Member Reviews

I wish this was a longer book as I felt that there was so much more to the story! It felt way too short and rushed for my liking, but it was enjoyable none the less.

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A sweet and sexy hockey romance. The characters were strong and their wounds deep. They face down a difficult situation and came out of it in a way that was satisfying for the reader..

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Thanks to Netgalley and Amazon Originals for this ARC!

This was a cute "fake marriage for a green card" sports romance, with a very little bit of holiday vibes. It covers their year in time jumps as they fall for each other. They are already both attracted to each other, but the FMC does not believe in romance or serious relationships, while the MMC aspires to the kind of love and devotion that his parents share.

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decent. nothing to write home about. easy one day read . Also kinda hard to read if you realize how little research went into green card marriages and all of that. and with it being a novella there was some stuff left out that felt like it needed to be addressed but i’m not mad that i read it

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2 ⭐️

Well, no, this definitely wasn’t my cup of tea. I didn’t really like any of the characters, really, and also the storyline just didn’t do it for me. Maybe because it’s a novella and there’s not too much room for any depth, but I honestly feel like I’d maybe DNF’ed this book if it was full-size. Not for me, but it does read very quickly!

I received an E-ARC from NetGalley. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me this ARC in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

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Same Time Next Year is a cute novella from Tessa Bailey that has a fake-dating/marriage trope for a green card situation as well as being a hockey romance. This was kind of a swing and miss for me, I didn't super vibe with either of the characters even though the plot was right up my alley. Still a nice quick read overall.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review.

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While I didn’t hate it as much as it seems some people did since hockey is not my thang, but I didn’t love it either.

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An easy read about a strong female character who helps out a friend and ends up falling in love. Britta has put her heart into Sluggers since she was young covering shifts for her mom. Her stepbrother's hockey teammates frequent the place, and Sumner, a hockey player from Canada, is about to lose his visa to stay in the states. When Bryce suggests Britta marry Sumner, she is hesitant until she finds out it could help her get ownership of Sluggers.
New Year's Eve is the beginning of the "marriage." They would give it a try for a year. Though living apart, Britta and Sumner start learning about each other so they can pass the interview. Is Sumner the man of her dreams? Can they pass the interview?
It's a great story of family, relationships, and falling in love.

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This book was such a quick, easy and fun read! I got this one on netgalley and was so excited to read it! It was my first Tessa Bailey book and what should I say, for such a short book it was really really good. I had fun reading it and liked the characters and the hockey theme. So if you on the hunt for a quick and fun read I can definitely recommend it to you. All in all a 3 ⭐️ star read!

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I love when I see a new Tessa Bailey book! This was a quick read and had just the right amount of spice.

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I finished this in a day! A quick, easy read filled with lots of hot, steamy sex and funny situations, this was a great little love story. Definitely check this one out if you need a quick pick me up.

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While this was a quick read and somewhat interesting, it wasn't my favorite Tessa Bailey book. I also was under the wrong impression that it was a full-length novel rather than a novella, which could lend to the lack of details and development. Overall, it was cute and enjoyable, just not my fave.

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Tessa bailey is a hit or miss author for me, and just like the other books she released recently this was a miss. This was just so cringy and completely unrealistic. I’m sad to say, but I feel like lately her books have lost their appeal to me.

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3.5 ⭐️

Here is the thing… if you go into this looking for details and research 🧐 you’re going to hate it. This is not a literary masterpiece (And I mean that with the upmost respect to Ms. Bailey) It’s not even well researched. If you stop to think about the details while you are reading it you are going to get annoyed. Of course green cards don’t work that way and I think the extent of the hockey 🏒 knowledge might come from watching a single game.

So if you can’t suspend your disbelief and get caught up in the vibes, stop reading. If you try to read this in less than one sitting and you have time to think about the plot holes, it will probably bother you as well.


This book has love stuck golden retriever vibes and they work for me. Someone is in these reviews pointing out that the word wife is used 145 times. They thought about it too much, you had to feel it. You had to feel the vibe of someone who thought they would hate that realize it’s creating an all together different feeling. The vibes are golden. Read this for vibes and vibes alone with some spice. 🌶️

Vibes > Logic

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This was such a super cute short read.
Sumner is a hockey player from Canada and if he doesn’t get married, he will be sent back to Canada.
Britta doesn’t believe in relationships but agrees to marry Sumner.
This is the story of them falling in love.
So cute!!

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3.5/5 rounded up

Thank you Amazon Original Stories for the advanced reading copy!

Everyone knows Sluggers' most adored bartender, Britta, but no one adores her quite like the Bridgeport Bandits hockey team. With her half-brother being on the team and a traumatic history of trust being broken, Britta maintains a strict no-dating policy with the team members. But what she never thought to have, however, was a strict no-marriage policy. When her lowkey favorite member of the team, Sumner Mayfield, is about to be deported back to Canada, only inches away from his NHL dreams, Britta is forced to acknowledge her soft spot for Sumner and help him out in the only way she can...

This was a super quick, cute and steamy novella! It felt a little bit rushed to me but that might be because 1) novella -- naturally short and 2) I wanted more of Britta and Sumner! Despite this book being short, I fell so in love with these characters. The way they interacted, their banter and their character/relationship development was great for such a short book, and I was surprised when I got emotionally invested in them (even shedding a tear or two)! I think this could have been a 4-5 star book easily had it had more plot and content, but I loved it for what it was, and highly recommend if you need a quick burst of spice in your life.

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never have i ever met a tessa bailey book i didn't devour and squeal over like a lovesick teenager (note to parents: these books are NOT for lovesick teenagers).


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tessa baileys books are always a hit or miss for me. i was really excited to see where this one fell.

this novella was short and sweet and a good book to kick off the new year with! the writing felt different from Tessa’s previous work which i enjoyed.

i would recommend this to people looking for a cute hockey novella/ fans of marriage of convenience.

overall this was a cute book but not one i would pick up again.

thank you to netgalley and amazon original stories for an e-arc of this book!

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This was a cute spicy novella.

The story was solid and I loved how Sumner was so persistent in getting Britta to fall for him but he wasn’t ever intrusive about it and respected her boundaries.

Towards the end the cheesiness kinda went up though. So that wasn’t my fav.

Excited to check out more books from Tessa Bailey

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Adorable. Spicy. Wish it had been a full length novel! Britta marries her brother’s hockey teammate who needs a green card. It is purely meant to be a marriage of convenience, but it doesn’t stay that way.

Sumner was an adorable book boyfriend, and enjoyed his wholesome family vibe. Britta’s character development was also pretty heartwarming.

What to expect:

- novella
- marriage of convenience
- he falls first
- very spicy

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