Member Reviews

Making a quilt in the middle of a heatwave might seem like an odd choice, but Lucy Stone is involved in the group activity at a new community center in her hometown of Tinker’s Cove Maine. Setting the quilt squares and needle aside, Lucy soon becomes involved in solving yet another murder. When a body is discovered, Lucy is keen when it comes to looking for answers. A part-time reporter, and a well-established amateur sleuth, Lucy is perfectly qualified when it comes to identifying the murderer.

While answers are not easy to come by, Lucy does what she has done best for years - she excels at finding clues that even the local cops miss. One thing that has Lucy concerned aside from the murder, is wondering how her small town in Maine could afford the highly-paid director of the new community center. Then with the appearance of body parts here and there being discovered, Lucy really has her hands full.

I can’t believe that Patchwork Quilt Murder is the 30th book in the Lucy Stone series. I have loved this series from the veery first book, and Lucy has always been a fun character. All of her children have grown and fled the coop, but it was nice to read mention o them in this latest story.

Many thanks to Kensington Books and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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This is the 30th book in the series, and it's wonderful that Ms. Meier has kept the series going so long. People as myself love to read series, and I do appreciate the fact that this series is basically done in 'real time', with the children growing up and having lives of their own. Unfortunately, this book lacked the charm of others, and I don't think that I'm the only one who feels this way.

The mystery, of course, should be about a murder with both Lucy and her readers trying to solve it. (Even if one of the characters previously named Adam has suddenly become Tim in this version). As another unfortunate fact, I lost interest the minute the author started spouting her political views instead of focusing on the gist of the story. This seemed more about climate change and how it affects everything than the mystery, and it was more than I could take. I don't read mysteries to be preached to.

But the worst was the way the dog's death was treated. The dog, who was in many stories before. Like he was a 'throwaway' and not to be bothered with any more. I have cats, and I grieve when I lose one. The gift of loving pets is the fact that you know you are loving an animal with a shorter lifespan, and you must say goodbye before you are ready. It is difficult. But it is the ability to give love. These are our family members. Not trash.

Unfortunately again, I wish I could give this a higher rating, but I cannot.

I was given a copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley but this in no way influenced my review.

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Patchwork quilt murder was such a fun read I always look forward to Lucy Stones adventures and seeing what all she gets herself and sometimes her family. I dont think i will ever get tired of this series already looking forward ard and hoping for another

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This is the 30th book in the Lucy Stone series. I liked the mystery and as always, the characters. I have gotten away from this series in the last couple of books because I wasn't enjoying it as much, but I really enjoyed this book. It reminded me more of how the series was in the beginning.

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I loved visiting with Lucy again.. Her conscientious reporting and the town’s quirky characters make this installment a winner. I look forward to the next one.
Many thanks to Kensington and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Have not read a novel by Leslie Meier for some time, have gotten caught up in in titles pushed by influencers on bookstgram or booktok.
Found myself however in a time where my life is a little stressful ( good stress) but stressful still the same and craved comfort reading!
Happily I was not disappointed by Patchwork quilt, as the characters were still realistic and the mystery was still well done. I have found that some newer cozy series have become driven by cliche characters but it was excellent to see that this novel stayed true too form. Her presentation of small town life and their concerns as well as the addition of current concerns such as , government over spending, climate control, and mental health issues made this book current in todays world.

I look forward to adding this title to summer reads list as I meet with book groups this summer.


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I’m a big Lucy Stone fan but I have to admit this was not my favorite book in the series. It was missing some of the key elements I like about Lucy. First of all, it didn’t mention much of her life at home which I find makes her likable and relatable. I also missed the banter between her and her husband. Most of the book was Lucy running around town trying to figure out whose body parts keep showing up. The plot was very interesting but quite morbid. The reveal at the end was quite surprising and twisted!

Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Books for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I have really enjoyed the books in the Lucy Stone series. I continue to be amazed at how the author has kept my interest while presenting new trials and tribulations as well as watching Lucy’s son and daughters grow up and develop as adults. This particular book in the series deals with some issues that could be emotionally difficult to read about ... depression, suicide, dementia, mental health. But the author handles these so well and with grace and gentleness. The characters are well developed and I love experiencing the relationships between them and how supportive they are of each other. I strongly encourage you to go back to the first book in the series if you have not had the opportunity to get to know the people of Tinker’s Cove, Maine. You will be delighted in the stories as you travel through the pages and sift through the clues to solve the murder mystery.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Cozies for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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Patchwork Quilt Murder by Leslie Meier is the latest installment in the Lucy Stone mystery series. A new community center opens up in Tinker’s Cove. Then Doreen,, who is the new director and Tim Sellings, who is one of the employees disappear, and various body parts are found, it appears to be another murder or maybe two for the town. On top of that there is something questionable going on with Doreen’s mother’s personal items which include a quilt that may be a historical heirloom from the Civil War. It looks like Lucy definitely has her work cut out for her! Will she be able to solve this one?

Patchwork Quilt Murder is another fun installment in the Lucy Stone series. The story contains some interesting plot twists along with some humor. Leslie Meier continues to keep her readers engaged and wanting to read more about Lucy and her adventures.

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⭐️⭐️ -NetGalley ARC

Book #30 in the Lucy Stone Series

I’ve been reading this series for a few years now. There’s been some that were really enjoyable, there’s also been some that weren’t. Unfortunately this one falls into the “ones that weren’t” pile.
When Ms. Meier feels passionate about something, she adds that topic to one of her books and then proceeds to beat you over the head with it. In this book she had a trifecta going: Global warming, mental illness, and unfair wages. I don’t mind getting whacked a few times, IF the story makes sense and the murder has to do with the topics, but the murder didn’t. OH….and don’t even get me started on the whole dog part. Unless you’re a huge fan of the series and are religiously following the storyline I would recommend skipping this one.

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This book was so good!! Once I started it, I couldn’t put it down. The mystery was great and kept me guessing the entire time. I was so pleased with how the story ended. It’s always great to see what is going on in Tinker’s Cove and what Lucy and her family and friends are up to! I can’t wait for the next book!

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I love the Lucy Stone series, and Patchwork Quilt Murder is another hit from Leslie Meier. I have read the entire series, and I always enjoy reading about the Stone family, Lucy's friends, and the community of Tinker's Cove. Patchwork Quilt Murder involves a new community center with a director who is very controversial. When she and an employee disappear, and body parts begin appearing, Lucy has to solve the mystery. This book dealt with more serious topics than previous ones, but the topics of mental health, global warming, and economic issues are timely. Thank you, NetGalley and Kensington, for the advance reader copy of this book

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Unfortunately, Patchwork Quilt Murder didn’t exemplify the cozy series I’ve known and loved by Leslie Meier. Right off the bat, there were some dark elements that steered it far from being a cozy. There also was a bit of political agenda undertones that didn’t sit right with me. Although the mystery itself was well plotted out, I was jarred from fully enjoying the book because of the serious issues that were introduced early on. I think I will need to take a break from Leslie Meier’s books for a bit as I had mixed feelings about the last book in the series as well.

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When Tinkers Cover gets a new community center, a lot of taxpaying townsfolk aren't too happy with the new director's inflated salary. As reporter Lucy looks into director Darlene's past, she begins to suspect the woman isn't as qualified as she seems. But when her boss's struggling son disappears and body parts begin appearing all over town, she had bigger things to worry about and scoops to cover.

This book is DARK for a cozy mystery. Trigger warning and minor spoilers, but this book involves lengthy discussions of someone in a mental health crisis and the aftermath of a suicide attempt, a dog dying of old age on page, and dismemberment. I almost gave up early on in the book because it was just not what I was in the mood for. However, the mystery is extremely well-crafted. I didn't see all the twists and turns coming, and when I thought the book was over it wasn't done yet! So on balance, I still think this is a good read and perhaps one of the more intriguing installments in the series when it comes to plotting, but please go in eyes wide open to some of the more serious and somber content throughout.

