Member Reviews

“We have four seasons in Ohio, and each one is equally amazing. Fall is my favorite, with the changing leaves, the cooler, crisper air, the fresh-picked apples, stockpots of soup, pumpkin patches, hayrides, and the annual county fair.” This is NOT a serial killer quote but boy oh boy SAME #ILoveFall

A Hunger to Kill is the chilling account of Mager’s quest for justice for the victims in this book with the hope that this book’s publication will cause Grate to admit to the murders of even more victims of unsolved crimes. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

2.5 stars. I am typically very intrigued by serial killers and true crime stories, so naturally I jumped at the chance to read this book! I loved the premise of a bad ass female cop cracking a serial killer case. But I was not pulled into this story the way I usually am. I skim read quite a bit of it because it’s almost like just reading transcripts of their conversations. There is no real sense of urgency and the climax was just not climaxing. I do hope she gets her wish and he admits to more murders, if there are any, so that the families can have some closure.

Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martin’s Press, and the author for the free copy.

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While I live in Ohio and have heard about this case, this book was good and kept my attention start to finish.

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A Hunger to Kill by Kim Mager with Lisa Pulitzer is utterly unputdownable!

This true crime book is graphic in nature, as Detective Mager depicts the heinous crimes committed by serial killer Shawn Grate in small town Ohio. This book is a balance of profiling a killer with memoir-like additions to provide additional depth.

Background information into Detective Mager's history sheds light on how she gained knowledge outside her standard training and why she was tasked with interviewing Grate to achieve his confessions. There is a strong motherhood lense through which Detective Mager writes, allowing a further glimpse into why she strives so hard at her job and proves she has the same struggles as all parents.

Jennifer Blom provided a no-nonsense audiobook narration devoid of emotion, which was perfect for this books genre. Blom had a slight alteration to her voice for when Grate spoke, which made it easy to distinguish his dialogue.

This book would make a perfect gift for anyone who appreciates true crime and learning about the minds of serial killers! (Note that a portion of the proceeds of this books sales will benefit crime victims.)

Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and Macmillan Audio for the complimentary copies to read and review.

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The author is an experienced detective and has written this detailed account with compassion for the many victims. The reader sits with her as she interviews the suspect and develops a rapport that staggers our imagination. We learn of his responsibility for crimes and the pathway to justice. True crime books are never enjoyable but always informative. Good book.

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This book, about an Ohio serial killer, was written by Detective Kim Mager, who investigated the murders of several women. It was a detailed description of the murders and the investigation. It included different tidbits to understand how this detective was able to talk to the suspect, Shawn Grate. It was a really description of the investigation and it kept my interest. I highly recommend it for those who are interested in reading about serial killers.

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A fascinating well written look at a serial killer I had never heard of. A well written nonfiction look at a true crime.A replace turner.#netgalley #ahungertokill.

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I dnf’d this 50% in. I liked the idea of the story but the repetitive nature wore on me after so long. I think a whole book on the interrogation of a suspect to confess wasn’t what I thought it would end up being.
I liked reading about the suspect and would have liked more. Maybe if I had read further I would have found it but I felt if I hadn’t gotten there by 50% , I just wasn’t interested anymore.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for the honest opinion.

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This was an excellent true crime read about a horrific small town case. The author is the lead female detective who worked the case. I found her narrative reasonable and balanced. I found myself very quickly gripped to this story. Her insight into the perpetrator’s mind was particularly interesting. At the start she makes a comparison to Clarice from Silence of the Lambs and she wasn’t kidding. Thanks to Netgalley for the arc.

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A Hunger to Kill by Kim Mager; Lisa Pulitzer was a very compelling true crime story!
This book is extremely detailed and informative and an excellent resource if you are interested in true crime cases and serial killers (I honestly find it intriguing) not sure if that disturbing or not.
A deep dive into the subject matter is both engrossing and thought-provoking. If you're looking for a gripping, true-life narrative that keeps you on the edge of your seat, "A Hunger to Kill" delivers an intense and immersive experience.

Thank You NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This was a clearly written true crime novel about Shawn Grate, a serial killer who has very possibly killed more people than he admitted while being interviewed by Detective Kim Mager. I thought it was fascinating to get this insight into how interviews take place and what happens with the field side of the investigation. I am not a particularly voyeuristic person but I did think that this book would have more details about the actual kidnappings and crimes and a little less about Det. Mager and her personal life - I wasn't expecting a memoir. Det. Mager is an interesting, accomplished person but that is not the reason I requested this book.

