Cover Image: Moonflower: Vampires of Los Angeles

Moonflower: Vampires of Los Angeles

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Unfortunately, this book was not for me. I really was intrigued by its description, but I felt that the book was either moving too slow or too fast, the characters were average and left me wanting more.

I didn’t like the formatting as the chapters all blended in together.

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This novel had me completely engrossed from start to finish. Sonia, the main character, captivated me, and I appreciated the strong emphasis on the plot throughout the story. The complexities of the various storylines were skillfully navigated, and while they found resolution by the end, it's clear that there's a rich world beneath the surface waiting to be explored further. Unlike my usual aversion to unresolved conflicts solely for the sake of sequels, I found the resolution in this book satisfying. It addressed the immediate issues while cleverly hinting at potential complications down the line. Surprisingly, the relationships in the novel, including a typically disliked love triangle, were handled with finesse, adding an unexpected layer of enjoyment.
If you're intrigued by the concept of modern-day vampires, I highly recommend giving this book a read. It manages to balance a compelling plot, well-developed characters, and a touch of romantic complexity, making it a worthwhile choice for those interested in the genre.

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This book Is a little slow at the beginning, but once you get past that, it's got an interesting plot, and a different twist to the vampire lore than usual. This book is definitely working on building the world, and is nice in that it doesn't have a main character who's destined to save the world due to some magical power that outpaces every other possible character (at least not yet). There's more to her than meets the eye, clearly, and the author hints at things that will clearly come out in future installments in the series. All in all, interesting thus far, and I'm curious to see where the story will go.

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I really struggled to read this book because of the formatting issues. The chapter placing was all over the place when I was trying to read on kindle. I did not finish this book.

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Sonia, a 250-year-old Australian vampire, thought she had found peace in the quiet neighborhood of Whitley Heights, Hollywood.

I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about this one, but I ended up liking it quite a bit. Sonia is an interesting protagonist that I enjoyed following.

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I absolutely adore the cover of this book. It is visually stunning and immediately drew me in. The design perfectly captures the essence of the story and creates a sense of intrigue.

As for the story itself, I found it to be okay. While it had its moments, I must admit that I am not the biggest fan of the vampire theme in this particular book. However, I understand that personal preferences vary, and there are many readers who enjoy vampire-related plots like that.

What stood out to me about this book is its strong focus on the plot. The story is intricately woven, with twists and turns that kept me engaged and eager to uncover what would happen next. It is evident that a lot of thought went into crafting a compelling narrative.

Overall, while the vampire aspect may not have been my cup of tea, I appreciate the effort put into creating a well-developed plot. The cover alone makes it worth picking up, and for those who enjoy vampire-themed stories, this book will likely be a great fit.

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I did not think this book lived up to 'leaving you breathless'. I lost interest really quick and found out it was not my style with the lack luster characters and storyline.

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DNF at 20%

There’s a whole lot of information thrown at you and I quickly lost interest. Not only learning about vampires and the hierarchy, but background info on Sonia, Sunny, the other vampires, world history. Just way too much going on.

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Not my style. I just couldn't get into the world, the MC, or the romance between the characters. The writing style was also just not for me and so given those factors it was a DNF for me at about 25%. Lovely premise and I had high expenctations for it but just not my cup of tea althought I would be open to reading something else by this author in the future.

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A huge thank you to the author and Netgalley for providing this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book drew me in from the concept - vampires operating in Los Angeles? Color me intrigued. And to be honest, I was hooked the entire novel. I really enjoyed our main character Sonia, and I appreciated how this was definitely more of a plot-related story than simply a “sexy vampire” story. (Not that there’s anything wrong with those! They just tend to not be my cup of tea.)

I’m unsure how to describe this book, but honestly reading this felt like I was almost playing Vampire: The Masquerade - and I mean that in a complimentary way. I really liked how as we (as Sonia) were investigating the disappearances of other vampires, we traveled around to learn more about the world of the vampires living in Los Angeles, as well as the rest of the world. I also liked how as she was investigating, she kept running into more and more issues - as well as danger - trying to force her away from the answers she’s finding.

The storylines in this novel were complex, and while they were “solved” by the end, you can tell there is a lot going on beneath the surface of this world to be explored further. I personally hate when books don’t solve the problem they have just to force sequels, but I really like it when the problem is “solved” but you can tell it will cause more issues down the line.

I was also surprised how much I enjoyed the relationships in this novel. Generally, I’m not the biggest fan of any kind of love triangles, but I believe this book does the one it has well. (To the point it’s not even a love triangle, but each character has a different relationship dynamic with each other.) I will admit to not being that interested or liking Sunny that much at the beginning of this novel, and was almost dreading him becoming more of a player character - but he surprised me, and he wound up being one of my favorites.

Overall, I would really recommend this book if the idea of modern-day vampires interests you, but you wanted them to focus on living their lives, as well as fighting with the main establishment that they operate under. If you prefer your vampire stories focused more on the political aspect, with some romance and relationships thrown in, then this would be a good book to grab.

