Member Reviews

This is a wonderful devotional! It is the perfect book read during lent. It's a powerful read that should be in everyone's collection.
I received a complimentary copy from Thomas Nelson via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Forty days at the foot of the Cross. This book is an excellent read as you draw near Easter. Each day includes a passage, a devotional, a pointing back to the Cross, a prayer, and a response of Scripture. It will grab your heart and open your eyes to your very need of the Cross. Of Christ crucified.

This book initially grabbed my attention because I have read and loved so many of Charles Martin’s fiction novels. This was my first experience of a nonfiction piece by the author and I am an even bigger fan of his now. I would highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone who needs to be reminded of what Christ has accomplished on the Cross.

Thank you NetGalley, Thomas Nelson, and the author for providing this free advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I read this book one chapter a day as a devotional in addition to my regular Bible reading and I found myself always looking forward to each of the daily meditations. My favorite part of the book was the section that brought the reader to the foot of the cross; it was so vivid and I really appreciated how the author brought the OT in to help readers understand how the Lamb of God correlated to the Passover lamb and fulfilled that sign given so long ago. There was one meditation which I questioned that involved generational sin; based on Deuteronomy 24:16 and Ezekiel 18:20, I am not in agreement with Mr. Martin about the scope of what I need to repent for but I have been forgiven for plenty of my own sin and we can agree that there is a great need to repent and give thanks for the means of grace. This book would be beneficial for many kinds of readers—the ones who are following hard after Jesus and want to connect with Him in a deeper way; believers who are going through the motions of attending church and doing the right things but are feeling lukewarm in their love for Christ; and even inquirers who just think Jesus was a good man but wonder why He had to die. Highly recommend! I received a complimentary review copy from the publisher via NetGalley. (I have ordered a hard copy for myself to reread yearly as I prepare my heart for Easter celebration.) All opinions expressed are my own. Highly recommend!

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This is an outstanding forty day devotional to prepare your heart for the Easter season. Each day tells a part of the story leading up to the crucifixion and includes a section on walking back to the cross, a prayer, and God's response.

For Christians, this is a must-read for focusing on what Jesus did for us and why. For non-Christians, if you are interested in knowing more about Christianity, this fully explains what we believe. Some of it may be deep, but don't let that stop you. Ask questions. We will be happy to answer.

This devotional is beautifully written and soul stirring. Do not miss this one.

Family friendly though some descriptions of crucifixion are graphic.

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I was provided a free advanced copy of this from @netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
I have enjoyed many of Charles Martin's fiction stories, but in this 40 day devotional he takes an in depth look of the cross and what it meant for Jesus to say "It is Finished!" It's hard to rate a devotional, but I will do my best. I enjoyed the information and insight provided each day. I did gain some different perspectives that I hadn't seen before in familiar stories. The heart and purpose of bringing others to Jesus was evident in the heartfelt writing. This is one I would be interested in getting a published (non-ebook) version of since my ARC formatting was a bit off, and I'd like to be able to highlight, annotate, and refer back to passages!
I think it would be a great study leading up to the Easter season!
It is set to be published Tuesday, 6 February, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a devotional/Bible study. You won't be disappointed.
#NetGalley #ItIsFinished

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Charles Martin has created a work of ART in his newest title, "It Is Finished", a forty day devotional filled with God's amazing love, grace, and redemption for His children. In Martin's book, he brings the reader through a journey of the grace and mercy God has for His people, and the unconditional love He shows through His Son's journey to the cross on our behalf. The book is divided into 40 chapters that show different aspects of God's love for us, and Martin uses scripture to define the character traits of Jesus in each setting. He divides each chapter with a historical message from the bible exemplifying Jesus' life and journey. Each chapter is filled with personal attributes to help the reader relate to the significance of the redemptive story taking place, and personalize it for themselves. The chapters end with a prayer to God and then God's response to His people, using scripture to share of God's redeeming love. I rarely read a book more than once, and this is an incredible devotional that I will read and re-read over the years ahead, as well as share with my family and friends. It is just that GOOD! Charles Martin - Thank you for drawing us closer to the cross and understanding the true depth of Tetelestai, "It is Finished".
Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for the opportunity to review this book.

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If you are a follower of Jesus, this book is a must.

Charles Martin begins the book with some of the most beautifully written text I've ever read as he describes the scene at the foot of the cross. It is descriptive, heart breaking, and lovely all at the same time.

He concludes the book with more of the same.

In between, Martin uses Scripture to bring the reader into the days surrounding Jesus' crucifixion. This is tied to prophesy and Gospel accounts of the scene.

You need this book. You will be humbled and grateful for a risen Saviour.

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I can’t say enough great things about Charles Martin’s 40 day reading/devotional about the events leading to Christ’s death on the cross. He is such a fantastic writer, the devotional is a MUST read.
Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishing for my ARC.

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Such a good read! This would make a great book to read for Lent, which is what I am planning to do.
I would definitely recommend.

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This is the best “devotional” ever! It’s very biblically based, heart-felt, intellectual (meaty), but also very compelling, inspirational, easy to read and understand! A few pages a day, not just a paragraph or two. 10-15 minutes a day. Includes a longer heartfelt prayer and God’s response in Bible verses! Starting with the last week of Jesus earthly life, we are also taken back to the Old Testament and other relevant scriptures to help us understand our need for the Cross.

