Member Reviews

My biggest problem with this book? It ended. I could read a million more pages about Phoebe and how this cast of characters remains—or doesn't—in her life after the author finished her story. Compelling characters, sharp dialogue and a unique plot all kept me engaged from the first page. The jarring honesty of the characters actually compelled me to be more open in my own life and the overall spirit of the book will likely stay with me. I definitely recommend reading this and understand why it is getting such high reviews. It was refreshing to see a new premise pop up and I am thankful I got the chance to read it early.

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Perhaps I liked this book so much because I had not idea what to expect. This book about Phoebe, the only guest at a fancy hotel who is not there for a big, lavish 6-day wedding event is unexpectedly dark and light at the same time. And although I didn't always like Phoebe or the wedding people, I found myself rooting for all of them.

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I absolutely loved this book - while it was incredibly dark and dealt with some very heavy topics, it also had me laughing out loud at some points. Phoebe as a character was fascinating; I feel like I often read about younger characters dealing with heartbreak and such, so reading about an older woman going through a divorce and failed IVF treatments was a different perspective, and I grew to really care about Phoebe. I found her juxtaposition and the unlikely bond between her and Lila to be the true star of this book; both of them were sharing things with each other that they hadn't shared with anyone else.

The only complaint I have about this book is the romance aspect; I felt it was unnecessary and that Phoebe's infatuation with Gary kind of made the way she talked about Lila unlikable (it was teetering on 'I hate this woman because she has the man I want,' which is a crazy trope to include in a book in 2024 in my opinion).

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The Wedding People, by Alison Espach, is a great story about an amazing character. Phoebe!  While Phoebe is a hot mess, she is a delight to follow.  She is so real and so fun.  Everyone needs a Phoebe! There are lots of other great characters and the novel is well written. So many emotions are possible while reading this one. Espach is a writer on my radar now. Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing me with the ARC ebook I read and reviewed. All opinions are my own.

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This was so fun and perfect for summer. Can't wait to get it in the store to start selling it! The only thing that was super weird, to me, was the scene with the man and the car. You know which one, if you've read. Tiny little part but so weird!

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I crazy loved this book. I knew that my friends said they loved it. I was prepared to be the odd man out. I was not. I was so invested that I had to take my earbuds into WalMart to grocery shop and I live in fear of doing this. (it's a me thing)

Yes. The trigger warnings mention suicide. Yes this is true. But it's handled well and isn't dark at all. This is more a story of friendship and people and learning about where you can show up best. It's about figuring your own stuff out and handling it your way. I loved it so much and would read it again tomorrow.

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4.25 stars.

Thank you to Henry Holt & Co. and NetGalley for giving me advanced reader access in exchange for an honest review. This title publishes July 30, 2024.

The Wedding People follows Phoebe, who decides to book a one-way ticket to a Rhode Island hotel she dreamed of visiting with her former husband. But, she has every intention of ending her life while at this hotel because everything has been set on fire: her husband left her for her best friend, she finds zero fulfillment out of her adjunct position as a professor, and her cat of ten years just died. So she puts on her fanciest dress, doesn't pack anything else with her, and hops on a plane.

The only problem? When she arrives, there is a million-dollar wedding happening that same week. The bride, it seems, thought she booked every room in the hotel for guests . . . minus Phoebe's.

The Wedding People has quite a few triggers right out of the gate, but it does lean more light-hearted in how it navigates these heavy topics. And so we end up following Phoebe through a week where she learns how to not only reconnect with herself, but to connect with the strangers around her and find the joys amid the struggles that make up a life. This book feels ridiculous at times, and we're surrounded by rich people, annoying people . . . basically, wedding people.

I thought this was a fun summer read (despite the premise), set in a sunny New England city. If you miss going to weddings, want something that's touching but will also make you smile, or you want to read a book set at the beach while at the beach, The Wedding People might be your book!

