Member Reviews
This book was a good read but not one of my favorites by this author. There were great ups and downs with some good twists that kept you engaged but I was not completely drawn into the characters this time. 100% could be a Me thing!
Love Grudge offers a fun and refreshing spin on the classic Romeo and Juliet story, with a thrilling motorcycle club backdrop that adds an exciting edge to the familiar tale of feuding families and forbidden love. Going into it, I expected a tragic outcome, but the story only shares similarities with Romeo and Juliet in terms of the rivalry between families and the star-crossed romance.
The main characters, Romeo and Julianna, had great chemistry, and their romance felt authentic and gradual, avoiding the rushed or forced dynamic that can sometimes plague such stories. I appreciated their connection and enjoyed watching their relationship unfold.
My only real complaint is that the middle of the book felt a bit slow, especially when compared to the fast-paced beginning and the satisfying, action-packed conclusion. This made the reading experience drag a little for me in the middle, which is why it took me longer to get through. However, overall, Love Grudge is a cute and entertaining read that kept me hooked, and I’d recommend it to anyone looking for a light-hearted, modern twist on a classic romance.
This is the first book in this series and it started out with a bang. I couldn't put the book down. I can't wait to read the next book that Chantal releases. You don't want to pass this book up.
I have been a fan of Chantal Fernando for like 10 years now. Every single one of her novels have been amazing for me, and this novel didn’t disappoint. Her writing has matured and grown so much since I started to read her books and it really showed with this one. It was wildly entertaining and I couldn’t put it down.
Spicy, dark, and sexy! Love Grudge takes the classic Romeo and Juliet and flips it on its head for an interesting take that is fresh and fun.
thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.
This is the first book in Chantel’s new series and I must say, it did not disappoint! I couldn’t put this book down and can’t wait to read the next in the series.
I didn’t feel any chemistry between the main characters.I kept reading to see if their first intimate scene had any chemistry, but it fell flat for me. Highlight to see spoiler! [Also, the fact that Romeo was hooking up with Julianna’s sister not that long before they had a moment felt very icky to me.] The concept was interesting with the rival motorcycle clubs and how they began. There was just nothing to keep that hooked me to continue reading.
Johnny "Romeo" and Julianna meet after a funeral and broken down car. Romeo is positioned to take over as President of the Devils MC. Julianna is promised to another man that she doesn't love and is the President of the Angels MC's daughter. The two clubs are on a collision course for war. Romeo is determined to have Julianna for his own. The club comes first but it gets lonely at the top. Julianna can't take over the Angels MC because she's a woman so she's willing to fight for love. These two are dynamic characters with grit. A good read and new mc series.
I received a copy of this book via Netgalley.
I love a good twist and retelling of the classics. Chantal Fernando’s take on Romeo & Juliette is fresh and inspiring. I found myself wanting to take my time as to make the story last as long as possible.
My first read by this author and I’m a loyal fan!
MC reads are my jam and this series is off to a great start.
This was a captivating and intriguing story reinterpreting the story of Romeo and Juliet!
Well well, this author introduced some unexpected surprises and twists that made this read a unique and compelling romance.
Well paced, intense, and exciting I really enjoyed everything about this read and what direction evolved as rival motorcycle clubs are at war.
What happens and who leads the pack had me glued to the pages.
I cannot wait to discover what happens next and how it all ends!
4 1/2 stars
I do love a good MC romance and Love Grudge definitely delivers just that. It's somewhat of a "Romeo and Juliet story" in that the heads of two opposing MC's have children set to take over who have secretly met and fallen in love. Obviously, it's clearly going to cause major issues if they try to be together for the long-term. What follows is a great deal of drama and at least one twist I didn't see coming (which I love). It's a solidly written story with well-developed characters and it drew me in. When it's a story I want to keep reading so I know how it ends, that's the sign of a good book.
I look forward to the next book in the series and hope it lives up to the bar that the author has set with this one. Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC. I chose to read and review it and the opinions contained within are my own.
Romeo is a soon-to-be Prez of the Devil’s MC and knows exactly where his life will take him. Julianna is a Princess of the Angels MC and has worked hard to be the rock behind it. Romeo and Julianna were never to be together but sometimes the devil seeks out his angel. Throw in lots of family drama and the hothead of MC. You get a great remake of Romeo and Juliette MC style. Fernando’s New World building is fabulous, I hope for lots of future stories to come in this series.
