Member Reviews

As is the case with all of Andrews and Wilson’s other works, Four Minutes doesn’t disappoint. In this edge-of-your-seat thriller, we’re introduced to Special Operations Chief Tyler Brooks whose world is upended when an unexplained turn of events results in the tragic loss of his SEAL team. Still reeling from the failed mission, Brooks is offered the opportunity to head up a new counterterrorism task force with a game-changing capability: preventing current attacks by gathering intelligence from the future.

How could Brooks possibly refuse?

Four Minutes is a cautionary tale that challenges readers regarding the whole concept of time travel. Most people, if they’ve lived long enough, have experienced some sort of tragedy that left a futile trail of “what ifs” in its wake: What if I’d done things differently? What if I’d arrived sooner…or later—would said tragedy have even happened? Hence the whole reason why the concept of being able manipulate time is so tempting. In this action-packed tale, the authors explore why time travel, while initially seeming like a godsend, might present more problems than solutions.

Thanks to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for allowing me to review this advanced reader copy of Four Minutes.

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I loved this book. It was fresh and unique. I loved seeing a twist on time travel. It was very thought-provoking. At times it was a little technical as they tried to figure out how to get the desired results but it was necessary.

I really liked the members of the team. I look forward to getting to know them more in the next book. The book ended at a good spot while leading the way for the next book. I hope it comes out soon!

There was a lot of action and urgency, a bit of mystery and plenty of danger. It was a great read. I'd highly recommend it. Thank you to Blackstone Publishing for providing me with a free e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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This is the second series I’ve read by Andrews & Wilson. Like the other series, this book left me wanting more. The story, while fictitious is one that till sent chills down my spine. What if we were able to change the events yet to come, but only have four minutes in the future? It’s a great premise, and it is one that Andrews & Wilson excelled at grafting in this novel. I couldn’t wait to turn the page and find out what was going to happen next. Their writing style flows easily to the reader and the pace of the story is just right to really keep the reader on edge. I was blown away by the twists and turns the story took. I was a little disappointed with the culmination of the antagonists’ (Jun) story line though. I was really expecting more from his character. That is the only drawback I could say I have with this story. Overall, I loved it and I cannot wait for the next book to be released. Another highly anticipated read from two of the best modern writers.

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Four Minutes by Andrews and Wilson pits a Special Ops team against evil adversaries. Jumping into the future to learn of terrorist attacks appears to be an inventive way to discover and neutralize disasters but hidden agendas cause irreparable damage to both the team and the present. The book started a bit slow but made up for it at the end. The story leaves you at a cliffhanger but there is no indication that there will be a sequel. I, for one, hope so as the characters and their new dangers left me wanting to know what happens. It would be great it this became a series.

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Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson are prolific authors–publishing a book every three months– with no drop-off in quality. Unicorns. They are unicorns. They’re not afraid to tackle new subjects/technology or wade into new genres. This time they dive back into AI with an added element. Time travel. Military scientists have secretly created the first working time machine. Even in its infancy the technology will change the world. A world with no more wars. The ability to see future events gives you the ability to stop threats in the present. The trick is you only get four minutes in the future to do what you’ve got to do. And right now the small team of operators with unique abilities are constantly thwarting threats from one group with the same weapon but different locales. About that first ever claim…

I’m not a fan of sci-fi generally. I’ve never seen Star Wars, Trek, any of it. Andrews & Wilson have penned a couple of books in the sci-fi realm and I’ve enjoyed them immensely. While I consider this sci-fi, Four Minutes is probably best described as a military thriller with a whisper of sci-fi. Not an alien or three-breasted woman to be found.

While Four Minutes has everything you expect from an Andrews & Wilson book, I didn’t completely grasp the theory and explanation behind the time travel machine. After going over the “how” multiple times throughout the book, I was resigned to the fact I was becoming dumber and I wasn’t meant to understand. Then, towards the end–like a lightning strike from the heavens–I understood. Thank God. I’m not any dumber than I was. Once I grasped what they were getting at it made the book much more enjoyable. Now that I think about it, maybe that’s what they were going for all along. Not going to lie. When the puzzle pieces finally fell into place, it felt pretty great.