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The Wedding People is a lot different than the last Espach novel I read, Notes on Your Sudden Disappearance, which I loved. The Wedding People read like more of a rom-com, not really my thing, although I did enjoy reading it.
Phoebe, an adjunct English professor in the midwest, suddenly finds herself divorced, betrayed, and all alone. She decides she is going to end her life but she's going to go out in grand fashion. With a good chunk of her savings, Phoebe flies out to Newport, RI, where she rents an $ 800-a-night suite, wearing a beautiful party dress and packing nothing else, other than her cat's pain medication, which is how she plans on killing herself. When she arrives at the hotel, all the other guests are part of a wedding party, there for a weeklong celebration before the wedding. When the bride to be finds out about Phoebe's plan, she fears her wedding will be ruined and in trying to convince Phoebe not to ruin the week for her, the two strangely become confidantes. The author manages to bring levity and humor to some heavy topics. There were a few laugh out loud moments and I appreciated the occasional English lit references. I also enjoyed the setting, it's always fun to read a book set in a location you're familiar with. A huge thanks to Henry Holt & Co and NetGalley for this ARC.

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Sometimes you don't know what you need until it finds you.

Phoebe is on her way to a beautiful hotel for a very short stay. She's wanted to stay here for a long time but never got the opportunity. Now she's decided she will end her life there. Her husband left her, her cat died, she can't seem to get past the isolation of the pandemic, so she decides to at least end her life somewhere quaint and beautiful.

Unbeknownst to Phoebe, there's a wedding party at this particular establishment and the bride is not going to let anyone die on her wedding week!

Yes, sometimes you really don't know what you need, especially when what you needed was a bunch of Wedding People to give you a reason to wake up in the morning and keep going. Hope is all around us and in this cast of characters, there's never a dull moment.

I am at a bit of a loss for words right now. Alison Espach is one of my favorite authors and I had to know she'd have something meaningful to say about our losses during COVID and the fragility of life. Her prose just lights me up. Every book I have of hers is highlighted halfway through. I love everything she has to say and this time was no different.

This story was so tender, so melancholy, but also so full of hope and wit. I laughed, I cried, I felt things I haven't in a long time. I'm so grateful I read this when I did. I've had a hard time lately and it's caused me to do a lot of thinking.

I already miss the Wedding People. Some things only come around once in a lifetime. Will they meet again? Who knows, but we will always have this time!

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I really enjoyed this sharp witted book. I loved the characters and the development over the course of the novel, it was funny and sad, but oh so lovely. I think it would make an incredible movie or mini series.

As an aside, I try not judge a book by its cover, but this cover is fantastic.

Thank you to Netgalley and Henry Holt & Company | Henry Holt and Co. for the advanced reader copy.

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I really enjoyed this book. The author has a way of capturing my attention instantly. I had to keep reading just one more chapter. It was a hard one to put down. Highly recommend.

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This book surprised me in the absolute best way. I laughed out loud CONSTANTLY. Gosh the writing is BRILLIANT. Sign me up for everything this author writes!!

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wasn’t sure what to think of this novel that started off kind of depressing. Phoebe Stone has hit rock bottom and runs into a wedding group staying at the same hotel she is at. Thankfully, Phoebe’s story takes a positive turn when she is befriended by the future bride. This book is hilarious, thought provoking and full of witty banter. There is some explicit language that I didn’t care for but overall I enjoyed this emotional story about love, relationships and overcoming adversity.

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Thank you to @netgalley for the advance copy.

Phoebe is an adjunct professor whose marriage has ended. She decides she wants to kill herself, and books a room at a resort. When she is at the resort, she discovers that all of the other guests are there for a wedding in 6 days. She meets the bride, who assumes Phoebe is a friend of the future groom, but Phoebe tells her why she is there.
Of course the bride is upset, but not for ending her life, but that Phoebe would ruin the wedding. She asks Phoebe, “what can you do instead?” this question is in Phoebe’s thoughts as she decides to not go through with it. The bride continues checking in with Phoebe and over the course of the 6 days, Phoebe is invited to all of the wedding events and becomes the maid of honor. She really learns about herself and I was happy with the ending.
I normally would be hesitant to recommend a book with such a story line, but it was really enjoyable.

