness and unawareness about everything relating to her love life was frustrating to read about. It got to the point where I found her to be very obnoxious. The MMC was okay most of the time but he also seemed like a conundrum to me. All business and strict on the outside but goof on the inside? It's possible but his character felt like a very "shallow" one?

Other than that, it was a short read which is a plus for me most of the time, after they got together it was all smooth-sailing which I liked because the third-act breakup should be used, yes but only when necessary. In this case it wasn't so there wasn't one which was great.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3/5 stars
🔥🔥 - 4 spicy scenes, mild details

[ thank you @greyspromo for the eARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own! ]

PUB DATE: May 1, 2024


Read if you like:
•workplace romance
•tropical setting
•one bed
•he falls first
•opposites attract
•dual pov

Even though this wasn’t my favorite RS Grey book, I still liked this one! If you want a fun beach read this summer, grab this one! 🙂

I really wouldn’t consider Paige and Cole enemies in this one.. more like friend enemies? It was more banter between them than actual hate. But I love the he falls first trope, so it was cute to see that play out and for Paige to catch on!

I loved the dual pov. It’s always so great to see what both characters are thinking! And the one bed trope? Yes please. That added to the tension and I was all for it. 👏🏼

Overall, I appreciated this book! It’s a quick read and I look forward to Rachel’s next release! 🌴

✨available in kindle unlimited✨

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I like the fact that this book was set out in the ocean, at Turks and Caicos (had to Google that, I didn't know where it was).
However, this was just fine. They were enemies but I don't remember why the animosity even began. They liked each other though and once they were stuck in the room once the hurricane started I disliked how they were both in love with each other suddenly. Where did that come from? How can you go from having one make-out session, denying it after, and reclaiming their status quo to being in love??? It just felt odd and out of nowhere.
They had some cute moments after but the whole work drama was solved quickly and it turned into an epilogue right after.
I think this was my first read by this author. I had some struggles with the book and the writing as I didn't feel that much connected to the characters. That's why it took me some days to finish this book. The smut level was okay in the first scene and faded to black or was less descriptive in the following scenes.

3 stars.
2.5 🌶

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Paige Young, who loves adventure, is thrilled when she's offered a job at a luxury resort in Turks and Caicos. Her new role involves managing guest activities, entertainment, and hospitality, and she quickly adapts to the island lifestyle. However, her relationship with Cole Clark, the resort's assistant director of operations, adds tension. He's strict and work-oriented, while Paige is spontaneous and free-spirited. They've been clashing since a kiss a year ago that they both deny happened.

Paige enjoys her work, but Cole's workaholic nature often gets under her skin. Yet when a hurricane forces them to work closely together, they must face their unresolved feelings and discover that their rivalry might hide a deeper attraction. "Their Last Resort" combines a tropical setting and the "enemies-to-lovers" trope, creating romantic tension through forced proximity. Despite some initial confusion with the timeline, it's a fun, lighthearted story for those who enjoy resort-set romances.

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Thank you, Grey's Promotions and NetGalley, for sending me a copy for review!

This was not my favorite R.S. Grey book. I felt as though the story was rushed. In one chapter, they're enemies/rivals, and in the next, they're confessing their love for each other because there's a hurricane, and they're stuck in a hotel room together. I didn't really connect with any of the characters, so it was hard for me to feel invested in the story.

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This was a quick read I read over a weekend. I needed something light, funny, a little bit of steam, and some angsty romance and this book delivered. I enjoyed getting to know both Cole and Paige their history, their likes, goals, etc. I liked the setting of working at a resort and being residences there. And I enjoyed all of the scenes and events that happened. One aspect I wasn’t super thrilled with was there was a quick “im In love” type thing and I felt like that was too fast in the book without seeing these two actually together getting to know each other or bonding at all. Beyond that I enjoyed reading everything else.

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“Because every moment of my day is spent the same way. Hour after hour. Minute after minute. I want you, always.”

I've always been an RS Grey fan and I know I've probably mentioned this plenty of times but my favorite book is Arrogant Devil. I've reread it plenty times.

I love Cole and Paige. I was so excited to read this! Been anticipating this since it was announced!

Overall it was enjoyable and swoon-worthy read. My only complain is that part when they confessed their feelings—I felt it was rushed. I know it was building up to it but I still felt like it was a little bit rushed... I wish there were more encounters or incidents between her and Cole...

Swoony, grumpy-sunshine romance that would make you laugh out of loud.

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Such a cute workplace romance in paradise from R.S. Grey! This is my first read by Grey, though I’ve had many people recommend her books to me over the years - I truly don’t know why they sat on my TBR so long because I really did enjoy this one a lot!

Very well written and while the opposites attract and enemies to lovers workplace romance trope has certainly made its rounds many times before, Grey makes it fresh by taking us to the Turks & Caicos so we have a tropical paradise setting and a beautiful resort. As a travel agent, I love this, and the reality that the island is in the hurricane belt, with the characters living through one (a major part of the plot).

Paige and Cole don’t get along, with him being a stick in the mud boss and her being a fun-loving activities host… one day she discovers he’s in cahoots with the big boss to fire a bunch of staff and she’s next on the chopping block - but the hurricane gets in the way. As the staff deals with the storm, the pair cozies up and works out a whole lot more than a plot to save her job…

A great twist on the standard workplace romance trope and I definitely recommend this book to all - just the right amount of steam, perfect pacing, and a great plot with extra elements you won’t see coming! Really a fun beach read for the summer!

I received an advance copy from NetGalley and Montlake, and this is my honest feedback.

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*3.5 Stars*

My favorite part about this story was the setting! Paige and Cole both work at an island resort in Turks and Caicos. I really liked the way the resort, and their jobs played into the storyline.

While I enjoyed the majority of Paige and Cole’s enemies to lovers journey, I wish their relationship had been developed more. It felt way too fast. They went from enemies to “I Love You” in no time. Their feelings change so fast that it gave me a bit of whiplash and then the intimacy was the definition of slow burn. I wanted more time with them together, their feelings slowly changing, not an instant flip of a switch.

Grateful to have received a complimentary ARC copy to honestly review.

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