So excited for this new MC series from Chantal! Johnny is taking his place as president of his family’s MC, something he has always wanted his whole life but understands how much of an uphill battle it will be. Everything changes when he escorts his grandfather to the funeral of his ex-best friend and rival MC president, and he meets Julianna, the princess of that MC, and the sparks instantly fly. Julianna has grown up in the MC world but has always wanted to be taken like one of the guys because of her contributions to the various businesses. Her father is the president of the MC and has promised her to his second-in-command, and she is not happy about it. Johnny and Julianna decide to start seeing each other in secret because they wanted to see if there was something to those initial sparks, and it unravels a story about their grandparents that blew my mind! This was such a fun spin on a typical storyline of Romeo and Juliette, and the MC take on it added to the enjoyment I had reading it. I was on the edge of my seat reading this even though it’s a rather typical story line, which made me really love it even more and is a testament to Chantal’s writing.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
I was given this incredible ARC for an honest review: I want to Thank You Author Chantal Fernando and Netgalley for allowing me to immerse myself in this incredible world of the MC Life once again. This story was so fresh and new The characters in this story are so mesmerizing. Julianna And Romeo will get your motor running HOT! "She's as walking red flag, yet all I can see is a carnival. 5 Stars
La nouvelle série de Chantal Fernando "Angels & Devils MC" propose une réécriture (ou retrelling en VO mais le mot existe en français, hein?) de "Roméo et Juliette" puisque nos deux héros sont les héritiers de deux clubs de bikers ennemis. Mais évidemment, lorsqu'ils se rencontrent, l'alchimie est là, ils sont attirés l'un par l'autre et ils vont devoir se battre contre tous pour imposer leur amour : y arriveront-ils? Comme toujours, on tourne les pages avec plaisir et on a déjà hâte de lire le prochain.
Mon avis : Comme je vous l'ai dit, j'ai beaucoup aimé cette histoire de deux MC rivaux qui ont pourtant une origine commune (que je vous laisse découvrir) Johnny "Romeo" Montanna est censé prendre la succession de son père et devenir le président des Devils. Quant à Julianna Callisto, elle est la fille aînée du président des Angels MC et même si elle veut devenir l'héritière et la présidente de son club, son père ne l'entend pas ainsi : pour lui, seul un homme peut diriger le club et depuis toujours, elle sait qu'elle devra épouser celui qu'il aura formé pour. Mais voilà, non seulement elle ne l'apprécie pas mais en plus, lors des funérailles de son grand-père, elle rencontre Johnny et est irrémédiablement attirée par lui, tout comme lui, l'est par elle. Mais leur histoire est impossible : trop de haine entre leurs deux familles depuis deux générations mais surtout, chacun connaît son devoir : comment alors concilier et résister à cette attirance? Quand Julianna est menacée, tous deux vont devoir trouver un moyen pour contrer ce que l'on attend d'eux depuis toujours, vu qu'ils ne semblent pas vouloir renoncer l'un à l'autre. Mais quand on vit dans deux clubs rivaux, la mort et le danger planent sur tous et des secrets pourraient bien émerger, sans que personne ne s'y attende.
Comme je l'ai dit, chaque fois que je lis un roman de Chantal Fernando, je suis prise dans l'histoire et ai envie de tourner les pages. Romeo est le sosie de son grand-père (et de celui de Shakespeare ^^ ) et c'est un homme intègre : il a des valeurs, peut se montrer intraitable. Avant Julianna il enchaînait les conquêtes mais ne promettait jamais rien d'officiel. Il est fils unique (contrairement à la jeune femme qui a deux soeurs) mais s'entend très bien avec ses cousins River et Mattew qu'il adore (comme dans la pièce d'origine) En revanche, le jour où il rencontre Julianna, il change du tout au tout mais jamais ne néglige ce pour quoi il a été élevé. Il sait qu'il doit trouver un moyen pour ne pas perdre la face devant ses hommes et sa famille (sa grand-mère étant la plus haineuse contre le club ennemi) et garder la femme qu'il aime : bref, un type qui sait ce qu'il veut et l'on comprend pourquoi elle ne peut craquer car elle est son alter ego.
En tant qu'aînée la fratrie, Julianna a toujours su qu'un jour elle devrait épouser l'homme que son père aurait choisi pour elle mais c'est une femme moderne, brillante et à la répartie acérée. Elle sait ce qu'elle veut et elle veut prendre les commandes des Angels MC. Mais c'est un monde d'hommes et son père, tout comme sa mère avant elle, refusent. Seule sa grand-mère lui apporte son soutien. Quant à l'homme, Victor, que son père lui a désigné, elle ne peut le souffrir et plus elle le connaît, moins, c'est le cas. Fort heureusement, elle va croiser la route de Johnny, aka Romeo et tous deux, tels les héros de Shakespeare, vont s'unir et faire preuve d'une volonté sans faille. J'ai beaucoup aimé cette jeune femme qui évolue dans un univers d'hommes mais qui sait se faire respecter malgré le modèle de sa mère, femme soumise, et de ses soeurs particulières (je vous les laisse découvrir) Elle est brillante et permet au club d'avoir de l'argent. J'ai beaucoup aimé sa façon de tenir tête à ces hommes bourrés de testostérones.