Thanks to Kensington for my eARC and Dreamscape Media for my ALC! I listened to this book on audio and think the narrator did a great job. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4 stars - 6/10

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Full disclosure: I love Lucy Stone and any time I’m able to visit Tinker’s Cove, Maine. This installment in the series is good. I like all the drama over the taxes and town employee salaries, as a millennial homeowner, it’s fun to have the developments in this series hit close to home even when Lucy and I are so far apart in age.
I didn’t love the way Pam and Ted handled their son, Tim, and his mental health crisis. I thought it was strange that he was “missing” for like half the book and Pam just wanted to make a quilt? But I’m not a parent so maybe I just don’t know how I’d handle the whole situation.
As in all cozies, the newly introduced character is probably up-to-no-good and I feel like Lucy Stone Mysteries never feel super unique to me, but it’s all the other characters I’ve grown to know and love and the town as a whole with all its small town issues that really keep me reading.
There’s global warming, elder abuse, government funding concerns, mental health awareness, the aging of pets, and interactions between adult children and parents. Meier always folds so many elements in to one cozy mystery that I just want to wrap myself up in.

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Again Leslie Meier does not disappoint. When she does an article on an old quilt it becomes a historical mystery that leads us on a journey into the past and what used to be. A definite read for sure

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Tinker's Cove has just opened a very expensive community center where all different types will be able to use it. Some of the towns people think it cost to much and even think the new director is being overpaid. Lucy has a feeling about the new director and wants to investigate her a bit more before she forms an opinion. While Lucy is looking into Darleen's background the woman in question is already off on vacation having planned it before taking the new job. Meanwhile body parts have been found in several locations around town. Lucy is covering the story and hopes the police can come up with the identity of the parts. Follow along in Lucy's investigation to see where the clues take her and see if the police identify the body parts.

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Reporter Lucy Stone is looking forward to covering the grand opening of a state-of-the-art community center in Tinker’s Cove, Maine, and not just because the building’s central air provides a welcome relief from the blistering heatwave outside. Lucy believes that the services the new taxpayer-funded facility offers will do a lot to benefit their town, though not everyone she interviews at the opening party feels the same way. Worse, some are questioning the way the funds have been allocated. These doubters aren’t afraid to bend Lucy’s ear about it, even calling her after the opening to air their pet theories:

[W]hy was Natalie so convinced that Tinker’s Cove was a pit of corruption? Did she simply have a suspicious nature, or was she really on to something? And perhaps [Lucy] shouldn’t have ended the call so abruptly. It was her job to listen, and maybe Natalie was handing her the scoop of the century. Well, in the larger scheme of things, corruption in a small Maine town was hardly an earthshaking revelation and was unlikely to be of interest to anyone who didn’t happen to live in Tinker’s Cove. But, Lucy decided, as she parked in her usual spot in front of the <i>Courier</i> office, it would certainly interest the town’s citizens.

Lucy is a conscientious journalist, but she’s also a little worried about her job, as budget cuts keep making inroads at her newspaper. Hitting the sweet spot of small town reporting – and therefore keeping herself gainfully employed – means covering everything of local interest, whether good or bad. Both seem to be personified in the new community center’s director, Darleen Busby-Pratt, who would ordinarily be the poster child for local girl made good. Having built her go-getting career elsewhere, Darleen wanted to be able to come home and look after her aging mother, and was happy to find a job that would allow her to move back without taking a huge pay cut. Rumor has it that her salary as director outstrips every other of the town’s public employees’. Darleen is pretty candid about this when Lucy interviews her on the topic, citing her education and professional background as the reason for her generous pay and benefits.

While Lucy would tend to agree that people should be paid what they’re worth, she is a little discomfited by Darleen’s high-handed attitude to some of her employees, and particularly to Tim Stillings. The son of Lucy’s boss Ted and friend Pam, Tim has only recently come home himself after attempting suicide. Quitting his job as junior curator in a bigger city, he’s since taken on the role of janitor at the community center, a massive step down for him professionally. While no one in Tinker’s Cove looks down on honest work, Lucy is a little concerned that Tim’s fragile mental state and low self-esteem are combining to let Darleen treat him in a manner that’s borderline abusive.

