Member Reviews

I would like to thank Netgalley for providing me with an ARC of this Audiobook. I found this Audiobook to be very cute and the narrator has done a great job. I really enjoyed listening to it because the voice of the narrator was very soothing and I could visualise the story infront of my eyes.

The author has also done a great job because the plot is quite cute and children will definitely love the story. If you have kids in your house you should definitely grab this Audiobook.

#CloudNamedChloeandHerCatLoueyScienceFictionforCuriousKids #NetGalley

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This was a cute children's book.
The problem solving and science part where well done.
And the book had some fun characters.

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A cute book, which showcases collaboration and problem solving using science young kids can understand.

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Cloud-Named-Chloe and Her Cat Louey
4 Stars

I'm definitely too old for this book, but I loved it. The characters and storyline are cute. The narration is great, fun, and engaging to listen to. I would recommend this audiobook for parents to listen to with their children.

Thank you, Netgalley and BooksGoSocial, for providing me with a digital ARC for free in exchange for an honest review.

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A sci-fi children’s book—wait, what? I was very curious to pick this up because I’m really into the idea of exposing kids to science ideas early on and getting that sense of wonder going in that direction, and what better way to do it than through science fiction? Nevertheless there’s a lot of difficulties inherent in introducing kids aged 8-10 to the sci-fi genre, and I was really curious to see how the author would approach it.

The heroine is Chloe, who is a cloud. She can shapeshift her body however she wants to. I thought that this choice was a rather brilliant one, as clouds are a more relatable thing that have excited all kids’ wonder at some point, and having a character with a malleable body is a cool way of introducing other science fiction concepts later on that I’m very interested in exploring in my own science fiction writings: what happens if and when humans can significantly alter their bodies? Or even port their consciousness to totally different kinds of bodies, or existing in a state with no concrete body at all? How is this going to affect our senses of identity and what it means to be human? These, I feel, are the most fascinating questions to consider in this fascinating point that we are at in history.

The plot is that Chloe and her cat Louie (the two of them have a very fun relationship btw) embark on a quest to help their friend, Rainbow Oak, to create dancing flying daisies for a birthday present for his friend Willow.

One theme is the power of ideas and how to develop them. Another is why you need a robust team of other friends who will help you with many different specialties. Another is the theme of learning, being a child and asking questions and growing up. Finally, there’s a sense of wonder and magic throughout.

Along the way, they travel far and wide to meet different friends who help them learn a series of things: first about the ideation/product development process (which is wonderfully simplified so that any kid can understand). I loved this part; I had never seen this done in a kids book! Showing how to do ideation and then come up with a list of most important capabilities was really cool. There’s also an example later in the story where they run into a technical issue and have to challenge one of the vital capabilities(requirements), find a way to obviate the requirement, which I thought added a dash of realism to how the messy process goes in real life.

As the story progresses, they get some other friends to help them understand DNA and from there understand how to create new DNA by starting with different existing species and modifying them. This is the hairiest hardest part of the book I think for kids to get. I think if I was reading this to a kid, their eyes would glaze over.

However, the rest of the story is pretty digestible for a kid—at least I think it is; it should be noted I didn’t have a kid available to test this book on—but it’s fun and the voices done in the audiobook are evocative without being terribly annoying. There’s a lot of fun things in here about lands of sugar pies and fantastical furry animal friends and all the things that I think would make it more engaging for kids; although I do wonder if some boys would consider themselves too cool and tough for the more sanguine parts.

So all in all I think this is a pretty solid kids book. I look forward to testing it out on kids of my own when my wife and I one day produce or acquire them (lol). I suspect it would work best at ages 8-12. I think the bits about DNA in the middle that are hard to comprehend are fine actually, I think kids will just gloss over that part at first, not fully understanding, and that’s ok. If the story as a whole captures their attention then they will read (or listen) to it multiple times and as they get older will come to understand the harder bits.

My main criticism is that the ending dragged on; there was a long unnecessary journey to get back home, and they could have just glossed over that journey in a paragraph or two. I heartily recommend trying this book out on your kids.

One side note. It may bother some people that it’s not explained how Chloe exists as a sentient cloud or how she can make her body firm if she’s made of vapor, but it is called out at one point and a “promise” made to the reader that we will explore the answer to that question in future books; it just isn’t what this book is exploring.

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Super cute story. A good road trip story or one to put on when going to school in the mornings to pick back up.

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This was so freaking adorable! My daughter and I really enjoyed this together! I think she listened to it a few times after I did.