Il y a des personnages secondaires que j'ai beaucoup appréciés, autant que j'en ai détesté certains. River, le cousin et vice-président de Romeo est un être à la fois humain et sombre. J'ai adoré son frère jumeau, lumineux mais... J'ai aimé aussi la cousine de la jeune femme, Bella (ce seront les héros du prochain tome) mais aussi Damon, (tiens, tiens, on avait croisé un personnage nommé ainsi dans sa première série "les Wind Dragons" : est-ce le même?) et espère qu'il aura son histoire. Je ne parlerai pas des dangers qui planent sur nos héros et qui pourraient devenir un fil conducteur dans la trilogie. À vous de les découvrir.
Enfin, la littéraire que je suis est ravie des nombreux clins d'oeil à Roméo et Juliette, même les plus tristes : fort heureusement, à la différence de la pièce de Shakespeare, nous avons droit à un happy end.
Bref, c'est un bon première tome et j'ai déjà hâte d'être en juin pour lire "Love Betrayal" sur River et Bella.
Good story a little slow pace. It did have good spice and the character development was really good. Would like to see a longer was left feeling like I wanted just a little bit more however I like everything wrapped up in a perfect bow
LOVE GRUDGE is the first instalment in Chantal Fernando’s contemporary, adult ANGELS AND DEMONS dark, erotic, MC romance series. This is the new Devils MC president Johnny ‘Romeo’ Montanna, and Angels MC princess Julianna Callistos’ story line, a modern day Romeo and Juliet retelling.
NOTE: Due to the nature of the story line premise, there may be trigger for more sensitive readers.
Told from dual first person perspectives (Romeo and Julianna) LOVE GRUDGE follows the building but forbidden relationship between our story line couple. Johnny ‘Romeo’ Montanna is about to step up to the mantle of the Devils MC president, a position long held by the first born sons in his family but Romeo never thought he would meet his Juliet in Julianna Callistos, the only child and daughter of Angels MC president Paulie Callistos, and the Devils MC closest enemy. As a woman, Julianna is unable to assume the position as president, and she has been betrothed to a man she does not love. Falling in love with the enemy means a potential war on the horizon, a war that has been building for many years. What ensues is the building romance and relationship between Julianna and Romeo, and the potential fall-out as both MCs must come to terms with sins of the past.
The world building reveals the backstory and hatred between the Devils MC and the Angels MC. Once a single entity, love and threats of destruction broke apart the MC, and in the years to follow, a cool détente ensued.
The relationship between Julianna and Romeo begins by accident. A funeral, a broken-down car, and our couple found themselves caught in the pull of attraction and love. Knowing Julianna was promised to another man, Romeo is determined to claim our heroine as his own but in doing so set into motion a potential war. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate.
We are introduced to several members of both the Devils MC And the Angels MC including family, friends, and enemies. Not everyone will survive.
LOVE GRUDGE is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, obsession and murder, acceptance and love The premise is captivating and entertaining; the romance is seductive and fated the characters are determined and charismatic.
B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe)
Ibooks (Sandy Sch) posted
GOOGLE PLAY (Sandy sch) posted
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book (given by the author)...
I was already intrigued by the Romeo and Juliet vibe right from the synopsis and I wasn’t disappointed.
Julianna is a strong female character who knows what she wants but mostly what she doesn’t want and that’s to be married to Victor, her assigned groom. She knew her time was running out and she had to stall/cancel the nuptials pronto. Which leads us to Johnny our loyal playboy who has no time for relationships and focuses only on hookups that is until his world is rocked by Julianna.
As always, I was kept on my toes while watching their story unfold and of course there is a plot twist.
I can’t wait to see what lies ahead in this series.
More review to come.
Chantal Fernando is my automatic buy, I absolutely love her books. This one reminded me of her wind dragons series; if you liked them, you will love this new book. An enemies to lovers book, well families. Romeo got his name honestly, he loves women!! And his MC. Both Romeo and Julianna, come together to see if they can fix the problems between the two MC’s; plus they really like each other. There is a lot of drama in this one. Secrets that cannot stay secrets!! When lies come to light and deception that can hurt both families, will Romeo and Julianna be able to weather the storm together? A new spin on Romeo and Juliet, I couldn’t put down ❤️. My top read of 2023