Member Reviews

I sped through this one like A-Train through Robin (too soon?).

This is a collection of essays and reflections from professors to pop culture commentators on the absolutely mindf*ckery that is the Amazon Prime TV series The Boys.

Some essays were more engaging than others, but overall, I really enjoyed it. I've been obsessed with The Boys since it came out in 2019 and so many of the essays left me contemplating how in the world I had missed that or snapping in agreement (the essays on masculinity and race in particular were excellent).

The only thing that stopped this from being a five-star read is how disjointed some essays felt. I don't mean that the essay was poorly written or could've seen another round of editing; instead, I mean that some of the essays felt separate from the rest of the collection. There were a few essays that felt more like fandom studies (it's a real academic discipline, people!) while the majority were cerebral commentaries on capitalism, Amazon as a monopolizing corporate entertainer making a show about a company that is a monopolizing corporate entertainer, race, gender, politics, and even sociology. I'm not saying fandom studies isn't a serious academic topic, it is- but it felt like a sidebar sandwiched between an essay on Solider Boy, Homelander, and toxic masculinity and the role of race in The Seven. A few essays looked at Kripke's other major success- raise you hand if you also went through a life-or-death stage of Supernatural fangirling- but most tied back to these very real, very serious themes and ideologies explored in the TV show.

Overall- I highly recommend this if you're a fan of The Boys and looking for a profound look into the nuances of the storytelling and the cerebral themes within it.

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Supes Ain't Always Heroes
Written by Various
Read by Joe Hempel
Book 279/200
Genre: Nonfiction, Superhero, TV
Format: Audio/Digital, ARC
Pages/Time: 240/9hr 9min
Published: 2023
Rating: 8.5/10
Narration: 8/10

The Boys is the best show on Prime Video right now. This is especially ironic considering it lampoons the idea of a mega-corporation, similar to Amazon, owning and selling superpowers. Supes Ain't Always Heroes details the complex psychology of the characters of the series, regular human and supe alike.

This was a fun read. The analysis of Butcher, Homelander, Hughie, and more by real psychologists allowed me to really gain a greater understanding of and appreciation for these characters. And interviews with the cast really shows what the actors put into their performance. This is a super interesting read for any fan of the impeccable show!

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This was a hard boom for get through for me personally. It’s a very bleak but intensive study of the characters of the boys, including interviews with the actors themselves about how they feel about the mindsets of the characters and how they used different techniques to embody those aspects of the characters, which all sounds interesting but it’s just really depressing to me. I understand that in the storyline, people die, horrible things happen, and ultimately the evil mega corporation always seems to be one step ahead of any of the good guys, but the levels of darkness and despair they so called good guys often sink to makes them little better than the bad guys. Good intentions only count for so much when there is no line in the sand. Granted, the villains , who masquerade as super heroes, are driven by insatiable desire for power and wealth, whereas the Boys are trying to avenge murdered loved ones and heal their own mental illnesses with closure, but the over the top violence, corruption and sexuality really gets old fast and is very overwhelming from anyone who actually suffers from depression or anxiety. Trigger warning for the show and the book, just probably not the best fit for me.

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I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

As a massive fan of The Boys (both comic and tv show) this was a very interesting look at the mentality of each character. I really enjoyed this book and it has made me want to go back over everything with a different outlook.

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This book came to me just at the right time. I was late to the game of discovering The Boys and just finished season 3. The Boys is not your run-of-the-mill superhero show. It’s dark and sometimes painful to watch but it’s also fascinating and thought-provoking. Supes Ain’t Always Heroes gives a glimpse of why the characters make the choices they do and gives some understanding of how their respective pasts have led them to where they are now. The book includes short interviews that provide even more insight into the show and its characters. I would have liked a bit more depth and insight into the women of The Boys. However, I found the deeper dive into toxic masculinity fascinating. A great book to use as a catalyst for discussion!

Thanks to NetGalley and Smart Pop for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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I really enjoyed books like this that talk about the psychology of shows and other characters. I enjoyed the look at the Boys and it worked with everything that I enjoy about this topic. Lynn Zubernis and Matthew Snyder do a great job in writing this and keeping me invested.

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This book was excellent. Lynn, Matthew and the contributors did an amazing job delving into the world of The Boys. I had high hopes for this book from the moment I saw it announced. I have read Lynn's previous work and always greatly enjoy it. This book blew away my high exceptions. The insights into the world of The Boys and great interviews made my unable to sit down this book down until I finished. My favorite sections of this book were about Solider Boy, the interview with Jensen Ackles and interview with Jim Beaver. I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Thanks to Netgalley for a copy for an honest review

I found ‘supes Ain’t Always Hero’ an interesting read. I would recommend reading it.

Rating: Three 1/2 Stars
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2

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