Member Reviews

"Way of the Wolf" by Jonathan Yanez is an intriguing fantasy novel that captivates with its blend of magic, mystery, and technology. The plot centers on a quest to uncover the truth behind a deadly beast terrorizing the land, with a diverse cast of characters including a drunk ex-inspector, a determined Queen's Captain, and a duo of magical trackers. As the story unfolds, the heroes discover there is more to the beast than they were led to believe, uncovering a deeper, more sinister conspiracy.

Special thanks to NetGalley, Spotify Audiobooks, and the editorial team for giving me the opportunity to review the ARC in audiobook format and to you, my reader, for taking the time to read this honest personal book review.

If you are interested in other of my book reviews, make sure to follow me on GoodReads! #WayoftheWolf #NetGalley #LifeLongLearning

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This is such an interesting fantasy. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it! A queen's guard, two trackers, and a former investigator turned assassin get sent on a quest to find and kill a beast that has been tormenting a town the queen wants an alliance with. There's just something so fun to me about an unlikely group working together, and I really liked the mystery elements in this story as well. I don't want to give too much away, but wow it was a really great read.

Thank you Netgalley for providing a digital ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book. I didn’t have any expectations going into it and I loved the wild ride that it was. I am already hooked to read the next one. I will say that there is a spot in the book about halfway that honestly felt like it was the ending and then it continued on so that was a bit stalling in my reading/listening but all in all I loved this novel and will continue this series.

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I'm sure this was a cool book. There was some issue with my copy and never full downloaded. It was the first two chapters and that's all I got. The premise seemed interesting and I loved the cover of this book.

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First of all, I'd like to apologize to the author and publishers for taking so long to review this book. I came down with an illness and, even though I finished the book weeks ago (Nov. 6, specifically), I just haven't felt like reviewing it.

And that's the worst because now it has been so long that I've lost many of my original thoughts on it. :( :( :( I will try my best, though.

I enjoyed the book, but I didn't love it.

The characters were engaging and well-rounded for the most part, but a few of them were a little 2-dimensional and flat. There were also a few too many subplots for me. I assume this is because this book will be part of a series and the author was world-building, but at certain points, the subplots seemed to overshadow and overwhelm the main storyline.

I did find it enjoyable, but it wasn't entirely original. I don't mean that it stole ideas from other books. I just mean.... it read like many other fantasy fiction books I've read in the past. Nothing about it truly stood out, which is, I suppose, why I'm having such a hard time reviewing it five weeks later.

An enjoyable read that I'd recommend to someone wanting a new fantasy book to dive into. Though I'm not sure I was enthralled enough to pick up the second installment (if there is one).

Audio aspects were pretty good, though the accent the narrator used was, at times, a bit hard to understand. I had to go back and re-listen to certain passages to make sure I'd caught everything correctly. Still, overall, not poorly narrated.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Thanks so much to @netgalley for the chance to review Way of the Wolf by Jonathan Yanez. This was so fun! It absolutely gave off Witcher vibes. A father and son tracking team responds to a queen’s request.. The reader meets FMC Charlotte, who needs to become a monster to kill one. This was an excellent, fast-paced fantasy with rich writing.
The narration was perfect!

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This audiobook was action packed and fast paced. I really enjoyed all of the narrators and am looking forward to more from this author. Will be recommending this one to my fantasy loving friends.

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I really, really loved the story. But I listened to the audiobook and almost didn't finish just because I hated the voice of Sloan so much. Its a 5 star story, but I have to give it 4 stars just because of the voice

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Son following in his mage dad’s shoes, not being some of the land’s best trackers, and a Captain and investigator are sent by the queen to find what is killing the people in one of her towns, but what they find is something no one expected.
Not your ordinary monster and monster killer story. I loved the characters, all the action and suspense. This book held my interest all the way through and now am waiting for the next one in audio of this series. The narrator kept the story alive through his wonderful voice acting. But this either in book or audio version is definitely another hit for Mr. Yanez.

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Unfortunately, this audiobook was definitely not for me. It’s such a bummer when the plot and genre are perfectly right for my tastes, but the narration makes it impossible to absorb. Monotone, fast-speaking, and just…not pleasant for the ears. If this was a physical copy, I would have been able to finish!

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Felt like I read two books in one! I loved the adventure the story unfolded and Elizabeth is probably my favorite character!! I wanted to cry for Marcus and Arith? for their own reasons but man did Jonathon pull at the heart strings in this story!

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This book is amazing. The characters are awesome and I want to be Sloan when I grow up. I love how the author was able to incorporate so many different creatures and features of a fantasy book without it feeling overwhelming. This would be a great book for anyone new to fantasy as it’s very well done and clearly written. If I’m being honest, this is a 5 star for me but only if the author plans to continue the story. If this is a a stand alone I have so many unanswered questions.

