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We All Keep Secrets

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Wow. I absolutely raced through this book. Told from different points of view you are never quite sure exactly who is telling the truth. A roller coaster of a read that will grip you. A couple with a seemingly perfect marriage from the outside. Behind closed doors it is in turmoil. Then when baby Fern dies all fingers are out and pointing in all directions.
Sheryl Browne just gets better with every book she writes. I'm definitely a fan.
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to see an ARC

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There were a lot of things about this book that I loved. I was drawn in from the beginning and found that the book was easy to follow but in many ways it was kind of predictable. There are moments where I appreciated the predictability and others not so much. I felt like there was build up, but it left a little something to be desired. I thought the characters were good, and appreciated the history with the female male character. Which added some depth. I think without that, it would have been difficult to connect with the characters. I did enjoy the different points of view and the pace of the book. All in all it was a good read.

Thank you NetGalley, Sheryl Brown and the publisher for the opportunity to have access to this prior to the publication.

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MINDBLOWN! This book left me with my mouth open…. The book opens up with Ellie being questioned by the police and we get a story that we knew I thought was obvious, until we get deeper into the audio, and I started to question all of these characters.

Ellie has a new job, her boss Jake needs a babysitter and hires her. He clearly has issues in his marriage but he gives the image of a perfect dad and perfect husband, even though his wife is unhinged, I felt bad for Megan though. While we have this image of this crazy woman, who treats her husband like crap, we get their POV’s as well and THATS what makes this whole book hella twisty!!!

And Ellie isn’t who she seems either!!! Non of them are, and I was here for it!!!!

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Distressing, disturbing and heartbreakingly twisted. The writing is as always fantastic, a story woven like a tapestry of evil and deceit.

The subject matter is without doubt gut wrenching, it involves the death of infant and I always find that particularly disturbing and difficult. None the less the author portrays evil with finesse.

Excellent narration, gives it an easy 4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the opportunity to listen to this audiobook in return for an honest review.

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A fast paced thriller that kept me guessing all the way til the end! I enjoyed that this book was told through 3 perspectives! Highly recommended! 4 stars!

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This was a good domestic thriller with a shocking ending! I just didn't LOVE that we get the whole story from one POV and then over halfway through we get the same story from 2 different POVs. It kind of felt long and would have maybe worked better if it was one POV for one chapter and then switched to the other POV for the next chapter. I still don't know who to believe in it all either. Who was the one messing with who?

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Okay, talk about an absolute mind boggle. There is so much going on, and only one person is completely innocent in everything. This book keeps you on your toes the entire time. I really enjoyed this book, the plot, and, of course, the characters. I'm still stunned at how it ended and what all happened with this book. I highly recommend this book and feel everyone will enjoy it.

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Ellieś boss Jake calls her into his office and asks if she could babysit his two children. Ellis
is excited to be making extra money babysitting Ollie and Fern, but she is instantly aware of the strained relationship of Jake and his wife Megan. She feels uncomfortable being in the same room with them and is often the target of Meganś vicious words. She knows she should leave, but has feelings for Jake and a bond with the children. Jake and Megan are not only unhappy, they have a secret past that binds them together, but they are not the only ones with
secrets, Ellie has a big secret of her own.

This is told in multiple POV and was wonderful to listen to on Audio.

My thanks to Bookouture, the author and Netgalley for an ARC of We All Keep Secrets which releases on November 6, 2023.

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A good thriller read by a great narrator. Kept me interested throughout and a great way to pass the commute home. Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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I was on the edge of my seat throughout this book. Hooked from the first page, I enjoyed hearing the multiple POV's. With all the twists, it was impossible for me to guess what was going to happen next. The narration was excellent and wow, what an ending!

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We All Keep Secrets is a great thriller that will keep you invested from the first page all the way to the last.

Ellie takes a job babysitting two children for Jake and Megan. Ellie works for Jake at the company he owns so she is already partial to Jake. Megan does not treat Ellie well which makes Ellie continue to get closer to Jake.

