Member Reviews

Another Good Night Moon parody - this one pokes fun at the horrors of menopause, and ends on a happy note with a look at how wonderful life can be without a monthly visit from Aunt Flo. This would be a nice gift for anyone caught in the throes, as it serves to remind us that, indeed, the best years are yet to come.

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Hilarious! Goodnight moon was a favorite read when my kiddos were little and now Goodnight Night Sweats is great for when that time comes.

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I had to buy this one for my own personal collection. I was in tears from laughter throughout the whole book because I could relate so much to it. I will be gifting this to all my friends for their birthdays this coming year. Amazing job!!

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I received at complementary ARC of this book from NetGalley on behalf of the author and the publisher.
This is a cute book for anyone who is entering or in menopause. It's set up similar to the classic children's book Good Night Moon. It has a lot of illustrations, and the rhyming is on point for the topic of night sweats.

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Goodnight Night Sweats by Haut Flasch and Mina Pauze is a cute and fun way to read about the different aspects of menopause. It introduces the changes that naturally happen and occur in a way that’s easy to talk about. A few of the women in my life are reaching that age, and this is a great way to learn about more than just the night sweats and hot flashes, and know how one can maybe talk about it with the women in their life.

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This was a pretty funny parody of Goodnight Moon, which is one of my favorite children's book (along with Rainbow Fish). Anyone who's dealt with hormones will get a kick out of this. I really enjoyed the book and the artwork kept my interest.

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So funny and relatable! I love how this book takes a children's classic and turns it into a laugh out loud funny book about one of life's biggest changes for a human.

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Every post menopausal woman needs this book in hardcopy!

Good Night Sweats, a "hot" take on the children's classic, Goodnight Moon, by Haut Flasch & Mina Pause (aka Brenda Bowen and Jessie Hartland), had me laughing so loud my husband leaned out the door of the office to see if I was laughing or wheezing. Any woman who has taken the menopause journey will read this with delight as the proclamations of getting over the first stages of hitting menopause turn into what we become grateful for in this next stage of life. As we look back at those pictures of who we were and now make new pictures of who we are and accept our sags and grays and rounded bellies.

The illustrations are packed with fun little tributes to the life of the woman transitioning from ovulator to permanently closed sign. The cat was a welcome companion. That boat did me in with its hilarity.

I liked this book so much I would buy it for myself!

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Goodnight Night Sweats is a hilarious adult homage to Goodnight Moon, with the target audience being ladies going thru perimenopause and menopause. I am the target audience for this and I loved it! The artwork is colorful and whimsical. We need more books like this to discuss something 50% of the population goes thru yet it’s shrouded in secrecy, hopefully my Gen X and Xennial generations can change this cultural taboo.

I definitely recommend this to women aged 35 and above with a sense of humor.

Thanks to the authors and publisher for the e-arc I received in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Zando for the e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This book is utter perfection! I loved reading Goodnight Moon as a kid, and this is now my favorite adult version. I was cracking up while reading and lost it when I read, “And a middle-aged lady who’s yelling, if I wake up drenched in sweat again tonight, I swear to God I will kill someone.” Night sweats are no joke!

As soon as this book releases…I’m buying one for ALL of my girlfriends!!

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I love books like this. A great idea and a bit of fun.. but it's sooo short! So short that I honestly thought I was missing at least half the book and went to double check. Women empowering women 🫶

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Thank you for the EArc. For all my ladies going through this life change this is a hoot. The text and illustrations are so true and so cute. Perfect little gift for any woman in your life dealing with this next phase of womanhood.

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This was absolutely hilarious and I highly recommend it as a gift book for anyone within shouting range of menopause. The satire was spot on, and the jokes followed the pattern from the original (you'll see when you read it).
Please read this if you are going through menopause, if you have already, if you love someone who has...
Thanks so much to NetGalley for letting me read this

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Book 180 of 200 ~ 2023


This is bloody brilliant. Done in the style of a kid's picture book, I resonated with most of the book as I suspect I am peri-menopausal early on due to my various treatments the past almost 14 years.

Told in a smart and witty way, I highly recommend this cleverly done book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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(Review will be edited for all social media and retail platforms and live April 2024)
What a hilarious parody this is! For those of you who have been following Give Peas a Chance since my first lunch post in 2007 . For my oldest child who is now a full-on (young) adult by the way, yikes! Some of you were young mothers like I was and I loved learning from you all. Sharing lunches, recipes, and crafts, mostly on my Facebook page. We used to pack lunches in the morning and tuck our kids in at night and recite (because by the fifth time it was requested I know you memorized it) Goodnight Moon before kissing those babies. Now here we are. If you're anything like me your body is a vile betrayer and doing all sorts of wrong things, at the wrong times, for no reason at all. Well, to you all I raise a glass in solidarity and present to you:

Goodnight Night Sweats
A Parody for the Menopausal (and their Perimenopausal Friends)
by Haut Flasch and Mina Pauze (Brenda Bowen and Jessie Hartland)

I laughed. I groaned. I may have had a hot flash in between. Who among us was fully prepared for this stage in our lives? Not I! I heard of night sweats... did you know that they also come DURING THE DAY!? Why am I constantly sweating? Who turned the heat on in here!? Are you SURE I'm not premenopausal, doc? Surely there is SOMETHING you can do for me? I hope you ladies have a tribe that you can grumble to about all the trials of menopause AND celebrate all the freedoms that come with it together!

Grab a copy of this for all of your girlfriends and let's celebrate our hard-won battle scars (after this hot flash passes!), toss our silver manes of wisdom, and walk proudly into this new season of life together.

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did.

I received this book from NetGalley and Zando Publishing for this review. I was under no obligation to give a positive review. All opinions are on my own. I am disclosing this per the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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I received an arc of this title from NetGalley for an honest review. A hysterical parody book about menopause and the night sweats.

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Hysterical book about menopause that approaches it like a parody of Good Night Moon. I literally laughed out loud a few times.

Thank you Netgalley and Zando for the ARC!

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This is a really cute book that seeks to normalize a subject that is often taboo. Yes, menopause brings a lot of negatives (OMG the mood swings and night sweats, uggghhh!) But there are some good things that coincide with it! This would make a fun gift.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

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This book is a laugh-out-loud parody of Goodnight Moon. While it runs through the normal menopause stereotypes / symptoms (hot sweats, mood swings et al) it is ultimately celebratory and empowering, as well as very funny. My friends and I are heading into that stage of life and I think this picture book for grown-ups will make a perfect gift for the 50th birthday parties that will be coming up in the next couple of years. The illustrations are perfect. Such fun.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the e-Arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I am not in the menopause, but I couldn't resist this book. The title just sounded fun + we definitely need more books to normalise the menopause, hopefully by the time I get there we got more books like this so I can read more about it. In this book we meet a woman who is in menopause and learn about the good of menopause (no more cramps, no more bleeding, no more need to dye your hair (ha, I think I would start dyeing my hair at that age)) and the bad (sweats, not sleeping, sadness about losing who you were before). It was a really fun read and I love how it got more positive with each page. The illustrations were also a lot of fun! All in all, a fun/nice book about the menopause.

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