I received my ARC from NetGalley and the publisher, the opinions expressed herein are strictly my own.

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A Hunger To Kill by Kim Major and Lisa Pulitzer, shaun Grate known as the horror House serial killer was only convicted of killing five women and if not for the bravery and survival instincts of his last known victim only known as JaneDoe Who called 911 while he slept, more than likely she would’ve been the next. When I heard about this case years ago I couldn’t wait until the book came out about it because he is the most scariest kind of killer because it seems his MO is to gain women’s trust and then kill them. There’s nothing more frightening to me than hearing about a killer whose victims not only knew them previously but trusted them and in the case of Jane Doe they went on hikes and he even told the police he didn’t kidnap or rape her that they were going to get married. So needless to say when I heard this book was coming out I couldn’t wait to get my hot little hands on it. When I started reading it didn’t take me long to realize most of the book is about the detective there is certain parts about the investigation the control he tried to have over Detective Kim major but mostly we are privy to stories about her and her dad her growing up pivotal moments in her life things you find in autobiographies and not usually True Crime books. Although they do discuss some of the crimes he committed I found most of the book is dedicated to the detective and kudos to her for the great cat and mouse game she played with Mr. grate and taking this monster off of the street. They do have many people who would love to hear about the life of a detective and her biggest case but I really wanted to hear more about his life his childhood ET see. It is a hard thing to describe the reason people like True Crime and when it comes to perpetrators who know the victims I could read books about that all day hoping to find out what could cause someone to do it to someone they know and or Love but that wasn’t this book. It was still a pretty good book and if you like biographies and autobiographies you will definitely enjoy the story about Detective Kim major in the book overall was okay but if you’re looking for a True Crime book with all the reasons you love True Crime that’s not this book. #SaintMartin’sPress, #NetGalley, #KimMajor, #LisaPulitzer, #AHungerToKill,

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As someone who is familiar with both Ashland and Mansfield, Ohio, this book intrigued me. I was shocked to realize the arrest took place in September 2016 [9 months after I had last stopped in Ashland] and I wondered why I didn't remember hearing about this [at only 2ish hours from Ashland, we most certainly would have heard about it where I live], and then remembered that 2016 was a truly craptastic year for myself and my family and that overall, I remember very little about that year [I am sure that if I HAD heard about it, I would have remembered this horrific story had I not been knee deep in the hoopla], which explains a lot.

This book grabbed me from page one and as it went on, not only was I enthralled by the story [because HOLY FREAKING MOSES], I was both admired and was amazed by Kim Mager and her skill at working the suspect to get him to tell them all he had done [the convicted criminal is a despicable human being and I will not be using his name at all in my review] and where the bodies were [and remaining calm as horrific details started spilling out]. I admit I was also creeped out by this monster's audacity and sheer nonsense as to why he killed [and never believed his "remorse" at all; I think his only remorse was that he got caught before he killed again and again].

Well-written and laid out in a easy-to-read and concise way, this book will lead you down a path of horrors and will leave you amazed at the woman [along with the whole police department that she worked for] that got the answers they needed to bring this monster to justice [the notes at the end, in regards to him, are very satisfying]. The notes at the end are heartbreaking and I can only hope that the survivor, Jane Doe, and the families of all the victims are finding some semblance of peace and have been able to move on with their lives.

Jennifer Blom is a new-to-me narrator, but I certainly hope it's not the last time I get to listen to her narrate as she does an excellent job here.
This could not have been an easy book to narrator [tere are a lot of awful, descriptive, gross parts that would have been for anyone to narrate IMO], and Ms. Blom handles it so well - her calm voice makes some of the worst horrors much easier to digest [I hope she got to go home and hug puppies and unicorns each night after doing this narration]. I highly recommend both this audiobook and its narrator.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kim Mager [Police Detective (Ret.), Ashland, Ohio], Lisa Pulitzer - Contributor, Jennifer Blom - Narrator, St. Martin's Press, and Macmillan Audio for providing the eBook and audiobook ARC's in exchange for an honest review.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, St Martin's Press, and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of this true crime story by Kim Mager and Lisa Pulitzer, with the audiobook wonderfully narrated by Jennifer Blom. All opinions expressed in this review are my own - 4.5 stars!