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Loved reading the exciting and engaging paranormal story. When Sonia's friend, Sunny, is attacked by a monster, she rushes to save Sunny's life, didn't think anything could do this much damage to a vampire, and wants her human friend, Alex, to be safe. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and riveting story full of mystery and intrigue. Can't wait to read the next story in the series!

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Congrats on this debut novel! Overall, I enjoyed this book! I really appreciated the glossary type pages at the beginning, it was a great reference for specifics throughout the novel. I did notice on page 27 there was an instance of “Sonny” written where everywhere else it was “Sunny”. This was on the Ebook on NetGalley. There were a lot of characters that I wish I could have known more about. I struggled to connect with Sonia a little bit, but I enjoyed her character! A solid first book and I would definitely read the second one! I think it started out a little slow but ended up being pretty captivating as the plot progressed! Thank you for the opportunity to read this!

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This was just an ok read for me. What drew me in was the cover and topic. This book had very good potential, but jut fell a little flat for me. A bit of an overload of information at the beginning which lost my attention.
I would like to thank NetGalley and Xpresso Book Tours for the chace to read this e-arc in return for my honest review. 3 star

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I thought this sounded really interesting, so I requested it. I must admit that the first few chapters weren’t exceptionally riveting, but I stuck with it because first books in a series can be more difficult to set up. I’m glad I did. Once everyone was on the page, and we learn more about the world, the plot got more interesting and engaging. The writing was excellent, but there was maybe a little too much description…more of a preference than a problem. I was invested enough that it kept me reading until the end. 3 ½ starts rounded up to 4. Recommend. I was provided a complimentary copy which I voluntarily reviewed.

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Moonflower: Vampires of Los Angeles by Heather Ewen-Foster was a fun and exciting story.
A very intriguing urban fantasy that I honestly devoured. Heather’s suspenseful tale immerses you in a world of danger, romance, and mythical creatures. This was a great adventure that I really wished was a bit longer.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Xpresso Book Tours for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this ARC. This book starts off very fast past, it quickly brings you into the story and makes you wonder what is going to happen next. .
However, my biggest complaint is I would have appreciated a little more background on the world, and the characters.
The author portrays some sort of bad history on the part of the main character “Sonia” but never finishes the thought. Leaving me wondering her origin story. I would have loved more. Additionally, I’d love kore details on Alex, and his former lover.
However I really appreciated the mystery, and the romance. It’s pretty basic, good guys win, bad guys loose, but it’s a fun twist throughout.
I’m not sure if the author planns to write another book to follow this, but i hope she does because I feel as if a lot of questions were left unanswered.

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Moonflower is an interesting one - it is absolutely brimming with potential and I do think the author shows promise but Moonflower just didn’t pack a punch for me.

I was expecting an action packed urban fantasy with a murder mystery twist and while that does seem to be what the author was angling for, in reality Moonflower dragged and left me bored with a very predictable plot and unengaging characters. For me there were 3 big areas where Moonflower fell flat; plot, character development, and pacing. If there are issues with just one or two of these then it’s not the end of the world e.g. poor characters can be overlooked if the plot is engaging and it’s a fast paced page turner. But when all three are weak it turns the read into a bit of a slog.

Plot: I kept expecting a twist, an unexpected development, some shocking turn of events but everything played out almost exactly as I would have predicted and honestly some of the explanations were just plain boring. I wanted more complex vampire political intrigue or some earth shattering reveals and I just didn’t get that.

Characters: I did like our FMC and I actually think the whispers of her background was well done. Characters really fell down when it came to the side characters who all just felt very one dimensional. Even our love interest - he just seemed so bland I couldn’t get myself to care about him (which then made Sonia’s interest in him less believable and interesting)

Pacing: This was slow and the action scenes were honestly a bit boring. I will be the first one to say I rarely find action scenes interesting so that’s very much a personal preference point. The overall pacing of the book was slow though and while it did amp up a little in the last quarter even then it was still on the slower side. I think for a novel with this sort of premise you’re expecting fast paced so for me this slower read really didn’t fit.

Overall, I honestly think Ewen-Foster has potential as I loved the concept of this novel and I think the world she’s created is really interesting. I also think that with a bit more finessing and thought Moonflower could have been a really gripping novel but it just didn’t feel polished up. I will be keeping an eye on anything else she puts out in the future though as Moonflower showed a lot of promise.

Thank you to NetGalley and Ewen-Foster for an E-ARC

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I unfortunately had to DNF this book. I kept picking it up to read and quickly found myself losing attention. I liked the synopsis and the concept of the book but I just wasn't drawn to it enough to finish. I really wanted to like this one but it was a miss for me.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The cover and description drew me to ask for this ARC. Unfortunately, the reality is disappointing.

At the beginning the author spends an undue amount of giving information about the characters instead of drawing the reader's attention to the plot itself. Therefore, my attention began to wander.

I thank Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to read this ARC. It just wasn't for me.

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If you like a lot of action with suspense and twists, where the good guys win and the story has a HEA, then this may be a story for you. This was a true escape from reality type read for me.

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