Member Reviews

This is a very eerie and creepy thriller with twists and turns, each one crazier than the next. Marlow’s character is spine-chilling. You never really grasp her entirely and so many interactions are disturbing-especially the effect she has on Isla. Not a book I will reread but certainly one I will definitely remember.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I struggled to get into this book but once I did I was smitten. However the ending was such a cliché it really let the book down.

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This books has two of my favourite tropes - epistolary writing and fictional celebrities. I’m happy to say that they worked really well and I very much enjoyed reading this books!
Marlow Fin is a model/actress/all-around star, who first hit the headlines when she is a toddler found wandering the woods. The story time hops between past and present as we learn about her trauma recovery, her newly adopted family and the scandal following her around her missing sister.
Despite the time hops, the different character perspectives and the mix of narrative and interview writing, it’s easy to follow and builds up to a surprising twist.
I’d recommend for fans of Gone Girl, Daisy Darker, and Daisy Jones and the Six. An easy 4* rating and I’ll be looking out for more by this author.
Thanks to NetGalley for a free ARC in return for a fair, unbiased review.

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The flashback narrative style worked really to tell the twists and turns of this story. I loved how the author dripped information about the two sisters gradually throughout the book so that the reader got the opportunity to get to know the protagonists slowly. I felt Isla’s pain and wanted her to get her resolution. I would be interested in reading more about this character and finding out what next. I feel less drawn to Marlow’’s story which echoes the indifference that Marlow experienced from those around her. She described feeling like no one wanted her and everyone wanted Isla. The author skillfully imbues these feelings of indifference in the reader too.

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This story just fell flat for me. I had a hard time getting into it and it was a struggle to finish.

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This book was amazing!! Full of twist I didn’t not see coming! I loved the main character and her story! I did not expect the turns this family had gone through! Beautiful story and well written!! Would read more by this author! Everything is not as it seem when marlow is found abandoned at a lake, where ships is taken in by a family who is staying in a cabin! I was on the edge of my seat with the turn of every page! Such an awesome reach! Thank you netgalley for the chance of reading and experiencing this incredible story!

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If you enjoy family secrets, interesting characters and mysteries you will enjoy this book and be unable to put it down.
Marlow Finn is a famous model/actress with a mysterious past. She was found in the woods and adopted by a family. She has no memory of where she came from or how she got there. The book spans decades and in the present she is interviewed on prime time special to uncover the truth surrounding her relationship with her sister and other family members.
The characters were well written and I truly had no idea which way the story would go until the very end. I felt the ending had some loose ends and I was hoping for a few more details to make it feel more complete.
All in all a good, interesting read.
Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an ARC of this novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

A little girl is found by a family staying in a desolate cabin. When no one comes forward to claim the child, the family adopts her. What first seems an act of kindness, becomes something else entirely when clues begin to surface about the family and their relationship with the foundling. The ending is stunning.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ FIVE STARS!

FINDING MARLOW FINN was a beautiful and stellar book. ELLEN VON WEIL amazed me with the stunning prose in this book. This was my first book by her and it won’t be my last. I loved this book so much.

This was both a family drama and a thriller which are my two favorite themes. A little girl by the name of Marlowe is found outside during the storm. Shiki isn’t speaking and I can’t call anything before she was found. The parents of the daughter, Isla, who found her decide to adopt her when they can’t find her family. It seems that this is the perfect solution with a well-rounded good family. Of course things aren’t as they seem. There is a lot of tension and anger in the family. There’s tension between the parents and there’s some jealousy intention between Isla and Marlow.

The book is told through Isla and Marlow and was a storm throughout the book building up to its conclusion. There were so many secrets being held and so much emotional turmoil. You won’t want to stop reading this book until you find out how it ends.

Thank you to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for this ARC!

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Sadly, I found this book disappointing and boring. There was drama, but it just wasn't believable to me. And the relationships between the characters felt stilted. I wanted to like it!

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Wow what a read! It was an amazing book along the lines of Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl, with all the twists and turns. Just when you think you have everything wrapped up with a bow, you turn the page and realize how wrong you were. I cannot recommend this book enough! And let me get to the ending, it does not disappoint!

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This is a such a polished and skilfully written book, especially as only the author’s second novel. After a slightly slow start, the action ramps up when the titular character — a silent six year old — is found, lost or abandoned, outdoors in a storm by a girl whose family are visiting their lakeside cabin. From then on, I couldn’t put the book down. There’s mystery, there’s suspense, there’s drama, there’s even some romance and some really beautiful writing. The dual narrative of Isla’s recollections and Marlow’s revelatory TV interview worked so well and kept the story unfolding at that perfect just-one-more-chapter pace.

I don’t give out five starts lightly, but this book deserved every one.

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A beautifully written book. The time jumps felt very natural and not disjointed, as some can be. I really enjoyed the character development and even though I was sure I knew the ending about half way through I was pleasantly surprised when I was so very wrong. The ending was far more satisfying than anything I was thinking. Truly great book and I look forward to reading more from this author.