Thank you to Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of Four Minutes.

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If you only had four minutes to change the future how would you do it?

Several highly trained operators join a group with a failed fusion device that allows them to jump forward in time.

I could not put this book down, I fully enjoyed it and cannot wait for additional novels.

I was given an eARC by NetGallery.

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Wow. This is good. Really good. One of the best books of the year thus far. Intriguing plot and interesting characters. Lots of action and suspense.

Will there be more?? Cannot wait.

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WOW! If I did not know better, I would wonder what you two have been smoking. Four Minutes is a fast-paced, spellbinding, mind-bending journey from page one word one through The End and is an exciting new twist to their existing cannon. A&W fans, you are going to love this latest creative leap.

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Four Minutes by Andrews & Wilson is a military thriller with sci-fi thrown into the mix. Great cast, twisty plot, plenty of action, and I thought the book would end without the possibility of becoming a series; but then the authors threw a wrench into it. It was a great book and I will be looking forward to #2.
I highly recommend this book(or any book by these guys) and thanks to Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC. Just BUY this Book!!

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Task Force Omega can travel up to 28 days in the future for up to 4 minutes at time in order to prevent attacks. Lead by Special Operations Chief Tyler Brooks and Navy Intelligence Specialist Zee Williams, this counter terrorism task force has an opportunity to change the future. The question is, what will the toll of the 4 minutes into the future take on your body? What will they see in those 4 minutes of that jump? What can they do to change the outcomes of what they see?
This sci-fi/military thriller gives the reader a lot to think about. How much of this is actually possible and when can it happen? Andrews & Wilson are able to draw the reader in and make them question reality while providing an action-packed punch on nearly every page. The stage has been set for future books about the Omega Task Force, Brooks and Williams. Just in this one novel the characters grew and matured and had to make tough decisions that affected everyone around them.
Don’t let science/science fiction/facts bog you down. Don’t spend time trying to undo what has been done and fact check. Enjoy the ride. Imagine possibilities of world altering, action packed military filled sequences of events……and don’t blink!

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In keeping with the standard set by the Andrew & Wilson duo, Four Minutes will have you picking your jaw up off the floor.

Navy SEAL Chief Petty officer Tyler Brooks is the tip of the proverbial spear when a night time hit in a country far from home changes his life forever. Battling against ghost terrorists with assistance from Intel Officer Zee Williams, bad guys seemingly disappear out of thin air and Brooks and team take a loss for the special operations community.

After returning to their forward staging point aboard a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, is regaled with the potential ability to see what the disappearing combative are all about. CIA spook-like man named Pat Moody presents Zee a once in a lifetime opportunity to operate with the might highly classified technology ever created by man. Teaming with Brooks and a handful of other magnificently minded military personnel, they take a jump to the dark side. There just one catch, for four minutes you can alter the future, but the toll it takes on your body will last a lifetime.

In stunning fashion yet again, Andrews & Wilson have captured my full attention with a stunning and heart pounding race against time to prevent the worst disaster in the history of mankind. They continue to provide unique storylines that bleed dedication and triumph while stretching the limits that your mind can imagine.

Time and time again I wonder how they are capable of providing action packed and character worthy pieces for the masses to enjoy. This is no different as Tyler Brooks is a fantastic leader, but a man with the ability to question the greater meaning of things and it allows the story to evolve from simpleton to a deep complex of people and events that can alter the world Brooks lives in. The setup from the start gives you a path to consider while watching the maturation of the operators and the processes they flow through to become travelers. It doesn’t get saturated down with nerdy scientific literature but gives provides the perfect amount to become fascinating.

Tyler Brooks and Four Minutes solidify the greatness of Andrews & Wilson’s writing in this sci-fi infused action flick printed in the form of a book.