On September 13, 2016, in the small town of Ashland, Ohio, emergency dispatchers received a 911 call from a terrified woman who claimed to be kidnapped. The man holding her hostage was Shawn Grate, a serial killer whom the press later dubbed “The Ladykiller.” A key to his conviction and death sentence were Grate’s extensive recorded confessions—all extracted by one woman: Detective Kim Mager. As an experienced specialist in sex offenses, Detective Mager was one of the officers assigned to Grate’s case upon his arrest.

Reading and listening to this book puts you in the interrogation room. It was chilling to listen to Grate confess to multiple murders and sexual assaults. Detective Mager put her life on the line to develop a rapport with Grate to get him comfortable enough to spew. I used to live about 45 miles from where most of these crimes happened, but since moving away after they occurred, I never heard about them, surprisingly enough. Mager was so skilled at interrogating and getting information to be able to give some of these families peace. It also spoke of the personal and family sacrifices law enforcement officers make to keep us safe. Gripping true crime story, very well written and both voices wonderfully narrated.

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A Hunger to Kill by Kim Mager, with Lisa Pulitzer is a highly recommended true crime novel merger with a memoir. It follows Mager's interrogation of serial killer Shawn Grate starting on September 13, 2016 when the emergency dispatchers in the small town of Ashland, Ohio, received a 911 call from a terrified woman who claimed to be kidnapped. Shawn Grate was the man holding her hostage.

With over 20 years of experience, Detective Kim Mager conducted a series of brilliant interviews with Grate over a period of eight days. She recorded everything , including all his confessions marking Grate as a kidnapper, rapist, and serial killer. He confesses to at least five additional rapes and murders. It is suspected he may have been responsible for more. Mager had gotten enough evidence for Grate's conviction. He was sentenced to death in June 2018.

A Hunger to Kill is a true crime book that details the investigation and Mager's intense and insightful interviews, but it also has an autobiographical aspect as it shares Mager's personal story as well. True crime aficionados may not appreciate the biographical details. Those interested in what makes a good detective, investigator, and interrogator, especially for a female officer, may appreciate the background information. That said, I enjoyed both parts but the transitions between the crime investigation and the memoir didn't always feel smooth.

Part of my appreciation of the personal information is the depiction of Mager juggling work and a family, while dealing with the interviews and horrific topics. Reading about her handling of the interviews is masterful as she is empathetic and establishes a rapport with Grate, all while getting him to confess to his crimes. Thanks to St. Martin's Press for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.

The review will be published on Edelweiss, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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Thank you to Netgalley , Macmillan Publishers, and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me the opportunity to review Detective Kim Mager’s riveting book A Hunger to Kill. I don’t read a lot of true crime and murder books; I tend to make exceptions for certain writers or events—Mark Bowden’s The Last Stone was one exception, but I just remembered feeling so sad and upset after reading the book. Although Bowden’s book features a remorseless killer who withholds or shares information when it is convenient, it was also heartening to learn about the dogged efforts from the victims’ families and the investigators to continue to pursue justice. Detective Mager’s A Hunger to Kill shares both of these aspects with Bowden’s book. Yet, one of the most important differences is that Detective Mager was on the team assembled to investigate the crimes of Shawn Grate, so we read from her perspective, learning about her strategic approach to interviewing Grate and eventually extracting confessions for several murders across the span of a few days. Also like Bowden’s book, A Hunger to Kill tracks the devasting crimes, and the events are brutal. The investigation starts out with an abducted woman who dialed 911 and the rescue team that saved her from captivity. We learn that Shawn Grate, a drifter from another town squatting in an abandoned house, has abducted and tortured Jane Doe. Although Jane Doe’s recounting of the torture is hard to read, I was fascinated to learn about the strategic thinking that goes into this kind of forensic interviewing. Detective Mager details how she works to build trust and reassure a victim, while also seeking ways to develop a trusting relationship with a suspected perpetrator like Shawn Grate. I was amazed by how she was able to work with both individuals, yet keep a kind of calm and measured approach, especially with Grate. Most of the book details her interviews with Grate, and how she was able to pay attention to his mannerisms and clues about the women he murdered and where he left him. Detective Mager’s profile of Grate was also detailed and specific; as we learn about his background and family, I could see how he ended up with certain tendencies. I condemn his actions, but Grate did grow up in incredibly unstable environments where little love and attention were shown. Strangely, he talks about freeing the women he killed, but it seemed more like punishment. He claimed that the women were seeking to die, and Detective Mager’s interviewing techniques and analysis help readers understand the kind of failed attribution and victim blaming that murderers like Grate engage in. It was surprising, but also scary to see the way Grate thought about human life. As we continue to learn more about him and the trail of violence he has left throughout his life, we also see how deceptive and cunning he is, and how he can act out when he doesn’t get his way. Detective Mager’s recounting of the story takes us all the way through to the trial and eventual conviction of Grate. I didn’t know about this case, and I read a little about it as I was reading. It is incredibly sad to learn about the victims and how Grate preyed upon vulnerable women, especially those he deemed less than valuable in society. He kept repeating that he was setting them free or freeing them from pain, but also acknowledging that he wasn’t God. Although I wouldn’t call this book enjoyable, I found it magnetic. I kept reading to learn more about what was going to happen next. I was especially interested in Detective Mager’s interviewing techniques, and how she described the methods she employed to develop trust and build rapport. It seemed to work as Grate continued to gradually reveal the crimes he committed and provide some reasoning for it. While he may not have expressed genuine remorse for his crimes, it seems that Detective Mager was able to extract a sense of regret or at least acknowledgement that Grate did something wrong and harmed people beyond his victims. Nevertheless, we also learn how she put herself and a colleague in danger being in a room with a killer. This is a riveting book that provides an inside look into the methods and strategies for forensic interviewing. It’s a fascinating look behind bars at the criminal justice system at work.