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I just have to start off by saying @ellensteil is a literary voice like no other I have read before! This book was so completely immersive, the writing was impeccable, simply put this book was P E R F E C T ! This will be a book that will not only be a favorite of 2024, but of all times!! It is a relatively short book but is jammed packed with the most gorgeous vivid detail and is seriously so fluid that I read this all in one night!




Special thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the review copy in exchange for my honest review❤️

#becomingmarlowfin #ellenwonsteil #lakeunionpublishing #amazonpublishing

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I like stories about families that look like they have it all pulled together but harbor sinister secrets. Becoming Marlow Fin explores one such family, the Baeks, and chronicles their disintegration over almost three decades. It’s got the intrigue of a mystery novel combined with the bittersweet recollections of a coming of age novel.

The mixed media format works well for this book and provides variety that kept me interested. Some chapters are told in first person from the character Isla’s point of view, and some chapters are written as a transcription of the title character Marlow Fin’s televised interview for a talk show.

The timeline switches around between the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. This builds suspense and I was curious to see how all the different vignettes would come together. I was satisfied by the conclusion.

I’m recommending this book to anyone who likes interesting books about family dynamics and the ways secrets are both hidden and revealed.

Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for giving me a free digital ARC for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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I had a hard time with this book. It wasn't that the storyline wasn't clear, but it was missing elements or didn't address some things that would've made the character development more compelling. It's hard to explain without spoilers, so I will just say the characters' motivations, actions, personalities, traumas, etc, didn't seem consistent from one scene to the next and didn't feel genuine. I like unlikable characters, but it's still nice to know more about why they might seem caring at one minute and nearly killing someone the next.

Thanks to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read and review.

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Well-paced, page-turner, family drama all rolled into a mystery! Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read this eARC! Who is Marlow, the young girl who finds this family, or did they find her? We follow Marlow from 6 years to adulthood, where did she come from, where is her family and will she destroy the family that adopted her? Does Marlow love her adopted sister and family, and do they love her? There are 3 timelines in this mystery, but it is usually easy to follow. I couldn't wait to get back to this book every time I had to put it down. The author has a great writing style, the characters are well-developed, and the story keeps you interested and involved. I thought I had this mystery all figured out, but the story zigged when I zagged. I love that! The ending will keep you guessing. 4.5 stars!

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Isla and her parents are in their cabin when Isla discovers another little girl; Marlow
The story goes their shared life and subsequently their different paths after Marlow becomes famous.
They both try to find out hidden truths, lies and secrets, along with shared heartbreak.
I think readers are either going to love or hate this book.

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If you’re looking for a gripping read, this is it! I powered through this in 2 days as I was so hooked.

The Baek family find a young girl in the woods near their holiday cabin, and she becomes part of their family when her parents can’t be found, despite Mrs Baek’s resistance. Growing up as a sister to their daughter Isla, the young girl, Marlow, becomes an actress and model. Interwoven with flashback chapters detailing the Baek family’s history and Marlow’s (sometimes troubled) integration, are chapters of an interview between Marlow and a journalist - about Isla’s unexplained disappearance and probable murder. Just what is Marlow capable of? And why?

This book kept me guessing. It’s easy to feel sympathy and a connection with Isla, which drew me in to the story. Moni (the grandmother) and a Oliver are other characters you quickly warm to, but some of the others are more complex…
Highly recommendable if you like mysteries, family drama etc.

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If you need a fast paced, keep you up til all hours, messy family drama/thriller, this is the book for you!
Marlow Fin is a world renowned model and actress, sitting down for an exclusive interview after an incident, which you do not find out what that is until mid-book. Best known for her celebrity, she first became known when she was found, abandoned, in the woods of the Baek family cabin. A Korean-American family with a daughter Isla, who was first to find her, the Baeks take in Marlow as their own when no family is found. Isla and Marlow form a strong bond, which is then shared with the neighborhood boy, Sawyer, who moves in across the street.
While there have always been town whispers about how Marlow joined the Baek family, they seem a content family. But if you look closely, you will see tension in the family dynamic, and small signs that not everything is well.
Told from flashbacks to present time, from the perspective of Marlow and Isla and snippets from the interview, you slowly find out the secrets that are have been hiding in plain sight. While Isla and Marlow have always been close, they drift apart as Marlow finds fame. Their close bond is tested when Isla marries childhood friend Sawyer, and the layers of betrayal, lies, and secrets begin to unravel after a tragic loss.
Whoo boy. I THOUGHT I saw the twist coming....and I did to a degree- but it was SO MUCH WORSE than you originally think. This is a book where you will get to a certain point and won't be able to put it down until you've reached that last page, and a final discovery that will LEAVE. YOU. SHOOK.
Thank you Netgalley for my advance copy. Pub date 7/23/24

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