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The story has a fantasy side with inventions and science and then we have the political and crown side that makes the whole reading fascinating.
I thought that at the beginning the story was a little predictable, but it developed from there and kept me attentive and curious until the last page.
I really liked the characters that the book follows, they are strong characters with convictions.

I really enjoyed listening to the audiobook. I think it gave it a more story like feeling due to the smooth way it was written and the interconnection between all the characters.
I think the book's narrators did an excellent job of narrating. And having the characters with different voices was a fantastic added touch of personality.

I'm really looking forward to the next book.

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The narrators for the book make it drone on, and are very dull and make what seams like a good story into something hard to follow. The author also likes the phrase Jack asked and every time the narrators say it sounds more like Jack a**.

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I received the audiobook early copy of this in exchange for my honest thoughts.

It was a NRN read for me as two of the narrator's voices did not sound enjoyable to me. Realising this is purely a self preference. But when sped up to 1.5x they began to sound almost chipmunk like. It prevented me getting into the story.

For this reason it's a 3 star on the audiobook and I am not able to comment on the story itself.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the audio ARC of The Way of the Wolf by Jonathan Yanez.

The Way of the Wolf is like a fantasy-scifi-mystery-thriller. A really cool concept and something a little different for fantasy lovers!

The multiple chapter point of views were great and gave a good chance to get to know all of the characters, and the multiple narrattors really added to that and gave that extra depth.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Johnathan Yanez, Spotify Audiobooks, and the narrators, Andrea Emmes, Andre Santana, Joe Hempel for the opportunity to read and review Way of the Wolf.

In order to save the land from a mysterious killer beast, the queen calls on Ereth, a drunk ex inspector, Sloan, the Queens Captain with something to prove, Jack and his father Marcus, who are magical trackers, to rid the land of this problem. They soon find out there is more to the beast story and who is behind it than they were told.
This story is full of interesting elements that kept me intrigued; magic, mystery, technology, science, mythical creatures, cool weapons, love, betrayal and more.

I enjoyed the mix of magic, technological advancement and science, that was used in the making of the plot. It sprinkled both fantasy fairytale and science fiction in a way that gave the story whimsy. Character development and backstory is well balanced between the main characters. I am excited to continue this adventure as the series grows!

The narrators did a great job at capturing the personality of the characters and changing the tone as each character changed.

Also, the cover is gorgeous, and I can't wait to add it to my bookshelf!

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I had a tough time with this one... I know it takes a lot of effort to build a fictional world, but when it is built, it has rules. I feel like this world doesn't have definite rules and lines were crossed several times. I was thinking this setting was primitive with small advances in technology... but with a few SUPER advanced leaps in medicine, genetics, magic, and superior technology thrown in??? I don't know. I got the characters confused several times and I'm not sure if this was for adults or kids as some of the subject matter was dark but with very childish dialogue.
I thought this was a new author, but after a little research, I see that he has several books under his belt with very good ratings. I need to dive deeper... perhaps this book was a fluke. Not a bad read... just more for a teenager or younger audience.

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Since Queen Charlotte has taken over the city of Hope things have gotten better although disliked by the outerlands the queens guards do their best to keep their people safe but now that it seems a humongous wolf is attacking citizens the queen calls together for unlikely allies Marcus and his son Jack are the best trackers in the knownmagical world Ecridge is a man who the captain claims is a missionary but he says he isn’t and Marcus thinks he is in assassin but for the most part no one knows what he is or why the queen wants him on the team the fourth member is the captain of the guard her name is Sloan and she doesn’t suffer fools nor put up with small talk or shenanigans. Whether or not they like each other is in material they will have to depend and trust each other for the lives because this hunt will change each one of them or at least the one to survive. This book was so good it is filled with magic drama and so much more in the hero it’s not going to be who you think nor is the enemy because it isn’t just a simple magical paranormal wolf they are haunting but something more numerous and threatening. this book is toll from multiple POV‘s and I think each narrator did a great job I love the guy who did Jack’s voice in the narrator who did Sloan head just the right amount of attitude and I thought she was awesome as well but then again all three we’re pretty great now Raiders. Just know while reading this book never think you know what’s going on because you probably don’t this is an awesome awesome read and when I highly recommend to any sci-fi paranormal fan who loves magical realism and alternative universe is this is a made up kingdom but OMG want to get enthralled in the story it isn’t hard to catch on unlike most sci-fi books where they have all these new words in new things that makes it hard to keep track of the story that is not the case with the Way Of The Wolf BY by Jonathan Youngs. This is truly an entertaining read in a book I thoroughly enjoyed. I want to thank the publisher andnet Galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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