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Four Minutes is a sci-fi thriller that is a bit heavy on the mystery but not enough in the details. It is set up nicely for a second book but I feel it would be better with more background details and character development. I couldn’t really connect to the heroes or understand the enemies motivations. Overall not a bad book and I would read the second one to see if these questions get fleshed out better.

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4 Minutes is a combination military thriller and sci fi novel. That mix just doesn't seem to do it for me at all. I really like some of the other works that Andrews and Wilson have done, John Dempsey and the Sons of Valor series got me hooked but I suppose that this new approach just isn't my cup of tea. The story is centered around Task Force Omega who can go into the limited future for only 4 minutes at a time to prevent attacks in the future. The task force members soon find out that they are no longer alone and must quickly to counter the threat. A good yarn.

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While it doesn't specifically say it, this is obviously the first book in a new series by my favorite author duo, Brian Andrews and Jeffrey Wilson. Part military thriller, part sci-fi, Four Minutes features a team of tier one operators and a couple of analysts who jump into the future but are limited to staying there for four minutes.

Don't worry about the science behind it. Just enjoy the ride.

Andrews and Wilson are known for writing excellent action scenes with strong characters, and this book is no exception. Tyler, Zee, and team are fun and smart - heroes you can feel good rooting for. While the story comes to a conclusion, it is definitely a setup for the next title in the series. I am looking forward to it!

I enjoyed this book, and I think you will too. Recommended for action thriller readers and for anyone who likes a good tale.

Not family friendly due to profanity and violence.

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Four Minutes is a brain busting and fascinating military, spy and sci-fi thriller combo containing blazing action sequences, world altering technology and enough time travel to make you exclaim “Great Scott!” Andrews and Wilson have delivered another compelling techno-thriller that will leave you breathless and contemplative.

Chief Tyler Brooks is one of the best special ops leaders on the planet. After a mission that goes devastatingly wrong and leaves him with more questions than answers, he’s recruited to join Task Force Omega with the promise to get some of those answers while leading an elite team of operators who will gain an advantage over their adversaries by having access to technology that gives them a look at the future. However, there are risks and a cost for using this technology. Furthermore, they are being hunted by an unknown force lurking in the shadows with plans of changing the world order. With nuclear war staring them in the face, Chief Brooks and his team will have to do everything in their power to stop the unimaginable from happening. The question is – is glimpsing the future four minutes at a time enough to save the day?

Four Minutes is a great concept that is executed flawlessly. Yes, there are military thrillers out there that include futuristic technology and there are also plenty of time travel novels out there. But combining them, adding in a dash of CIA secrecy and manipulation to keep you on your toes and throwing in a twist of only being able to go 28 days into the future and stay for only 4 minutes at a time is a differentiator. It ratchets up the suspense and the pressure the characters – who are required to have very special skills and elite brain function – feel because time is of the essence with every single operation. It’s compelling stuff. Not that we should be surprised when the dynamic writing duo is behind the pen.

If you’re looking for a novel to break your brain thinking about the laws of physics and the space-time continuum while being entertained by gun battles and a race to save the world, then Four Minutes is squarely in your wheelhouse. It will entertain, mystify and engage you. Kicking off a series with infinite potential.

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It took several chapters for this book to get my attention. Once that happened, I found an enjoyable read. Not literature by any stretch of the imagination, but confident, competent science-fiction with a military twist.

Interesting twist on time travel. You can only go forward and spend four minutes somewhere, take a look around and come back and figure out what to do with that information to solve problems. The project is run by some US secret agency and brings together an eclectic mix of smart folks; a few with combat capability

The author kept things interesting. There are several good, unexpected twists. That being said my least favorite part was the ending. At no time was there a suggestion this was part 1 of X series. I expected a fully contained story. Until about the 90% mark, it seemed like that was likely. I guess the story was finished kind of. I won’t bother to pick up another installment to see.

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First, I must say thank you to the authors, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

I have been a fan of Andrews and Wilson since reading the first Tier One novel a few years ago now; I have read every novel that they have put out and enjoy their writing style. They do such a good job with character development that you are pulled into the story and really care for the characters.