Things you know, things you have heard all your Christian life (or maybe new to you if you are not a Christian), yet the author (&God&Holy Spirit) brings it all to life; you feel at heart what is being said.

This book is very memorable and I highly recommend it!

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Charles Martin brings his skill for story telling to a devotional, bringing the cross to life in a whole new way. I wasn't sure how this book would translate for me, as I love his fiction writing but I didn't want to add to the story of Christ and the Word.


Martin walks you slowly and methodically back to the cross, guiding you through the Word and allowing time to marinate in the truths presented. You will not leave unchanged. I was reminded time and again through the 40 days of how huge of a gift the cross was, of the immense price that was paid, and of my complete need for a savior even when I am behaving "good".

Every Christian. whether new in their faith or a veteran, will benefit from this devotional study. This book would also make a great gift.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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It Is Finished: A 40-Day Pilgrimage Back to the Cross by Charles Martin is a glorious book.

He begins with our need for redemption and inability to save ourselves, and then he leads us to the cross. This is an achingly beautiful devotional written to prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate Jesus's redemptive work.

From the author's website:

"Across forty days of vivid storytelling, It Is Finished offers a unique and vital roadmap to trace the power and necessity of the cross throughout the Bible, from Genesis all the way to your present-day reality."

With every devotion, designed to be the length of about a cup of coffee, Charles Martin weaves vivid word pictures, drawing us close to the heart of God. The lens he uses engages all our senses and all our emotions, evoking in me the only logical response - worship. From Day 2:

"God takes as deep a breath as He can, filling His lungs, then presses His lips to our lips and breathes out, filling us with the breath of God. . .our first breath began in His lungs."

If you like the author's "no holds barred approach" to painful passages, you will love this book. He doesn't shy away from graphic descriptions of what the Lord endured for our sakes. He describes Jesus's back after His flogging as shredded. Hamburger. An uncomfortable truth that brings me to my knees.

This book isn't just a devotional on the work of the cross; it's a manual on how to pray meaningfully and intimately. Each devotion is filled with Scripture and offers a beautiful, vibrant prayer. My prayers can feel anemic and humdrum - these are powerful. And every prayer is followed by a response grounded in Scripture.

“I pray throughout this journey that you and I come face-to-face with both the weight of our need and the depth of the problem. I pray that we are undone by the truth of us. And I pray that we simultaneously experience the limitless joy of what Christ accomplished for us.” – p.  XXIII, It is Finished

Charles Martin, mission accomplished.

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Nelson for the opportunity to review this book.

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From the book: “Without this Cross, there is no tomb. No “He is risen.” No “firstborn from among the dead.” No Savior with the keys of death and hell dangling from His belt. No Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End. Before we can celebrate where He is not (i.e., the tomb) and why He is not there, we need to backtrack to where He’s been, how He got there, and what His presence there accomplished.”

This is the first book that I have read by this author. I found myself enthralled with his ability to paint such vivid scenes with his words. I found myself reading and re-reading the same day over and over again. I found myself in his plain straight-forward word pictures bringing to the fore that which is ugly, detestable, and foul. I found myself starting up at the Cross and simply asking myself, why would He do that… for me?

There are books that I may at some time pick up and read again. This is a book that requires a deep read – again – and a deeper study. I highly recommend this book, but be forewarned, it may take you much deeper into your love of our Savior.

Disclosure: I received this book free via NetGalley. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

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It is Finished
4 stars
Charles Martin has written another wonderful book that takes a deeper and closer look at the cross and Jesus. Martin has a way of making the reader look at and examine things in a while new way. This would make a great study for both an individual and a group.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher.

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This series of devotionals written by Charles Martin is quite good. It is a little hard to follow and a tad bit too long each day. Otherwise, I think the content is excellent. I recommend this book to everyone wanting to consider the cross of Jesus and it's meaning during Lent next year.

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Rarely do I read a book twice, but this one had me on my knees. It Is Finished: A 40 Day Pilgrimage Back to the Cross by Charles Martin is a definite read again worthy book. Forty days of reading about the events leading to the Cross which includes some historical perspectives is a wonderful way to prepare for Resurrection Sunday (Releasing Feb. 6th gives 7 weeks to prepare).

I will definitely be ordering this book so that I can highlight and reread over and over again.

Thank you so much NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Publishing for the opportunity to read an ARC.

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I will be reading this book again so I better take it in. Reading quickly, so I could review the book, does it a disservice. The book is amazing and forces a response to The Cross.

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It Is Finished: A 40-Day Pilgrimage Back to the Cross by Charles Martin is the perfect book to read as Easter approaches. I picked up this book because of the author, mostly. Mr. Martin is a master storyteller. His fiction novels are outstanding and his previous nonfiction has really shown his ability to bring the Bible to life. I could not wait to see what he did with the work of Jesus on the cross. I also wanted to read this book because it reminded me of my grandfather. My grandfather loved every part of the Bible but his very favorite parts were the words of Jesus on the cross. I really hoped to see this book deal with that. This book was so much more than I expected. The cross is brought to life with historical accuracy and power in ways that are easy to read and never stuffy or academic. I cannot recommend this book enough. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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Thought provoking, deep, and profound. Just.... Wow. Charles wrote about things we wouldn't normally think about. It is Finished touched my heart and opened my eyes to things in Scripture that I didn't understand.

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