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loved this romance and her mom wants her to date this guy she has these amazing friends who are all dealing with different relationship issues . loved that she found her way in the job and found love

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Every now and then in true crime you come across a truely disturbed mind , a killer or rapist or abuser who is also a master manipulator even though they seem completely unhinged. How does that abnormal behavior and psychology exists hidden among us able to twist the truth and ensnare so many helpless victims? This one of those accounts and it is terrifying, not because of the number of victims, but to this this could happen to your mother or sister or daughter or granddaughter, that a man like Shawn Grate, or possibly many of them are out there, waiting for their next victim. This is a very personal account on the behalf the interviewing detective and I think it’s import to read this and make ourselves aware why we can’t truth everyone, why we need to protect ourselves, why the police are overwhelmed with missing people cases.

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A Hunger To Kill is a true crime with a heavy focus on the author interviewing the serial killer, Sean Grate. It touches lightly on the impact her job has on her family and herself. During the interview with Sean he does give a little bit of background on his life growing up. She was able to have Sean admit to killing five people by gaining his trust throughout the time she spent interviewing him. The legal portion was precise and to the point.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Before I launch my review, I need to explain my relationship with true crime. There has been a dramatic surge in interest in this genre over the past few years and it is important to note that my particular interest has a lot to do with the psychology of killers. As a result, the gritty, gory details of the victims is never what I want to explore. Matter of fact, I can't watch true crime shows or documentaries. They make me ill. So the vast majority of my knowledge on this topic comes from books.

It is also important to note that because a lot of true crime is written from the perspective of the detectives who work the cases, the quality of many true crime books fluctuates. Some people are naturally gifted storytellers and some tend to stick to the facts which doesn't particularly lend itself to creativity.

Kim Mager is one of the latter writers. And why shouldn't she be? She is a mother and a detective. She is not a writer. If you read nonfiction that tells a story, you will not find it here. Mager recounts the murders of Shawn Grate in Ohio, and she does so by telling the order in which he revealed them to her. As a result, the timeline is complicated. I found myself struggling to follow the pacing. What would occasionally start as a description of a location would veer off into a discussion of small-town life. The very early opening of the book is incredibly engaging, but it dipped very quickly to give background info and context for the community. While I understand that some of this context is important, the timing of it was unpleasant.

I can not, under any circumstances, understand how detectives of violent crimes can do their jobs. They must be able to compartmentalize in a way that I can only dream of. As Mager recounts her hours spent interrogating Grate, working him from every direction, I am bewildered with the way that she dissected tiny drops of information from what he said. Most of her direct quotes from him seem nearly unintelligible to me, which is why I was not particularly surprised by a doctor's evaluation of him as having a borderline intelligence level. While reading, I was continually confused by women going to "hang out" with him, but after looking at pictures it became incredibly clear. He is very good looking with little to set him apart as odd. Which makes the gravity of what he has done more chilling. He seemed to intentionally seek out women of faith, preying on their desire to help someone that they thought needed help.

Truly, the most disturbing fact from this book is that there are undoubtedly many more cases of women (and possibly men AND children) that Mager was simply not able to extract from him.

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Fascinating and a must read for me! I am a true crime fan and was really excited to give this one a read. I really enjoyed it and recommend this to other fans.

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