Understandably, Tim’s mother has been fretting over ways to help him feel better about himself. Inspired by a historic quilt displayed at the community center’s grand opening, Pam considers making him a quilt from his old clothes and other meaningful fabrics, and broaches the idea to Lucy:

“I think it’s a good idea,” said Lucy. “Maybe you could even involve him somehow?”

Pam’s eyebrows shot up. “Sewing?”

“Probably not,” admitted Lucy. “But in designing it, arranging the bits and pieces. A little trip down memory lane might bolster his sense of identity, boost his self-esteem, and get him to open up a bit.”

Pam reached out and took her hand. “Lucy, I think you’re on to something. A quilt is more than a quilt. It’s a statement of self-expression.”

“And comfort, even love. Like that Civil War era quilt. A way of saying, you’re important, you matter, I’m thinking of you.”

Will Pam’s efforts all be for naught, though, when both Tim and Darleen suddenly go missing? As stray body parts start appearing around town, Lucy and the Stillings can’t help but fear that the very worst has happened. Tinker’s Cove is in for even more shocks when the body parts are finally identified, and the search for a killer intensifies.

This was a surprisingly heavy installment of the long–running Lucy Stone mystery series. Frankly, I loved it. Leslie Meier handles the many serious subjects she brings up here with sensitivity and aplomb, stitching together her topics as expertly as any master quilter. Elegantly plotted with deft twist upon twist, Patchwork Quilt Murder is tied with Irish Parade Murder for my favorite book of hers so far. Both take quietly sensible approaches to current events and controversies, with this thirtieth installment tackling climate change, mental health and rising unemployment, among other important issues. I wasn’t the hugest fan of the twenty-ninth book in the series, so heartily welcome Ms Stone’s return to form with this terrific latest entry.

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Patchwork Quilt Murder by Leslie Meier is another small town Maine, reporter mystery. It starts off simply enough with her friend Pat’s son, Tim, home after attempting suicide, and a manager hired for the new community center. The community center was beautiful and fulfilled lots of needs but of course there were plenty of people who were against it and its new director: a hometown girl named Darleen Busby-Pratt, who was the highest paid city employee and was taking a paid vacation just a couple weeks after she started. Seemed she prepaid for it before she got the job and didn’t want to waste the money. At about that same Tim disappeared and random body parts started showing up around town. The, Darleen didn’t return from vacation. Lucy did a little snooping and found she’d never even checked in to her hotel. It didn’t take a mental giant to put two and two together. She discovered from Darleen’s cousin, Cassie that Darleen had told some lies to get the job. Tim was still missing. Lucy ramped up her questioning.

It was a tough time for Lucy who was a small-town girl. Their dog died. They’d had her for many years and they missed her. She was worried about her friend, Pat. Ted, who granted, was Tim’s father, was acting weird around the office. Was he about to shut it down? Lucy cared deeply for her community, even for those people who had nothing better to do than cause trouble. It was the sixteenth anniversary of the death of a young woman who had been murdered. Bad things seemed to be adding up. It is a good picture of small town life and a small town newspaper. The mystery was a good one even if the murdered person kind of deserved it. Lucy’s stories are getting more edgy: a function of the world getting smaller? I recommend it. Lucy is a feel-good sleuth, as always. Thanks Leslie Meier!

I was invited to read Patchwork Quilt Murder by Kensingston Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #KensingtonPublishing #LeslieMeier #PatchworkQuiltMurder

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This was a very twisty, winding case with a bizarre outcome, meaning bizarre for happening in a cozy mystery. But with Lucy on the case as a writer, no criminal’s ever gonna get away, especially when she teams up with the police for an epic sting operation. That was my favorite part! I definitely hadn’t guessed who the killer was, but they were definitely getting sent away for a long time. Lucy, you go, girl! The side story about Pam and Ted’s son was heartbreaking in some ways but did have a happy conclusion.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book provided by Kensington Cozies via NetGalley, and my opinions are my own.

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