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This book is a really interesting concept. I am not sure what age group it is meant for, it is longer which usually means middle school, but there isn't a lot of the things that draw a middle schooler into a book. There isn't really violence or even really a conflict. It was a fun read with a ton of science information. It is cute and very sweet, the entire book just has this happy vibe. Just friends working together and learning. I had the audio, but it said that the traditional book has coloring pages which sounds fun.

4 stars.

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This text was challenging to rate. I listened with my 7.5 year old daughter who loves cats and unicorns and all things cute. She also has a very curious mind. While she was charmed by the cute characters and their mannerisms, she, (and I) found them and the storyline a little challenging to follow. The characters are delightful and endearing, however we agreed that since they are so creative and fantastic that perhaps this might be easier as a physical book to read (as opposed to listen to) with an occasional picture to reference.

The target audience is not quite obvious to me. The simple sentence structure with the cutesy characters appeal to a younger audience (6-9?) but the scientific subject matter and the vocabulary choice seems directed for an older audience (8-11?) It’s leans very STEAM—I could see a language arts teacher, or a science teacher, using this text to show how the world around us is integrated. My daughter would not typically enjoy this book on her own, but I could see how it could encourage curiosity and bring interest to a certain subject matter.

Overall we gave the book a thumbs up. Thank you to Netgalley and Books Go Social for providing a copy of this ebook.

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Huge fan of the audio, multiple stories and length of this one. Great for a road trip with kiddos. Or even rest time when kids struggle to nap or fall asleep at night.

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I listened to this with my daughter over the past month, and it’s great for driving in the car or winding down at night. It’s a well-narrated audiobook and an engaging fantastical story about a Cloud, her cat, and more friends we meet along the way as they adventure and set out to make a gift. There is a lot of science mixed in with the fantasy, a very creative concept, and a great story for ages 4-10. Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the audio ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This charming chapter book truly stands out as a hidden gem! Choe the Cloud and Louey the Cat are earnestly committed to assisting their friend in crafting a uniquely special gift. Through collaborative brainstorming among the group of friends, they successfully bring their imaginative plan to fruition.

The incorporation of science into the narrative adds an extra layer of fascination. The author's writing is not only creative but also exudes a warm and friendly tone. Skillfully breaking down complex concepts into easily digestible explanations, the book becomes accessible and engaging for young readers. While some scenes and chapters may seem repetitive, this repetition caters to a kid-friendly approach, making the content simpler and more comprehensible.

The characters themselves are clever, endearing, and remarkably supportive of one another. Their collaborative efforts and shared ideas showcase a delightful progression from concept to the final result. While the artwork illustrations show promise, there's room for improvement as they currently lean towards a somewhat simplified style.

Special thanks to Netgalley and Books Go Social for graciously providing a copy of this ebook. My review is entirely voluntary, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are genuinely my own.

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My daughter really liked this story. When they visited the different characters she was really intrigued.

Personally I thought this story was a little all over the place kind of sporadic but hey both my kids enjoyed it.

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I really enjoyed this book, I listened to it over FaceTime with my niece. She was engaged to it, laughed here and there and asked some questions. She did get a little bored though. It could have been her age. She is only 3.

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This was a sweet audiobook to listen to with some adventures and educational elements.

I didn't find there was much focus on the educational elements which I was disappointed in as there was promise of that and it didn't deliver.

All the characters had a place in the book, there was someone who could always help at the right time and the messages were sweet.

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The audiobook is done so well! I use this as a bedtime story for my 3 toddlers and it works wonders! They even wake up the next morning talking about the story and I have to back up the part they fell asleep to because they don’t want to miss a thing. Definitely recommend!

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3.25 stars

Thanks NetGalley for the copy of this book!

It's an interesting book for children and it has educational elements. The story itself is great but maybe too fantasy for me. Moreover, the educational elements aren't that plenty. But all in all, a good experience listening to the audiobook.

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This is an adorable children’s book! Illustrations are perfect and eye catching.
Every child will enjoy this! 5 star rating

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This book is so cute! The characters and even the cover are beautiful!
The narrator was lovely too!

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The adventures of Louey the Cat and Choe the Cloud who both are cute, have tails, and trying to improve their science knowledge.

The book has 21 short chapters, easy to read/listen and each chapter has a nice drawing on the first page. However, this is not an illustration book.

Thank you BooksGoSocial via NetGalley for ARC, I have given my honest review.

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