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I have mixed emotions about The Wedding People - I enjoyed reading, but the theme of suicide is always a tough one for me. Here's the set up: Phoebe, the main character, has suffered from depression and has made the decision to end her life. Over the past few years she has suffered infertility, miscarriage, her husband's infidelity, and the end of her marriage. Her career as an adjunct professor is in a stalemate - she is unable to finish her dissertation. When her beloved cat dies, Phoebe becomes focused on a plan to end her life. She chooses a beautiful Newport hotel, does not pack a bag, and flies off to her destination.
Once at the exclusive hotel and booked in the Penthouse, Phoebe discovers that literally every other guest is there for a wedding between a young socialite named Lila and her doctor finance, Gary. Lila and Phoebe meet, and of course Lila is aghast at Phoebe's plans - feeling that her suicide, no matter how discreet, will ruin her elaborate wedding.
After talking, and Phoebe's failed attempt at suicide (after taking her cat's pain killers???). the two form a friendship - sharing secrets, fears, and truths. I don't want to give too much plot away - it's better to go in cold. Despite the suicide theme, there are many funny moments. Some frank talk about sex and sexuality as well. I do get frustrated at these books (Think a Man Called One) where a suicidal person gets in a new situation, meets new people, and POOF - their depression and suicidal thoughts are gone. Some very unlikely plot lines, too - but I went along for the ride. A good read for the middle of summer. I did a combination of audio book (solid narrator) and digital ARC - thank you Netgalley.

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Adored this one! An unusual coming of age story about loving yourself, putting yourself out there, and the impact that strangers can have on you! Heartwarming and cute but also with deeper themes of family, mental health, grief, and the ridiculousness/sweetness of weddings

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I really liked this look at marriage, sense of self, relationships to others and hope in the face of utter hopelessness.

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🍾 The Wedding People - Alison Espach

3.75 ⭐️ - Part of me didn’t like this one as much as I wanted to, but also I did enjoy it? I’ve been feeling a little undecided since I finished. It’s very character driven with wonderful messages, so maybe it’s just a me thing?

I enjoyed this one. There were some parts that felt wordy or lost my attention but overall it’s good. I could really relate too - I’m in my “wedding people” era as I’ve been in lots of friends weddings, especially recently. It was funny to “hear” about it from an outsiders point of view as the wedding people run around for a week before trying to make sure everything is perfect. I’ve been there. But aside from that, the messages in this book are really important. Finding things in life that make us happy, that drive us to keep going, is so important. Anyone who needs that, needs to read this book.

Thank you Netgalley, Henry Holt, and Macmillan Audio for the early ARC and listener copies. This one walks down the aisle on 7/30!

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Wow! I didn't know what to expect with this book, but I loved it! 4.5 out of 5 stars!
The story takes place in Newport, RI where our main character, Phoebe, has just arrived at her dream hotel, but her intentions are not what you expect. What Phoebe didn't expect was a whole hotel full of wedding people, in particular, the bride, Lana. Over the course of the week of wedding festivities, Phoebe and Lana become friends, but not in a traditional sense. Lana is freight train, and Phoebe is on the tracks forcing Lana to pull the brakes.
I loved the relationships between all the characters, even the ones I wasn't supposed to like (I don't think). I liked the structure and the third-person omniscient narration. There were a couple of pieces of the story that were a bit too "perfect," but I loved this book and have told anyone who would listen about it!!
Also, I just heard they are making a movie out of it, so that is even better since the whole time I was reading it, I thought, "This needs to be a movie!"
Thank you to Henry Holt and NetGalley for the ARC.

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A fast five-stars for me. I love everything that Alison Espach has written, and this book especially.

What stood out most to me was the impressive depth her characters had. They felt like such real people from the start and I couldn't get them out of my head while I was reading. This was definitely one of those books that I was itching to get back to reading when I had to put it down.

Though a bit darker than I expected, I loved the setting and the premise of the novel. I also loved Phoebe's background in Victorian Literature and all the comparisons and insights Espach shared about the history of marriage and the spectacle of weddings today.

This one was tender, heart felt, and overall just a joy to read. I will be recommending it to everyone this summer!

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