Four Minutes, what can I say, they combined a military thriller with science fiction and it was great. Without going into any spoilers, there has been new technology developed by DARPA that gives the user the opportunity to travel a small distance into the future. Along with that, there are limitations -they can only stay in the future for 4 minutes. What can be accomplished in 4 minutes? That is the question that this new classified program - Omega - is trying to determine. A team is recruited by Patrick Moody, the team is made up of young, bright tier one operators/intelligence personnel/scientists. Tyler Brooks and Zee Williams are two of the team members with such great character development as I said before. It is a wild ride of a novel that keeps you thinking and guessing what is going to happen next. It also ends without answering everything and leaves you wanting to know what is going to happen next.

I highly recommend this book!

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This book was outstanding!!!! The authors took Tier One Spec ops and mixed in a little Science Fiction and it works. The assembled team is filled with characters that I cared about while reading. The SF element is created well, with just enough information to make it plausible but not bog you down with tons of technical material. I like how there is a trade off for using the new time travel tech, limiting what they can do with this new power. Stories that offer things like magic, or SF tech must have a balance to their use, and this story handles that well.

From reading this story, you can come to the conclusion that this will be a new series, one that I am looking forward to reading when they are released.

I highly recommend this book.

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I was given the opportunity to read an ARC copy of Four Minutes by the authors, Blackstone Publishing and the fine folks at NetGalley in return for for an honest review.

This story is about what happens when you know too much. A task force of Special Forces operators, eidetics, and members of the US Intelligence community, led by SEAL Chief Tyler Brooks, who are tasked with the enviable of collecting intelligence from the future and using that information to combat the bad guys and stop attacks in the future.

The team is recruited by Patrick Moody to form Task Force Omega and are given access to a device that allows the team to jump forward in time a maximum of twenty-eight days in time to gather intelligence from the future to stop attacks in the present times. The only catch is that each mission last FOUR MINUTES.

It is during the exploration of this new technology, that Task Force Omega finds themselves being thwarted by an unknown enemy hidden in the shadows. Stakes quickly escalate when Omega discovers that an unprecedented future attack against America threatens the lives of millions.

This story is a brilliant read and keeps one turning the pages and would definitely enjoyed by action fans. As such I would give this story a solid four stars out of five and ends in quite the cliffhanger as the protagonists are forced to pursue the unknown enemy without the brains behind their brawn.

As with most of my literary ramblings, this is just my five cents worth.

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4.5 Stars 🌟

I am always excited when I see a New Release from this writing duo and they have consistently met and surpassed my expectations. That's why when I saw this new ARC, for a NEW series no less, well, let's just say I was thrilled :)

There are a couple of different series that are currently ongoing with Andrews and Wilson and one of the series has a supernatural element. They normally excel in the CIA/Spec Ops genre and now instead of combining the Spec Ops/supernatural storyline, they have decided to delve into the science fiction realm.

Without going into any spoilers, there has been new technology developed by DARPA that gives the user the opportunity to travel a small distance into the future. Along with that, there are limitations -they can only stay in the future for 4 minutes. What can be accomplished in 4 minutes? That is the question that this new classified program - Omega - is trying to determine.

Unfortunately, they discover that there is an IMMEDIATE threat to the US, an imminent nuclear attack is set to occur in Washington DC. Things take off from there and they do not slow down for the entire book. There are many, many questions that this new team is having to sort through. Are they the only ones who have this technology? Who is the other team trying to attack the US? Is the program compromised?

This is only a couple of the issues that this new team is dealing with. Andrews and Wilson excel at storylines, but are even better at character development. It is also so easy to fall in love and root for the MC's - in ALL of their books and this book is no different. I immediately liked the male MC Tyler Brooks and it wasn't too much longer that I was COMPLETELY on the side of our good guys.

Unfortunately, there is a bit of a cliffhanger. I have begun to accept this and am looking forward to the next book in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this ARC. The opinions above are mine and mine alone.

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