Member Reviews

"Outsider. Hero. Rogue. And the one man you want on your side."
Sharpe's Command is set in the early years of the ninteenth century and it captures the bravery, battles but also the bloodshed of Britian's peninsular wars. Of course the iconic hero Richard Sharpe returns in this book for the thrilling adventure and bloody warfare. This was my first time reading this author and I can not wait to read more books by the author. The book was written really well and kept me turning pages untill the very end. I enjoyed this book and would recommend this to any reader who loves historical fiction or military fiction. Thank you to NetGalley and Harper for this book in exchange of my honest review of Sharpe's Command by Bernard Cornwell.

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Sharpe's Command is the fourteenth in the series.

As this episode opens, Sharpe has been a soldier for nineteen years, since he was sixteen. He's 'fought in Flanders, India, Portugal and now Spain.' In May 1812 he's a rifleman and a Major. As always, Irish Sergeant Patrick Harper has his back.

Wellington has sent Sharpe and his fifteen men far behind enemy lines, to a remote village high above the critical Almaraz pontoon bridge, which separates two French armies. If they meet, they'll outnumber Wellington's forces three to one. Sharpe's wife, tough partisan leader Teresa Moreno, meets Sharpe there, in the nick of time.

Against enormous odds, they save the day - because 'rifles and riflemen could make the hopeless possible.'

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Bernard Cornwell is one of my favorites lately. So I am devouring all of his work. Another fantastic book!!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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Bernard Cornwell's Richard Sharpe is a sure-bet. Cornwell's grasp of the time period is strong, his writing is entertaining as ever. His storytelling is never disappointing and new and newly introduced characters are gripping. Still more important to me as a long time reader, his characters age, change, mature, and continue to surprise.

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Ah! Richard Sharpe!

Major Richard Sharpe has been ordered to meet with some Spanish Partisans, give them gold and rifles, and verify the situation at the approach to the French forts, Fort Napoleon and Fort Ragusa, guarding the pontoon bridge across the River Tagus. A strategic bridge because the River Tagus divides the western part of the Spanish Peninsula.
Sharpe’s to do so quietly, bring no attention to himself.
Of course things don’t go to plan. The partisan leader, El Héroe is a bully playing both sides, and the French become aware of the British (Well they have been sold out by El Héroe!)
Lady Teresa, La Aguja, Richard’s wife, arrives to fight alongside Richard. I so adore this woman. She and Richard understand each other. They’re simpatico personified. They accept each other’s flaws and encourage each other’s strengths.
A mighty battle will be engaged. Richard will do what he hates, and all will be well.
Another episode in the unassuming, yet highly effective, Richard Shape saga.
Who doesn’t love the rogue underdog hero!

A Harper ARC via NetGalley.
Many thanks to the author and publisher.
(Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)

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Another outstanding story in the Sharpe saga. I have read (and re-read) all of the series and can honestly say, they have never disappointed me. The books are full of action and intrigue and will keep you rooting for Sharpe. I found this book hard to put down till I was able to finish it.
If you're looking for a new series, this is the series and author to read!

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Bernard Cornwell's Sharpe's Command immerses readers in the tumultuous world of Britain's peninsular wars through the eyes of the iconic hero, Richard Sharpe. Set in 1812, the novel follows Sharpe on a daring mission to disrupt French forces at Almaraz, showcasing his bravery and cunning amidst the chaos of battle. While the book occasionally stumbles with continuity errors, its meticulous attention to historical detail and vibrant characterizations, including familiar faces like Sergeant Harper and new adversaries like the Spanish partisan El Hero, ensure an engaging read. Cornwell's prose vividly captures the sights and sounds of the battlefield, drawing readers into Sharpe's world of intrigue and danger. Sharpe's Command stands as a worthy addition to the series, offering fans the action, intrigue, and wit they've come to expect, while leaving them eagerly anticipating Sharpe's next adventure.

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Bernard Cornwell is an amazing writer – I have devoured so many of his novels that I was looking forward to reading Sharpe’s Command. I had a tough time getting into it, though, and I believe that is because this was my first Sharpe book. The novel takes place in Spain in 1812 and I like the camaraderie between the men. The battles are skillfully written but I felt like I was missing some backstory coming into this series with the most recent book rather than starting at the beginning of the series. I’ve already purchased the first book in the series so that I can catch up with this likeable band of brothers!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this eARC courtesy of Netgalley and Harper Collins. I was thrilled because this series is one of my top five favorites!

The events occur in Spain mid-1812, specifically Almaraz. Two of Napoleon's armies are in the north and south of Spain. Wellington intends to block the joining of their forces by ordering the strategic destruction of certain bridges. Things pretty much go according to plan, and this brings the battle to Almaraz and the French-occupied fortresses on each of the banks of the Tagus River.

The raid on Almaraz was excellently written, although Bernard Cornwell's battle scenes usually are. The allies utilized an escalade on the fort's walls, and the details made everything stand out vividly. His battles are absolutely riveting and beyond compare.

The characterization was terrific as well. I love Sharpe and Patrick. They're great together. And since this book went back to the timeframe in between the battles of Badajoz and Salamanca, a lot of the Riflemen, etc. were present in this story that died later on in the series. It was great having them all back!

Last but not least, the dialogue was even better than usual. It's almost as if the author was having fun with the character interactions. Some of the conversations and comments, particularly those involving Patrick, Major Hogan, Theresa and Sharpe, gave me the giggles. He writes each character's words in a distinct way, and I can almost hear them in my mind. He's very skilled in that department.

This did have a few minor technical flaws, but this is the unedited and unpublished story. The book will be up to the usual standards once these two things have been done. I've got to say that I enjoyed this tremendously. I will read anything in this series that Cornwell writes. Going by his comment in the author note, Sharpe and Richard will march again!

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