I love thrillers like this. You don’t know who to trust and everyone has secrets. This book changing perspectives and I especially love it when books do that. Unfortunately, this book didn’t really do anything to stand out from other thrillers. It’s written well and has great characters but everything was very predictable. It was just really missing that "wow" moment to make it a little different.

This is a great thriller. Although I feel it doesn’t do anything to make it stand out in a crowded market it still does everything well and I recommend it.

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In this book, sorting out who the villain is, is a real challenge. When everyone has a motive, who is correct? Who is guilty? In a world where he says, she says, three perspectives, as the reader, you'll not know until the very end. What a ride!

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This story is narrated by Ellie for the first half of the book and by her employers the second half of the book.
While I felt it started out strong, it lost momentum for me. It is definitely a domestic type thriller, but the character development didn’t quite make the mark for me.
I was really invested at first, but Ellie and her boss get together way too quickly and without any chemistry build up at all. Also, even in the book summary the death of baby Fern is mentioned , but it is so incredibly anticlimactic in the book that nobody even seems upset that it happened. The way it was presented was just so odd to me.

Lastly, the multiple points of view were just repeating the story you already heard from Ellie, but just coming out of the other character’s mouths. It was VERY repetitive.

The narrator for the audiobook was good though and had a lovely, easy to understand voice.

Anyway, I wanted to like it, thought I would like it, and was invested in it for the first 30% of the book, but then it fell short for me.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.

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WE ALL KEEP SECRETS is the fourth book I've read by Sheryl Browne. From the beginning of the story, I was hooked. Jake and Megan hire Ellie Taylor to be their new nanny for their 6 year old son, Ollie, and their 3 month old daughter, Fern. Initially, Megan is not too happy with this arrangement, so she starts to sabotage everything Ellie does to make her look bad in front of Jake. Megan and Jake argue constantly and Ellie soon starts to have feelings for Jake. Told in multiple points of view, you get a great insight into each of these characters' thoughts. There is so much happening in this story but to avoid spoilers...I really can't say much more than to read this book. It definitely kept me entertained until the very end!

Many thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for my gifted ALC in exchange for my honest review.

This review will be shared to my Instagram ( in the near future.

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Thank you Netgalley, Sheryl Brown, and Bookouture Audio for the advanced audio book!! This was a great thriller with so many twists and turns!! Each character had you reeled in and feeling for them and once the truth came out I couldn’t believe it!!!

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I enjoyed We All Keep Secrets by Sheryl Brown. Like many books in this genre, multi-character POV is utilized to flesh out the story. I confess this is a favorite tool of mine as it keeps the story fresh without overwhelming the reader with dialogue. The twists in the story weren’t very surprising, but I enjoyed the storyline nonetheless. I feel too much is given away early on and it detracts from any potential mystery left to entertain the reader. With that being said, it didn’t stop me from wanting to finish out the story to see how it concluded. This novel was my introduction to her books. I was surprised to discover her expansive catalogue of domestic thriller novels as I read around three books a week from this genre. I plan on delving in to her long list of other books soon!

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

This is my first by this author and boy have I been missing out! This book was great! The plot twist was crazy!!! I highly recommend!!

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3 ⭐️

Thanks Netgalley and Bookouture Studios for this Advanced Reader Copy.

We All Keep Secrets is great for fans of The Housemaid by Freida Mcfadden, filled with fun twists and complex characters.

The first half of this book was great, I really enjoyed reading from Ellie’s perspective and the mystery of the house and the people in it really kept me engaged. However, it did kind of lose me at the second half when events were being told again through a new perspective - it got repetitive and a little boring.

Furthermore, I honestly felt that it lacked originality because of its similarities to The Housemaid. I guessed lots of the ‘twists’ because of this which meant it wasn’t a very satisfying read once I put it down.

That being said, the writing was great and the characters all had distinct voices that made them very interesting to read about. I did also like the court stuff at the end, although I wish we got a little more of it.

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Another great psychological thriller by Sheryl. Enthralling plot with unexpected twists, very well described characters & great narration.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I enjoyed the story, especially hearing from the three unreliable narrators. I wish there had been someone to pull for to come out unscathed in the end. But instead the three main characters were all terrible people that I disliked the entire time.

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